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Author Topic: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)  (Read 48510 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #90 on: February 25, 2013, 05:07:39 pm »

Yeah, but the difference is that I've got maybe.... seven? Eight people ho can actually see what I'm working on? Hence the jealous.

I wouldn't mind sharing on request, though the initial things are a little... Lacking we'll say.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #91 on: February 25, 2013, 09:13:37 pm »

Maize trots through the fields as she does her daily check, a new bounce in her step and her head held higher than ever... even if she still holds it lower than everypony else.

Cream Puff wanders the fields as well, looking for her friend.  She needs to get the story straight from Maize, and to congratulate her on getting quite the catch.

Maize hears Cream Puff disturbing the crops and turns to track her down. “Oh, hey Puff. Are you looking for me?”

She brightens as she hears her friend.  “Maize!  I am, indeed!  I hear you and Praetorian had a good night together.”

Maize blushes a bit. “Well, yeah. We had a little... date. It was nice spending time with him. And we had some of your food as dinner, too, it was delicious!”

Puff grins at her.  “He said it was your idea to have a nap together under the stars.  Sounds like a successful date to me!”

“Yeah.” Maize bashfully scratches her head. “I still have no idea what I’m doing, but Praetorian seems to be enjoying it so I guess I’m doing something right.”

Puff smiles at her.  “You definitely are, Maize.  That stallion is head over hooves for you.  I’m actually a bit jealous of you two.  Having a nice relationship together.”

Maize carefully looks around. “I think, you know, if there’s a stallion for me, there must be one for you out there.” She grins. “Maybe some handsome, hard working stallion who will really love your delicious meals!”

Puff starts to say something, but her voice dies in her throat as an image flashes through her head.  Wings.  Dark coat.  Orange and cream mane.  She sits down hard as the realization hits her.  Flamberge.

Maize’s smile fades. “Did... did I say something wrong?”

“Huh?”  Puff looks back to her friend.  “Oh, sorry.  No, you’re fine, Maize.  I just... thought of something that I didn’t expect.”

Maize thinks a second. “What? Find out you’re more into mares or something?”

“What?  No!  I’m into stallions!”  She deflates a bit.  “A specific stallion...”

“...Is being into mares a bad thing?” Maize blushes a little. “Uh... anyway... which stallion?”

Cream Puff rubs her temples at Maize’s first question, not wanting to get into a debate about that right now.  At least she has a different question she can focus on instead.  “Flamberge...”

“Oh.” Maize looks around. “Who’s that again? I’m still having trouble with names...”

Puff groans and puts her head in her hooves.  “Crosshair’s coltfriend...”

“Ah.” Maize thinks. “Is that a problem, too? One of the nobles I worked for once had a mistress, and I think he wasn’t the only one.”

“Yes, it’s a problem,” she says and sighs, flopping onto the ground between the rows of plants.  “And I have no idea how to solve it...”

“Is it because Flamberge isn’t a noble?” Maize starts pacing. “Since he’s commander of the militia, I think he might be a noble once this place gets big enough.”

“Ugh... having a mistress is a problem!  I don’t want to be a mistress!  And I don’t want to break up their relationship!”  Puff flails her hooves in the air as emphasis, looking frustrated.

“That... I’m sorry I don’t know how to help you.” Maize sighs as her nose pokes at the ground by Puff’s head. “I could offer my companionship, but... I think you’ve made it pretty obvious you aren’t interested. I guess all I can do is say that maybe the somepony of your dreams, even better than Flamberge, will show up here. There are new ponies coming in all the time.”

Puff hugs Maize as best she can from this position.  “Thanks, Maize, but I couldn’t break up you and Praetorian either.  You two really are a great couple.”

Maize hugs her back, smiling just a bit. “Maybe someday I’ll be able to say the same about you.”

Puff sighs and rolls to her hooves.  “A mare can dream.”

Maize nods. “Oh... I’ve been wanting to ask something.”


Maize blushes a bit and lowers her head a little. “Do you ever notice me acting... weird?”

Puff quirks an eyebrow at her.  “Eccentric, sometimes, but nothing bad.  Why?”

“Well... whenever those red clouds come by...” Maize gulps audibly. “I start to feel dizzy. That one time one got really super close, my eyes got all blurry, and when I snapped out of it the cloud was gone and it felt like the sun had moved.”

“Have you talked to anypony else about this?”

Maize looks down. “No... I know, I should, but... I don’t want to get thrown out, you know?”

Puff nods.  She had heard rumors and talk about the clouds, but nopony seemed to know anything concrete about them.  Or they were quiet about it.  “Well, should I come find you the next time one shows up?”

“Sure... I guess...” Maize perks up a little. “At least you might be able to snap me out of it, or maybe figure out what’s happening.”

Cream Puff smiles and tries to shake the dirt from herself.  “Hey, what are friends for, if not to check on each other when weirdness happens.”

Maize chuckles. “Seems friends are good for a lot of things, really.”
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Tevish Szat

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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #92 on: February 25, 2013, 10:57:23 pm »

I've read Dawnpick as well as this, and I have to say... Bravo.  The fort updates are brilliant, the journals are brilliant, even the roleplayed scenes are of consistent high quality.  I doubt I really have the energy to properly get involved in something like this, but sirs and madams, you're doing great.
A medium-sized humanoid fond of fantasy and science-fiction.

Tevish Szat likes books, computers, board games, and cats for their aloofness. When possible, he prefers to consume hamburgers and macaroni and cheese. He needs caffeine to get through the working day.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #93 on: February 26, 2013, 12:55:17 am »

I've read Dawnpick as well as this, and I have to say... Bravo.  The fort updates are brilliant, the journals are brilliant, even the roleplayed scenes are of consistent high quality.  I doubt I really have the energy to properly get involved in something like this, but sirs and madams, you're doing great.

Thanks!  Glad to know that there's a few people enjoying it at least.  :)  Now, have another RP scene:

The following takes place right as Temperance finishes tripping out:


As the visions swirl and fade away, Temperance leaps back from the massive clawed hand in his face.  He turns to run as fast as his legs would carry him, but instead of the open fields he hoped to flee into, he stumbles into a shelf of tools.  He picks himself up from the tangled mess and looks around, completely lost in the moment.  “Wh-what?”

Immediately, Serenity breaks from the crowd, moving to Temperance’s side. “Temperance! Temperance, can you hear me?”

The stallion starts visibly as she approaches.  He looks to her, wide-eyed, and holds his gaze for several full seconds.  She was alive!  “Y-yes... yes, I can,” he says in an uneasy but clearly relieved voice.

“Come along, let’s get you out of here.” With a firm hoof, Serenity guides him out of the workshop.

He flinches as her hoof touches him, but doesn’t resist her attempts to pull him along.  He avoids the gazes of the few ponies standing around, which was mostly Crosshair, who had been stationed there to watch him, and the random few who happened to be wandering nearby at the time.  He thinks he sees Convalescence and Morning Dew, but in his daze and haste he’s not sure.

Serenity pulls aside a nearby pony. “Fetch a pitcher of juice and a bowl of Cream Puff’s cheese soup. Bring it to Temperance’s office, please.”  Heartfelt gives her a puzzled look for a moment, but nods and trots off.

Temperance looks around nervously and clears his throat.  “Is... is that where we’re going?”

“Yes. I thought it best to get you somewhere quiet.”

He nods.  “Uh, right.  Okay.”  The office is just on the other side of the tavern, and no other ponies are around to interrupt them.  As they get there, Temperance searches his saddlebag for the key.  By now, he’s forgotten that he left the office unlocked, and not even completely shut.

Without waiting, Serenity simply opens the door and guides Temperance inside.  He shakes his head as he sees that the door was open.  He had no idea how he even got outside when... it... struck him.  He follows her inside and stands awkwardly near his desk, unsure exactly what they were doing here.

Serenity stands by the door, waiting patiently for Heartfelt. “You should have a seat. I’m sure your experience was quite... draining.”

Temperance doesn’t reply, but nods and makes his way over to his seat, avoiding looking at Serenity as much as he could.  A few minutes later, Heartfelt returns, balancing a pitcher of watermelon juice and a bowl of soup as asked.

Serenity gently takes both in her magic. “Thank you very much. And my thanks to Morning Dew, as well.” She sets both on the desk in front of Temperance, pouring a mug of juice for him.

Temperance eyes the mug for a moment before taking it in a shaky hoof.  He quickly downs it, realizing now that he was unimaginably thirsty.  How long had he been ‘out of it’?  “Thank you...”

Serenity smiles slightly. “You’re very welcome. How are you feeling?”

He looks aside and takes a deep breath.  “I-I don’t know.  How... how long was I, uh... you know?”

She sighs. “About a week in all. You sat in that workshop for three days asking for supplies. When Morning Dew finally brought you something to work with, you started making this... strange contraption. You worked on that for a few more days.”

“A week?” he asks, with evident surprise in his voice.  His eyes go wide as he looks up to her, then back down.  “It only felt like a few hours...” he mutters.

“...You should eat. You haven’t eaten at all in that time.”

The food did smell amazing.  He takes the bowl and sips at the soup, realizing once again just how ravenously hungry he was.  It doesn’t take him long to finish the entire bowl, and he sets it aside.  “Thank you... again,” he says, still looking aside.

