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Author Topic: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)  (Read 48508 times)


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #75 on: February 20, 2013, 02:21:10 am »

Am I jumping too far ahead to ask how you might want your character to look, Fr0stByt3? What think you, Telgin?

I'm the one who does the art around here.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #76 on: February 21, 2013, 07:30:31 am »

Ad Amici 1.7

Praetorian, hastifer of Duskfields, to Munifex, his brother and fellow-soldier, may Nokzam keep you strong.

Truly, to Kulet I give praise, for it so happens that I am doing her work here.

As I write this letter to you, I am also resting from a long day of instructing. First, of course, is my sole squadmate, a stallion called Redhat, whose discipline is akin to the miserliness of Aval.

The second is a special case, a young mare by the name of Maize. She's an earth pony, a little taller than Pulchra. She's not too physically gifted, and she's a bit inhibited on the social side, too, but she's a nice mare, and she tries hard. I've been teaching her a little bit of how to read and write, and it's going about as well as could be expected.

It's a different reason I want to talk to you, though. A strange sort of weather was witnessed here. A dust storm, but the dust was red, for some reason. Before you ask, the dirt and soil around here is brown, like usual. If you wouldn't mind putting the word on around our old comrades, and see if any of them know of any ponies who've witnessed this sort of thing, I would be much obliged.

Tell father that we've witnessed our first large group of animals - parasprites, naturally. We've done our best to hunt the little blighters down, and they shouldn't be bothering us again soon.

Tell our sister Pulchra that I am greatly pleased to hear of her news, and I wish her the best.

The gods' blessings be with you.

Ad Amici 1.8

Praetorian to Obsidio, victor of Mareway, husband of Graminea, and saviour of the Seventh Regiment.

May the blessings of the gods come upon you abundantly this day and every day. To Nokzam I still give thanks for you, for your breaking of the lines of the enemies surrounding us, and the safeguarding of our regiment from disaster.

Indeed I thank her for you more than even that. I thank her, for when I had served my term and was without a purpose, you called to me, and at your request, I did serve a second sixteen with your army. And when I was lost again and my love departed from me, it was you who suggested a third term, at this new outpost. Indeed, a place where my shame can be escaped from, and where I can use the only skills I ever excelled in.

While at this place, I have found a peace I never felt back in Coupledye when I was not in action or in the field. Though this place faces troubles as well, they do not seem to be as stressful as the troubles back in the city. And there are ponies here with whom I am now friends; Cream Puff, a pegasus mare, Flamberge, a pegasus stallion (and another soldier), and Maize, an earth pony mare.

And it seems that just as for your deeds were crowned with Grass, so I will be crowned with Maize, for we are entering a relationship together. Were it not for your actions, sir, I would be but another drunkard back in Coupledye, useless and a burden. But now I have a new feeling of life, a new sense of self-worth.

I thank the gods that you were there when I've needed you.

May the gods bless you this day, and every day, for your charity to all those who need.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2013, 07:32:32 am by Dsarker »
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #77 on: February 21, 2013, 10:54:16 pm »

I'd hoped to get this up a few days ago, but I've been putting this off to let a few players get some things done.  By popular request, I'll go ahead and post it though.  Pokon, if you still want to do the party scene, we can still work that in.  I sent you a PM about it.

Here's the save, as promised.  If I've got anything screwed up, let me know and I'll do what I can to fix it.  Duskfields - 269

Temperance's Journal - 7th Timber, 269

After the little 'incident' with the parasprites, I've decided that one of our priorities should definitely be getting some better defenses put up.  It won't stop more parasprites, but finishing the perimeter ditch will go a long way toward forestalling any future thieves at least.  That means Holly and Smoothblock have been hard at work again, and I've noticed the mares sleeping in the hospital lately since it was close to the work site.  As long as there's room left for any injured ponies, I don't see the harm.

That's Holly snoozing away.  Still no proper rooms for half of the population.

I can't wait for the caravan to come.  We've only got four ponies with weapons and any inclination on how to use them, but the moment we get more metal I'm going to have Steel Rivet and Flamberge cobble together some more gear for them.  Right now Flamberge is the only pony with much of any armor at all.  Praetorian and Redhat are completely without any, with only their spears between them and any foes.

Maybe we won't see anything worse than a lone badger pony.

22nd Timber, 269

Speaking of badger ponies, we had another big scare again today when one showed up just outside the northern trench.  Smoothblock hasn't finished work there yet, so he was able to sneak through, and she saw it at the last moment.  As she fled, it made a break for the chickens, no doubt hoping to snatch one up and run off with it.

Fortunately, the soldiers were nearby.

This hardly seems like a fair fight.

Poor Morning Dew was running for her life, which was about all I saw of the poor mare before Flamberge and the spear ponies put the cursed badger pony out of its misery.  Nopony was hurt, thank the gods.

I also got some steel and bronze to melt, way more excited about that.

After it was all over I went to find Morning Dew, who was cowering out in the woods to the west.  It took me a minute to calm her down, but I finally got her to relax.  It was about lunch time anyway, so I convinced her to come with me to the new 'tavern' and get something to drink to help her finish leveling out and get her mind off the fact that the soldiers were disposing of the body.

I'm being a bit generous calling it a tavern at all, but at least the kitchen and still are inside now.

There wasn't really anywhere to eat, so we just sat in the partially built back room and talked for a minute.  I think she'll be alright, but I'm certainly not Dr. Serenity when it comes to these things.

2nd Moonstone, 269

I've been keeping a close eye on our stocks the entire time we've been out here, but I noticed today that one of our picks and an axe have gone missing.

Well, that was probably badger ponies.  I was wondering where the others were.  We  may get ambushes from them eventually if they steal any more...

Nopony has seen either, and that's put me in a bit of a foul mood.  We've literally got no metal to spare out here, so losing them is a serious waste of resources.  I don't know who's responsible, and I don't want to know.  Instead of drilling everypony about it I just went and looked in the surrounding area myself.  That didn't turn up either, of course, but it did turn up something more alarming: Smoothblock unconscious in a pile of dirt.

I forgot to take a pic of her wounds, but that's her in the small cloud of dust up in the upper left corner in the trench.

I managed to rouse her with a bit of frantic shouting, and she swore up and down she wasn't hurt.  I had her go get checked out by Case Study, just in case.  Don't want to take any chances, and all.

Well, after I got her checked out and confirmed she was fine, I passed word around the camp to please be more careful.  We can't have ponies losing things or getting hurt because they're careless.

19th Moonstone, 269

The tavern is more than halfway finished!  So far it's mostly a glorified storage room and kitchen, but very, very soon we'll have some dining tables and chairs set up so ponies can eat like civilized beings again.  I didn't believe Virtue when she wrote that it took this long to get the basics set up, but she was right on the mark.

Depressingly, it's already evident that we didn't set aside enough storage space.  And that's just supplies for 24 ponies.  I'm already considering adding another level to the tavern for storage, but then where will we put the sleep space?  I don't know, something else to think about.

10th Opal, 269

I was out supervising the deconstruction of some of the workshops to make room for the dining area of the tavern today, when I saw something pretty unsettling out by the fields.  Maize and Morning Dew were galloping away, and it only took a quick look to see why.

Well, this is new to me.  A nice little herd of demon rats.

