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Author Topic: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)  (Read 47839 times)


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2013, 10:19:38 pm »

I'll take Maize, then. No special name or anything, she's just fine as she is. I like shy ponies with contradictory amounts of willpower, and I foresee many awkward 'party of one' moments for her as she worships her second god.

Maize's thoughts, Prologue
I've found a chance to get out of the city! Farming colonies are being made all across the land, and I get to be part of the most distant one! Hopefully there won't be that many others with us.

Maize's thoughts, Granite 1, 269
9 other ponies. Could have been better, but it could have been worse, too. I've so far been able to avoid getting anyone talking to me. A quick flash of my horrid smile turns them right back around! Thank you, father, were it not for your beatings, I might actually have to socialize! As for the other ponies, from what I can tell they're mostly working on giving me a plot of land to do my work. Hopefully I won't be expected to do anything until they finish, I'd hate to accidentally bump into someone.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 10:38:07 pm by TheBronzePickle »
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2013, 11:04:49 pm »

Case Study's Journal, 1st Granite, 269

If there's anything good to say about travelling, it's that you get plenty of exercise. It definitely helps supplement the jogging that I would have normally done during that time. Of course, even the physically active need their rest and I'm not exception; I'm going to look forward to getting a full night's sleep. A fatigued doctor makes mistakes and mistakes cost lives. I'm not predicting that my services will be needed in the imminent future, but one can never be too cautious when exploring uncharted territory. There are any number of things that could cause harm here, be it wild animals, poisonous plants or even construction accidents. Hopefully, no one will make any stupid decisions. Especially this early in the game. Nonetheless, I find myself stunned time and time again at the injuries I've witnessed in the past that others have sustained doing fool-hardy things.

The land looks fine and we have plenty of supplies, but I know that the future can often hold unwholesome surprises. Nevertheless, I won't worry myself with that. At least not for now. My main concern now is the blend of fellow ponies that have traveled here with me. Our leader, Mr. Temperance, seems level-headed and intelligent. I hear tell that his older sister was a successful expedition leader herself. In short, I trust him. Most of the others seem to be minding their own business. One ruffian I'm trying to stay clear of is this corpulent unicorn mare named Ms. Smooth Block who seems to love the ill-advised pleasures of smoking and alcohol. Her voice is so unnaturally deep that I cringe when thinking about what damage her habits must have done to her lungs. Her personality is rather grating as well. I suppose I can't say that I'm surprised, seeing as any sizable group must have individuals with incompatible interests and habits. That's enough rambling from me for one day. I should get ready for some shut-eye.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 11:52:31 pm by Kryptid »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2013, 12:54:26 am »

Maize is yours, TheBronzePickle.  Enjoy.  :)

This is the first fort update, and there's not a lot that's happened, as you'd expect.  I wanted to play until I got migrants, but that was going to take a very long time, so I'll cut it at the end of spring for now.  Tomorrow I'll have another update for you all.

Temperance's Journal - 2nd Granite, 269

Today marks the first real day of work.  While we've been sorting through the goods and figuring out what goes where, there's not a whole lot most of us can do at the moment.  Smoothblock is still working away at flattening some of the hill off to the west, but Holly has the real work cut out for her.  There are just tons of trees around, and until most of them are cut down we don't really have anywhere to set up shop.

We managed to find a little space for a carpenter's shop and a craftshop at least.  As soon as ponily possible, Veneer and Wood Chips will have some wood getting cut into planks to help set up some shelter.

In the mean time, the rest of us are taking a little while to familiarize ourselves with the area and pick some of the local plants.

Well, that ought to keep them busy for a while.  I didn't realize this embark was so heavily forested.  There are lots of local plants growing too, maybe a few I didn't bring with me.

While sorting through the things in the wagon, something unexpected caught my eye.

A small bin of steel bars.  There was a note attached to it too:

Quote from: The Letter

I couldn't stop you from going on this expedition, but even still there was a little something I felt I could do to help you out.  I know your request for some iron couldn't be filled in time for you to bring any with you, so I'm going to give you something even better.

In this crate are eight bars of some of the best steel we've produced in Dawnpick.  I know you won't be wearing any armor, but maybe you'll find a good use for it.  I'm going to personally see to it that more iron and steel is sent your way.  We're swimming in it here, and you need it a lot more than we do.

Sorry, I'd have brought more but it was all I could carry with me!


I didn't really feel homesick at any point on the way out here until I read that, but I have to say, even though I've only seen Virtue a few times in a decade and a half, I'm already missing her.

There's a lot of work to be done though, maybe that'll get my mind off of it.

