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Author Topic: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)  (Read 48519 times)


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #210 on: April 01, 2013, 10:24:46 pm »

~Entry #127~

It has suddenly dawned on me that I may have forgotten the previous one hundred and twenty-six entries back at my partially destroyed cabin in the woods outside of Coupledye. Crap. Anyway if anyone in the future is reading this then here's a quick summary of my life: I was a crappy hunter, now I'm a crappy markspony, and I have no family to speak of. Due to my exceptionally crappy life, I was sentenced to join the next wagon ride to some frontier town called Dustfields or Duskfields... something "D" and fields. How fun... anyway I was just minding my own business at home when BAM, two guards and some noble with a top hat show up and give me a piece of paper and tell me to join a caravan. I thought it was guard service, to protect the caravan from bandits or something, imagine my surprise... I wonder what I'm going to do here considering I probably can't go back home and that my remote cabin in the woods is probably being demolished as I write this.

I should probably ask Temporary Temperance or whoever's in charge if I can hunt in this territory. It wouldn't hurt to stock up on some meat for food or some leather to be fashioned up into armor or quivers... however I don't see anypony eating meat or wearing anything made out of leather, strange... Whatever, I'll wait and see if I can go out and murder helpless woodland critters for their meat and furs... why the hell am I a hunter anyway?

~Entry #128~

Whelp I got drafted into the military on the first day. I was just milling around the well with my crossbow when suddenly some pony trotted up to me and told me to report to the armor stand next to the other two identical racks. I'm so happy to know that our base of operations is an armor stand right next to a few farm plots and a lone archery target. Do we have to take turns shooting or do we schedule certain months to use it? Anyway so being the sensible and infinitely wise unicorn I am, I hauled ass over to the armor stand to witness some "wrestling demonstration" conducted between some pegasus swordspony I am thoroughly convinced is the militia commander and my new superior... when will I ever need to use wrestling moves if I'm on a wall with a crossbow taking potshots over a trench? Seriously, I'll be standing on a wall with a moat surrounding it, you tell me how some random invader without wings could get up to me...

Guess it doesn't matter though, I'm sure there will be some foe armed with wings that will probably beat my ass in a hoof fight. Maybe one of those "discordian ponies" I hear so much about around town, they probably have pegasi armed with swords or something. Maybe I could use my horn to cast some magical spell that disarms them, then maybe I cast a magical crossbow spell where I shoot them in the face... take that wrestling! 'Course I would have to learn that disarm spell if it even exists, yeah where can I go to learn that? I always wanted to learn some spells like those court wizards or those wandering street performers... But yeah, I don't think many things will end up attacking me in close quarters when I'm on the walls, unless diamond dogs learn how to fly that is...  or maybe some forgotten beast made out of steel or something ridiculous from hell itself will pop up and lay waste to this entire fortress, because a bolt could do so much to a hulking behemoth made of steel and pure death...

You know what? Forget it... I'll watch these demonstrations, maybe I'll learn something important...

~Entry #129~

What day is it? I probably should have kept track of the dates in these things... I should invest into a calendar or something, yeah these journal entries seem pointless now because I may have forgotten when some of these events occurred, mainly whether entry #128 was yesterday or a week ago. I don't know what's worse, that I forgot the date of something I wrote recently, or that it took me one hundred and twenty-nine entries to realize this poorly thought out idea. And I thought all unicorns were good at being clerks and record keepers...

At least now I won't go hungry or broke 'cause I officially got a job... however dangerous it could be. Apparently all it took was showing up with a crossbow and being able to hit a target from a few paces away. I was stationed into a markspony squad under a pegasus, why? Because that's the only squad we have, and you know what they say: a chain is always held down to the weakest link. In this case the entire squad would have to slow down for me and that earth pony, Aventail I think... that is totally not combat efficient; first, if we moved at the same speed, we couldn't make it in time to any battle and secondly, if we all move our fastest, the two pegasi would easily out pace us and we would separate this squad and it's combat prowess in half. Well actually I'd assume that our superior officer probably has a lot of experience and kills under her belt, considering she's one of the founders and all...

Anyway now I'm one a of a select few of marksponies in this fort. That alone makes me feel somewhat important and also responsible for these ponies I have never seen before in my entire life. I might want to request a transfer to a different squad without pegasi though, it's not that I don't like pegasi or anything, but I feel as though my lack of wings will slow the team down, good thing Aventail is on the squad too, maybe I won't be the only slow moving piss-poor shot with a crossbow... man I am a terrible stallion...

So anyway I learned where all the popular social meeting grounds are and promptly avoided them all like clouds of discordant magic. There is a lot of that here, the discordant magic, not the meeting grounds. Makes you wonder about the surrounding area... seems somewhat terrifying really...
and it has suddenly dawned on me that nobody will care about the life and times of some random hunter-turned-soldier that was abruptly relocated to a frontier town ordered to grow food for the capital... why am I still writing these things?

~Entry #130~

Man I didn't write a whole lot in these new entries...whatever... 

It took me three days to learn that apparently nopony here eats meat or uses leather, so I guess my hunting career has found a tragic ending, but maybe my new soldering gig might flourish with all this spare time for training... and my life will probably reach a tragic end because of it. I should probably go and have a meeting with my superior officer whom I totally remember the name of, without a shadow of a doubt. I really should consider running a ground based ranged squad so any other land ponies and myself won't have to hold the pegasi teams back during an ambush or something, where speed and maneuverability are crucial. Also us land folk could support the melee fighters from the walls while the pegasus teams act as a rapid response or shock troopers on the battlefield...

My god I am going to be the worst soldier ever. Let's say I was at least competent with a crossbow, I have zero knowledge of the surrounding area, I have no idea what I'm up against, and I will probably miss that one life saving kill-shot nine out of ten times...  so that means I should take long patrols around the fort, practice a lot with a target and a crossbow, and probably listen to my superiors. I should probably go off and have a chat with some of the other soldiers to figure out more about this place like maybe where some choke points are in case any invaders show up or if there are any blind spots from the walls. I digress...

I'm going to go shoot an archery target because hey, I got nothing better to do...

Also probably going to burn this thing when I get the chance...

Prodd out.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 11:43:23 pm by L1wW »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #211 on: April 02, 2013, 12:34:42 am »

Entry #1
Sweet Potato told me to keep one of these "So we can show our foals" and I agreed, though I never thought we would have foals as I don't want them to be heartbroken if I die in the line of duty. I will be recapping up recent events in this entry as I want this to be the only page recapping these events.

I was surprised when a swarm of 46 damn darn parasprites came charging into town;Of anything I saw on the way it had to be the little winged cotton balls that swarmed over here. I got Sweet Potato out of the way as I didn't want her to get hurt, as I had heard that a parasprite can kill a pony. I don't believe it, though it can't hurt to be safe right?