We chased the giant rats around for a while as we tried to run them off.  They didn't do too much damage thankfully, but it's one more reason to get the food inside as soon as possible.  The seeds will need to stay out by the fields of course, so that means a barn or something to hold them... yet another thing to start building.

Well, it's late so I'm heading to bed.  I had some of Cream Puff's cheese soup, and while it was fantastic, it's putting me to sleep!  I think as soon as we get the dining area finished we'll need to throw a big party for everypony to show how much I appreciate all of the hard work everypony has put in to getting this settlement put together.  Maybe I'll ask Cream Puff to make some more of that soup...

It's probably better than the cucumber juice sandwiches.  :)

6th Obsidian

We finally got the carpenter shops and sawmill moved to a more permanent location out west of the upcoming tavern.  It's step one of the very, very long list of things that need to be moved around to get this place somewhat organized.  One step at a time.

The floor's done in the tavern too, so as soon as we get a roof on it we can start eating inside!  Just thinking about that soup m a k e s  m e

Oh, sure.  I go all of Dawnpick without getting one for Virtue or anypony in her family, and Temperance is the first to get it in Duskfields?  And it's a possession so he doesn't get any skill?  Ah, whatever.  I'll have a little fun with it.

Temperance set his pen down on the table next to his journal and raised a hoof to his head.  He had the worst headache, which had been growing steadily worse over the last minute.  If it didn't ease off soon, he was going to have to go wake Case Study up in the hopes that the doctor had something for the pain.

Another blinding stab shot through his head, and he shut his eyes and raised both hooves to his temples.  Gods above, this was nigh unbearable...

Then, the pain was gone.  He cracked his eyes, but the room was nothing but a black void.  In a mild panic, he stumbled away from his desk only to find that it too was gone.  Around him, there was nothing but the blackness.  What was going on?

“I have something to show you,” a feminine voice called from the dark.  It was deep and commanding, but he couldn't see anything.  It all felt so cold.

“Who-who are you?  Amug?”  Who else could it be?  Was this a vision?  Why him?

“Indeed, it is I,” the voice continued.  A beautiful deep blue coated unicorn mare coalesced from the darkness before him.  “Amug, daughter to Shin Paleduty and mare of the night.  Now, come, young Temperance Scribebakes.  I have something to show you,” she said, beckoning him on with a hoof.

Temperance stumbled into the mechanic's workshop, speaking not a word to anypony along the way.  It was late, so there weren't many around anyway.  A few ponies were moving things to their storage for the night, but nopony was normally in the mechanic's shop, and tonight was no different.

He plopped down in the middle of the workshop and began rifling through the tools there.  “I need stone... and a gem... so says Amug...” he said to nopony.  Again and again he droned on, insisting that he needed these things.

Three days went on as the stallion stood motionless in the mechanic's shop.  Ponies wandered by and marveled, but were shooed away by whichever militia pony was currently stationed there to watch him.

Finally, on the night of that third day, Morning Dew approached and presented a small chunk of crudely cut green glass.  “Temperance?  I, um, brought you a gem, like you wanted.”

His eyes tracked down to the chunk of glass.  “Gem...”  He took it and placed it on the table with the chunks of stone the others had scrounged up, and set to work.

Amug smiled as she looked at the materials.  “Well done, my child, you have everything I have asked you to bring.  Now, watch as I show you what I promised.”  The mare strode forward and waved a hoof across the vast blackness, and an image began to form.

It looked like Duskfields, or at least it did before they started building things.  Wide, open hills on a dark night.  There were two things moving though.  A buffalo, it looked like, and something else.  A twisted monster of the night.  The monster flew forward and caught the fleeing buffalo and in a few swift and decisive blows, she was dead.

The image began to change, and was replaced by Duskfields.  Except this time, it was ponies running away from the settlement.  Temperance felt a twinge of fear roll through him as he realized what was happening.  Some of the ponies were chasing the others.

Horror replaced the fear when he saw Flamberge latch onto Crosshair midflight.  The small mare bucked and screamed in protest for a moment before he rammed his sword through her chest.  She gasped and choked momentarily as blood poured from the wound, and he kicked the mortally wounded markspony free to crash in a broken heap on the ground.

Praetorian and Redhat were next, as each drew their spears and charged at a target.  Praetorian bashed Maize to the ground with his shield, and while she was stunned and trying to get to her hooves he thrust his spear into her belly.  Her pained cry was cut short as he plunged the spear into her again, and ended her suffering with a stamp of his hoof.

Redhat traded blows with Holly, but the woodcutter's skill at cutting trees was no match for a soldier and his spear.  The steel tip slashed across her throat, spraying blood and sending her too tumbling to the ground.

Smoothblock pounced upon Cream Puff and pinned the smaller mare beneath her weight.  With a single decisive swing of her pick, the cook's life ended as her viscera were shredded.  Case Study was the next victim of the bloody pick.  He was too slow to avoid the tip as it pierced the back of his head, and he fell lifeless.

Veneer and Wood Chips were taking turns landing hammering blows on each other with their hooves, both completely ignoring any subtleties such as trying to avoid the blows.  At last Wood Chips struck Veneer hard enough in the head to put him down for good, but he collapsed immediately thereafter.

And finally, there he was.  Standing over the bloody and motionless body of Morning Dew.  He looked up to see Serenity backing away from the madness unfolding around her, and a ravenous grin formed on his blood stained face.  She never even saw him coming.  He leaped upon her, and pinned her to the ground with a single swift motion.  She begged and pleaded for him to release her, but a wild-eyed scowl formed on his face as he placed a hoof on her throat.  “I don't need my sister's help.  I don't need your help,” he said, resisting all attempts to dislodge him.  And then he crushed her throat.

Temperance could watch no more, and he backed away and shut his eyes.  “Amug... why?  Why are you showing me these terrible things?” he asked in a shaky voice.  He felt sick just watching it.  This wasn't what she was supposed to be like... Amug was supposed to be calm and cool, like the night.

He felt a cold hoof rest on his withers, and cracked his eyes to see that the horrible images hadn't left.  Amug moved before him and knelt to eye level.  “Because, dear child,” she said, shaking her head slowly, “I am not Amug.”


The mare stepped back as a wicked, unnatural grin formed on her face.  Her form shimmered and faded to be replaced with a wispy, ethereal serpentine body of towering proportions.  Temperance gasped and backed away.  What in creation was this?

“I am not Amug, nor Shin Paleduty, nor any other of your petty gods,” the creature hissed in a twisted but definitely female voice.  A taloned finger thrust forward and pointed to a strange set of masterfully crafted gears at his hooves.  “Let this be a warning to you and all of your kind.”

Temperance made a startled shout and nearly jumped from his skin as he cowered away from the monster.  Instead of fleeing into the fields to get away, he found himself bumbling into a shelf covered with strange tools.  What?  Where was he?

He looked around and found that it was daylight again, and confused ponies were standing all around him.  At his hooves were those same gears, decorated with the image of a night freak killing a buffalo.  Had he actually seen that...?

There were so many ponies standing around, all staring at him in mild disbelief.  What had just happened?  Should he tell them what he saw?  No... no... not now.  Maybe never.

I've had a very, very troubling experience.  I don't know how to really describe what it was, save for the fact that I was, for lack of a better word, possessed.  I have no memory of what was happening here, but my mind was somewhere else... and I saw terrible, terrible things.  I don't want to think about it any more than I have to.