Serenity moves to sit beside Temperance. “Temperance... what happened? What’s the last thing you remember?”

He sits silently, staring into the empty bowl in front of him.  “I... I was sitting here, writing something.  Then... I had an unbearable headache... then...”  He raises a forehoof to his forehead.  She’d never believe what happened after that.

“Then?” Serenity watches him expectantly.

He shuts his eyes, keeping his hoof against his head.  “I... I’m not sure myself.  It’s hazy.”  He pauses.  “I... thought I saw a vision of Amug.  She was speaking to me, asking me to gather stone and a gem.  She said she’d show me something when I did.”  He slowly shakes his head again.  She probably thought he was insane.

“But it wasn’t her,” he goes on.  “She... she showed me something horrible.  I’ll... save you the details... but... I saw everypony fighting each other.  Including myself...”

“Why were you fighting? Do you remember?”

He shakes his head.  “No.  No, she didn’t say, and I only saw it as it was happening.  Everypony looked so angry.”  He recalls the wild-eyed hateful expression on his own face.  “It was as if they weren’t themselves.  Fighting and killing each other... and I have no idea why.”

Serenity sighs. “Well, the only thing I can tell you is that nopony here has done anything of the sort. It was all in your mind. The part involving Amug...”

He nods slowly.  Just seeing her alive was proof enough of that.  “Yes... Amug.  As I said, it wasn’t really her.  It was something else... she changed into a giant monster of some sort.”  He blinks a few times, trying to visualize it.  “She then told me what I’d seen was a warning.  ‘For you and all of your kind’, she said.”  He moves his hoof in a small circle to signify the gears he made, and adds, “And the thing I made, the image on it... that was supposed to be a reminder.”

“I...” Serenity starts. “I’m not sure what to tell you about that. Normally, I’d tell you it was nothing more than a semi-coherent product of your unconscious mind, but... I saw the device you made. The way your hooves moved with... otherworldly precision. I just... I think this is beyond my area of expertise.”

He sighs and nods.  “I was afraid you would say something like that.  This is well beyond my area of expertise too.”  He shuts his eyes again.  “I wish my mother was here.  Or another priest.  Maybe they would have some idea...”

“I’ve never been a particularly religious mare myself. My instinct tells me this is most likely some kind of powerful mind control magic, but from a mundane source. Do you know if any of the recent migrants are skilled magicians?”

“No... no, we haven’t had any unicorns arrive since the time you got here.  I don’t think any of those who are here now would do something like this.”  He makes a weak snort.  “I don’t even know if such a thing is possible with magic...”

“Well,” she sighs, “Could you send for a priest from Coupledye, in case this happens again?” The very idea of trusting in such superstition left a bitter taste in Serenity’s mouth, but she saw no other real alternative.

He thinks silently for a few moments and nods.  “Yes, perhaps that is for the best.  I’ll send a letter with the caravan.  I don’t know what else to do.”  He runs his hoof through his mane and shakes his head.  “Maybe I’m just losing my mind...” he says in a quiet voice.

Serenity shakes her head. “No. You don’t sound like a pony losing his mind.”

He makes a small snort again.  That was something at least.  He just sighs again, and says nothing, staring down into his desk.  He was surprisingly not tired, which was probably just as well since he doubted he could sleep even if he was tired.  This was going to be a long few days ahead.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #94 on: February 26, 2013, 12:58:37 am »

There’s an ominous -thud- -thud- -thud- at the door of the clinic. The knocking sounds louder than any sound a mere pony can manage.

Examining one of his scalpels, Case Study is a bit disgruntled at the amount of rust it has garnered. It simply will not do to use such an instrument on a patient. As he thinks about obtaining a replacement, his pointed ears alert him to an immediate presence at the door. Sounds urgent. In response, he places the cutting device down on his table and calls aloud, “Yes? Please come in.”

The door creak open, and Case Study sees a huge mass of . . . what seem to be feathers trying to shove it’s way through. Finally, a griffon, a full two feet taller than him, rears his head. He puffs out his wings.

“Dang, these doors really are made for ponies, aren’t they?” the griffon says, a little claustrophobic in these spaces.

Lowering his chin as he raises an eyebrow, the pale blue stallion is perplexed by what stands before him. He had heard of no griffons being members of Duskfields. Perhaps he was part of a caravan that had recently arrived? Regardless of his origins, there must have been some reason that he was here, so Case gave a straightforward, albeit confused, response, “...may I help you, sir?”

Max looked the pony up and down, and gave a wry smile. “Hey there. Maxwell, “ He extends a claw out for a hoofshake. “Crashed through a brick wall in Temperance's office twelve minutes ago, became Duskfields latest carpenter in the last six. . . It’s been a busy day.”

“...I see, Mr. Maxwell,” Case slowly reached out to accept the greeting. He didn’t really understand, but he figured that the details would come out soon enough, “So, ramming through mortar with your body? I think I can deduce that you are here with blunt force trauma of some type?”

Max shrugs and closes his eyes. “Yeah, that would be the reason. Momma always said I had tough skin, but it never hurts ta’ double check.” He turns his head to the side and trains a single eye on the the pony. “ You do know you to treat a griffon, right? Last pony doctor I had, rooted around me clueless! ”

No, the doctor had never treated anything other than equines in his life, “Your species is not my specialty, but some aspects of physiology are universal. If you are able to move around unhindered, then I’m doubtful that you have broken any bones. Are you in any pain at all?” Case gets out of his chair and prepares for a simple examination.

The griffon shuffled his big blue eye over him up and down again. “Yeah, alright.” He says dismissively. “ I don’t know, I have a feeling about you. You know what you’re doing. “ He glances up at the ceiling. “My chest is in a little pain.” He glances back down, knowing that's a bit of a lie. “Actually, in a lotta pain.” He ugghs “ It’s just. . . first impressions . . “

“I’ll do my best, that much I can assure you. By the way, you may address me as Case Study,” the earth pony answers as he takes a first look over the griffon’s integument. No signs of blood so far as his red eyes can see. “Pain in your chest?...wait...first impressions...was that a bit of humor?”

Max chuckles “ Yeah, it was a bad attempt at it.  I guess my humor bone is broken for sure, then. Strike that one of the diagnosis board!” He gets back down to business. "But seriously, It feels like I just rammed through a brick wall.”

“Oh, well, good to know,” chest pains could have been an indication of a serious injury, so a lack of such an ailment was relieving, “I believe that is self-evident, Mr. Maxwell. I don’t believe, however, that you have any serious injuries. Bruising is most likely the extent of your grievances. That will heal on its on in time. I’m giving you the pass for now.” The blue pony steps back, “If any symptoms worsen, or new ones come about, report back to me.” He paces a bit, “So, how did you come upon our settlement again? Are you a trader? Perhaps here with others?”

Max quirks a brow. “Came upon you? It’s the other way around to be honest. I fly through the valley every once and awhile on my way back to the cave. This time? A building was there.”

“...I hope you don’t mean to imply that this land is your territory. That would be a rather large mistake on our part if it is. Since you know the name of Temperance, can I assume that you have spoken with him?” Case was curious to see where this was going.

Max looks as if he’s been accused of something. “No, no, one griffon doesn't exactly constitute as a nation with borders, I can’t really do anything but help or get out of the way. . . that doesn't bother me. It’s about time something happened around here.  “ He cocks his head, agitated. “ It’s just if you’re going to build something over night, some neon orange signs would be helpful! Some magic flares, perhaps?”

The doctor cleared his throat, “I’m afraid the decor of this place isn’t up to me. If you have any suggestions or complaints about the design of Duskfields, I would suggest consulting Mr. Temperance or one of the carpenters. Speaking of which, didn’t you say earlier that you were going to be joining us as a carpenter yourself?”

“Yeah. Why not? It sounds fun.” The griffon says enthusiastically.  “Helping others is the the only way to truly help yourself. That’s a proverb from somewhere. If it’s not? It should be.” He laughs. “You know what i’m talking about probably more than most, Doc.”

“If you do have intentions of aiding us, then I am sure we will be grateful. Some ponies, such as Ms. Holly and Ms. Block, are often short-hoofed on help. Not that having an extra worker of the wood won’t be valuable as well.”
Max nods. “I’ll get the job done.” Max’s wings shift around, and he looks at Case study with a shrewd look. “So ,I’ve told you why I’m in the middle of nowhere. Can you return the favor? I may be overstepping here, but i’m rather curious. What is a colony of ponies doing way out here?”

“Our main objective, as I am told, is to farm the land,” Case explains, “We are on a mission from Coupledye to exploit the natural resources present here. So far, our ventures have been successful. We have had some setbacks in the form of pests and thieves, but nothing we weren’t able to overcome. My personal role here is fairly self-evident.”

“hmm . . . ‘exploit’ the land, that’s a rather severe, alarming way to phrase it.” Max looks at him quizzically. “I think you mean harvest the land?” Max hoped that was the case.

“If you wish to state it as such, yes, that would be accurate,” Case begins rubbing one of his temples, “Would you excuse me for a moment?” Trotting back over to his desk, he opens one of the drawers and pulls out a leafless, green stem. After biting a segment of it off, the equine begins chewing it. He pauses for a minute, “Migraine treatment.” He continues, “I hope I haven’t put a sour taste in your mouth with my explanation of our workings.”