This town is very... homey, I like it, a backwater town with a griffon-a fucking freaking griffon those things are awesome!-who wasn't killing everyone. I took Sweet Potato to the tavern looking area before anything else to get her some food;Berries and the occasional cob of maize don't keep you well nourished over a long journey.

I was drafted into a squad of marksponies, I quickly accepted-like I was given a choice though-and began training from sun up to sun down, in the rain and in the cloudyness-Is that even a word?-I did however take a day off to spend time with the wife. the time we spent was wonderful, though I did get chewed out for missing a lesson.

I may get the wife to write a journal too-might as well share the burden-as it will tell her side of the story in many things. Goodbye, and goodnight.

P.S. Wife tells me to keep the language down, I'll remember that for later entries
« Last Edit: May 24, 2013, 11:24:15 pm by Iceblaster »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #212 on: April 02, 2013, 06:56:25 pm »

Obsidian 18th, 270
There was a terrible Discordant attack today. Max was caught outside by one of them, and he ended up taking an axe to the abdomen. Along with major blood loss, the wound was traumatic enough for his intestines to partially spill out. He was the first griffin I've ever treated, but thankfully the surgical principles are about the same. We do have to be careful about any kind medication that may affect griffins differently. We don't want a repeat of the incident with Redhat. Oh, and Redhat had a minor injury to his nose.
Unfortunately, Max wasn't the only one seriously wounded. Scimitar, one of the militia ponies, broke both legs and his front hoof. Right now Max's prognosis is dire, and though Scimitar's condition is less grave I cant say if his legs will ever heal enough for him to return to active duty.

Granite 1st, 271
Today was my birthday, and to celebrate we had a party in the tavern. Some of my friends showed up, and of course Patches and Mittens were there too. There's been so much death lately that it's nice to have something to celebrate. We have to enjoy the good times while we can. Thankfully things have been a little more peaceful since Max and Scimitar were attacked. They'll both be in the hospital with Plastron for a while yet, but at this point none of their injuries are life-threatening.

Slate 14th, 271
Temperance and Morning Dew's foal turned one year old today. We took Mittens to her party and they played with some of the other foals while the parents caught up with each other. I'm glad there are so many foals around the same age, even if I do worry for their safety.

Hematite 8th, 271
We decided to release Scimitar this morning. He's not in perfect health, but he is back on his hooves again. I don't think he should continue in the militia, but in the end that'll be up to somepony else...
Max is still in the hospital. His condition is much improved, except for an infection that can probably be blamed on the lack of soap. I'll have to bring this up with Case Study, so he can bring it up to Temperance.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2013, 12:09:27 pm by Amorack »
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #213 on: April 02, 2013, 10:06:34 pm »

After shooting at the same target for the past four hours, Prodd inevitably got bored. He still needed to figure out what’s outside the walls of Duskfields, so he guessed a patrol should be in order. The problem was, however, that if he took about a hundred paces outside the gate, he would surely get lost and be reported missing in about a week. He needed to find somepony to lead the way. Prodd noticed a pegasus with a red hat walk by. “Hey... uh, red hat guy... can you help me? I’m going to... go on patrol around here and I don’t want to get lost...” Prodd said.

Redhat turned his head around when he heard somepony call for him. “Oh... um... hello.... is it possible you could have somepony else waste their ti- I mean assist you in this matter?”

“Oh, well I’m sorry... you got anything better to do?” Prodd responds. “‘Cause I got no clue what the hell is outside those walls and I’d like to find out...” Prodd goes to the target and retrieves a few bolts.

“...” The pony’s eye twitched, He really wanted to assault the other pony’s honor, but he needed to try to act nice... “Well... I... g-guess i’ll assist you then...”

“Great... that’s fantastic.” Prodd says with a not-so-subtle hint of sarcasm. “So what exactly are we patrolling? Like what routes we take, what places we stop at, that kinda stuff...” Prodd asks, somewhat sincerely. He stops in front of the spear pony after gathering a few more bolts and his crossbow.

“Well, Honestly I don’t know, I’m not exactly in your squad.” He said, rolling his eyes. “Also, I’m not really on the clock right now.”

“...Should I care?” Prodd replies. He looks over at the gate, then back at the pony with the red hat. “So I take it you’re not going out there with me?” Prodd sighs.

“I said I was assisting you, do you take me for a liar?” The pony then walked over to a weapon rack and grabbed his spear.

“Well I don’t take you for a liar...” Prodd answers. He checks to see if his weapon is loaded and slings it on his back. “I guess we could just wander around aimlessly and keep an eye out for bad guys... also what, er... what is your name?”

“Redhat, and yours?” He said walking back over to Prodd.

“...Your name is seriously Redhat? Whatever... name’s Prodd.” Prodd says. “So shall we be off on this merry adventure?”

“Sure... but just know that if you see anything leave it to me, please.”

“...Am I really that incompetent?” Prodd asks, more to himself though. “Anyway... let’s get this show on the road...” The two start walking.

“Well sorry. You're currently just a recruit and I have second most kills in this fortress.” He said before the two moved outside of the gate.

“Second most kills, huh? Well how many kills do you have anyway?” Prodd asks, deciding to start a conversation while they wander outside.

“30ish... though it’s not something I’d take pride in.” He said, looking down. “Still, it’s a good way to show noobies I actually have experience in this profession.”

“...Are you implying something?” Prodd questions. “Alright new question... where did you get that hat, anyway? Do we even have colored dyes here?”

“I’ve had this hat for years, and in fact, is my favorite part of my collection.” He says proudly, not seeming to mind talking about this subject at all.

“Alright... does it have a story?” Prodd asks, slightly interested in this topic. He still keeps his eye on the perimeter just in case something were to actually happen...

“Well... It was a gift from my father.”

“...Huh, he still around?” Prodd asks. He tried thinking of his own family, he didn’t get very far.

“Nope, the poor bastard is dead and buried.” He tried to sound he didn’t care much.

“...You sound as if you don’t care.” Prodd states, not trying to sound irritated, just curious.

“Yeah, your point?”

“Nothing really... so how did you end up here?” Prodd asks, still trying to keep the conversation going.

“Can’t somepony just prefer a change in scenery?”

“...Eh, I guess...” Prodd says. “So who are you hiding from?”

“Your mother, now any other personal questions you’d like to interrogate further?”

“Yeah, here’s another: why are you wearing a magical hat?” Prodd asks while smirking. “You realize us unicorns can at least sense magical stuff if we try hard enough... right?”

“I’m sorry, but I prefer to keep my appearance as pleasant as possible, and magic assists in that.”

“Well I’m sure you’re not that ugly...” Prodd says. “Anyway we covered a good chunk of ground, we could go home now... or we could check out that hill over to the west...” Prodd stops and looks at Redhat. “It’s your call...”

“Honestly, I’d like to get back home and feed my dog.” He said, looking for some sort of reason to head back home.

“Very well, lets head back to town...” Prodd says. “...By the way... thanks for the chat...” He then turns and starts walking back to Duskfields. “If you ever need me, I’ll probably be shooting targets.”