7th Granite, 269

It's taking every bit as long as Virtue said it would to get things rolling around here, and we've just now set up the sawmill.  That should speed up future construction work a dozen fold at least.  While they were at it, I had Wood Chips and Veneer throw together a few pieces of furniture for the upcoming communal dorm.  I also had them make a few armor stands.

There's no great place to put them yet, so we set them up out of the way.  I could tell Flamberge and Crosshair were getting antsy, and this is a way for them to vent some of their energy in a productive way.  They've both been training for most of the day, and I can tell they're happier now.

19th Granite, 269

Well, I knew it was going to take a while, but poor Holly just can't seem to cut the trees down fast enough.  She's got a small corner cleared out at least, and for now that's enough room to put down a small patch of farm land and start building some temporary shelter.  I hate to be selfish, but the first thing is going to be somewhere for me to lay out the books so I can actually try to manage this place.

A nice little office for him to work from.  Housing is up next.  When there's room.

As room opens up we'll start building some housing immediately.  We've barely scratched the surface of what needs to be built.  Homes for ten ponies, someplace to eat, a proper place for the soldiers to train and keep their things in, somewhere for Case Study to treat injured or sick ponies, a barn or warehouse...

I'm really starting to appreciate how much planning Virtue had to put into Dawnpick now!

13th Slate, 269

Things are coming along more slowly than I could have ever imagined.  My new office is finally mostly complete, although the finishing touches have been on hold for weeks now as we divert attention to getting housing set up.

On the way out of my office today, I noticed Maize sleeping in the fields by herself.  I'm thinking perhaps I should speak with her at some point.  She seems to be avoiding the rest of us, and I wonder if she's a bit homesick or depressed.  We don't have anywhere to really sleep yet, but the fields are one of the last places I'd pick.

Well, at least the ground's flat I suppose.

We're working on getting a place to sleep though.  We've all been sleeping on the floor in here in shifts, but having some actual beds would be nice.  Soon.  Very soon.

17th Felsite, 269

Things are really shaping up.  It took every bit as long as Virtue said it would, but we've got room for everypony to sleep inside now!

Yeah, the design for the dorms I decided on is going to take even longer than Dawnpick's  I do have skilled carpenters with me this time at least.

I really should commend Veneer and Wood Chips for the work they've put in.  The work they've done so far is superb.  There's only a few rooms ready so far, so a lot more to go, but we'll get there.  We were promised a caravan from Coupledye by winter, and I'm hoping to have this place looking like a real farm in some fashion by then.  I know they won't let me down.

We also got some space set up for the animals we brought with us.  The sheep have been moved to a little pasture set aside to the south, and some nest boxes for the chickens were placed up near the fields.  A few eggs for breakfast every once in a while sounds nice.

The sheep, camel and yak can chill here for now.

1st Hematite, 269

Today marks the first day of summer, and I must say we've come a long way already.  At this rate we'll have individual rooms for everypony in no time, but I think I may take a detour on that to start work on a dining room of some sort.  Cream Puff has been working in our makeshift kitchen for a while now, but it would be much better for everypony if we had all of that inside of course.

Space is starting to become a premium already though, and I've asked Holly and Smoothblock to get to work on clearing some space out for us.  That's going to take a while, so we might as well start now.

Well, it's late, so I think I'm heading to bed after getting something to drink.  I really must say that freshly made tomato juice tastes so much better than the stuff we got back in Coupledye.

I think I'm going to like it here.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 02:02:09 am by Telgin »
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #18 on: February 09, 2013, 01:33:06 am »

Commander Flamberge Field Journal Entry #1

   I have been assigned to an expeditionary force to form a new settlement in The Hills of Worry. I have heard several tall tails tales about dark and sinister magic in these hills. I am not overly concerned, though all stories have a ring of truth, we will be on our guard. The leader of the expedition is a stallion named Temperance, he is apparently the younger brother of Duchess Virtue of Dawnpick, wherever that is.
   This is my first command position, though I don't have any proper soldiers with me and am chronically under-supplied, I have my sword, two helmets, and two peytrals, and that is it. My superiors have tasked me to recruit, train, and equip a militia for the area from these pioneers, and whatever material we can scrounge up. It won't be easy.

Commander Flamberge Field Journal 1st Granite, 269

   We have finally arrived at our new home. Though it doesn't look it yet. The trees and undergrowth are thick enough to choke a dragon. The miner, Smoothblock, I think her name was, has started flattening the hills. Such strength, while not uncommon among earthponies, is still staggering. The rest of the party took to clearing the trees and shrubbery. Seems some of the local plants may be edible, though they don't look that tasty. Still anything's better than the magically dehydrated rations they fed us in the army.

Temperance has decided to call this place, Duskfields. The name I suppose, fits a farming town in The Hills of Worry.