“Ah, migraines. Painful little annoyances, aren’t they?” Max nods his head in a negatory. “Not at all. Temperance asked for a wall, and he’s going to get a wall.” 

“That they are,” he answers between a chew, “If Mr. Temperance is putting you to work already, I imagine he must trust you. Welcome aboard our meager settlement, Mr. Maxwell.”

Max is overcome with modesty. “What can I say? I guess I just have one of those trustworthy faces.” He looks nervous though. “I just hope every pony here feels the same as you and Temperance.  I can’t imagine why not, but I also cannot deny have been on a long sabbatical. If the griffons in general did something feather brained to the pegusai while i’ve been gone, well, I wouldn't be surprised.” He shrugs. “I can hope, though.”

He slowly taps his forehooves together as he sits at his desk once more, “I also would not be surprised if some of the others here don’t take to trusting you so quickly. We are quite a varied group. I doubt any such tensions will be insurmountable, however.”

“Guess I should get to winin’ hearts and minds, then.” He takes a look at his claws as he says it. “So? Clean bill of health? Bruising is minor?” He sighs. “No rectal examination necessary?”

“Ahem, no, that would not be necessary,” Case groans slightly, “You’re free to go now.”

He grins. “Right, Humor bone’s still broken.” He points at his forearm with a claw. “ Thank you for the time and consideration, Doc.” Max heads towards the door. Well, no news is good news, he assured himself. And not just with the exam. Case study didn't shut him out immediately when he asked what he was doing here, and the purpose seems relatively benign. He didn't seem to believe the griffons were causing trouble either. First time for everything, he assumed.

After the door is shut, Case puts a hoof to his grinning lips and tries to stifle a chuckle. “Rectal exam,” he thinks aloud.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2013, 02:09:56 am by DVNO »
Al mondo mal non e senza rimedio

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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #95 on: February 26, 2013, 11:55:35 pm »


Cream Puff keeps chuckling as she makes lunch for Praetorian, and soon presents him with a nice ratatouille and fresh bread.  “Here you go, Hun!”

“Thank you, Cream Puff,” says Praetorian as he takes the food. “This looks good, as always.”

“Thanks, Praetorian.  So...” she says as she sits at a chair across from him.  “’d the date go?  You two enjoy some nice snuggling under the stars?”

“Yes... it was very peaceful,” Praetorian says, smiling stupidly as he remembers that night. “She’s a beautiful mare, Cream Puff- er, not to say that you aren’t, as well.”

She chuckles and rolls her eyes at him.  “Smooth as always, Tor.”

“It’s... I don’t know how to explain it, but it was entrancing, I suppose. I don’t have the words to explain it fully, but...” He shakes his head in bemusement. “You know what I’m talking about, yes?”

“Not first-hoof, but I have a good imagination.”  She smiles wistfully as she pictures Tor and Maize enjoying a chaste and loving snuggle under a starry sky, and sighs.  “So, what are you gonna do for the next date?”

“I... I don’t really know. Uh, what was the sigh for?” says Praetorian.

Puff ignores the question.  “What do you mean you don’t know?”

“I don’t know what to do, really,” he says with a shrug. “I’m not really... well, experienced with dating. Or relationships. And you still haven’t answered my question.”

She keeps ignoring it.  “Oh come on!  You just need to do something romantic that she’ll enjoy!  Think, stallion!”

“Uh... A candlelit dinner? I don’t know.”

“Hmm... a bit too formal for a second date.  Think more relaxed.”

Praetorian waves his hooves in the air. “I don’t know! This is all of the second relationship I’ve been in. And the first one didn’t go so well, remember! And you’ve still not answered my question!”

“It’s too bad we don’t have a theater for you to take her to a play or something...”

“Come on, you’ve avoided the question. What was that sigh for?”

She rolls her eyes at him again.  “It’s not important.  What is important is figuring out what to do for your next date!”

“I think it’s important to you. You’re my friend, Cream Puff.”

She sighs again.  “I sighed because you two are so great together, and I don’t have anypony to be with, so I have to live vicariously through you two, ok?”

Praetorian slowly, and carefully, puts the plates of food down. “Cream Puff,” he says, “you are my friend,” before wrapping her in a bear hug. “If there is anything I can do for you, you know you have merely to ask.”

She smiles and hugs him back for a few moments before pushing out of it.  “I know, you big lug.  So just be a good stallion for Maize, ok?”

“...Heh, I’ll try. If it wasn’t for you, though...”

“Aw, lay off it, Tor.  I’m just glad to see you two happy together.  So, what should you do for your second date?  Maybe a sunset together?”

“That sounds like a good idea,” agrees Praetorian.

“Of course it is!  I thought of it!”  Puff spreads her wings in pride and poses for a few moments, then laughs at herself.

“There’s that,” agreed Praetorian. Well, time to see who of my former comrades are single...
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #96 on: February 27, 2013, 02:20:03 am »

22nd Timber, 269
Ugh... you'd think after badger's wouldn't be so bloody suicidal. I personally never quite understood their beloved concept of honor though terrorism. One of the damned bugger showed up today. Almost put a dagger in the Smothblock's face. At least somepony put a the abomination down before getting at anyone...

2nd Moonstone, 269
And you'd think after two of badgers showed up somepony would think to keep our stockpiles under locks. If they keep sneaking off with are garbage, let alone our valuables, they might actually think sending a raiding party would be smart... and honestly it might be.

19th Moonstone, 269
Today we finally got a tavern set up. It's a quaint little place, but spose' it serves it's purpose.

6th Obsidian
Well this is just a riot. The one stallion deemed "worthy" to make our life or death decisions for us due to his sister's accomplishment's is now in a mechanic's shop blabbering incoherent gibberish. Well, honestly I thought the poor guy wasn't the type to crack under pressure. One can only imagine what would make a nervous break down of this level to occur. At least now the local mental health professional might have more people to work with than my captain's antisocial lady friend. 

8th Obsidian
A caravan showed up today. I was able to get my hooves on some of my old stuff from capital. The bastards kept my pet locked in some tight cage also. Practically ruined my day. Well, at least now I can replace my old clothes... Also I got my hat collection back in one piece! Honestly was scared it wouldn't make it here one piece.

13th Obsidian
Hmmmm... and seems Friday the thirteenth  is a lucky day after all. Temp seems to have snapped out of it and made one hell of a mechanism. Well, I've heard of ponies loosing themselves in a masterwork item beyond compare before, but I assumed it was some old myth or made up hog wash. Whatever, I just hope Temp get's back to normal soon...


Temperance lets out a long, frustrated breath as he begins scouring the settlement for Redhat.  If it wasn’t something about him slowing work down at the trench, it was something about a dog he had.  It seemed this pony was going to be giving him a bit more work to do than the others, for whatever reason.  Maybe once he found him, they’d be able to set this matter straight and he both could get back to more productive matters.

The pegasus in question was currently sitting behind the tavern with a old looking book with the symbols “свят атлас”as it’s title in his hooves. It seemed to have been quite a fine looking book, probably would have been expensive if age had not decayed it ever so slightly. Also Redhat’s dog was there as well, and currently asleep next to him. When The pegasus saw the “management” walking towards him, he rose the book ever so slightly, just to cover his face.

There were only so many places a pony could hide here, thankfully, so tracking Redhat down hadn’t taken too long.  Temperance swallows his reservations and steps forward, noting the dog that he’d received the complaint about.  “Excuse me, Redhat?  Could you give me a minute of your time?”

He “ughed” and lowered the book. “What is it? I’ll inform you right now that if I did anything it was that way when I got there.”

Temperance rolls his eyes and shakes his head.  “No, no, nothing like that.  I, uh, actually needed to talk to you about your, uh, dog,” he says, nodding his head in the direction of the sleeping animal.

“And, what’s wrong with it?” He said as he flipped a page of his book, not paying Temperance much mind. His free hoof went down and petted the “dog’s” back.

“Well, to be frank, a few ponies are afraid of it.  They’re telling me that it’s actually a wolf or something,” he says, looking at the creature a bit more closely.  It was certainly starting to look like that little rumor might be true.  “And if that’s the case, it might be dangerous.”

“I can assure you this animal won’t exactly be chasing down foals.” He kept petting it’s back. “I honestly find it offensive you’d assume my pet to be a danger to the mutual safety of this town.” A soft whimper was heard from the furry critter. “I’ll have you know I make my personal safety my highest priority.”

Temperance frowns.  “I know you trust it, and I don’t think it would hurt anypony, especially you, but there are others who are concerned.”  He sighs.  “Where did you get it?  Is it a wolf, or just a dog?’

“Why yes, she’s a wolf. Your point?” At this point the rather fluffy dog started to get up from it’s little nap on the ground and walked toward Temperance.

Temperance takes a step back at first, having never been a dog pony in the first place, but most certainly not a wolf pony.  She didn’t seem too aggressive, at least.  “Well, we do have a lot of livestock about and all.  The chickens and sheep, especially.  You know what wolves can do to animals like that.”