“Well... Thanks for the chat as well...” he said, Trying again not to be a jackass and finish the conversation with a snide comment.

The two ponies walked back to Duskfields and parted ways once they reached the gate.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 12:34:58 am by L1wW »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #214 on: April 03, 2013, 03:31:54 am »

, Bascinet and Epaulette

It’s yet another day of training, as the twin sisters jab and dodge and swipe at one another during sparring.

Redhat was over on the sidelines. His dog came along too today, The big fluffy beast just sitting next to red while he took his prolonged break.

The two sisters occasionally flashed glances his way between strikes. Eventually, Bascinet drops her practice spear and starts walking over to the stallion, Epaulette quickly catching up. “Monsieur Redhat, would you please critique my style?” they both ask at the same time, nervously. They give each other a surprised look, as if they weren’t expecting the other to be there.

“um....” they were honestly both rather terrible. “Well... I’d say... you may wish to keep working on it...”

The two blush and look a bit sullen. “P-perhaps,” Bascinet starts, “you could... watch us more, and give us tips?”

“Well.. sure why not...”

The two smile brightly and run back to where they were practicing. They start off carefully, trying to make everything they do look good, even if it’s not necessarily practical.

“Yeah... flashy stuff can you killed, and try not to leave yourself open, else you’ll die.”

The two start becoming more tactical about their attacks, aiming carefully for one another and trying to keep up a good, active defense.

“Okay, what you want to do, is wait until the other makes a mistake, then make them pay for it. Like right now, you could just swipe at Epaulette’s leg and BOOM fight over.”

Epaulette catches what Redhat says and blocks just in time for Bascinet’s spear, and then promptly returns the favor by poking the mare in the chest. Epaulette seems pretty smug about it, while Bascinet looks pissed.

“Okay, even though Epaulette just killed you by cheating and reacting to my commentary and showing no skill, You could still take a swipe at her face while she basks in victory.”

Epaulette looks hurt towards Redhat, though she still manages to block her sister’s angry swipe without looking.

“Well sorry... heh... if I wasn’t here you wouldn’t have exactly won that.”

Epaulette and Bascinet go back to sparring. Both seem absolutely determined this time, and their attacks are quick and violent.

“A wooden spear can bust a muzzle. Trust me I know from experience. It’s okay to not bash it eachother so hard.”

The two ignore him. It almost looks like they want to hurt one another.

“you don’t have to kill each other...”

Eventually, Bascinet sees an opening, hitting Epaulette’s leg so hard Redhat can hear the ‘whap’ as it echoes off the nearby buildings. The mare goes down and starts nursing her leg while the other struts around her triumphantly.

He gives the mare an angry look then gets down next to Epaulette. “Are you okay?”

“I am fine,” she replies bluntly, looking more hurt at being humiliated than by the injury. The impact site does show a bit of a welt and some bruising, though.

“Very well....” he got up, “Okay, Bascinet, you know better to try to bludgeon your sparring Partner.”

Bascinet tries to suppress a sigh of disappointment. “Yes, Monsieur Redhat. I am sorry, Epaulette.” She doesn’t really seem to mean it.

Epaulette just nods before getting back to her feet. “I think zat is enough practice for today, no?”

“Sure, why not?” he said, still seeming rather disappointed by Bascinet.

Epaulette smirks. “Would you mind escorting me back to my room, Monsieur Redhat? My leg does hurt a bit...”

Bascinet makes a nasty look at her sister, but says nothing.

“Oh, why I’m sure your sister can assist you.” And just then the dog gave off a soft whimper and walked over to nuzzle the downed pony.

Epaulette sighs and reaches out to stroke Bonnet, while Bascinet smirks back at her.

“Why are you guys acting so... impolite? Seriously?”

“It is nothing,” Bascinet responds bitterly, seemingly blaming Epaulette. Epaulette, in turn, just gives Bascinet a nasty stare, apparently having a mutual feeling on the matter.

“Anyway... I guess I’ll be on my way...” He said, making his way to the door, and motioning the dog over.
Epaulette and Bascinet stay for a while, staring daggers at each other, before heading separate ways.
Nothing important here, move along.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #215 on: April 04, 2013, 02:05:16 am »

, , , and

Sous-chef Maize helps her master, Cream Puff, put the finishing touches on the meals, giddy about the surprise double-date she’s set up for herself her husband, Temperance and Morning Dew.

Cream Puff examines the plates and smiles in approval.  Tomato bisque appetiser, lasagna and fresh rolls entre, and cannoli for dessert, perfect!  “Good work, Maize!”

“I hope so, I’m going to be eating it,” Maize jests, peeking out of the kitchen. “Looks like Prae-Prae’s here, and the other two should be coming soon.” She looks back. “Thanks so much, Cream. I never could have pulled this off without you.”

Puff gives her a warm smile.  “Any time, Maize!  It’s nice to get to make something fancy once in a while.  Now get out there!  You’re supposed to be on a date!”  Puff gives her a friendly push out of the kitchen.

Maize smiles back toward her friend before walking to the table. “Hey, Prae-Prae.” She gives the stallion a big kiss before sitting down next to him.

“Hello, Maize,” he says, smiling as he sits down next to her. “What’s all this about?”

“You’ll see, don’t worry.” Maize gives him another kiss and looks toward the door of the tavern.

A minute later, the second couple walk in.  Temperance is smiling softly, walking close enough to Morning Dew that they were brushing up against each other.  They periodically swish tails at each other as they move along.  “Well, looks like the others are already here.”

“Hello Temperance,” says Praetorian, standing up.

Maize stands up as well. “Hey, Temperance. Hi, Morning.”

“Hello, you two,” he responds, smiling and nodding at each.  “So, what was the plan for tonight?”  He had a decent idea already, and he was liking where it was going.

Maize smiles at him. “Just take a seat. We’re going to have a little double-date, if that’s alright.”

Morning Dew smiles at Tempy, and nudges him a little.

“Oh, well then...” he says, returning Dew’s smile and making a grand gesture as he pulls a seat out for her.  “After you.”  It had been too long since their last night ‘out.’

Morning Dew sits down happily, and waits for Temperance to sit down as well.

Maize sits back down, already having a seat under her from earlier. “Cream Puff’ll have the food out really soon, I helped make it. Hope it’s good.”

Temperance takes his seat next to his wife, and he takes a deep breath.  “It smells wonderful, so I’m sure it’ll taste it too.”

Praetorian re-seats himself. “I have no doubts on that front, either.”

With the ponies seated, Puff heads out to serve them their appetisers.  “Good evening everypony!  What can I get you all to drink?”

Praetorian waits for Maize to decide, while setting her plate down in front of her to aid Puff.

Maize smiles at him. “Thanks, Prae-Prae. I’d like some lemonade, please, Puff. We have some, right?”