Commander Flamberge Field Journal 2nd Granite, 269

   It has come to my attention that we have been gifted several bars of steel, by Lady Virtue. I believe these should be used to produce a surplus of weapons so that everypony here can have something to defend themselves with, in the case of bandits or wild animals. I will recommend spear tips be forged to Temperance, as soon as we can spare time to set up a forge.

Commander Flamberge Field Journal 7th Granite, 269

   A spot has been cleared and set aside for me to practice, I am most appreciative. I have also found my first recruit, a beautiful young pegasus mare named Crosshair. She is a decent shot with a crossbow, though her experience with hoof to hoof combat is a bit more limited. I'll have to see if I can fix that. She does however show promise. We shall see what she can do, she may be able to help instruct other recruits to shoot the bow better than I could as well.

Commander Flamberge Field Journal 17th Felsite, 269

   We finally all have a bed to sleep in and a roof over our heads, the dorms are cramped but beat the hell out of sleeping in the dirt. Veener and Woodchips have done a splendid job. Still no sign of trouble, but Crosshair and I have been spending our time patrolling and training. She is a talented young mare, I could not have done better for a first recruit.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 01:37:18 am by KingStrongbeard »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #19 on: February 09, 2013, 08:32:38 am »

Crosshair's Diary, 2nd Granite, 269
I couldn't help but notice that we're gifted by several bars of what must be the shiniest  steel bars I've ever seen in my life. Apparently it's from our leader's sister, Duchess Virtue of Dawnpick, I think I've heard of her from somewhere, probably in the news or something like that. I'm sure if she made it to Duchess and made it into the news, then she probably done something to deserve it. Here's hoping that it's in the blood line! I wouldn't mind if one day Temperance becomes Duke Temperance! That'd be neat.

Crosshair's Diary, 7th Granite, 269
I guess they noticed how we were getting antsy and bored to our bones and set up a place to practice! It's not much, quite literally just a flat ground to play in. But I appreciate that! Flat ground's in the trend nowadays. Also apparently I've been recruited by our awesome Militia Commander Flamberge! He made me a captain, It's so awesome! He's even got a very, Very big sword with him too! I'm not really much for close hoof-to-hoof combat myself, but I think I'd like to get taught by him about that.

Crosshair's Diary, 17th Felsite, 269
Today's the day we finally slept properly! Well, not entirely so, but, We have roofs over our heads now! I missed that. And you can only sleep on clouds for so long, and when you got something flying up and bit you right in the flanks, suddenly sleeping on clouds isn't so very nice anymore. But I guess I'll just drag one down to the dorms and sleep there, should be good.

Everything's finally taking shape and I can't be happier with my position here, I thought they'd make me be some sort of just another guard amongst the other dozen or something but I've been made Captain! When you thought life couldn't get any better, it put a surprise on the silver plate for you. Here's hoping that won't change any time soon!

Me and the Commander have been spending quite a lot of time together, training and patrolling to make sure nothing bad's going to pop up and eat our ponies. I can't help but to notice that every once in a while he would tell me to sit on a cloud with him to 'guard' the area and be a lookout, something about training my patience and focus or something like that I don't know. It's pretty awesome! And I don't know if it's just me, but the Commander's been talking oddly around me lately. I mean, normally he'd use that strong authoritative barks or that deep statement that didn't leave any room for doubts, but he seems to be speaking softer around me. Not that it's bad or anything, just something to note down.

clueless adorkable pegasus is clueless.
Jon was the little sherman who could until he got hit by a repurposed tank gun.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #20 on: February 09, 2013, 08:40:05 am »

~Maize's thoughts~ 2nd Granite, 269
I got to check out some of the local plants today. Not that I need to, of course, I'm certain that our commander was bright enough to pack radishes, and radishes are all we could ever need. Even so, they say variety is the spice of life, and I'm not one to disagree with a nugget of wisdom like that, so I found a nice secluded area and started picking. Maybe some day I might find a new kind of radish!

7th Granite
The two soldiers of our group now have their own practicing area set away from the rest of us. I can't say I'm not a little jealous, but at the same time I'm thankful that there's that much less chance I'll end up bumping into someone. Father always said I was too clumsy.

19th Granite
Finally, a farm plot! It's a bit close to everyone else, but as long as I just ignore them and do my work everything should work out fine. Now, where are those seeds?

17th Felsite
They've got 'communal dorms' they're setting up. The beds look nice, I suppose, but there's far too many people around to sleep. Besides, nothing beats the familiar comfort of plowed field to sleep in. Father said I'd best get used to sleeping outside, and he was so right! Thanks again, Father, you always knew best!