Instead, let me just quickly jot down what happened in my absence.  I was out for days.

Apparently the entire time I was in the mechanic's shop I was demanding stone and a gem, which we had none of.  Well, we had some stone, but that was all being used for the furnaces and forge.  Which were dismantled to get me what I needed.  I'm not sure what might have happened if they hadn't done that.  Maybe I'd have died of thirst waiting on it.  That's a pretty terrible thought, but now we're without any way to work metal, which is pretty bad too.

The gem was another matter entirely.  We've not dug up even a pebble out here, so I have to admit that the idea to get some glass to cut into a gem was a stroke of genius.  I'm not sure whose idea it was, since Flamberge took momentary command of Duskfields while I was incapacitated, but Morning Dew was the one who bought and cut some glass from the caravan for me.  I really need to thank everypony for what they did in my absence.

As for what I ended up making... I have no idea what we'll do with it.  I kind of want to just bury it and forget about it.

Speaking of the caravan, apparently they decided to show up while I was completely insane.  The outpost liaison from Coupledye decided he couldn't wait around “while I sat in a workshop,” and left in a huff yesterday.  That can't be good for my reputation, but I hope they'll understand it wasn't my fault...

To help make some amends, I hurried off to do some trading with the caravan while they were still here.  There wasn't much to choose from.  In particular I was really hoping to get some more stone and metal from them, but they didn't bring any!  Instead, I traded a little of our harvest for some juice to pad our stocks until the next harvest, and got a few pieces of armor for the militia.

It's a small start, but at least we can repurpose the stuff later by melting it down if we have to.  When we get another smelter put up, anyway...

I really wish I could have talked with the liaison.  There are a lot of things we need for next year.

1st Granite, 270

It's hard to believe the last year went by so fast.  Duskfields has come a long way, but it has so much further to go.  We've managed to avoid anything tragic so far at least, and I can be thankful of that much.  Everypony seems to be in reasonably high spirits, and the future looks bright enough.

I wish I could enjoy it a bit more though.  I'd really hoped to have some sort of celebration for the start of the new year, but I really haven't had the heart.  After my little 'incident', I've been spending most of my time in my office.  The others mean well when they ask about it, but I really don't want to think about it anymore.  The worst of it's gone now, thank goodness, but sometimes I still get a small chill when I look at the ponies I saw murdered.  Especially the two that I saw myself murder.

I hate to admit it, and as much as I really don't want to give in to it... I may have to talk to Dr. Serenity about it.

Maybe she can put my mind to ease.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2013, 12:03:25 am by Telgin »
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #78 on: February 22, 2013, 02:05:43 am »

I apologize for this scene being long and rambling pointlessness. I thought it had more potential when we started.

The following takes place the morning after the last Flamberge and Cream Puff scene and thus is just before the update that was most recently posted.

The sounds of birds chirping causes Flamberge to stir from his rest. When he opens his eyes he finds the still sleeping Cream Puff snuggling up against him. "Uh-oh." he thinks seeing the compromising situation he finds himself in, and imagining what Crosshair would say, he then clumsily tries to disentangle himself from the mare and get out of her bed without waking her.

Puff slowly comes to, though much slower than Flamberge.  All she knows is her cuddly warm thing is slipping away.  She holds him tighter and nuzzles into him.  “Five more minutes, mom...”

"Um, Cream Puff," begins Flamberge, though he ends his sentence prematurely not knowing the right words.

That doesn’t sound like Mom.  Puff opens her eyes and finally remembers yesterday.  She releases Flamberge like she’s been burned.  “Oops!  Uh... sorry, ‘Berge.”

Flamberge sits up a bit, "Its...its no problem Puff. Should...? I should go now?" he says as he climbs out of the bed, “Will you be okay now?” he adds.

She nods vigorously.  “Uh, yes.  I’m feeling better today, yes.”  She runs a hoof through her mane, wondering how to handle the awkwardness of the situation.  “Do you... still want me to come with you and Crosshair today?”

Flamberge nods, “uh, yeah, when, you are ready, meet us over by the training field.” Flamberge walks toward the door, and opens it slightly, peering outside and checking to make sure nopony would see him exiting her room before making his way outside.

“Flamberge!  Meet at the kitchen instead!  I’ll make breakfast!” she calls after him as he goes.

After leaving her room, Flamberge decides to seek out Crosshair, and tell her, something, he wasn’t sure what just yet, though.

Crosshair wasn’t a morning mare at all, and this early in the morning she could be seen sleeping on top of a cloud that she’s pulled low near the fields, she have claimed that it smells nice there and help her nap as well as ‘good visual and spot for a watchout’. But that’s probably more excuse for her to be there.

Flamberge finds Crosshair on her cloud. He considers what to do. Thinking back to the night before, he decided he hadn’t really done anything wrong, just comforted a mutual friend, no reason to worry Crosshair about the details. He flies up and grabs a cloud of his own and sets it near Crosshair and lays back, waiting for her to wake.

Crosshair continued to snooze adorably for a while longer, almost half a hour before she finally stirred to wake up, flicking her tail and ears as she let out a yawn and rubs her eyes. And when she opens them just to see her Commander, she instantly shot up from being startled to see him there and gave him a salute “M-Morning Commander!” she eeped.

“Morning Captain. Sleep well?” he asks smiling.

She relaxed down after seeing the smile, noticing that she’s /probably/ not in trouble and return the smile. “I did, Commander!” she chirped happily. Stretching her wings some. “A little chilly, but it’s fine.”

"Good." Flamberge kicks out his cloud obliterating it, and hovers down to the ground. "I have something to tell you Crosshair. I know I said that we were going to go 'on patrol' down to the river today, but...Cream Puff was rather down yesterday, and I have invited her to come with us, to cheer her up a bit. I hope you don't mind."

She perked up brightly at that “Mind? Oh I’m FAR from mind, Commander! I’d be GLAD to have her with us! Especially if it helps cheer her up! She’s my best friend after all!” She said, practically squeeing in glee.

Flamberge shows visible relief upon his face and says, “Good, well she said she’d make us breakfast before we leave and that we should meet her at the kitchen, are you ready to go?”

“Aye aye Commander, I’m as hungry as a horse!” She said, giggling at the Pun.

Flamberge nods, and then kicks out the cloud beneath Crosshair.

That almost dropped her to the ground, but she was quick to catch herself with her wings, taking just a second to balance herself from that. She considered scolding her Commander for doing that but thought better and kept quiet.

Flamberge and Crosshair arrive at the kitchen to find Cream Puff working up a storm.  It looks like she’s trying to get a whole day’s worth of cooking done at once!  She gives the two a smile and points a wing at some fresh omelettes and bread, then returns to her work.  It looks like she’s almost done with making breakfast now, and is starting on a huge salad for everypony to have for lunch.

Flamberge strikes his hoof on the countertop, "Cream Puff! I thought I told you to take the day off."

She sticks her tongue out at him.  “Like I’m supposed to show up for breakfast and not take orders for food?  Sit down and eat!  I’ll join you two before you’re even half done with your meal!”

“Fine.” says Flamberge with a glower, “but after you finish that salad, you are done for the day. Commander’s orders.”

She laughs at him good naturedly.  “Alright, but only because I promised.  I’m a civilian!  And you’re not the boss of me!” she says with a cheeky smile.

"Gods help me Cream Puff, I will declare martial law if I need to." says the commander jokingly.