“A bit of watermelon juice for me, if you have any?” Temperance asks, then looks to Morning Dew.

Morning Dew hmms for a bit, and then says “Um, water would be fine.”

Praetorian says “I’ll join my wife in the lemonade, if you wouldn’t mind.”

Puff nods at each pony in turn as they request their drinks.  “Alright: two lemonades, watermelon juice, and water.  I’ll be right back with those.”

Maize takes a sip of the creamy tomato soup. “Mmm, it’s even better than I thought it was going to be.”

Praetorian tastes the soup, and nods. “Indeed it is quite delicious.”

Temperance takes a small gulp.  “This is excellent.  Every time I taste the food I’m surprised how good it is here.”  He smiles.  “You two do a great job growing it, and Cream Puff does a great job cooking it.”

Morning Dew nods as she continues to drink the delicious soup, before finally halting and smiling. “Yes, it’s stupendous what you and Cream Puff can do.”

Maize gulps down the entire bowl before lying it down on the table and dabbing her lips with a napkin. “Thank you very much. Cream Puff and I worked hard on this, and it’s good to know it came out so well.”

“Oh, you helped cook tonight?” Temperance asks as he finishes his.  “Then my compliments to both chefs.”

Maize smiles. “She deserves more credit. She mostly told me what to do to help her out. Besides, she was nice enough to play waitress, too.”

Puff returns with their drinks and with the entre, and distributes them all.  “Here we go!  Lasagna and some fresh rolls for everypony.  And your drinks, of course.  Enjoy!”

Maize helps Puff out with passing out the plates before taking a sip of her lemonade. “Thank you, Puff!”

“Yes, thank you very much,” Temperance says, helping to get Dew’s food settled before he takes his own.  “This smells fantastic.”

Morning Dew leans over to Temperance and gives him a little nuzzle as he settles her food, turning it into a little kiss on his cheek.

Maize slips Praetorian a quick kiss, too, before she starts to dig into her own lasagna.

Puff giggles and heads back to the kitchen, leaving the lovebirds to have their time together.

Temperance breaks away from Dew’s nuzzle and kiss reluctantly before sampling his lasagna.  It was still a bit hot, but nothing a bit of blowing couldn’t solve.  The tomato sauce was absolutely wonderful, just like every part of it.  “Cream Puff keeps asking for some cows for better cheese.  I’m not sure this could be any better.”

Maize stops shoveling food in her mouth and takes a second to swallow. “She wants cow cheese, and I don’t blame her. Imagine this with the rich flavor of cheddar.”

Morning Dew is still a little more like Temperance in her eating habits, but Praetorian is almost as quick as Maize, shoveling in the hot food like there was no tomorrow. Morning Dew smiles at Temperance before taking up her fork, and cutting off a little bit of Temperance’s lasagna, and feeding it to him.

He chuckles despite the food in his mouth, then reciprocates, cutting a small piece of her lasagna off and offering it to her with a smile.

Morning Dew giggles a little and takes the morsel of lasagna.

Maize tries to one-up them, cutting a piece of her lasagna and holding it in her mouth, offering it to Praetorian.

Praetorian laughs a little at the antics, before accepting Maize’s gift, and prepares to reciprocate, not wanting to show a sign of ungallantness, of course.

Maize happily takes the bite, giving Praetorian a short kiss as she does so.

Praetorian would be happy to hold the kiss, but accepts the break.

Temperance meanwhile cannot think of anything to beat that, so he concedes defeat with a small chuckle and shake of his head before returning to his food.

Maize finishes the rest of her lasagna and leans back, resting her head lovingly on Praetorian as she waits for everypony else to finish.

Temperance finds himself surprisingly hungry, and it doesn’t take him long to finish either.  The lasagna was so good if he was in private he might be tempted to lick the plate, but certainly not here.  He instead sits back contentedly and rubs Morning Dew’s back with a hoof.

Praetorian finishes just before Temperance, and being a unicorn doesn’t have to worry about licking the plate.

Morning Dew finishes last, and leans over on Temperance in a mirror of Maize.

Maize nuzzles her husband’s neck a bit, giving him a few kisses. “Enjoying it so far?”

“Oh, of course I am, Maize. I’m with you; why wouldn’t I be?” he answers, resting a leg around her back.

Maize gives him a bigger kiss and looks to the couple across the table. “How about you two?”

Temperance nuzzles Morning Dew and says, “Good food, my friends and the mare of my life?  What’s not to enjoy?”

Morning Dew smiles a little, and says “I don’t know how I could not be enjoying it, spending time with the sweetest stallion who ever was.”

Maize grins as she drinks the last of her lemonade. “I’m glad everypony is enjoying it. I figured it’d be a nice little treat.”

Temperance fails to contain a slight blush at Dew’s comment.  “Thank you for arranging for it.  We’ve all been so busy lately there hasn’t been much time for us to have a night out to relax like this.  I’m guessing you two haven’t really had much chance either.”

“Not for a date, no.” Maize pushes herself up a little to give Praetorian’s cheek a kiss. “Sharing the same room makes nights a lot funner, though.”

Praetorian holds a straight face via a tremendous expenditure of effort.

Temperance coughs nervously but a tiny smile plays across his face.  “Yes, well... I’ve been trying to convince myself to not work so late every day, so I can spend a bit more time with Dew.  It’s a bit of a bad habit I’ve developed,” he says, trying to change the subject a bit, if possible.

Morning Dew smiles a little bit. “He’s not been the one trying to convince him. That’s been me. Mountain Dew hardly sees you when you’re not at work, dear. It won’t kill you to take a few days off a year!”

He chuckles nervously and nods before leaning into her a bit more.  “I know... I’m sorry, I’m trying, honest.”

Maize giggles. “I guess I’ll just have to arrange some play-dates, too then.”

“Speaking of that,” Temperance begins, “I’m sure Mountain Dew would love to have a playmate.”  He looks over at the slight bulge forming in Morning Dew’s belly and says, “She’s got one on the way, but you do too, don’t you?  About the same time off?”

Maize nods and carefully pats above her stomach. “Yeah. It would be interesting if we had them at the same time, wouldn’t it?”

Morning Dew giggles a little bit. “I wonder who’d be doing the farming then!”

“We’ve got probably close to a year’s worth of food stocked up,” Temperance says with a shrug.  “Even if you two had to take off for close to a year, I’m sure Pumpkin Patch can keep things primed, so to speak.”

Maize nods. “I can’t imagine needing much time off, anyway. Morning Dew didn’t take too long to get back out after having Mountain, did you Morning?”

“No, I didn’t. Mountain Dew was a sweet little thing, which probably helped a little,” she says.

Temperance smiles, but inside he feels a pang of guilt about not being there for his wife and daughter during that period.  “She is.  She gets into everything, but she’s a good little filly.”

Cream Puff returns to the table with the dessert, and refills for the drinks.  “How is everything so far?”