Oh, and they made a home for the animals. Good thing, since if they'd gotten into my radishes, we probably wouldn't have animals any more.
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #21 on: February 09, 2013, 01:35:47 pm »

Cream Puff's Diary

Granite 2

I can't believe I forgot to mention Crosshair!  She made the trip out here bearable, I would have been bored out of my skull without her!  It's nice to have a good friend like her here.  Not much has happened otherwise, though Temperance found a crate of steel ingots which are apparently from his sister.  Commander Flamberge thinks they should be used for weapons or maybe armor, which makes sense, I guess.  But hopefully we can spare some for a new chef's knife and some other utensils and cooking equipment.

Granite 7

Crosshair and Flamberge have been training together, which is nice, I suppose.  Crosshair has a lot of energy, and Flamberge thinks she'll make a good soldier.  She's quite a shot with a crossbow, but I don't know how she'll do in melee.  Still, she's excited and happy, so it'll probably work out.

Granite 19

The first field has been tilled!  I can't wait until we have some crops to harvest.  I tried talking with Maize, but she doesn't seem to really like other ponies.  Well, too bad for her.  We're both going to be responsible for feeding the others, so we're going to see a lot of each other!

Granite 21

I've been talking with the livestock.  Well, the sheep, mostly.  I can't understand a word the camel speaks, and the yak just nods or shakes his head.  At least, I think he's a he.  He's pretty hairy and hasn't said anything, so it's hard to tell.  I could ask him, but that's a bit rude.  The sheep, though, are fairly talkative.  I wish we had a few cows, though.  I mean, sure, you can milk a sheep, but you can't really make cream or butter from it!  How am I supposed to make my namesake without cream?!

Felsite 17

Buildings are going up at a pretty good clip.  At this rate, I'll soon have a real kitchen to work in, instead of the improvised one I have now. 
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #22 on: February 09, 2013, 04:25:25 pm »

SmoothBlock's Journal  - 2nd Granite, 269
Well, lot of hills for me to turn into fields, at least it's work. It looks like we will need to clear some trees to make any buildings at all, Holly got right to it. Please let the first thing we build be a still, I want to see if I can turn these plants and berries into booze.

SmoothBlock's Journal  - 7th Granite, 269
A week and still pounding hills, really we are going to need a sand pit and  clay pit, even if we live in nice wood homes. The guards have a place to practice. Talked to Veneer, turns out he's a carpenter, not a fruit salesmen. He asked me to lunch, I said yes and now he's all jitters around me... I think my voice scared him.

SmoothBlock's Journal - 19th Granite, 269
Hah, a real field is up! Now Maize can grow us some booze fuel! Why she always smiling at me when I try to talk to her? The silence just gets so awkward that I walk away. Next time she does that I'm going to just tell "Oh boopy, you have a lovely smile!" maybe that will brake the ice she carries around with her.

SmoothBlock's Journal - Granite 21st, 269
Saw Cream Puff talking to the live stalk today, I forgot we could do that.... So I went to ask the sheep when they will be ready to be sheared, need wool to make bags to hold sand.

SmoothBlock's Journal - Felsite 17th, 269
This many hills is a lot for one pony. Got lodgings now, I hope I don't drunk'nly stumble into anypony ells's bed. That hospital is going to need a well.

"So while a handful of psychopaths in lab coats are turning Japan into a land of mythological beasties to bang, the USSA's drowning in stupidity, China doesn't exist anymore, and Canada's just sitting there waiting for all this shit to blow over so they can go back to being Canada. Oh, and South Korea think they're Zerg now." <-Slag explains fallout in a nutshell


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #23 on: February 09, 2013, 08:17:49 pm »

~Maize's Thoughts~ 1st Hematite, 269
Miss... Smoothblock, I think her name was, tried to talk to me again. I tried smiling at her, but... she told me my smile was pretty. I guess I should have been happy that someone thought well about me, but... I was so shocked that someone... well, anyway, I ended up just walking off, lying in my little bed in the field, and crying. Everypony was watching me, and it made me cry even harder. When I finished, it was already getting dark, so I just laid there and drifted off. I don't think I've ever cried that long... well, not since Mama and Father were gone... I just hope I didn't get Miss Smoothblock in trouble or anything.

At least there's individual rooms getting done now, so maybe I'll just be able to hide in mine once it's done. Or... I guess I'll have to try socializing. Maybe with that Cream Puff, just to start, just to get used to it...

Father, why can't you come back and beat some sense into me like you always did?
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #24 on: February 09, 2013, 08:37:16 pm »

Well, here we go. The first bit of bad* role-playing for Duskfields. I have no idea how much of this there will end up being, I probably won't do as much as I did with Dawnpick and Glitterglen, but, I imagine this won't be the last of it, all the same.