Crosshair was grinning widely as she watch Puff work, taking a seat where her breakfast have been laid for her. And she’s simply not starting yet without her friend.

“No you won't.  You don’t want to go down in history as the leader of the breakfast coup, do you?”  she jokes as she works.  Soon, she’s done with her work, and she lays a cloth over the large salad and grabs an omelette before joining her friends.  She sits next to Crosshair and gives her a friendly nuzzle.  “Thanks for waiting for me.”

Crosshair giggled as she returns the happy friendly nuzzle, a little too long but not enough to make it be awkward. “No problem!”

Flamberge watches the two mares curiously, then begins to eat his food, which by this point has grown cold, "Tastes great,” he says, though it truth it would have been much better warm.

Puff takes a bite and pouts.  “Aw, it’s cold...”

“Still tastes great!” Chirped Crosshair as she ate happily. Having breakfast with the two closest ponies in the fort with her was the highlight of her entire week if not month.

Flamberge remained mostly quiet through breakfast, while the mares talked, he still felt unsure about the night before, he didn't know if Cream Puff would tell Crosshair, or what she would think, but he felt disaster brewing in his bones.

Puff simply chats about nothing in particular with her friends as she enjoys breakfast.  Once she finishes her meal, she leans back a bit to relax and sighs.  “So, what’s the plan for today?”

“Well, I guess we all fly to the river and spend times together there just hanging around talking? Oh! Should we make it a picnic? It’ll be nice!” Crosshair suggested with a wide happy grin.

Flamberge nods, "Yeah, we can take some food and drink with us, but before we head to the river, we are going to make at least a short aerial survey of the area, need to make sure nothing is going to jump out of the woods and attack anypony while we're gone. Cream Puff you are welcome to come fly with us, if you think you can keep up." ends Flamberge with a grin.

“Colt, you are looking at a natural born endurance flier!  A survey sounds like a nice warm-up!” Puff stands, eager to rise to the challenge.

Cross giggled again at that, beaming. “Well then! Let’s grab some stuff and go, shall we? I want to get there before it’s noon.”

Puff nods and goes about packing them all some of the salad, then rejoins Flamberge and Crosshair.  “Alright, we have lunch.”

"Okay, all set? Crosshair got your quiver and crossbow? Good. Okay, Captain, you lead the way." says Flamberge.

“Aye aye, Commander!” Cross said with a grin and a quick salute before spreading her wings wide and takes the air, heading for the river!

Puff follows, though her acceleration isn’t near as good as Crosshair’s.  She does soon catch up, though.

After a few uneventful wide circles around the area, Flamberge says, "Everything looks clear, anything we might have missed I'm sure Praetorian and Redhat can handle, Crosshair, head toward the river."

Crosshair does a mid-air salute before circling down towards the river, landing just at it’s bank a little short of the water itself as she trots to a stop. Glad that she didn’t crash into any trees again this time.

Puff glides down in lazy circles and soon lands beside her friend.

Flamberge follows behind Crosshair and breaks off when they get close to the ground, hoovers about a half foot above the shore, then allows himself to fall backwards his wings pulled in close to his side, he lands on his back, with his forehooves working as a pillow and his rear hooves resting in the cool water of the river. The water was a bit chilly, being early Timber, but it was warmer here than in the capital and Flamberge seemed comfortable anyway.

Crosshair gave Puff another happy friendly nuzzle, neck-hugging her for seconds as they arrive at their destination. Smiling brightly “Glad you’re here with us today Puff!”

Flamberge opens one eye and sees Crosshair giving Cream Puff another nuzzle and hug, "Hmm, this is either a very good or very bad sign," he thinks to himself, before reclosing the eye.

Puff smiles and nods.  “So am I!  I’ve been feeling down the last few days, so having some time to spend with you two is really nice.”

“And that’s why you need a day off and all of the hugs!” Cross grinned

Cream Puff chuckles.  “I bet ‘Berge would like a few hugs, too.”  She knows this was supposed to be something for him and Cross, and she didn’t want to be too much of a third wheel, so she gives her friend a gentle shove towards Flamberge.

Flamberge continues laying there, with his eyes closed, but can’t hide his smile.

Crosshair giggled from her friend’s tease, but did went over to lay next to her Commander, close by his side, wielding a soft blush across her face with a bright smile.

When Crosshair gets within reach Flamberge wastes no time putting his foreleg around her and pulling her close.

Puff smiles at the two, though she feels a pang of... something.  She sighs and starts to pace, unsure what to do.  Them hugging was her idea!  Why is she feeling so jealous?!  Oh... jealous.  Puff sighs, thinking she really needs a stallion.

Crosshair was still the blushing nervous shy mare she is when she’s under Flamberge’s foreleg, it’s fun to watch her transform from the brash Militia captain to a blushing shy mare in the matter of seconds, but it’s clear that she’s not experiencing any discomfort at all, happily leaning into Flamberge’s hug.

“So!” speaks up Puff, her wings ruffled,  “How about a swim?”

“That’d be great!” Cross chirped

Flamberge releases Crosshair and sits up, "Aye, I could go for a swim."  he says before he finishes standing up.

“Last one in's a rotten apple!” shouts Puff before diving in.

Flamberge follows, flying into the air, doing a backflip and then going in for a splashdown.

Crosshair was concerned for a second before realizing that she hadn’t put her armor on yet, and quickly Follows in! Not doing any fancy backflip and just go for the water to give her that extra second to reach the water just a little bit before Flamberge.

After landing, resurfacing, and seeing that he was the last one in, Flamberge spreads his wings wide and uses them to splash water towards both of the mares, playfully.

Puff dives to avoid the splash, then resurfaces, laughing.  “You’re a rotten apple!”

Crosshair got a faceful of splash, but giggled as she wipes the water away, splashing back in retaliation as well, eeping.

"Maybe, but you're all wet," replies Flamberge as he uses both wings to splash at Cream Puff. All Out Attack (Determined), Deceptive Attack. Hit, -2 to defend! :p

Puff raises a wing to try to defend herself, but it can only do so much to protect her from the wave Flamberge sends at her.

The ponies continue on in this way a bit over an hour, until Flamberge goes and lays down by the shore again. "So, Puff, what did you bring us for lunch?" he asks, a bit worn out looking up to the sky.

“Salad, because I didn’t want to start a revolution.” she says, flopping onto the shore.

Crosshair flopped over as well nearby, sighing contently. “Mmnm, I do like your Salad Puff, would be nice if you brought some ale with you too though!”

“Ale?” says Flamberge, “but Crosshair, we are on duty, “patrolling by the river,” remember?” he says with a laugh.

“Exactly!” chimes in Puff.  “Drink some water!”

Crosshair giggled carefreely “Mmnm, still though, would’ve been nice!”

The three friends enjoy a laugh before eating lunch together, then continue to do nothing much on purpose.  Crosshair and Flamberge enjoy a few moments of closeness, but Puff can’t help but intrude on them with a game, or race, anything to try to distract them from each other, and her from her jealousy. 