“Wonderful,” Maize responds, taking her cannoli and again helping pass out the rest of them.

“It’s been marvelous, Cream Puff,” says Morning Dew with a smile. “Thank you for all that you’ve done.”

“Absolutely, everything has been great,” Temperance agrees, eyeing his dessert.

Praetorian nods. “Quite superb, miss Cream Puff. Thank you for the effort that you’ve put in here.”

Puff beams at the couples and the compliments.  “Excellent!  I couldn’t have done it without Maize’s help!  And it was nice to really get to make something extra special.”

Maize smiles. “I’m sure you could have managed, but I’m glad I helped.” She lifts her cannoli, and begins to bite down on the end.

“Extra special, indeed,” Temperance agrees with Puff.  He chuckles and adds, “I’d say we should do this again soon, but I know this had to be a lot of work for the both of you.”

Maize giggles. “I actually made one more copy of the meal in secret so Cream Puff could have some, too. It’s in the back right cupboard, Puff.” She smiles. “Hopefully it’ll be incentive to do it all again.”

Puff giggles at Maize.  “I know, I ate it already.  How else do you think I knew how long to wait to bring the next course?”  She gives her a friendly hug anyway.  “Thanks, Maize.”

Maize returns the hug. “I thought I hid it well. Oh, well, at least you got it.” She nuzzles her friend. “So, same time next week?” She jokes.

“Heh, I wouldn’t mind, but I think everypony else would get jealous if only you guys get my best stuff!  I’m able to keep quality food going with Pepper’s help, but it’ll take at least two more helpers to be able to give everypony food like this.”  Puff waves a wing at the quickly vanishing desserts with a smile.

Maize just looks to Praetorian. “What do you say, Prae-Prae? I hear you can whip up a mean salad. It would almost be like our own little date, just helping Puff make a grand feast for everypony.”

Temperance makes a small grin.  “I’d offer to help, but I can burn water, so I’m afraid I’d just get in the way.”

“Hmmm, well, I suppose I can help when I’m not on duty,” says Praetorian.

Maize gives Praetorian a big hug and a bigger kiss. “Sounds fun!”

Puff chuckles at her friends.  “Sounds like fun.  Speaking of, I’ll leave you all to the rest of your date.”  With a smile and wave of a wing, Puff returns to the kitchen.  Maize hadn’t been the only one to make some extra, and Puff was planning on enjoying some more cannoli.

Temperance waves her off in turn and snuggles up with Morning Dew.  He starts nibbling at his cannoli, savoring it and his wife’s presence.  Speaking of which, he knew she loved things like this.  After he finishes half of it, he feigns being full, and sets it back on his plate.  “I’m not sure I could eat another bite.  Would you like the rest?” he asks her.

Morning Dew giggles and, having only half of her own, says “No, no, I’m full. You should eat it. And the rest of mine, too.”

Maize looks a little disappointed, not being able to join in the flirting since she had literally just swallowed the last bit of hers.

That’s why she pulls out two more cannolis from under the table. “Want ‘em, sweetie?” She asks Praetorian.

Praetorian, who hasn’t touched his yet, smiles and shakes his head. “No, you should have it, and mine as well. I’m already pretty full, and I know you like them.”

“Aww, you should eat yours at least.” She puts an entire cannoli in her mouth and starts chewing. “Therr guud!”

Praetorian has an idea. Waiting for Maize to finish the one she was currently consuming, he picks up his own, half in his mouth, and holds it over for Maize to take the other half.

Maize smiles and reaches out, taking the other half in her mouth and pressing her lips against Praetorian’s, holding the kiss for a lot longer this time.

Praetorian holds the kiss for as long as he can, pulling Maize to him.

Maize keeps it up and offers the last cannoli to Temperance and Morning Dew so they can do the same.

With a small laugh, he takes it and mimics the two, holding it half in his mouth and offering the other half to Dew with a wink.

Morning Dew takes the other half, happily kissing the stallion of all of her dreams.

Maize, during the kiss, sneaks some of the cream filling out of Praetorian’s end of the cannoli before breaking away. “That was fun.”

Temperance finally breaks away himself, revealing that the cannoli has vanished during their kiss.  He wipes a tiny little speck of cream from Dew’s nose with a grin.  He sighs contentedly and sits back.  After a minute, he says, “Well... it’s getting pretty late.  Perhaps we should go home and spend a bit of that time together that I owe you?”

Morning Dew giggles, and nods. “That sounds nice, Tempy,” she says happily.

Temperance collects the bits of leftover cannolis and gives her another little nuzzle before helping her up.  “Alright then.”  He looks back at their company and says, “This was a wonderful night, thanks again.”

Maize waves. “No problem. If you ever want to hang out again, just say something. I’ll see if I can set it up.”
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #216 on: April 04, 2013, 02:57:15 am »

I always wondered... How do ponies pick things up? Magnet hooves? Also, I dropped by the IRC channel, I might go back there on request.

Lightning Runner fires his crossbow at a target, hitting the outer 'ring' "Darn it, need to work harder" He muttered

Sweet Potato giggled "Oh your doing great!" she said, sitting a distance away

"Just got a bit of... something in my eye" Lightning said, beginning to reload his crossbow

"Riiight," Sweet Potato rolled her eyes

"Okay, so I do need SOME more training, but I assure you, in a week I'll be able to hit those parasprites from where I'm standing, with one hoof behind my back" Lightning Runner bluffed, finishing the loading of his crossbow "Why don't you try" He said tossing the crossbow to her, Sweet Potato catching it just in time

"Fine, but don't expect anything good, you know I am better with a hoe than a crossbow" She said trotting over to the archery range, making sure not to get in the way of the other marksponies

"Just look down the notches and figure out how far you are from the target, you should also correct for wind direction" Lightning instructed, trotting up next to Sweet Potato, putting his hooves on hers, helping her aim

"I got this, don't worry about me" Sweet Potato said, firing off a bolt, missing and hitting the ground "Eep!" she jumped

"Don't worry, its normal for it do make that fwatang sound when firing off a bolt" Lightning said, laughing to himself

"Easy for you to say!" Sweet Potato said, blushing furiously, getting a few strange looks, but not enough for this to count as making a scene

"Tell ya what, if you can get better with a crossbow, I'll work on farming" Lightning said, still chuckling

"F-fine... just don't laugh" Potato begged.

"I won't just a bit funny how you reacted to a crossbow" Lightning said, finally finished his laughing

After about an hour of firing crossbow bolts at a log-or whatever this place has set up for archery targets-the two left, Lightning preparing for farming lessons

My storytelling skills should suffice for a quick update, if any of you catch anything, let me know and I'll fix it ASAP
« Last Edit: May 25, 2013, 12:28:54 pm by Iceblaster »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #217 on: April 04, 2013, 03:31:19 am »

IRL horses can bend their hooves enough to grip things between the back of the hoof and the bottom of the leg, that's what I always imagine ponies picking things up when not using their mouths. There's a decent chance that the inherent magic in all ponies might be able to help them hold other objects too small or too heavy to grip with just their hooves, though, or even give them 'magnet hooves' as it's been called.