*Bad according to a number of our critics, not necessarily my opinion.

    Flamberge, in his armor such as it was, surveys the area from the sky, it was little more than a flat piece of ground, with a couple armor and weapon stands, a short distance away from camp, but that made it more than sufficient. Today was to be his proper day as Commander, he had found one pony among the others with some idea of how to use a weapon and had recruited them, her name was Crosshair and she seemed very enthusiastic about the opportunity. He was looking forward to this.

Crosshair showed up right on time with her trusty crossbow and a quiver of wooden bolts, It might not look much, but she have prided herself with it. Beaming happily to the fact that she have an actual training grounds and /something/ to do besides hauling boulders and logs now! She’s in such a good mood that she’s even humming a little catchy tune that only ponies seems to be able to produce.

    "Morning recruit," says Flamberge as he lands near Crosshair, "First thing, first, we need to get you suited up in your armor. There is a helmet and a peytral on the stand, get dressed then we can begin."

“Yes commander!” Crosshair happily chirped as she trots over to the armor stand and dressed up as ordered, she was quick to put on her gear, probably have had experienced with it somewhere. Her tail flicked from sides to sides in excitement of a proper training day! She’s just bursting with energy and happiness.

    Flamberge remains professional and resists watching the mare's tail as she flicked it about while putting on the bronze armor, but only just.

   When she is finished he clears his throat and says, "Yes, um, well because it is only the two of us, I plan to do this a bit differently than a normal boot camp. First, I need to know, what kind of experience you have? You said you are familiar with the crossbow, yes?"

    Crosshair nodded proudly. “Yup! I like to think I’m a pretty good shot, and I have some experience with wearing armor, nothing too big though. I needed to fly afterall!” She answered happily as she beams an invasive happiness at her commander.

    Flamberge smiles, but raises an eyebrow, “Experience with wearing armor? Were you in army, or...”

    “The guards.” She chirped. “There weren’t really much to do though, just boring patrols and more boring patrols and even more boring patrols.” She said, waving a hoof at how boring it was.
    "I see. A bit of background on myself is in order I expect. I am a member of the Coupledye Military, and was just promoted to Commander recently. Before that I served as a swordspony in the airborne infantry. I don't have much experience with a crossbow, but I will help in what ways I can. I'll see about getting us an archery range set up in the future, but for now, I'd still like to see what you got. We'll use this tree," he gestures to one at the edge of the cleared area, away from the campsite, "we'll consider that knot on the left hoof side there, to be the bulls-eye."

   Flamberge marks a line in the earth, "See if you can hit it, reliably, from here, if you can we'll move the line back some more, and so on until you can't."

Crosshair spends her time doing just as told, shooting at her target with careful patience that didn’t look like she had it in her at all, being so energetic and such. But she managed it, and happily did as her commander told her to. It was one of the bestest days for her since she arrived here.

Flamberge watched Crosshair for a time, but having little in the way of constructive criticism to add, she was already a better shot than him, he eventually went a short distance away, took out his long and curving sword and began to work on some individual drills.

As they both trained, Crosshair found herself looking at his way every once in awhile. She did not know why, but it felt good to do so, felt safe. And made her train with increasing vigor. It was good, so she didn’t question it.

As the sun began to set Flamberge decided to call it a day. The two ponies were completely drenched in sweat from all the exercise on the warm spring day. As Crosshair took off her helmet she flipped her mane backwards, Flamberge caught himself staring, she was an incredibly beautiful mare, and had great potential as a soldier. When he thought she had noticed him staring he cleared his throat, and said, though blushing, "Um, Crosshair, you have experience as a guard, and are well above average for a recruit... I have a lot of work ahead of me, building our militia, and I would like to be able to count on your help, thus I am making you our first militia captain."

That made the young mare gasp deeply as her eyes widen up to the size of plates, she let out an adorable squee but quickly catch herself and returned to beaming brightly with wide smiling grin. “Thank you, Commander!” She chirped. Beaming with nearly uncontainable glee.

Flamberge continues, "I realize that the title is rather meaningless at the moment, as we are the only two soldiers here, but we will have more settlers arriving in a few months, and I'll have my hooves full and will need your assistance, dealing with...a lot of things, if you are willing."

Crosshair nodded at that, still bristling with happiness and excitement, even a whole day of work couldn’t keep her energy down “Anything you need me to do, Commander!”

Flamberge smiles, “Good to hear it Captain, we will meet here tomorrow after breakfast to go and patrol the area, until then, dismissed.” The Commander salutes his new captain and then goes back to placing his gear on the rack.

