Name Civilization: Slitherspine
Description: The nation of Slitherspine is a Gaunt civilization focusing on the creation and enhancement of living things. They see the refinement of their craft as of the upmost importance, and rely heavily on the fruits of their labor. Crafted or augmented servants make up large and important sections of the Slitherspine military and workforce, and Slitherspine is always on the lookout for more interesting things to experiment on or enslave.
Traits:-Magic Users: [4] True Necromancy, the magic(s) of life and death. Nearly the entire population can perform at least one minor trick, such as light healing or withering of flesh under controlled circumstances. Professional grade mages in these fields (healing, raising the dead, jack of all trades concerning living things, etc) are reasonably common, though less than they might be, since many potential practitioners become Alchemists instead.
-Magic Users: [12] Alchemy. Slitherspine alchemy has a much different meaning than most other civilizations- this is their craft of creating and altering living things, combining more traditional alchemical principles with their affinity for life and death magic to warp living things in much stabler, subtler, more permanent ways than pure life, death, or even both magics together could achieve. This is a venerated craft within Slitherspine, and it allows them to create and augment living things the way lesser mages might craft golems or normal Gaunts might raise the dead. It forms a large and essential part of Slitherspine functionality.
-Different Race:
- Gaunts look much like humans, and indeed can interbreed with them. The most noticeable physical differences are that Gaunts tend to be, well, fairly gaunt for a human, as well as having paler skin and solid, eerily glowing green eyes. Rarely a Gaunt may be born with eyes of a different color, and excessive practitioners of certain magics have been known to shift eye colors as well. Mentally Gaunts tend to be known for being somewhat more intellectual and less emotional than normal humans. Arguably the most interesting discrepancy, however, is that all Gaunts have some talent with True Necromancy- that is, the magic of Life and Death, commonly divided into Necromancy and Healing or similar distinctions by other races. Not all Gaunts refine this talent into anything useful, but both practitioners and dabblers in various magics of the body and soul tend to be much more common among Gaunts than most other races.
-Iron age technology [4]
Stats:Total food: 8/20
Total Industry: 5.6 IC (This one is carried over per turn)
-1 Town [5/20 Population. 5food, 5 IC]
-3 villages [1 Population, 5 food 0.2 IC ]
Units :
-Alchemical Attackbeasts [Attack: 6 Defense: 4 HP: 2 Morale: / Movement: 1]
-Selfmaintaining (Don't take up pop as maintenance, but use food instead) Uses 2 food
-Berzerk (Don't expect these to listen to commands when in battle, however, they don't flee either)