He rolled his eyes. “Yes, so can Cream Puff.” The wolf kept advancing and gave him a less than menacing nuzzled to his foreleg. “Hmmm... seems Bonnet likes you.” The dog had a rather fluffy white coat. It certainly was quite large too, much bigger than the local stock for sure. It’s eyes were odd as well one being blue and the other being brown.

Temperance examines the ‘dog’ for a few moments before nervously patting her with a hoof.  “Yes... I suppose so.  Still... she’s not a domesticated dog,” he says.  There wasn’t really a great answer to this.  What, was he going to force Redhat to get rid of it?  “Look... based on what I’m seeing, I don’t think she’ll hurt anything.  I’ll tell the others that I’ve looked into it.”  He keeps looking down at Bonnet.  “But, if anything does happen... you’ll be responsible, alright?”  He prayed if anything did happen, it wouldn’t be something like Cumulus getting bitten...

“Trust me, Bonnet would never do that.” He looked down at the wolf again, which by now was licking playfully at Temperance. “I’d have to either give her the order or lets say... somepony kicked her for no real reason, and if somepony does kick her i’m assuming she’s got the right to self defense.”

“I certainly wouldn’t let somepony hurting her for no reason go unpunished,” Temperance says, half answering the question.  “But, I’ll trust what you say for now.  Don’t worry about her, as long as she doesn’t bother anypony, I’ll see to it that nopony bothers her or you about it.”

“Good, good” he closed his book. “I’d hate for this to be that big of an issue.” He then sighed and looked him in the eyes. “Also, I suppose a thank you in order for not forcing me to give up my pet.”

“You’re welcome,” Temperance replies, finally letting a small smile show.  “I’d rather not cause more of a fuss than necessary.  Anyway, I’ve bothered you enough, I’ll leave you two alone.”
« Last Edit: February 27, 2013, 06:27:16 pm by jaxler »
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #97 on: March 01, 2013, 11:52:32 pm »

Telgin told me to go ahead and post this, so please do not get cross with me, Pokon.  :P

If I forgot anypony's avatar, let me know!

Wood Chip tapped his hoof on the ground. Frankly, he was not the most patient pony.

And there should be ponies here by now.

And the door gets kicked open, “YOLO, BITCHES! I BROUGHT THE BOOZE!” Redhat was standing in the door frame with a keg of ale and a red baseball cap on backwards. “Um...” he noticed the single stallion on the other side of the room. “Well... isn’t this quite a quant sausage fest...”

Crosshair was just about to land behind Redhat to go in for the party, and stopped herself mid-flight. and landed a small distance away. Tilting her head slightly at the pony with a red hat and a keg of ale. Something about him bothered and annoyed her, and she don’t know why.. But at least he’s got Ale! Plus Flamberge did promise he’ll catch up soon. She trots up over to the door and offer Redhat a smile, “Evening, Soldier!”

Redhat turned turned around, seeing another pegasi, “Why, hello there.”

With that, Crosshair moved into the Tavern, having to nudge Redhat out of the way a little as she went in to look around, seeing that there’s not that many ponies here yet. “So.. are we early or is everyone late?”

As if on cue, Temperance cracks the door to the tavern and pokes his head in.  “Ah, hello everypony, sorry that I’m a bit late.  I got held up a bit.”  He steps inside and gives them a small smile.  “I hope I haven’t missed too much.”

Crosshair gave him a smiling salute. “Looks like you’re fine, Sir!”

He nods and returns her smile.  “Yes, looks that way.”

Coming in shortly after Temperance came Flamberge, he looked around, dismayed to see the crowd was as it was, "Evening Temperance," he says as he passes him as he makes his way toward Crosshair. "Evening Captain," he says with a grin, "Cream Puff said she'd be a bit late, lots of dishes to finish up in the kitchen," he adds.

Crosshair returned the grin as she beamed brightly “Evening Commander! and yes, I’ve heard. I hope she’ll make it here in time though, wouldn’t want her to miss this out.”

Temperance nods to Flamberge as he steps past, “Evening commander.”  He leaves the two soldiers to talk with each other as he finds a comfortable place to get settled inside.

Redhat walked over and left a the keg down on the table. “Well looks like ponies are finally showing...” he then noticed Temperance, “Hello there.”

Temperance smiles at Redhat.  “Hello.  I don’t think we’ve spoken in a while.  Everything going alright?”

“Well, fine as could be I suppose,” he took a seat, “I guess I could be a lot worse, how are you holding up?”

“That’s good, I’m sure militia life is a bit rough at times.”  Temperance thinks a moment on how to answer the question, and settles for, “I suppose I’m about the same.  Doing well enough anyway.”

“Good long as you aren’t spending a few days in a workshop making a pretty kog i’m sure you’ll be quite fine.”

Temperance rolls his eyes and makes a small chuckle.  “Indeed.”

SmoothBlock trotted in, “Hey! I heard there was boozes?”

“There’s a keg over here,” said Redhat, “Pardon me for a moment, Temperance.”

SmoothBlock got herself a mug and filled it, she took a long pull of ale and then went to find a seat and light her pigtail cigar, “Ahhhh, that’s how you end the day.” She smiled and leaned back on her haunch.

Crosshair went over to the keg as well to fill a couple of mugs with ale before returning to her commander, offering him one.

Flamberge accepts the mug, “Thanks Crosshair,” he says before taking a long drink from the mug, which he follows with kissing her on the cheek.

That made the small mare giggles and blush faintly as she takes a drink from her mug as well, already enjoying the party as is as the two militia ponies chats away.

“Smothblock... you seem rather relaxed there,” said Redhat as he took a sip of ale.

“Yeah, it’s after work, I got a cigar, and an ale, life is good.” Smooth took another deep drag.

“Well, I suppose,” he shrugged. “Still, those two things can end up killing you.”

“So can a rock to the head, what’s your point?” SmoothBlock blew out a smoke-ring.


“Thrilling conversation, as alway, Red.” SmoothBlock quaffed her Ale.

“Well then...” he sighed and just started to walk off, “I can assure you I had no intention of offending somepony as high class as yourself.”

“Glad you understand our social standing.” SmoothBlock burped loudly and scratched her belly.

“I’ll be on my way then.” He walked off, and as if by chance, his tail knocked her cup of booze over. “Oh... how rude of me.”

Smooth caught the ale in her magic and finished the mug, “No problem at all, short stack.”

“Oh right, you have that glowing growth on your head...” the pony keeps walking off, “Try not to choke on that stuff.”

SmoothBlock suddenly falls on the floor and rolls around making hacking and wheezing noises.

The door to the tavern opens, slowly and quietly, as Praetorian tries to make his way in unnoticed. He surveys the room, looking for the shortest path to the most food with the least ponies.

SmoothBlock began to ham it up even more, taking massive gasping breaths, and dramatically flailing her hooves.

Redhat sneaks away as best he could, hoping somepony else would take the would be actress to the med’s office. 

Praetorian, taking advantage of the distraction, finds a table, and grabs a pair of plates, picking up two supplies of appetising looking food, and tries to discretely back out of the tavern again.

Mere feet from the door, Praetorian bumps into somepony, who voices her displeasure with an annoyed squeak.

“Blo-Oh, Serenity. Excuse me, miss,” he apologises. “Just in the middle of something. Didn’t see you there.”

Serenity manages to regain her balance without falling. “N-No, it’s quite alright... Praetorian, is it?”

“Yes, that’s me,” confirms the stallion. “Have we met?”

“No, just a guess on my part. Maize and I were just talking about you.”

“Oh, really?” asks Praetorian, somewhat surprised. “...what about?”

“She mentioned that you two were in a relationship, and that you were on a date tonight. I was... well, surprised, to say the least.”

“...What do you mean, surprised?” he asks. “Is there any reason we shouldn’t be in a relationship?”

Serenity shakes her head. “No, nothing like that. It’s just surprising to see how much she’s improved since I met her.”

“Improved? What do you mean?” asks Praetorian.

Serenity sighs. “When I first met her, Maize had serious social anxiety, to the point that she would sleep out in the fields just to avoid having to speak to other ponies. She’s opened up quite a bit since then, and made a few friends.”

“I knew she was shy, but she wasn’t that shy that she’s changed, surely? Just a little depressed. She’s still the same pony she always was.”

Serenity nods. “It was enough to make Temperance concerned for her wellbeing, so he asked me to speak to her. And during our sessions, there have been... hints of other, much deeper things.”

Praetorian’s eyes narrow. “What do you mean?”

Serenity looks away. “...It’s not something I should really discuss without her consent. I’ve probably said too much already.”

“Did someone hurt her? Did something happen to her?” repeats Praetorian.

Serenity sighs. At this point, confidentiality was already out the window. “I... am not sure. Whenever the subject comes up, she becomes very agitated. There’s a lot of anguish over... something. If only she would tell me, then maybe I could help...”

Praetorian breathes deeply, then says, forcing his voice to remain calm. “If you find out somepony hurt her...I’ll make sure they never hurt her, or any other pony, ever again.”

Serenity finds the soldier’s tone just a bit... unsettling. It doesn’t sound like he’d ever do anything to hurt Maize, but still... “...I’ll see what I can learn.”

“...Dammit, no. I shouldn’t be prying anyway. Just... Just help her, dammit. You know better than me.”