The pegasus mare saluted her Commander and return the armors to it’s rightful place before fluttering away to get a well-earned washing and rest afterwards. Even being a ball of energy she is, rest still a popular pass-time to her. She gave her commander a last look before finally flying away out of his view.



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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #25 on: February 09, 2013, 09:48:29 pm »

« Last Edit: January 05, 2015, 10:46:52 pm by Omicega »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #26 on: February 09, 2013, 11:49:56 pm »

Case Study's Journal - 2nd Granite, 269

No sense in being a one-trick pony when so much needs to be done. I've asked Mr. Temperance what I can do to help get the ball rolling around here. He has assigned me to search for useful and edible herbs that may be found in the surrounding countryside. I'm not a botanist, but fortunately my collection of books will likely contain some information of value. I'm hoping I can locate some medicinal plants that will come in handy when treating injuries (and my headaches, as I'm running low on my personal remedy...).

17th Felsite, 269

Despite the cramped and somewhat stressful conditions, there haven't been any arguments or violent confrontations. I'm thankful for that, as I can't stand yelling or any other loud sounds. I'd still appreciate not having to sleep in such close proximity to everypony; I need my personal space. I'll exercise some patience in the mean time. A lot has been accomplished overall and I have been impressed with how disciplined everypony has been about getting work done. Ms. Holly and Ms. Block have a lot on their shoulders and have somehow managed to perform their jobs with minimal help from others. I find it almost a paradox that Ms. Block has proven capable of such vigorous physical labor. In the meantime, Ms. Puff has seen to it that we have all been sufficiently fed. I suppose the plants I've been gathering have been satisfactory.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 11:54:38 pm by Kryptid »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #27 on: February 10, 2013, 01:53:07 am »

Mind if I claim Woodchips?
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #28 on: February 10, 2013, 03:07:31 am »

Mind if I claim Woodchips?

Sure thing, he's yours!

And another update.  A bit longer this time and with a tiny bit of Fun already!

Temperance's Journal - 2nd Hematite, 269
I've been spending a little time trying to get to know everypony out here a little better, and I think I'm making some headway.  I started out by watching the soldiers train a bit today, and I must say that while I haven't heard them say too much when off duty, I think they're becoming quite good friends.

I also heard that Flamberge has made Crosshair a captain of the upcoming militia.  It's good to know that they're taking this seriously, but I can't help but wonder if he's getting a bit ahead of himself?  We haven't seen much in the way of wildlife out here, much less anything hostile.  I suppose if we do, they'll be ready at least.

Other than that, everypony seems to be in good spirits.  I think I've been working poor Holly too hard, so I'm going to give her a little time off to recover.  The carpenters could probably use some too, considering how they've been working pretty much nonstop since we got out here.

Maize worries me though.  She seems to prefer spending as much time as she can away from us, and while she smiles I wonder if there's something going on inside she's not telling us.  I hate to be too nosy, but I don't want anypony to be needlessly unhappy out here.  I think I am going to speak with her in the morning to see if anything's troubling her.

3rd Hematite, 269

Well, that didn't get me too far.  I tried talking with Maize, but she just seems evasive and nervous.  I felt like I was pushing too hard, and she seemed eager to get back to work so I left her alone.  Maybe I'll try talking with the others and see if they can get anything out of her.

13th Hematite, 269

There hasn't been a whole lot going on lately, aside from the first wheat harvest.  That's exciting, since it means we're actually a farm now.  Cream Puff spent a while this afternoon milling some of it into flour and trying to figure out what to do with it.  We've also got some eggs from the hens ready to use, so I'm sure she'll think of something tasty.

The other interesting bit is Flamberge coming to me asking if we could put some of that steel to use making more equipment for the militia.  I can scarcely call what we have a militia, but without much else to use it for I gave him the go ahead.  He set up a small forge with the anvil we brought with us, and set to work on something or other.

Enough armor for a full uniform for the two soldiers, to start with.  Then some more gear for upcoming soldiers when I get useless migrants.

15th Malachite, 269

Well, I knew the day was coming, but I didn't realize it would be this soon.  Early this morning we had a small caravan of ponies arrive, having set out from Coupledye to join us out here.  We can definitely use some extra hooves to help out, but we've got to feed and house them, and that was challenging enough for just ten of us.  Well, we'll manage.  Here's the list of new arrivals:

A unicorn mare named Serenity, who is apparently a psychiatrist,
A unicorn stallion named Praetorian, who is skilled with a spear,
A pegasus stallion named Redhat, who is also skilled with a spear,
An earth pony stallion named Lathe, who is a carpenter,
An earth pony mare named Morning Dew, who is a farmer
A pegasus stallion named Millstone, who is a miller and presser
A pegasus stallion named Steel Rivet, who is an armorer and married to:
A pegasus mare named Heartfelt, who is a milker, shearer and general animal caretaker, and their son:
A pegasus colt named Cumulus.