They also seem to be really adept at talking while their mouths are holding something.
Nothing important here, move along.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #218 on: April 04, 2013, 04:28:26 am »

Oh? I never knew much about horses IRL so thanks.

Also I noticed my color for OOC is too dark, time to fix that
« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 10:31:14 am by Iceblaster »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #219 on: April 04, 2013, 05:03:49 pm »

(over the last few weeks, Wood Chip has found himself helping out SmoothBlock over at the distilery more and more often, and his visits usualy ended with him leaving both slightly buzzed and emotionaly confused. However, during Mountain Dew's birthday party, both left slightly buzzed and eventualy made there way to the distilery for the usual set-up. Naturaly, both drank some more. A lot more.)

Wood Chip was tired, warm, and suffering from one of the worst headaches he ever had.

SmoothBlock opened her eyes half way and looked around her, she noticed she was hugging somepony’s withers rather tight. She knew of only one stallion that had red withers in town who had a red coat. “Chips?” she murmured.

Wood Chip’s eyes shot wide open.

Yep, it wasn’t so much that he was warm, so much as another pony beside him was generating most of the heat he was feeling on his shoulders.


“Yup.” SmoothBlock smiled and squeezed WoodChips “Your withers are broad and muscular.” she was using her softest voice, coming very very close to sounding feminine.

Wood Chip was conflicted. On one hoof, he really did not wish to move. On the other hoof, he had no idea what happened last night, and considering that it eventually led to him and SmoothBlock...cuddling, it seemed that it was a memory worth remembering.

“SmoothBlock, I think I... do you, er...”

He’s never been good with these sort of things. He could feel his cheeks burning up, and he was utterly sure it wasn’t from prior drinking.

“We drank, a lot. More than a barrel between us. I think I tried to sing something and you passed out in self defence.” She chuckled, have given up on ever trying to giggle again.

Wood Chips gulped. “SmoothBlock, I got to ask, do you want to, er, well, how do I put this, oh bother, um...” He felt like his skin was the same color of his coat.

SmoothBlock nuzzled into Wood Chips short beard “I’d like to see you again, and more often.” she said to help him through his stumbling.

He sighed thankfully, and in turn layed his head on SmoothBlock’s belly. To be fair, his head was large. “ I would like to see you more often, too. I think our work periods match up enough that we can have the same break times.” He doubted he could have worded it any more clumsly.

“Dinner tonight?” she nuzzled him warmly “Your place is done, right?” SmoothBlock sighed, she didn’t want to get up.

He nodded, and curled a leg over her soft body. “You bet. It was the first one finished. Heh, I think its even  a little over done, considering I chopped down most of the trees needed to make the furniture in it.” He returned her nuzzle in full force, and even squeezed her sides a little.

SmoothBlock smiled and rubbed her nose to WoodChip’s “Sounds like a date.” oh, she can flutter her eyes.

Wood Chips was unsure if, socially, this was the generally accepted time where kissing somepony would be entirely okay, so he played it safe and pulled SmoothbBock closer to him slowly to the point where there was nearly no room between them.

“I think I love you, you know.” There, he said it.

“I think I love you too.” SmoothBlock puckered her lips and closed her eyes.

Wood Chip could not close his eyes, he wanted to see every moment of this.

He didn’t really need to lean in for a kiss, considering how close they were, so he gently lowered his head to hers and kissed her.

SmoothBlock hugged Wood Chips as their lips touched together, her eyes slowly opening, a dreamy look across her face.

Wood Chip probably looked dazed and confused, but neverless was grinning stupidly.

Slowly SmoothBlock pulled back and ran her hooves through Wood Chip’s mane “That was nice.” She just layed there, holding him and gazing at him doe-like.

Wood Chip said nothing, mostly because of the fact his brain was still catching up with what was going on. However, he did manage to slide his other forlimb around SmoothBlock, who, after he shifted his weight onto his back, was effectly laying on his chest.

“You’re strong.” SmoothBlock said in her softest voice. “Holding up a chunky mare like me.” She teased as she lay her head on Woodchips.

Wood Chip scoffed at that. “You? You’re not chunky. Don’t let anyone tell you that.”

He let a little smile overtake his face. “You’re soft.” he stage-whispered.

He slid a hoof down her back. He was sure he was not in his right mind, considering that by now he would be stammering a apology for being so forward.

“I might be sure now.” SmoothBlock smiled contently, warm in WoodChip’s comforting legs.

He layed his head back on the floor, and let himself be overtaken by the moment. Meanwhile, his left hoof surely but slowly found there way past the small of her back and onto her flanks.

“Hmmm!?” SmoothBlock looked a little surprised but didn’t shy away, hugging and rubbing Wood Chip’s withers in response.

Wood Chip panicked slightly when he heard SmoothBlocks surprised response, but when she began rubbing his sides with her hooves stretched around him, he calmed down.

“Smooth, we don’t have to...I should have asked first.” he said lamely as he somewhat relucently placed his free limb off her cutie mark and back on her own shoulders.

“Maybe, when you’re ready.” SmoothBlock winked and kissed Wood Chips on the cheek “we should get you some juice, as I bet you have a headache you just remembered.” She took her time getting off him and onto her hooves.

Wood Chip just looked at SmoothBlock in mild amazement. “ I have never been one to make the first move, Smoothie.”

He realised what he just said, and slowly arched his head to the side in mild embarrassment.

She chuckled and nuzzled him “I’ll help.” SmoothBlock smiled and took his hoof to help him up.

He gratefully takes her hoof, even if he knew in a little cynical corner of his mind that she didn’t need to help him up, and slightly dusted himself off away from Smoothblock.

“So, dinner? You know, I think we can eat breakfast together, considering what time it is.

“A good idea is a good idea.” SmoothBlock smiled and walked up next to the stallion.

And so, together, the pair walked out of the building and to the kitchens, walking closely together and engaging in small talk the entire way.

« Last Edit: April 05, 2013, 01:03:29 am by Pokon »
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #220 on: April 06, 2013, 12:11:12 am »

The vision of the Sheyim came to Praetorian, son of Triarius, in the reign of King Golud. The gods of the Sheyim came together in council, from the least to the greatest, to judge the world and the nations within. First were the Beorites, who were found wanting.

Thus spoke Babin, Lord of the Sheyim.

"For three transgressions of Beor I will punish them, and for four I shall not revoke it; because they have plowed Coupledye with plowblades of iron. So I will send a fire upon the house of Dark Betrayal, and it shall devour the strongholds of Mare-hadad. I will break the gate-bars of Beor, and send its people into exile", says Babin, Lord of the Sheyim.

Thus spoke Babin, Lord of the Sheyim.