“I will. I’ll be seeing her again in a few days.” Serenity glances towards a table laden with food. “Well, if you don’t mind, I think I’ll get my dinner and head back to the office.”

“Yes... And I should rejoin Maize.”

Serenity manages a smile. “Of course. Have a pleasant evening.”

“And you, Serenity.”

Case Study had now arrived as well. He wasn’t sure how to begin this affair. Perhaps it would be best if he simply waited for another pony to start a conversation with him. Alternatively, maybe he could jump into a discussion about something relevant to his interests. If nopony wished to speak with him, that was okay as well, he thought. First things first, so Case heads over to look at what selection of foods were available.

Praetorian, still turned towards Serenity as he says farewell to her, turns and just stops short of bumping into the town’s doc, who has just entered the tavern. “Evening, doc. How’s things?”

“This night? So far so good,” he acknowledged, “I can surmise that you are doing well yourself, judging by appearances at least.” He notices the two plates that the soldier is carrying, “I see the sustenance supplied to us this night is of good quality. I believe Maize made mention of you as I was coming in.”

“Ah, you spoke with Maize? She’s a beautiful and intelligent mare, though a little shy.” Praetorian smiles a little, and shrugs. “Well, I’ve never been that social myself. And yes, the food looks to be good, as it usually is. Have you had any...well, favourite meals, here at least?”

The blue pony was beginning to piece together that Praetorian and Maize were now a couple, but he didn’t feel like asking. He did not wish to cause any embarrassment in the case that they did not yet wish to acknowledge it publicly. “Yes, I have to admit that the majority of the food I’ve partaken of since my arrival has been quite satisfactory. I find the tomatoes of special note.” As long as it wasn’t in the form of juice on a sandwich, that is.

“Yes. It’s a change to the way things were on the march,” says Praetorian with a smile again on his face, “and not a bad one. Didn’t have much out there to eat except bread and a bit of dried fruit. I expect things were different where you were from, yes?”

“Hmm, I believe you could say so. In Coupledye, there was more variety than that. Although I do expect that when one is in a military position that non-perishable food items become the wiser choice to carry with you.” Case recalled having eaten dehydrated fruit before and finding it rather pleasant. “So, what do you like to do when you are not on duty?”

“Well, I can’t say I’ve ever really thought of myself as ‘off-duty’ until recently. Back with the army, there were always things to do, and when there weren’t, occasionally some of the stallions would get together and talk a little amongst ourselves, maybe roll the dice a little.” He sighs. “It was... It was sociable, but it wasn’t really the most enlightening of environments, you might say.” The smile pokes up a third time. “But with Maize... And with everypony here, really, well... it’s a change, and it’s definitely for the better.”

Now it certainly seemed that there was something going on between those two, “Ms. you and her seem to be good friends now? I apologize if I’ve been holding you up, as I believe she said that she was waiting on you to bring her food?”

“Oh, yes. We’re... well, a little more than friends. She’s... I don’t know how to explain this, but you’re a smart pony... She’s so peaceful, that just being with calms me, it makes me see the good in the world.” Another smile, rueful this time. “And after this much time serving in the military...that’s something I really need.”

He chuckled lightly, “I had suspected as much. I can certainly see how a pony in your position could appreciate a mare like her.”

“It’s... Well, you understand what I mean, at least. And she’s just so innocent, as well.”

The doctor nods, “Indeed. Now what am I doing here keeping you from your dear friend? I’m sure she’s getting hungry. Perhaps you should invite her in? I’m sure Mr. Chips must have invited her as well.”

“She’s... well, she’s not a crowd-seeking pony, to say the least. And she prefers things a little less...noisy. So, we’re having a little private dinner to ourselves. A date.”

A small smirk appeared across the earth pony’s muzzle, “I see. I can understand how that might be preferable when one is involved with another pony.”

“Indeed,” says Praetorian with a hint of humour in his voice. “Speaking of which, I’ve heard that Morning Dew has been seen talking with you a little more often since that appalling attack. Anything to that, or just helping her recover?”

He raises an eyebrow, “If there was anything more to that than mere appearances, I don’t believe that I’ve been made aware of it.” He rubs his chin, “At least I don’t think Ms. Dew has had any such intentions.”

“Ah, more likely then that I’ve been misinformed. Well, doctor, it has been pleasant talking to you, and perhaps we should do so again...but I would hate to keep Maize waiting any longer than I have to.”

“I understand fully. There are probably others I should speak with as well. Good night to you, Mr. Praetorian.”

Praetorian nods to Case Study, and continues on the epic journey to the door.

Praetorian finally makes his way out, to continue the little date.

Temperance eyes the pony sneaking out of the tavern, as well as the overly dramatic display of Smoothblock.  He rolls his eyes as the initial alarm of seeing her in the floor wears off, and he moves off to find something to eat himself.  Maybe Cream Puff had some of that soup around here somewhere...

Puff finally exits from the back of the tavern and into the party, grumbling a bit about all the dishes.  She’s definitely going to need to get some assistants eventually.  She waves at the various guests around, then heads for the drinks.  She’s not usually much of a drinker, but the parasprites, her anger, depression, confusion... she’s looking forward to getting slobbering drunk.

Crosshair waved happily at her “Puff!” She called, happy and excited to see her friend, trotting over to give her a friendly nuzzle.

Puff gives her a tired smile.  “Heya Cross.”

Flamberge sees Crosshair going over to meet Cream Puff, but he stays seated at their table and gestures for them to join him, before taking another sip from his mug.

Wood Chip was in the back, mostly keeping out of the main conversations going on. Not everypony was here, either, but that hardly mattered, considering he was slightly tipsy before he walked in anyway. He knocks a hoof against the bar counter to get the others attention.

Puff waves at Flamberge before turning to get a drink of her own from the bar.  When Wood Chip knocks on it, she gives him a curious look as she pours something strong for herself.

“What’s his problem?” Crosshair asked curiously at Wood Chip’s hoof knock.  Puff shrugs.

Temperance and Flamberge both look up, separately, at the knocking, but remain silent.

Wood Chips looks at the surprised looks he was getting, and smiled sheepishly.

“Er, everypony? I kinda organized this party, and while it’s a little late, I had a speech about why I invited you all here. But its...okay if none yall want to hear it, it’s late.”

Temperance waves a hoof at him.  “No, no, go ahead,” he says with a reassuring smile.

Puff nods at him to continue.  It’d be rude to show up and not listen to the pony throwing the shindig, after all.

SmoothBlock stopped her fussing about and lay on her side, propping her chin up with her forehoof.

Wood Chips chuckles, he’s not used to being the center of attention, let alone slightly tipsy.

“Well, most of the ponies here arrived here little more than a year ago to settle in this little grassy hill.”

He looked at Red Hat with some minor amusement, and hopefully others would get a laugh out of that.

“However, after spending a year working at a breakneck speed to get this little place running, I noticed that we never really stopped to talk about what we're trying to do. Now, we know we are trying to build a community like the ones we all came from out of nothing but hard work and effort, but I am under the impression that it’s not a community if a pony cannot sit around and enjoy the fruits of their labors and laugh.”

He paused slightly, taking a little breath. And a shot of whisky. Unicorn magic is great for this sort of stuff.

“And so, I wanted to let us do so. It took me a very long time to work up the nerve to invite all of you, but I am glad that everypony who arrived, and Red Hat, came. Because this little gathering is a celebration for our little fortress thriving. Besides the founders, I want to give a thanks for the military, who I do think deserve this time to wind down and relax. After all, what’s black and white and red all over?”

Realizing what he said, Wood Chip backpeddled clumsly. “It’s a badgerpony, not a zebra!”

“Zebra with a sunburn!” shouts Puff before taking a swig of her drink.

Flamberge shifts in his seat uncomfortably at the badgerpony joke and takes a deep drink from his mug emptying it.

Noticing Flamberge’s general uncomfortablness, Wood Chip slightly panics internally.

“Well, your heart was in the right place, which is more than I can say for the Badger.”  SmoothBlock said, recovering her seat. “So how about some more of that whisky!” She held her mug high.

Wood Chips gives her a look that, to other observers in the room, was probably a bit too lidded to be enterly platonic.

“I actually have a little something special saved for something like this.”

Behind the counter, in a little red glow of magic, rises a tall, slim bottle. It was very old, very expensive looking, and furthermore had a great big smiley face imprinted on it’s side.

“This might be the last bottle of cloudberry wine from the town of Cheerfulgrins, my old home. More importantly, this bottle might be one of the last things from my old home left, considering it’s gone now. Long time, too.”

Wood Chips frowns, but neverless levitates a few score glasses from behind the counter and sets one in front of each of the guests seated before him. He pauses slightly, as if with guilt.

“Smells strong, I like strong things.” SmoothBlock wiggled her eyebrows.

Temperance isn’t quite sure what to do.  He doesn’t drink, but he doesn’t want to look ungrateful.

“Out with the old and in with the new, as they say. A toast for our fair town?”

Woodchip takes a long look at the smily face on the bottle, perhaps too long of a look, but neverless uncorks it fully with little flourish and pours a gulp of the white-yellow brew into each of the glasses, with himself being last.