Serenity, Praetorian and Redhat are already claimed.

I think they were all a bit surprised to find that there wasn't really anywhere for them to stay or eat yet, but we're working on that hard.  At least Lathe should be a huge help to Veneer and Wood Chips, and will help get things put together faster.

1st Galena, 269

The new ponies are fitting in nicely, thank goodness.  Housing is still coming together slowly, but it is coming together.  Speaking of which, this place is a bit of a haphazard mess, now that I've taken a little while to really notice it.  The housing is the start of the first real organization, but it's going to be a long, slow process.

Setting up the archery range for Crosshair was the first real indication that we've got to start moving stuff around soon.  It won't happen tomorrow, but sooner than later.

A mess indeed.  Random farm up north west.  A forge north east.  Animals down south, and an archery range to the southeast.  Sorting this out is going to take some time.

At least productivity isn't suffering too badly.  Flamberge and Steel Rivet put that steel to good use and produced a few pieces of armor and two spears to round out the militia's equipment a bit.  I know they've got to feel a bit safer now, and as a result so do I.  At least that hasn't been tested yet.

Now that we've got Heartfelt to help out with the livestock, we've also got some yarn and milk too.  It's not much, but it's a start!  I'm sure Cream Puff is looking forward to putting that milk to use.  The yarn we'll probably need to make some bags with, since we're having a time keeping up with mill production.

A small start indeed.  The milk will probably just chill in the stockpile forever and ever, since cooking with liquids is such a crapshoot now, but maybe one day it'll get used.

Food stocks are looking good though.  Cream Puff has produced a lot of very fine tasting food.  I especially like the egg sandwiches she makes most mornings.

I do have to wonder about one particular sandwich I saw somepony eating though.  I've never tried tomato juice with peanut butter... and I'm not sure I'm going to try it any time soon either.

Could be worse, I suppose.

15th Galena, 259

I took a little while to speak with Flamberge today to see how he and the other troops are holding up.  He filled me in on how he's set things up, which is what amounts to two “companies”.  First company is ponies armed with melee weapons, and second company are marksponies.  As he admitted, it's a bit overkill when you've got just 4 militia ponies, but the structure will hold over for when we get more in the future.  So far it's just him, Praetorian and Redhat in first company, and just lonely Crosshair in second company.  I don't have plans to upsize the militia much in the immediate future, but it's good to know he's on top of things at least.

Oh, and I must say, he was looking quite commanding in the armor Steel Rivet made out of some of the steel.  The spears he made are quite nice too.[/i]

It'll do until I get more iron and steel.  That's going to take a long time compared to Dawnpick.

I'm sure Smoothblock would love to be digging up some more iron for us to smelt, but her experimenting earlier proved that the land is saturated with water just below the surface.  We won't be digging down very far any time soon, so we'll be relying on what we get from the caravans for now.  Which is absolutely nothing so far, of course.

20th Galena, 269

Holly hasn't had too much to do recently, so I've had her, Case Study and Smoothblock picking a few of the local plants again.  They haven't turned up a whole lot, unfortunately, but Holly did manage to turn up a few sunflowers today.

The sunflowers themselves aren't all that useful, but we'll be able to squeeze some oil out of their seeds if we ever need them.  I've never cared for the seeds myself, but I know a lot of ponies like to eat them.

While I was updating the stocks on our food supplies, I noticed that the little bit of fermented fruit juices we had lying around are gone, and only freshly squeezed stuff is left.  That's good, I don't want to see ponies getting drunk.  I don't want to have to deal with that...

I grabbed a snack while I was there though, and Cream Puff's cooking nearly floored me this time.  I don't think I've ever had such an amazing sandwich!

No tomato juice on this one.  :)

4th Limestone, 269

The writing on this page is unsteady.

I haven't been this frightened in a very, very long time.  Maybe never.

Today, the badger ponies came.

Well, it was just one.  And that's all it took.

Morning Dew was out in the fields tending to the plants, when it ambushed her.  She tried to run for her life, but it stabbed her in the legs several times, and she collapsed from the pain.

Uh oh...

Flameberge and Crosshair were close by, thank the gods, so they immediately leaped upon the badger pony and started attacking it.  I don't mind admitting I was scared out of my mind at this point, so I ran back with everypony else who wasn't involved and watched from a distance.  Flamberge and Crosshair struck it over and over again with their hooves and weapons, but the fight lasted for ages...

Stupid badger pony wouldn't die...