"For three transgressions of Grazer I will punish them, and for four I shall not revoke it; because they have taken whole towns into exile, to hand them over to the slavers. So I will send a fire upon the wall of Grazer, fire that shall devour its strongholds. I will cut off the inhabitants from Honey Meadow. I will turn my hoof against Strong Boulder, and the remnants of the Rainbows shall perish," says Babin, Lord of the Sheyim.

Thus spoke Babin, Lord of the Sheyim.

"For three transgressions of Winter Sprinkles I will punish them, and for four I shall not revoke it; because they delivered entire towns into slavery, and did not remember the covenant of kinship. So I will send a fire upon the wall of Winter Sprinkles, fire that shall devour its strongholds."

Thus spoke Babin, Lord of the Sheyim.

"For three transgressions of Dream Gem I will punish them, and for four I shall not revoke it; because she pursued her sister with the sword and cast off all pity; she maintained her anger perpetually and kept her wrath for ever. So I will send a fire on Emerald Stallion, and it shall devour the strongholds of Peach Blossom."

Thus spoke Babin, Lord of the Sheyim.

"For three transgressions of the Meandering Gloss I will punish them, and for four I shall not revoke it; because they sell the righteous for silver, and the needy for horse-shoes, they who trample the head of the poor into the dust of the earth, and push the afflicted out of the way.

Sire and son go in to the same mare, so that our holy names are profaned; they lay themselves down beside every altar on garments taken in pledge; and in the house of their gods they drink wine bought with fines they imposed.

Yet we destroyed the Horse before them, whose height was like the height of cedars, and who was as strong as oaks; we destroyed his fruit above, and his roots beneath. We also brought you up out of the land of death that you lived in before, and led you through danger to possess the land of the Horse. And we raised up some of your foals to be preachers, and some of your youths to be priests. Is it not indeed so, O ponies of the Meandering Gloss?" says Babin, the Lord of the Sheyim.

"But you corrupted the priests, and commanded the preachers, saying 'You shall not preach.' So I will press you down in your place, just as a cart presses down when it is full of sheaves. Flight shall perish from the pegasus, and the earth ponies shall not retain their strength, nor shall the unicorns save their magic; those who handle the crossbow shall not stand, and those who are swift of foot shall not save themselves, nor shall those who wear armour save their lives; and those who are stout of heart among the mighty shall flee away naked on that day," says Babin, the Lord of the Sheyim.

Thus spoke Govos Dawnshore, Lady of the Sky.

“The sky shall be sewn up, and not even the merest drop of rain shall fall on their land. Famine will blight them, and there shall be no mercy; no mercy upon the ponies who have shown none,” says Govos Dawnshore, Lady of the Sky.

“The insects themselves shall rise up against you, parasprites joining their comrades-in-arms, such that the very sky itself shall be blocked out by their swarms. But they shall not be like the other parasprites or insects, content to eat up your food and starve you. The shelter of walls will be sought, O ponies, but it will give no protection,” says Govos Dawnshore, Lady of the Sky.

Thus spoke Laltur Stockadepure, Harbinger of the Law.

“Your laws you make unjust, O you ponies! You make the lot of the poor worse and better that of the rich. And so for this we shall create a new law for you, and so that you do not forget it, it shall be written on your flesh. Your wounds will not heal, and scars will remain. Your open wounds will fester, and the skin shall rot.

“You will not die from this, that you may remember that we are the Sheyim,” says Laltur Stockadepure, Harbinger of the Law.

Then the Sheyim turned once more to Babin, Lord of the Sheyim, and thus he spoke.

“A curse shall be laid upon the Meandering Gloss. The sparrow will hunt the eagle, the whelps of the fox will laugh at wise ponies, the priest has drunk wine, instead of ewes the stick will be herded along, and hyenas will listen to instruction. The poor pony has mixed myrrh, the esteemed esteems and the esteemer is esteemed. And I will give them into the hooves of their enemies. The Discordants shall take hold of them, and to them will be given the right to slay some, to enslave others, and to let the rest remain.

“But this will not be the end. So that our names may no more be profaned, nor our inheritance be put to shame, we shall restore you after a time, not for your own sake, but for our names’ sake,” says Babin, Lord of the Sheyim.

The gods nodded, and the Sheyim departed to the world.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #221 on: April 06, 2013, 01:17:29 am »

I never would have realized just how hazardous it would be out here. Case Study worked furiously with the other doctors to keep the thread which tethered Max to the world of the living from breaking. The griffon was a lacerated mess, blood and tissue splayed in all directions from what could easily be mistaken for a corpse. Packing the viscera back inside was straightforward enough, but the loss of blood and the risk of infection were troubling issues. The lack of soap was frustrating, but hopefully the Moon’s Tear potion would be a sufficient replacement.

“I ... I gotta .... I ...” The bird muttered, head lolling around in a half awake stupor.

“Relax, Mr. Maxwell, all will be well...” the pale blue doctor reassured him. He wasn't very sure about the griffon’s chances of continued life, but he believed that it was always best to give the patient some peace of mind in what may be his last moments.

In a nearby room, Dr.Convalescence worked quickly on the other grievously wounded patient, Scimitar. Two fractured legs and a crushed front hoof had left the militia pony immobile and in dire condition, but not as dire as Max's. She bandaged him for the moment and rushed back to where Max lay on the table bleeding, as the laws of triage demanded.

The griffon’s arm slowly rose up to his wound like his was intending to scratch. His puffy, darkened eyes drifted around the room.  “ ... Carn. Gotta ... I ... I need to ...” The griffon pulled away some brown chest feathers that were stuck together with a ghastly crimson, giving way to raw pure red flesh.

He’s becoming delirious... The last of the bandages were applied, and the bird-lion now looked more like a mummy than a griffon. Even with the bleeding stopped, Max had already lost a massive quantity of vital fluids. “Stay awake now, we can’t have you falling asleep.” You may never wake up... Thankfully, the hybrid had proven compatible with the serum in prior tests, so now the battle would be between the vicious organ damage and the healing magic. All they could do now, was wait.

Coming back in from Scimitar's room, Convalescence updated Case Study on the situation, "He's stable for for now, but he'll need casts on two, maybe three legs," gesturing back in his direction with a hoof.

There was a loud knock on the hospital door, and outside of said door, Redhat was waiting, holding a hoof up to his bent muzzle, “Hello! My face is bent!”

Ears perking up, Case allows the hurt spearpony inside, “Mr. Redhat? I take it that you have been injured during the battle as well?” He leans in and squints, “A broken nose? A relatively minor ailment. Let’s get that set...” The doctor was relieved that he wasn’t as trashed as his other patients.

“Will I still look half decent when you're done re-breaking my face?” the pony asks, lowering his hooves to show his slightly bent muzzle.

“No need to be hyperbolous. This is a simple procedure and it should have no lasting effect on your appearance,” he reassured Redhat as he retrieved a set of small, wooden splints and bandages. “I’ll be honest with you, resetting the cartilage is going to hurt...”