Soon enough, it’s sunset, and the ponies return to Duskfields proper.  Flamberge and Crosshair manage to share a kiss together while Puff hastily excuses herself to her room.  She grumbles a bit before laying on her bed, feeling a bit frustrated.  She does feel much better than she did yesterday, at least.  Now if only she could figure out why she was so jealous of her best friend!
« Last Edit: February 22, 2013, 02:10:35 am by KingStrongbeard »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #79 on: February 22, 2013, 12:43:27 pm »

Little note because someone asked for it: Maizes thoughts are literally a collection of the more (or less) coherent throughts she has through the day, and are not written in-universe. Some time in the future when she's learned to write, she might have an actual journal.

~Maize's Thoughts~ 22nd Timber, 269
Another badger pony showed up, but it looks like the military was ready this time. Poor Morning Dew flipped out, though, and ran off before I could calm her. Looks like Temperance managed to calm her down, though.

10th Opal
I've seen rats. I've seen giant rats. I've never seen giant rats with red eyes and horns. They went straight for the crops, too. That or straight for me and Morning Dew... I don't know if I like it here so much any more. Between that... that mist and this, I don't think this place is safe for us.

1st Granite, 270
Something happened to Temperance. This place gets scarier and scarier. But a year has passed, and other than Morning Dew's legs, nopony has been hurt so far. I hope things get better soon, but I get the feeling they're only going to get worse.
Nothing important here, move along.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #80 on: February 22, 2013, 03:26:49 pm »

( Also? Party? Here be the link, newly fixed and ready to roll.

Entry 8

Having second thoughts about the party. I literaly just finished passing them out to everypony who is invited, but I must wonder if anyone would come.

Entry 9

Smoothblock was found in a pile of dirt today, and Badger ponies are starting to become a more regular threat. From what Case Study told me, she's fine, but I can't help but wonder if our good fortunes have run out.

Entry 10

I woke up today feeling sore, and I had a mouthful of blue hairs in my mouth.

I don't know what this means. Veener did not look me in the eyes during lunch, however.

Entry 11

Temperance lost it. I have seen what he is going through once before. This place is tainted with chaos, without a doubt.
I was the first to find him, in his little workshop. I am not sure if I was right in alerting others of his condition.

I think the party can be set in the makeshift tavern, now.
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #81 on: February 22, 2013, 09:00:12 pm »

  As Temperance finishes penning the last line on his diary entry there is a thunderous earthquake of a crash! Brick and dust scatters haphazardly in all directions around Temperance's office.

A brown and black griffon slides to a stop along the office floor. The the stunned bird-lion took a slow glance around.

"Wha? This wasn't here last migration!"

Temperance starts and jumps up from his desk.  It takes him a few seconds to realize he wasn’t being attacked, and that the thing that just crashed through the wall was not only not aggressive, but also amazingly not seriously injured by the impact.  He steps forward cautiously.  “My word... are you alright?”

The griffon blinks twice, and slowly gets to his claws and feet. He takes a cautious look around his body, checking his arms, legs, wings and tail. “Yeah, yeah, everything looks like it’s in the right place.” He looks at the hole, and turns back around to him. “Sorry about that. Uhhh . . . ” He combs through his tangerine head feathers and gives a nervous chuckle. “How about names? Trading names is a good way to break the ice in awkward conversations like these, isn’t it?”

He was still a bit stunned, but the pony manages to say, “Uh, I’m Temperance.  Temperance Scribebakes, from Coupledye.  Who are you?”

The griffon pats the dust off himself. “ Maxwell, Maxwell Yellowfeather. Frequent flyer of where all these buildings suddenly sprung up from.”

“Good to meet you Mr. Yellowfeather,” Temperance says hesitantly.  “Are you sure you’re alright?  We have a doctor who can look at you if you need it.”

 Max looked him over cautiously. “That’s mighty generous of you, I might take you up on that if you got someone who’s versed in griffon anatomy.” He furrows his brow and looks at the mess he created. “I’m more concerned about you than me, in honesty. Look at this mess!”

Whether Case Study knew a thing or not about griffons he wasn't sure, but it couldn’t hurt to have him look.  “Uh, well, don’t worry about that too much.  The walls can be fixed.”  He frowns and looks around.  It was going to take a while to fix this mess.  “How exactly did you not see the building though?  Where were you headed in such a hurry?”

He grinned rather sheepishly. “I ducked down into the valley to get my windspeed up,  I close my eyes a brief second, and here I am.” He scratches his chin with a claw. “I was heading over to the mountains, I carved out a little hole for myself. It’s nothing special. I’d hate to call it a ‘home’, but that’s what it would be in absence of anything else.  Not much else to call home. No griffon sanctuaries for miles and miles. Nothing much at all for miles and miles. Until now. . .”

 He looks at Temperance with guilt-ridden eyes.“I feel truly terrible about this hole my good pony.” He puts his claw around the good pony's shoulder. “I want to repay the damage caused, I insist! I simply won’t take a no for an answer.”

Temperance moves his mouth wordlessly for a second.  “I... don’t know how you could... we don’t really use money out here...”

“how about some labor work? I’ll work it off.” Max chimed. “I can do plenty of things around here!”

Temperance eyes the hole in the wall again.  They really could use another carpenter, but how would the others react?  “Like what exactly?  Do you know much about wood working?”

The bird scoffs. “Oh, wood working? Masonry? Fine crafts? You got it.” He grins. “ I can build the meanest bird house you’ve ever seen.”

He chuckles lightly.  “Alright then, if you think you can fix this,” he says, pointing at the hole in his wall, “then I’ll give you a chance.  It’s pretty late, otherwise I’d introduce you to the other carpenters.”  He would probably be best served letting Flamberge know pronto as well.  Just in case.

“Yep, that’s all I need.”He said coolly.Then  He cocked a brow up. “ Well, a chance and a hammer. That would help too.” He let go of the odd-haired pony.

“Yes, well, I’ll see about acquainting you with everypony as soon as possible.”  He frowns again.  “I’m afraid I’m not sure where to let you stay though.  We don’t even have enough rooms for everypony to sleep in as it stands.”  The others might not be so willing to sleep with a griffon, so he neglects to mention the dorm just yet.  “I’ll have to think for a moment..”

He shrugged. “ Well, for tonight, I still have my cave. Any outside perch or tower is fine, really. We’ll get to that bridge when it comes?” He looks giddy as a kid. “I’m sorry if I seem too eager and forthcoming, just I can’t tell you how nice it is to actually have something to do around this patch of dirt! It’s been quite a while since I’ve even talked to anypony!”     

“Oh, well if your cave wasn’t too far away, I suppose that works.  We don’t have even much in the way of perches I’m afraid, but maybe by tomorrow we can fix something up.”  He cocks his head slightly.  “You’ve been out here by yourself for a long time?”

“Two years, three months, 13 hours, and thirteen minutes to be precise.” Max said rather robotically. “Quite a long time.”

“I should say so.”  There was probably something to that story, but it was hardly appropriate to be delving into such matters.  “I imagine you’ve got a lot of experience with the surroundings then.  Perhaps when we have a moment, we could discuss a, ah, few things about that.”

“Sure! He nodded. “When we have a moment, lots  to do.  I have to get a travel bag together,  have to meet everypony.” he waves at the documents on the ponies desk, covered with dust and debris. “ You have your . . . stuff, i’m sure.” 

“Um, yes, I do have a few things left to finish here,” Temperance said, glancing back at the pile of paperwork on his desk.  What was he supposed to say now?  “Uh... I suppose I should go let the others know about you in the meantime...”