Flamberge seemed like a stallion possessed as he crushed the life from the beast pony.  I'm glad I wasn't there to get a close look, and I left it to him to sort out the corpse...

I was more interested in getting Morning Dew to Dr. Case Study immediately.  I hurried off to go check on her, praying she was still alive.  Maize beat me to it though, and she rushed the poor stricken mare back to the temporary dorms where Case Study set to work on her.  She was alive.

That's her in the top bed.  I don't imagine the others will be sleeping too well with her right there, but whatcha gonna do?

I checked with him afterward, and he said the wounds were serious but not life threatening.  She should recover, but it's going to take some time, and we don't have proper facilities for it.  Thank the gods Case Study can work with what we have.

It's not so bad.  As long as she doesn't get an infection, she'll be right as rain soon enough.

This is pretty terrifying.  Virtue wasn't kidding.  She told me about the badger ponies... and now I know personally.  I hope Morning Dew is going to be alright.  She has to be.  And we have to make sure this never happens again.

I have a lot of thinking to do...
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 03:22:35 am by Telgin »
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #29 on: February 10, 2013, 05:27:31 am »

Redhat's journal

11th Hematite, 269
Annnnnd here I am, walking and walking and walking and occasionally flying my way to a little spot in the middle nowhere. The annoying stallion over in the capital (who convinced me this wasn't going to be a trip to my own demise) promised me this would be an opportunity at a better existence in society, a new chance at life and to go on an adventure! well... i suppose he'd make a half decent salesstallion... the ever so "exciting" adventure has just been me and another 8 ponies walking and walking and walking and occasionally flying for miles on end. not to mention the little foal spends half his time being annoying and asking "are we there yet". I've had to sleep in the dirt every day, and we don't even get up at an appropriated time. what kind of pony wants to wake before the sun is even done rising? if i could head back to the nice inn at the capital, i would... also it seems our food is starting to run out. maybe if we're lucky whoever is running this caravan will actually be competent enough at navigation to get us to our destination before we're locked in moral combat over who eats who. well, at least that would be "exciting".

15th Malachite, 269
We finally made it! my best outfit may be ruined from sleeping in the dirt one too many times on the way here, and I've gone two days without breakfast or dinner, but we're here! there are only a few building up, though it seems things are getting done in a timely fashion around these parts, though that doesn't detract from being stuck sleeping in these bloody community dorms.... if i have to sleep in a bed next to another sweaty stallion who smells of rotten tomatoes I will seriously pull out my own mane. at least things could be worse i suppose. a bed is nicer than the dirt, and my old best set of clothes could attest to that. 

as for the management in this place, the big word going about is that he's related to some baroness, or thane or grand poobah in some spot off in the middle of nowhere that's slightly more "established" than this random assortment of wooden shacks. Apparently his only credential for being in charge of protecting the lives of others is that his sister is qualified in the running a town. I swear if could have talked to the stallion who convinced me coming out here was a fine idea i'd have slapped him across the face.

1st Galena, 269
so houses are finally being erected, but seeing how i wasn't exactly among the first "pioneers" to come to this spot in the middle of nowhere, i'm close to the bottom of a relatively long waiting list. Well, at least I was among the third wave of ponies ready to throw their lives away, as more are expected to show, so i guess i could be in a less desirable spot on the list. Also i'd like to note whoever invented the tomato juice and peanut-butter sandwich is brilliant. whoever was daring enough to put these two together on a sandwich and serve them is a genius of the highest caliber. not to mention it tastes perfect (to my surprise).

28th Galena, 269
I think i'll try to join the militia. anything would be better than staying outside all day moving about logs to the stockpiles. I've spent some time working with a spear before, so I expect my assistance will be desirable in the militia. Also i heard stabbing things was a good way to release stress.

4th Limestone, 269
god, today i watched a pony get stabbed, possibly crippled, another pony lose all his equinity in a primal rage and then another pony beaten into a pile of bloody red mush. I've looked at my last few past entries, and I knew this wasn't going to a walk in the park, but i hadn't expected this. I thought moving away from the big city for a change would finally put an end on the amount of senseless violence, but then again no "adventure", as that salesstallion called it, would be complete without a good bit of bloodshed. seeing something kill in cold blood... it makes me grow sick of the world around me. I feel out of place almost. and for somepony to gain such blood lust at the sight of an enemy... the act of killing is something should do with a certain amount of formality and a great bit of reason as to how you justify the act of bringing about the end of another being's mortal existence. Though, to often something like this happens, some idiot walks into a village and tries to rush up to some pony and remove it's legs, only to be pummeled into a mush by a half pony half berserker. The amount of chaos in this world is in this world is simply disgusting.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2013, 02:19:18 am by jaxler »
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms
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