SmoothBlock picked up her glass and sampled the bouquet 

Crosshair waited for everypony to have their glasses, and once they do, she wait for the cheer so that all will be downed together.

Puff lifts her glass as well.

Flamberge takes his glass, examines the liquid and then raises it as well.

Temperance sniffs the liquid and makes a nervous smile.  He lifts the glass, not at all looking forward to what was about to happen.

“Cheers!” SmoothBlock raised her glass in her magic.

Wood Chip tries and fails to get a good look at everypony in the room, because his eyes stopped around the general area of Smoothblock.

“For Duskfields and it’s future!”

He takes a gulp. It tastes like honey and..something. It might have been what liquid rainbow tasted like if you removed the spicy.

It tasted like home.

This was when everypony was supposed to take a drink, right?  Temperance reluctantly downs the alcohol, but finds it shockingly tolerable.  It tasted very good actually... wasn’t everything alcoholic supposed to taste horrific?

SmoothBlock tossed her head back and let the honey like drink slide down her throat. She let out an “Ahh!” and smiled “tasty stuff Chips.”

Puff downs hers as well and licks her lips.  “Mmm, a good year, definitely.”

Wood Chip smiles sadly. “It was the last one. For that wine, anyway.”

“It was real good, Chips.” SmoothBlock licked her lips and smiled, putting the empty glass on the end of her horn.

The toast apparently finished, Puff and Cross head to join Flamberge at his table.

“Evenin’ Puff,” says Flamberge, who is clearly more than a little tipsy, as she approaches the table, “How are t’ings?”

“Things are far too lucid for my tastes right now.” she says before taking a large swig of her drink.

Crosshair took a swig of her drink as well, placing her mug down on the table “something troubling you?”

Flamberge imagined he knew what was troubling Puff, but this was a party, she shouldn’t dwell on such things, or so he thought, “Aye Puff, just have a drink and relax, it’s a party, lets just try and have a good time, alright?”

“Lots of stuff, Cross.  But, like ‘Berge said, it’s a party.  I intend to drink until I am unable.  And then maybe drink a bit more.”  She gives the two a small smile and downs the rest of her mug.

The three spend a while longer drinking, until Crosshair got up from the table, a little more than just tipsy. “I’ll.. I’ll be right back, drank too much” she said with a little hiccup as she stumbled her way out the door.

Puff waves a wobbly wing in the general direction of Cross as she goes, feeling far too drunk to actually raise her head from the table.  “She’s a lu-hic!-lucky mare, ‘Berge.”

Flamberge starts to shake his head, then stops when he almost loses his balance, “Nah, shees naht as lucky as me, tah have a filly like ‘er,.” he replies as he watches Crosshair leave, “or...or a friend like ‘ou,” he adds touching a hoof to Cream Puff’s withers.

Puff smiles a bit and takes another long drink.  “She gets you all to hershelf!  Tall dark and handsome ‘Berge!”  She waves her mug around in emphasis, avoiding slinging booze everywhere only because it’s empty.

"You sound jealouss." states Flamberge, his hoof still not having moved from it's position on her withers, “Surely a, beauootful, mare like 'ou could have any stallion she wanted."

Puff slumps and pouts at her empty mug.  “Nope...”

Flamberge shoots closer to Cream Puff and puts a foreleg around her, "'Ey, wots wrong Creamy." he asks.

“My glasssss... is empty.  And nopony likes me.”

Flamberge pours his only half finished drink into Cream Puff’s glass and says, "Nah, neither... neither of those t'ings is true. I like 'ou plenty."

Puff downs her mug, not caring where the drink came from.  She wobbles as she looks at the three Flamberges with their legs over her withers, and slowly homes in on the middle one.  “No ya don’t...”

"If..if'n I didn' like 'ou den, why'd I stay with 'ou all night when 'ou was sad? why am I here, tryin' to 'elp 'ou now?" Flamberge says, the alcohol pickling his brain even as he speaks.

Puff’s lip trembles as tears start to well up in her eyes.  “Cuz you feel shorry for me!”

"Nah, Puff, I...I just want 'ou to be 'appy." says Flamberge, "You're my friend, an I don' like seeing my friends sad."

Puff looks away from him for a few moments, all three of him.  After a few hicups, she turns back and grabs his head to steady herself before planting a big sloppy kiss on his lips.

Flamberge is caught totally by surprise by this, but does not pull away.

Like a cruel god playing jokes on them, Crosshair stumble her way back to the party, only to be halt right at where she is from what she’s seeing. The view of her stallion and her best friend kissing stunned her, She stood there for almost a minute, jaw dropped in disbelief as her brain slowly register what’s going on. Finally, after she decide that she’ve seen enough, she just turned the other way and Ran. Ran as fastest as she could drunkenly can.

Cream Puff’s liver finally wins it’s bid to shut down all higher functions so it can clean up this mess, and so she passes out against Flamberge.

Flamberge in his drunken stupor doesn't notice Crosshair's return and subsequent exit. Looking down at the passed out mare, he thinks hard about what to do for a moment. Then lifts her up onto his back. Goes to the bar, and gets a big glass of water, downs it, then gets another which he takes with him as he exits the tavern.

[Flamberge and Crosshair will be continued in a separate scene.]

Temperance watches as everypony around him starts to get a bit too drunk for his tastes.  That was usually around the time that the fun stopped at parties, so he stands and bids everypony farewell.  It was nice of Wood Chips to get everypony together, and it was nice to see everypony in good spirits, but he just couldn’t really partake very much in things with the direction they were headed.  He had a lot to get done anyway...
« Last Edit: March 01, 2013, 11:56:26 pm by Kryptid »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #98 on: March 02, 2013, 12:04:25 am »

I'd hoped to get this up several days ago, but the party scene was holding things up a bit.  So, here you go.  Very little actual time passes in this update because of a relatively significant event, but the next update will probably include a longer period of time.

Temperance's Journal - 4th Granite, 270

Well, today was looking to be a pretty boring day, until I had a griffon blunder his way through the wall of my office less than an hour ago.  He wasn't hurt, thank goodness, but of course both of us were a bit shaken up.

After I talked to him a bit, he told me his name was Max and that he lives alone out here.  Or, somewhere close by anyway.  I tried to tell him that the damage wasn't that bad and that we could get it patched up, since there wasn't any way for him to literally repay us.  He insisted that he be allowed to help make amends by fixing it himself though, which I reluctantly agreed to.

I certainly don't mind the extra help, but I know next to nothing about him, and while I hate to be distrustful, it's hard to just accept a stranger and put him to work like this.  I don't think the griffons would send a spy or anything, but he could be a thief looking at an easy way in.  Right now though, he's getting looked at by Case Study, although he didn't seem to be too badly hurt.

Well, in the morning I'll tell Flamberge about it.  If he thinks it's too big of a security risk I'll have to break the news to our new friend I suppose.

6th Granite, 270

I had Smoothblock come to me this afternoon, complaining that Redhat wasn't doing much but slowing her down in regards to digging the ditch.  He's a militia pony and not a miner of any sort, so that's not surprising, but she was pretty clear that something had to be done.  So, I went to go find Praetorian to figure out what else the stallion could do.  He didn't like Smoothblock's suggestion for him to help Holly cut trees, and instead said he'd get him to dig some latrines.  That works for me, and if it keeps him out of Smoothblock's mane I'm fine with it.

Praetorian didn't seem too thrilled for me to interrupt him, actually.  I found him and Maize curled up out in the fields sleeping, which I must admit was about the last place I expected to find him.  Well, he might not have been thrilled to see me, but I was thrilled to see them.  I'm no expert on these matters, but it seems pretty obvious to me that he and Maize are more than just friends.  I was really worried about the mare, but knowing that she's making friends, and especially a friend like this, really eases my mind.

Speaking of Holly though, I've noticed that she seems to be spending more and more time out in the woods and away from everypony.  She didn't come to Wood Chips' party either.  I should probably go check up on her some time soon.  I don't want her feeling like she's not part of the community.  Or if anything else is wrong, I need to know.  Dr. Serenity may have more business than I thought she would.

That's because she's been busy out in the woods setting this up.  Somepony's got a little bit of a secret, for now at least.

10th Granite, 270

The tavern is officially ready for use!  It took forever and ever (and I'm not complaining about the effort put in by the carpenters at all), but it's finally ready.

It's still pretty sparse inside, but we're working on that.  I've asked a few of the carpenters to get back to work on building housing since we're still in pretty dire need of that, but there's still a lot of furniture to put together for the tavern.  We'll need a lot of tables and chairs, and that's on top of the other things I've got on my list.  We're going to be needing more wood...

Speaking of the housing, I think Max is fitting in well with the others.  I saw him out on the roofs helping put some planks into place.  Come to think of it, he's already helped fix up the wall to my office.  Maybe he's just being charitable, but he's repaid his debt.  I should flag him down in the morning and let him know he's free to go whenever he's ready.

11th Granite, 270

Well, it wasn't another badger pony, but we had another thief show up today.  A diamond dog this time.

Smoothblock was busy removing the access ramps left over from digging the defensive trench when it jumped her.  She managed to get away, thank goodness, and Redhat charged off after it.