The griffon walks to the hole he made and slides his claw down the jagged edge.  He points a Temperance. “Fixed by the end of the week, you have my word.” He walks out, and pokes his head back in the office with a very serious look. “A griffons’  promise is nothing to balk at!”  Once outside, he juts his wings out, and with a powerful stroke of his wings he becomes airborne.  “I’ll find the cliniiic!”

Temperance watched the griffon take off, and sighed.  He’d best go find Flamberge and let him know what just happened.  In case anything else happened.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2013, 04:22:24 pm by DVNO »
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #82 on: February 23, 2013, 08:58:22 pm »

, , , and

Maize struts back and forth outside the light of the tavern, keeping herself as inconspicuous as possible as she tries to decide whether she wants to go in or not.

Praetorian walks up to the mare, a small smile on his face. “Hello, Maize. It’s very good to see you again. Waiting for somepony?”

Maize looks up and blushes a little. “Oh... no. I was, um... just trying to figure out whether I should join the party or not.”

“Not too keen on the large group?” asks the stallion. “I don’t blame you there. I’m not much of a people pony myself.”

Maize nods and moves toward Praetorian, wrapping a hoof around him and resting her head on his withers. “I... guess we could do something else, then.”

“Well, my dear, beautiful Maize, what would you like to do, then?” asks Praetorian, looking on Maize with a gentle smile.

Maize blushes a little more. “We... I don’t know. I guess... we could have dinner? I didn’t eat terribly well today. I was a bit worried. About the party, of course.”

“Of course, then. Dinner sounds a delightful idea,” says Praetorian. Now, how to get it...

Maize pulls away, smiling, but her smile fades a little as she realizes just where the food is. “...Oh, yeah...”

Praetorian, hesitating for a second, leans over to give Maize a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll go get something for us to eat. Is there anything you’d like?”

Maize shakes her head. “It doesn’t matter to me. All of Cream Puff’s cooking is good, and if it’s raw I’m fine with that, too.” She smiles. “I did grow it all, after all.”

“Well, then, Maize, I will be back soon,” says the soldier, as he prepares to go do some slightly unorthodox requisition.

Maize stands in her shadowy shelter outside the doorway and patiently waits for Praetorian, offering an encouraging smile.

Serenity trots past Maize’s hiding spot on the way to the tavern, hoping to slip in and grab a bite to eat without disturbing the festivities. She herself hadn’t been invited to the party, but that didn’t bother her overmuch. Hearing something behind her, she pauses, ears twitching. She turns to see the tall mare. “Hello? Oh, Maize! I didn’t see you there.”

Maize smiles gently. “That means it’s working.”

Serenity frowns slightly. “Maize, why are you hiding? Is it the party?”

Maize’s smile fades. “Yeah... I didn’t want anypony to see me because I didn’t know if I wanted to go to the party or not, and then I decided not to go because I’m going to have dinner with Praetorian, and now I don’t want Wood Chips to see me because then I’d have to tell him I was missing his party... and I don’t want to have to do that. Speaking of which... could you not mention seeing me?”

“...I suppose so. I was just ducking in for a moment to get some dinner, so I can slip out before ponies start asking questions. So, who is this Praetorian? A friend?”

Maize blushes a little. “He’s one of the militia ponies, he came from the military... and he’s a bit more than a friend.”

The doctor looks genuinely surprised. “Oh really? This is... well, unexpected, to say the least. You’ve improved quite dramatically since we first met.”

“Oh...” Maize’s smile returns. “Does that mean you don’t have to question me so much anymore?”

Serenity nods. “Not quite as much, no. Though there are still some things we need to cover. Like hiding here in the shadows, for example.”

Maize once again drops her smile. “Oh... I’m sorry.”

Serenity touches Maize’s hoof with her own. “It’s alright. You just need to grow more accustomed to being around ponies. I can help you with that.”

Maize nods. “I guess... I know Temperance wants you to help me. I... guess we should be friends, maybe? I mean... is that right?”

“Well, normally I try to keep things professional with my clients, but... in this case... yes, I think I’d like that.”

Maize’s smile returns once more. “Maybe tomorrow we could... hang out, then?”

Serenity smiles. “Yes... hang out.”

Maize just stands there, smiling, apparently waiting for something else to happen.

Serenity shuffles her hooves. “Well, I need to go pick up dinner. Have a nice date, Maize.” She turns and enters the tavern.

Maize just keeps standing there, smiling at nothing, although she occasionally shifts her posture to keep herself from becoming uncomfortable among other little tics to keep herself occupied.

As one of the few doctors in Duskfields, it was wise to try to keep a good standing with the local residents. Attending the party would be a good start, even if Case Study wasn’t close friends with any of the guests. It was a good place to start, at least. He approached the tavern, taking note of Maize’s presence outside. He cleared his throat, “Hello Ms. Maize. Would you know if the festivities are still ongoing?” Case feared that he may have been late.

“I have no idea, but I think so.” She turns her smile toward him. “Praetorian went in to sneak some food out, and he hasn’t shown back up yet, so I guess there’s still something going on.”

“That is good to hear.” He had observed that the tall pony actually looked him in the face whilst speaking to him. Apparently she was coming out of her shell. “You seem rather high-spirited this evening. I take it that things are going well with you, then?”

Maize shrugs. “I guess so. It’s a lot nicer tonight than it has been the last month or two.”

He rubs his chin, “Is that so?” The stallion hadn’t noticed anything much different about Duskfields lately. Perhaps she had discovered a new way to grow crops? Was the weather favorable for her? “What makes you say that?”

“I have a new friend and somepony who loves me.”

“Ah, well that sounds pleasant. Glad to see that you have come around as well as you have,” Case looks over into the room that was alive with conversation, “I wish you a good night, Ms. Maize. I can see that you are alone and I’d rather not be a bother if you wish to remain in such a state. I would also rather not have Ms. Puff berate me for shunning sustenance. Talk later.” With that, the blue pony began to home in on the entrance.

Maize waves at Case Study’s back and proceeds to patiently wait. She doesn’t have much longer to wait, though, as Praetorian finally escapes the party, and walks back over to her, carrying two plates of food.

“I’m sorry about the wait. Just had a few ponies try to keep me in there,” he says with a little smile.

Maize nods. “It’s okay, I understand. That’s why I didn’t want to go in.” She looks around. “Where would you like to spend our little date, then?”

“Hmm... Well, the tavern’s booked already,” he says with a little bit of humour in his voice, “so that’s my first idea out. Where would you like to spend it?”

“If you want to spend it indoors... we could use my room, or outdoors we could eat in the field.” Maize shrugs. “I don’t know where else we could go, honestly.”

“The field sounds like a nice spot. It’s a nice night tonight, as well,” says Praetorian with a little nod.

Maize smiles a bit wider. “The field it is, then. Would you like to lead, or shall I?”

“If you wouldn’t mind leading, that would be nice,” says Praetorian. Well, at least I picked the right spot, he thinks to himself.

Maize turns around and heads toward the field, happily swishing her tail back and forth as she walks.

Praetorian follows with a happy smile, continuing to carry their plates of food.

It doesn’t take long to reach the field, and Maize clears out a small area without any crops so the two can sit and eat. “I sorta miss sleeping out here, but the bed’s so much nicer. I feel much more rested now.”

“Yeah. I still miss bivouacking in the open field. Well, at least I don’t have to march the rest of the day, now, as well,” says Praetorian with a smile.

Maize nods and bows her head, starting a quick chant that Praetorian can’t quite hear.

“Maize?” asks Praetorian, a little concern in his voice. “What’s that you’re saying?”

Maize looks up. She looks just a tiny bit miffed at having been interrupted, but puts on a smile anyway. “I was just thanking Govos for our food. Do you mind it?”

“No, no. I’m sorry for interrupting you,” says the stallion, with a chastened tone.

“It’s alright.” Maize bows her head again and finishes the chant. “Now, let’s eat!”

Praetorian passes one of the plates to Maize, and takes the other. “Anything you like there?”

“Plenty.” Maize starts to eat. Voraciously. You wouldn’t have guessed she could scarf down an entire meal in less than ten minutes, but she certainly seems set to.

Praetorian hesitates for a second, then digs into his own food with all the gusto of a cat chasing down an injured baby bird, or a swarm of piranha that find a cow entering their bit of the river.

Maize finishes her meal and daintily pats away any food bits on her face with a corn husk taken from one of the plants around them. “That was delicious.”

Praetorian finishes inhaling his food, and follows Maize’s lead. “Indeed it was,” he agrees.

Maize looks around. “So, I suppose we just talk now?”

“If you want to,” says Praetorian. “I can’t say that I wouldn’t enjoy doing so.”

Maize smiles at him. “So, how’s the militia, then?”

“It’s going about as well as it could be expected,” Praetorian says, matching her smile. “Redhat’s still showing a little discipline problem, but hopefully that too will pass. How’s farming going?”

“Same as usual. Tend to the plants, talk to people...” She lets out a little sigh. “Get chased around by horrifying creatures until you and the other militia come save us...”

“Hopefully we’ll be able to stop them coming at all, soon. I’ve been talking to Flamberge, and we’re going to present Temperance with another idea,” says the stallion. “We need a wall up, and it’s best to get it now...before anything bad happens. Especially to you.”

“Especially to anypony.” Maize shudders. “I was so scared when Morning Dew got hurt... I don’t think I could bear seeing anypony else die...”

“I won’t let that happen,” promises Praetorian.

Maize offers him a small grin. “I know. I’ve always really thought militia ponies were so amazing, that they could protect us... and now I get to be close to one of the best.”

“You’re no less amazing than I am, Maize,” says Praetorian in reply. “Without you... Well, I don’t know what I’d be doing now, but it wouldn’t be good.”

“You might just be training, or enjoying the party, honestly.” Maize bows her head abashedly. “I doubt I’ve made that much of a change for you...”

Praetorian lifts her head up with a hoof. “Maize... before I came here, I was a wreck. I wouldn’t have trusted me to protect myself, let alone anypony else. Even when I did come here, I was close to falling back again. But... But with you, I... I don’t know how to explain it. But you saved me, Maize.”

Slowly, giving Maize the chance to stop him, he leans over to kiss her on the lips.

Maize hesitates, starting to pull back a little.

Praetorian pulls back as well at her hesitation. “I’m sorry.”

Maize blushes deeply and hangs her head. For a moment. She looks back up, takes Praetorian by the muzzle, and gives him a big kiss right on the lips.

Praetorian is a little shocked, but manages, somehow, not to fall over in his surprise. Probably due to her holding on to him.

Maize holds the kiss for a moment before pulling away. “I... don’t know if that was right...”

Praetorian moves forward and hugs Maize tight. “I think it was.”

Maize cracks a small smile and hugs Praetorian back as tight as her tiny legs can muster. “Thank you... I never thought anypony could love me before.”

“Maize, not loving you would be a sin,” says Praetorian. “You’re beautiful, smart, kind, and brave.”

Maize thinks about it for a moment. “I... guess I’m beautiful. I don’t think I’m that smart, but I have ponies teaching me things, so maybe I will be really smart someday. Kindness... I don’t know if I could really judge how kind I am, and... I honestly still don’t feel like I deserve to be called brave.”

“Even if you’re not sure about it, I am,” says Praetorian with a smile. “And you’re the best pony I know, Maize.”

Maize blushes, though she grins just a bit, too. “You’re just saying that...”

“I’m not, Maize. I love you too much to lie to you,” he says.

Maize’s smile grows a bit. “Thanks... anyway, uh... do you want to do anything else for our date?”

“I’m happy to just be here with you, Maize, but if there’s anything you’d like to do...?”

Maize shakes her head. “I mean... unless you want to just curl up and spend the night out here, under the stars...”

“That sounds great, Maize,” the soldier says, with a smile.

Maize reaches out and pulls the soldier close to her, lying down on the dirt and pushing the plates to the side. “I... love you, Praetorian.”

“I love you, Maize,” answers the soldier. “And how lovely it is to hear those words.”
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #83 on: February 23, 2013, 11:23:01 pm »

SmoothBlock opened the door to Temperance's office, seething mad. She trotted briskly to his desk and put a bottle of whisky with two shot glasses beside it on to the stallion’s desk, poured two shots, drank them, and poured two more. The deep voiced unicorn breathed deeply and said “I need to talk to you, about RedHat.”

Temperance watches the display with a bit of bewilderment.  “Uh, alright.  What’s the matter?”

“He is completely incompetent and the most annoying colt I have ever met!” She slumped back in her chair. “And I grew up in a literal group of pricks and dirt balls.”

He frowns and shifts back in his seat too.  “I’m... sorry?  If he’s bothering you, I uh, guess I could talk to him?”

“No, please, just, give him another job!” SmoothBlock took a shot and poured another. “I was so pissed at him, I dropped two ponies of dirt on myself with a bad swing! and he is useless! Useless! It takes twice as long to do ANYthing I get him to do, and worse, WORST! I don’t need any help at all. He is literally a waste of my time.”

Oh, right.  That’s what this was about.  Temperance sighs.  “Oh, I see.  Yes, if Praetorian hadn’t ordered him to help dig the trench I’d definitely have him doing something else instead.”  He thinks for a moment.  “I don’t know what else there is to do though.  I should probably talk to Praetorian.”

“Last I checked, Holly still needed help hacking the forest down. Tree’s not that different from a practice dummy.” SmoothBlock took out a pigtail cigar and fiddled with it.

“Yes... I suppose that would work instead...”  He raises an eyebrow.  “Do you know why Praetorian asked him to help you anyway?  Was it for exercise purposes?  Surely there are better things to do.”

“Punishment for talking back. That’s what I gathered from Red’s ranting. He never shuts up!” SmoothBlock dropped her cigar on his desk as she dragged her hoof across her muzzle.

He nods slowly.  “Oh... right.  Maybe there is something better he could be doing then.  Having him help Holly might be a good idea, actually.  She spends a lot of time out and away, and I worry about her being alone where the badger ponies lurk.”

“Thank you. Seriously, the next ‘accident’ may have happened to him.” SmoothBlock sighed and lit her cigar. “I don’t really mean that.” She took a long drag.

“I certainly hope not,” Temperance says, more seriously than maybe he should have.  “Look, if it’s bothering you that much I’ll talk to Praetorian and have him find something else for Redhat to do.”  Annoying Holly wouldn’t be a whole lot better, but maybe Praetorian would agree to just do something else entirely.  “Maybe just washing the buildings or something.”

“Thanks Temperance, you’re a doll, yah really are.” She took another drag. “So, you going to drink that?” SmoothBlock pointed to the shot glass, still full of whiskey.