I'm not sure whether it's a good or bad thing, but it managed to get away before he could catch it.  I doubt it would have given him that much trouble, but I'd hate to see anypony else get injured by a thief.  I haven't forgotten what happened to Morning Dew.  Or Brook or Barley, from Virtue's diary.

14th Granite, 270

I'm scared.  I wouldn't admit it in front of everypony, but I'm actually quite frightened.  Something most unsettling happened today.

A discordant pony came.

Nopony knows how she managed it, but she managed to sneak right into the center of town, where everypony could have seen her, and all but grabbed poor Cumulus right from under our noses.  It was only by great fortune Lathe was standing nearby.  His frantic shouts alerted the militia, and he managed to distract the discordant pony long enough for them to respond.  Bless that stallion for his bravery.

I forgot to take a picture of her unit screen, but that gray 'p' is our little intruder.  I hope the militia are quick!

Redhat was the first to respond, and he admirably charged straight into the fight with nothing but his spear.  I think Praetorian may have misjudged him.  He was very brave, and if he had been a bit more lucky he'd have struck her down himself.  As it turned out he managed to get a decisive blow in with his spear, but her retaliatory strike crippled him too much to continue the fight.

Fortunately for him, hooves do heal in the modded game.

By that point, Flamberge and Praetorian were hot on her trail, and wounded as she was she had no hope of escaping.  Flamberge was able to fly over the trench she struggled to climb out of, and he caught her well before Praetorian could.  The fight was horrifically brutal from what I'm told, but over mercifully quickly at least.

He jammed bits of her skull through her brain perhaps 4 or 5 times before she gave up and died.  Don't mess with the commander, ponies.

Just as they were finishing the fight, another of those ominous clouds was sweeping nearby.  Praetorian had to drag Flamberge away, but the two escaped before they were caught in it.  I still doubt there's anything to them, but they give me chills to watch now.

Close call there.  Next time they may not be so lucky.

This changes everything.  I've only ever heard stories about discordant ponies, but I never thought I'd see one.  I only caught a fleeting glimpse while she lived, but even looking at her made me feel uneasy, in a way that you can't explain through just fear.  It's impossible to describe, but very real.  Even seeing her corpse gave me the jitters, so I promptly asked the soldiers to dispose of it somewhere that we wouldn't see it.

After all of this was over I went to check on little Cumulus and his mother, both of which were understandably shaken up.  He was alright though, thank goodness, leaving only Redhat injured with easily treated wounds.

I'm going to go see him and Case Study soon.  I want to make sure he's alright, and to congratulate him on his bravery.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #99 on: March 02, 2013, 03:09:08 am »


Praetorian and Crosshair were having a little sparring session, of sorts. Crosshair was probably using her crossbow as a hammer, and Praetorian was using his shield to block her attacks.

“You know, I really wish we could stick a knife onto my Crossbow and make it some sort of a spear.” She said as she fruitlessly hammering away with her Crossbow. Which probably didn’t do much.

“You’re a fan of spears?” he asks, raising the shield to block the attack.

“Well, More like not a fan of improvised Hammers. At least with a blade it’ll be more useful!” Crosshair grunted again as she whacked away at him, trying to find gaps and holes to whack at with her unrelenting blows, stepping forward each time.

Praetorian yields ground slowly, circling around and positioning himself as best he can to avoid being pushed into a corner. “I suppose that’s true. So how’s Flamberge going?”

“He’s doing fine and strong.” Crosshair whacked at Praetorian’s shield some more, grunting as she kept on pushing “Cream Puff kissed him during the party though, But I suppose she was drunk.”

“Oh,” Praetorian says, and is silent for a few seconds, as they continue the pattern of strike and block. “Well...I suppose it was for the better that I didn’t go to the party, then. Did he tell you, or did you find out?”

“I saw.” She said as it’s her turn to be on the defensive. “Creampuff was pretty drunk though, so I guess I couldn’t blame her. Flamberge /is/ just that amazing, I mean, look at the beard!”

Praetorian smirks. “Just the beard that you’re after, eh?” he says with a smile. “I wonder what it is Maize sees in me. Can’t be the beard, so it’s gotta be something else, hey?”

“well, there’s the discipline too, and other things I’m sure of! and Flamberge’s got much better than his beard, I can tell you that much.” She giggled.

“So then, Flamberge and you had a talk yet about little miss Cream Puff?” Praetorian asks. “I... I didn’t do that back home. And, well, that went appallingly.”

“Well, he said it was just a mistake so I suppose it’s nothing much to talk about.” Crosshair shrugged. “Besides, I don’t think Creampuff even remembers it. Better not talk about it, yeah?”

“Well, I certainly won’t go spreading it around,” he says, and a wry smile comes on his face. “I’d suggest maybe asking somepony for relationship advice, but the only pony I can think of is Cream Puff...” He lowers his face for a second. “I do feel sorry for the mare, though. She seems very...very sad.”

“Mmm.. yeah, I’m worried about her too you know? Really wish she’d find somepony..” Crosshair said with a little nod, not realizing that her friend have already found somepony. Her somepony.

“About the only ponies I can think of in this place are Temperance, and the doc. And I don’t think the doc is much interested in other ponies,” says Praetorian. “So, I suppose that leaves us one option.”

“Oh? What’s that?”

“I think we’ll have to set up a date between her and Temperance,” says Praetorian.

Crosshair giggled some more at that “Well, only if she wanted to! I don’t want to force her onto things, you know? Better for her to choose and follow her own heart, yeah?”

Praetorian laughs as well. “Well, we don’t have to force them into a relationship. Just a little date.”

“Mnm, perhaps. Perhaps. I’ll go talk to her about it though”

“Very well then,” says Praetorian, as they continue their sparring.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #100 on: March 02, 2013, 10:02:47 am »

~Maize's Thoughts~ 4th Granite, 270
A big griffon showed up today! I think they look cool, but they're also big and terrifying. I don't know if I'd be brave enough to talk to one, but this one smashed through Temperance's office and Temperance just talked to him like it was nothing. Everyone keeps saying I'm a hero, maybe Temperance should get some love.

6th Granite
Praetorian told me that Temperance had walked up on us while we were sleeping in the field. He seemed kind of uncomfy, so I asked if there was something wrong, but he said everything was fine. I guess he's just getting used to being in a relationship, too, maybe.

14th Granite
Something bad is coming... I can feel it.
I-is that Fa̯̜͉̖̠̘t̜̥h̦͈̩̗e̺͇r͎͚̫?..

D̲̪̬o̭ ̥̲̞̜̩y̻̘̺͈̥͉̝͡o̟̖̖͔̲̩͎͘u͈͇̹͍̤̯ ̩͉͈͕̹͘s̙̹̣̙̝m̡͓̟͈̝e̥̳͚͍̱ͅl̲̟̺̖̘͝l̨̹̞̙̤͉̮ ͎͇́i̢̥̰t͉̺͕?̖̬̟ ͏̹̱̳̰̭̩͇Th̗͚͈͈ḛ̗͍͈̥̝ ͈͚̙͕́b̫͎̙̺̣l̟̞ó̺̱̣o̧͎̤d͖͎̮̤̩̰̬?̵̪͓̠̭̩
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̫̭̤̜͚̗͇Y̬͞o̲̜u̫̘r̰̫͓̟̞͕͝ ̞̫͓̫̺f̗̭̰̙͙̗͕r͕̯͇̲̥͘i̩͢en̷̫͉͚̱͉̺ḓ̡̟̗͕̩̰s̨͚̭̪'͈̬̘̺̺̦ ̝͕̣̦̭̳͈b̘̲̫̣͉̝l̪o̞̝̰̠̗ó͉͙̫̳̼d҉͍̻̺?̫͓̣͚̫
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Nothing important here, move along.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #101 on: March 02, 2013, 11:22:45 am »

Steel Rivets Journal
10th Granite, 270
The tavern was finished today. Good news, that. Saw a gryphon working on it, as well. Interesting. Also, Case Study came to me today, asking me to forge him some new tools. Very poor quality. Unsalvageable, I'd say. This may take some time. The headaches have been getting worse with each day.
11th Granite, 270
Most of this page is covered indecipherable runes of some sort. At the very top, underlined and circled it says: HOW DARE THEY TRY TO STEAL FROM US. DO THESE MORTALS NEVER LEARN?
14th Granite, 270
Well, something very unsettling happened today. A discordant pony came and nearly snatched up a colt named Cumulus. Fortunately, Redhat was nearby and managed to stop the Foalnapper. Unfortunately, he was wounded rather badly. Must get to work on those tools. Thieves are bad enough, but stealing children? Despicable.
Funding rebels because seriously, fuck those guys.
((They're basically the new Mongols.  I gotta say, I have a newfound respect for the Jamaican police force after playing this game.))


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #102 on: March 02, 2013, 01:40:27 pm »

Unknown to the ponies of Duskfields, that discordant pony did not travel alone. A pair of male pegasi had accompanied her on this scouting party turned raid, though one would have a hard time calling ether a Pegasus. Unwilling to put there lives on the line for there comrade in hoofs, her two companions watched her final moments from a tree well out of view of the settlement's residents.

"Smots like Feodor just got the pointy end of a nozh. "
"Ay, lotta guttiwuts had she me droog."
"Nots any now."
"Such a sham."
"Yeses, a real fictinny."