He raises a hoof to it.  “Oh, no thanks.  I, uh, don’t drink.”  He gives her a diplomatic smile.  Perhaps he should have mentioned that before she poured it.

“Even moderation needs moderation.” SmoothBlock winked and picked up the bottle, putting it away, before taking the empty shot-glass and doing the same. “It might help you relax a little.”

“Thanks, but I can manage just fine without it,” he says, maintaining the smile.  “Anyway, I suppose I should go see Praetorian, unless there’s anything else?”

SmoothBlock sighed. “No, just, I’ll want to make some pumps later, to start on draining out a quarry. Can you tell WoodChips I’ll need some boards or something? I keep missing him.”

“Of course.  I’ll tell him or Veneer next time I see them.  Perhaps that’s something Praetorian would be willing to let Redhat do instead, actually.”

“Alright, well, I guess I’ll be seeing you.” SmoothBlock trotted to the door and let herself out. “Have a good day.”

“Same to you,” he says, waving her off.  Now, to go sort this little mess out...
"So while a handful of psychopaths in lab coats are turning Japan into a land of mythological beasties to bang, the USSA's drowning in stupidity, China doesn't exist anymore, and Canada's just sitting there waiting for all this shit to blow over so they can go back to being Canada. Oh, and South Korea think they're Zerg now." <-Slag explains fallout in a nutshell


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #84 on: February 24, 2013, 10:24:09 pm »


Temperance spent the next few minutes after his little chat with Smoothblock looking for Praetorian.  The stallion was nowhere to be seen at the training grounds, nor was he in the tavern.  There were only so many places to hide in Duskfields, and the last one Temperance could think of would be the fields.  He starts in that direction, hoping he’d find him there and avoid a time consuming search of the woods.

Praetorian is indeed still in the fields, still curled up and asleep with Maize.

Well, this was interesting.  Temperance approaches the two, unsure if he should interrupt... whatever this was.  “Uh, excuse me, Praetorian?”

Praetorian slowly lifts his head up. “Temperance. What is it?”

“I’m, ah, sorry to disturb the two of you, but when you’ve got a minute there’s something I need to speak with you about.  About Redhat.”

“Is it important?” he asks with a slight groan. “What’s he done this time?”

“Nothing critical.  He hasn’t done anything directly, just some concerns from another citizen is all.”  Temperance starts to feel very awkward now, so he says, “It can wait a little while, if you’d rather just come by my office later today.”

“Ugh. What citizen’s been complaining? Best to sort this out now.”

“Smoothblock.  I probably don’t really need to say why,” he says, offering a nervous smile.

“Blast that foal. This is about that bloody moat, isn’t it?” Praetorian groans.

“That’s right.  She’s having a bit of trouble working with him, and was hoping that you could find something else for him to do.  She suggested having him help Holly some, perhaps.”

“No, blast it. If he’s getting to be a nuisance, he can do something to help everypony. Tell him that if he can’t dig ditches, he’ll be digging the latrines, instead.”

Temperance shrugs.  “Alright, if that’s what you want.  He should be mostly out of the way doing that.”  He steps back.  “That’s all I needed, so... I’ll leave you two.”

“Thank you,” says Praetorian as he lies back down.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #85 on: February 25, 2013, 01:52:37 am »


Praetorian, still a little tired, but exhilarated after the last few nights, wanders into the tavern, a pair of plates in tow. “Cream Puff?” he calls, putting the plates down on an empty table.

She looks up from the oven and gives him a smile.  “Praetorian!  I was wondering where those plates went!”

“Oh, yeah. Uh, we borrowed them for a little bit, and I just remembered to return them. How are you?” asks the unicorn.

“Doing much better now we have a real kitchen!  How about you?”

“I’m... ecstatic, I think, is the word,” says the unicorn with a happy smile on his face. “Do you remember the night of the party?”

Puff blushes slightly.  “I know of it, but... I don’t really remember much of it.”

“Well, you might remember that neither I nor Maize were there.” Praetorian gestures to the plates. “We had a little private dinner out in the fields. And then, after that, we slept with each other. It was perfect... at least, until Temperance interrupted with another report of Redhat annoying other ponies.”

Puff blinks at him, then gives him a look that says he’d better explain before she feeds him his horn.

“...Oh, no, no, it wasn’t that. I was sleeping with her. Under the stars. Literally sleeping. We were cuddling,” explains Praetorian.

She still looks... far too neutral as she stares straight at him while running a knife over some steel to ensure it’s sharpness.  “I thought you were planning on taking it slow.”

“I am,” he insists. “We didn’t do anything. Just had dinner.”

“And spent the night spooning.”

“...I suppose. It was Maize’s idea, I wasn’t sure what to do.”

She gives him a look that she usually reserves for a large vegetable she’s about to slice up, then brightens significantly and sets the knife down.  “Good!  Very good!  You two really are an adorable couple!”

Praetorian is still a little defensive. “ think so?”

“I do indeed!  She’s seemed so much happier and even a bit more sure of herself since you two became an item.  And it sounds like I don’t need to worry about defending her honor.”  She gives him a wink.  “But maybe I should talk to her and defend yours.”

“...Er, yes. Maybe,” says the unicorn, more than a little nonplussed.

Cream Puff laughs, happy to have dumbfounded one of the most experienced soldiers she’s ever met.  “So, want some lunch?”

“Sure...” Praetorian says, still slightly befuddled by Cream Puff’s words, before shaking it off.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #86 on: February 25, 2013, 03:02:32 pm »

Hi ponies, I'm not entirely sure who's free, but I'd love to have a unicorn mare to call my own, I don't care what prof but I'd love to see stats when I come up, and I might not be on to post stories or what have you but feel free to use me! And I'd like to be named ilena and something that fits depending on my job :p


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #87 on: February 25, 2013, 03:16:39 pm »

This thread has all my jealous... I have a game I'm running elsewhere with an abysmally small audience and seeing so activity here just reminds me of that.  :'(


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #88 on: February 25, 2013, 04:39:05 pm »

Hi ponies, I'm not entirely sure who's free, but I'd love to have a unicorn mare to call my own, I don't care what prof but I'd love to see stats when I come up, and I might not be on to post stories or what have you but feel free to use me! And I'd like to be named ilena and something that fits depending on my job :p

Believe it or not, I don't think there are any unicorn mares available right now.  I've got almost exclusively pegasi in my first two migrant waves for some reason.  When one comes up I'll reserve her for you.  Don't worry about not being able to work RPing into the thread, but if you claim her it would be nice to see journals or letters home from her anyway.  :)

As for the name, maybe I'm just missing the reference, but is Ilena a pun or otherwise pony like name?  I'm not trying to enforce any hard rules on the naming, but would prefer the names to be at least vaguely pony like.  :)

This thread has all my jealous... I have a game I'm running elsewhere with an abysmally small audience and seeing so activity here just reminds me of that.  :'(

It's ponies man.  That and I've got a lot of carryovers from Dawnpick and Glitterglen.  Now, if someone could explain to me what I did in Dawnpick to get such a huge following, I'd love to know!
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #89 on: February 25, 2013, 05:00:15 pm »

Na ilena is just my prefered online name, though I will endevor to think of a more pony like name that's fitting, and ill report back :p and I will of course have entries just probably not often on a daily basis, and for rp .. Iuo we will see :p
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