The half hidden bout of giggles they both had at this spoke volumes about how they really felt about her death.

"She almost nadit too."
"Till that molodoy got all gromky and horning."
"Such a sham."
"Yeses, a real fictinny."

More giggles, this time not hidden at all.

"By the bye, we ittying to tellytales to the bolshy Privodevat?"
"Sod me, he'll be razdraz bout this mess-down."
"Lot-a razdraz."
"Bolshy razdraz at us ifin we don't tell em."
"Right right me droog, best get ta em real skorry."
"Right right."

On there way down, one of the bat ponies found a engraving in there treeborn hiding place.

"Hey! Smot this woody me droog!" 
"Ha! Privodevat not the only odin razdraz at them Rainbows!"

Travel : many days
See not-my-tribe: ponies buildings many
Lots ponies : one griffon
Earth wings horn : ponies
many : farms
lots-of food : little/treasure(ether things not valuable or few things of value)
My-tribe: steal food broken(failed)
Young/fire/sword(most likely name) : death
Hate : not-my-tribe ponies

And with that discovery they departed under the cover of rolling dust clouds, little fearing the dark magics it carried. I fact, they welcomed it. It reminded them of home.

discordant pony language is nadsat from clockwork orange with one or two modifications
Here's a translation of that:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Badger pony runes are my own creation (far to primitive to be buffalo)
A list of common Badger runes:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I had a little rage-quit moment last time I tried RP, so showing how the other side lives seemed like a good compromise.

EDIT 1 - added translations
« Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 03:04:35 pm by thetyler101 »

Give that bitch some stone crafts, bitches love stone crafts.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #103 on: March 02, 2013, 04:44:45 pm »


Puff was relaxing on a tuft of cloud when she heard the screams.  Somehow, a discordant had managed to sneak into the center of town!  Even worse, she could see one of those strange dust storms slowly rolling in on the horizon.  She doesn’t doubt that the military ponies could handle the discordant, but what about Maize?  What if there was more than one of those things out there?  She heads for the fields as fast as her wings can carry her.

Maize appears to not notice either the cloud or the many ponies around her flipping out. However, she’s pacing uncharacteristically fast through the field, barely avoiding stomping some of her own beloved plants.

Puff swoops down to fly beside her friend, worried she might be panicked or something.  “Maize!  Come on, we should get somewhere safe!”

“Safe...” Maize turns her head, her eyes glazed over except for her pupils, which look as deep and black as ever, as if some nothing had replaced her very soul. Her lips are curled up into a terrifying rictus grimace. “Nowhere is safe. Not for you. Not for your friends. This is our land, and you are just another trespasser.”

“Holy buck!!” shouts Puff as she almost jumps out of her coat.  Maize had said the clouds made her act funny, but this is really bad.  Fear is soon replaced by anger at the thought of some otherworldly jerk trying to to take over her friend.  “Hey, you leave Maize alone!”

“Leave her alone?” The seemingly possessed body turns and moves toward Puff, pressing its nose against hers. “But I am your beloved Maize. Don’t you recognize me? Did you really think the shallow, insecure little filly you thought was your friend wasn’t hiding something... wonderful?”

“You’re not wonderful, you’re a big fat jerk!  And you are not Maize!  She’d never talk like that, and she’d never come so close to stomping on the plants!  So get out of her!”

“Get out? Get out of my body?” The thing laughs. “You know, I’m almost tempted to, if I could. Your kind’s disgusting blood has tainted it, and it’s so frail and weak now.” It leans in to try and nuzzle Puff. “But yours... it would make a much better vessel.”

Puff wings back a bit, wondering just what has gotten into Maize.  “I’m, uh... kinda full of my kind’s disgusting blood.”  She pauses, looking nervous.  “Would you really leave her alone?”

“It does not matter, really.” The body grits its teeth. “Your dear little friend is stronger than she thinks. She dares to hold me back from His touch.” The head turns its gaze to the red cloud, looming ominously close to the town. “That lovely magic can purify even the most wretched, disgusting pigs blood into the finest, purest drips of life. And yet this stubborn mare will not let me fix her.” It snorts in disgust. “Maybe, though, you could help. End our suffering, and maybe your own. I’m certain you’d be much happier with somepony you could truly love...”

“Give him Hell, Maize!  You can sit and spin, you bastard!”

The grim smile turns into an angry frown. “Then you have made your choice. There will be no mercy for you once He finally reaches me. You will see the true power of Discord!” As the red cloud begins to dissipate, Maize’s body writhes, seemingly wracked with pain. It falls to the ground, still as death.

Puff does her best to catch her friend and carefully lay her down.  She gently pats her cheek to try and wake her.  “Maize?  Maize!  Can you hear me?”

The meek mare slowly flutters open her eyes and turns them to Cream Puff. “...P-puff? What... what happened? I feel so... tired...”

She sighs in relief and smiles at Maize.  “Another red cloud came around.”

“Oh...” The mare slowly rolls onto her feet and tries to stand. “I... I thought I saw F... my father, before I blacked out...”

Puff’s smile fades to a look of concern.  “Can you move?  I think we should probably head to your room or mine.  I, uh... I think I might know what’s going on with those clouds.”

“O-okay.” The mare tests her steadiness on her legs and slowly follows Cream Puff. “What... what did you find out?”

“They are definitely not natural...”  Cream Puff doesn’t say anything more until they are in the privacy of Maize’s room.

Maize opens up her door, holding it for Puff. “Go ahead in... make yourself comfy and all that.” The room is spartan, as would be expected of Maize. The only real furnishing beyond the bed and whatever objects Temperance might have seen fit to give her is a potted flower of some sort sitting under the window.

Puff nods a thanks to Maize and closes the door behind her before sitting next to the bed so Maize can sit on it if she wants.  “So yeah, those clouds.  They’re... apparently big puffs of Discordant magic.”

“D-discordant magic!?” Maize crawls onto the bed and lies down, looking at Puff. She tries to use her hoof to make it clear that she left plenty of space for her friend and wants her to sit on the bed, too.

Puff gives her a small smile before climbing up to lay next to her.  “Yeah.  I don’t really know what that all entails, but it can’t be good.”  She pauses, trying to figure out how to put her next question.  How do you go about asking your friend how they got possessed by something?

Maize nods. “But... why does it do this to me... am I the only pony who gets knocked out by it?”

Puff glances around, not really wanting to answer the question.  “Well... kinda.  You don’t just collapse when those clouds show up.  Something... something tries to take you over?”

Maize looks quietly horrified as she tries to think of what could possibly be going on. “But... I... I don’t feel like there’s anything wrong... I mean, I should be able to tell if there’s something else in me... right?”

“I don’t know?  You’re apparently winning, at least.”

Maize lays her head down on the pillow. “That... that’s good, I guess... but what happens when I stop winning?”

“Bad stuff?  The thing wasn’t too specific.”  Puff gently rubs Maize’s withers, trying to comfort her.

“You... talked to it?” Maize’s shoulders tense a bit as Puff touches them, but quickly relax under the soothing rub. “That must have been scary.”

“It was, but I was also pretty mad at it for trying to take you over.  Seemed like you have a pretty good handle on it, though.  All it could do was pace and talk.”

“Mmm...” Maize looks away. “...What happens when... other ponies find out? Do... do you think Temperance will kick me out... or worse?”

“I... I don’t know?  I don’t think he would, though.  And even if he does, I’m coming with you.  You don’t leave a friend when they need your help.”

Maize looks to Puff, seeming shocked by the statement. Her face soon softens into a big smile, though, as her eyes tear up a little. “Th-thank... you... but you don’t... have to...”

Puff smiles at her in return.  “But I will anyway.  But I don’t think it’ll come to that, Maize.  You don’t have to deal with this on your own any more.”

Maize rolls a bit and wraps her hooves around Cream Puff, giving the mare a weak squeeze and... a peck on the cheek?

Puff takes it as just a friendly gesture and smiles.  “You’re gonna be alright?”

“Yeah... I think I’ll take a nap, though. I’m still really tired.” Maize looks at her friend. “You wanna nap too?”

Puff thinks for a few moments, then nods.  “I’m not usually one for naps, but one sounds pretty good right about now.”

Maize nods and closes her eyes, a hoof draped over Cream Puff but a little distance between the two, as if Maize was trying to keep it from looking like they were snuggling.

Puff is far less concerned for appearances, and simply gets comfortable.  She lays a wing protectively over Maize, wishing she could do more to help her friend with what was happening.

Maize, not feeling like schooling her friend on the apparent importance of appearances, simply snuggles in under the wing and lets herself drift off to sleep.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 05:11:37 pm by TheBronzePickle »
Nothing important here, move along.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #104 on: March 02, 2013, 08:22:31 pm »

The following notes were taken off-hoofedly over the course of several weeks. Wood Chips misplaced his journal.

Entry ???

The party was decent enough. Smoothblock was nice, and everyone liked the wine.

There's a griffon here. Frankly, I dislike the chimerical things, but at least this one seems friendly.

Discordiant pony. Dimond Dog attack.

Maize crazy. Talk to Temperance. Find a silver blade and a pony who is willing to use it. Might talk to griffon for assistance.
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.
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