“How much so?” he asked, seeming rather nervous.

“Probably enough to warrant you biting on a rag, as you may recall doing when I repaired your dislocated hoof.” Case wiped the blood from his nostrils, trying to be as gentle as he could reasonably be.

“Yeah, but a hoof isn’t attached to your face.” The pony then sighed, and tried to at least relax just a little bit as he cleaned his muzzle.

“It won’t be as traumatic either, as all I have to do is reposition the broken piece of cartilage.” The blue stallion motions for Redhat to take a seat, “Hold your head back and try to hold still.” He pulled out a cloth and placed it in his new patient’s mouth.

The pony rolled his eyes and did so, waiting on the doctor to work his magic. He seemed a little more stressed now, but held still.

Slowly, Case put a hoof on each side of the broken muzzle and applied pressure to slide the snapped fragment back into place. Once it was relocated, he held it in place with one hoof as he placed the splints around the affect area and bound it up with the bandages to keep it from moving.

“Ah buck!?!” the pony tried to bring a hoof up to his nose, but stopped himself when he realized that make things worse. “Case, is all you need to do?”

He nodded, “That will be all, but you should probably minimize the talking. Each time you move your jaw, it risks shifting the bandages. I don’t think you’d want me to have to do this a second time. In the meantime, you may wish to keep to a liquid diet.”

Redhat just rolled his eyes. “Very well then... OH” he kept quiet and just nodded. Hopefully a liquid diet didn’t taste as bad as it sounded....

“I would like to use the potion to accelerate the healing process, but I think you know what happened the last time I tried that...” He sat down at his desk and began going through some notes, “Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to determine why you are allergic to it. Most of the other ponies in the fort have no problem with it...although Mrs. Maize had some negative reactions as well...I don’t see what the two of you have in common.”

The pony just sat and listened, not really being able to speak. He honestly just hoped he wouldn’t be given that potion again

“I’ll keep trying to find some shared factor. I know that the problem doesn’t seem to lie in a pony’s tribe, age, sex or concurrent illness. Perhaps some chemical reaction is at work...” He glances up at the muzzled pony, “If you don’t mind my asking, you aren’t a partaker of illicit substances, are you Mr. Redhat? I’m not making any accusations, I’m just trying to cover all of the bases. My research needs to be exhaustive.”

He gave him an angry look and pointed over to a stack of papers, hoping they could communicate with written word, like before.

Understanding, he passed along a sheet and a writing utensil, “There’s no need to get cross with me.”

He gave him another look, before writing down. “OH darn. You found me out. I’m the town’s friendly neighborhood meth dealer!”

After reading what was written, Case shook his head and groaned, “I’ll take that as a ‘no’.”

Red nodded in agreement.

Uugghh! Why can’t I move my wings!” Max shouted, struggling to shift his wings in the body bandages.

After jolting in his chair, the doctor in the room stood up immediately, “Mr. Maxwell, please remain calm.” He walked over to the bed, “You are in the hospital, do you remember anything of what happened to you?” At least now he knew that the griffon hadn’t slipped into a coma.

Max grabs Case’s right forehoof with a death grip. “I - I need to fly out of here now. I - I, right now I- need to get to the cave. I - I need to for all your sakes! He - he won’t understand -” Max let out though hyperventilated gasps.

Wincing from the pain of claws digging into his leg, he attempted to pull himself free, “Y-you’ve lost a lot of blood. You’re not thinking clearly. You need to relax...nngh...and let go of me...”

“Calm, you want me to be calm?!” Max exclaimed in a rush of panic and adrenaline. He spits a little blood into his free claw. “ Oh gods, what is this?” He lets go of Case so he can put both claws around his beak. “Case, where am I?”

“Dr. Convalescence! I need your assistance!” Case Study shouted as he tried to hold Max down against the bed. If the griffon had his full strength, there would have been no way he could have succeeded with this task. “Mr. Redhat, I would appreciate your aid as well!” He needed to get the patient sedated as soon as he could, lest he further injured himself or another pony.

"Calm down, Max, you're in the hospital!" Convalescence yelled as she tried to help Case Study restrain their patient.

Max continues to writhe. Even half-dazed, he was still more than a match for two ponies to handle.

It took a few moments, but Redhat eventually galloped in. “What do you need?” He said, seeing the mess of a gryphon everyone was trying to keep down.

“Just...just bring me the syringe in the top-right drawer in my desk!” Case responded as he struggled against the rebelling mess of blood and feathers.

The pony nodded and ran over to the desk, not wasting a moment before grabbing the syringe, and coming in. “This it?”

“Oomph!” He coughed as he tried to shrug off a kick to the gut, “Yes, quickly!”

He nodded and moved over, giving the shot to Case.

After quickly taking hoof of it, the stallion found a mark with the needle and depressed the plunger. “It will all be fine, Mr. Maxwell.”

The griffons panicked gasps fade into low huffs a few minutes after expending the syringe. He goes limp on the pony sized bed.

“um...” the pony said, before remembering he shouldn't be talking. He tapped case on the wither and pointed to the door, trying to give him the idea that he was about to head out.

Trying to regain his strength, Case panted back to him, “Alright, b-but be careful about the bandages. I’ll see you later, Mr. Redhat.”

Convalescence lets go of Max and sits down on the floor, letting out a sigh of relief. "See ya, Redhat," she says between breaths.

The red-eyed stallion sat down to rest as he turned to Conny, “...who knew that being a doctor in this part of the world would be such an adventure?” There was a lack of amusement in his voice.
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #222 on: April 08, 2013, 08:32:15 pm »

i think i reposted an old scene instead of the right one, DERP
« Last Edit: April 10, 2013, 07:24:57 pm by jaxler »
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #223 on: April 08, 2013, 09:39:52 pm »

Wood Chip's woke up to the smell of baking bread.

He sat up, and stared at the little room he was in. Warmly painted in rich brown tones and filled with all sorts of nick-nacks and little doohickies that had no real purpose other than to amuse.

"Was it all a dream?" he thought, rubbing a nubby hoof on his brow. "How could I have..."

He shakes that little horrid thought out of his head, and in a smooth motion plants all four of his little hooves on the floor.

His room was just a few feet undergound, and in a few short seconds he found himself in the nearly green streets of Cheerfulgrins. A marvel of the off-east, it was peaceful enough that there was never a real need to create the great underground cities of other settlements. Cheerfulgrins, amazingly, never breached a days travel deep, and was a very wealthy farming community that counted even Zebras in there ranks. The end result was a place where even the slightest breath could bring a lesser pony low, for the shear amount of wine created since it's founding caused the air to almost taste sweet.

Wood Chip's, for his part, felt guilty for sneaking a little sip of his uncles best. It probably explained the strange dream he had.

Little Wood Chip began to walk the faux streets silently. He was surprised, really; he was almost never up when the others were asleep, but it was a minor thing of note. There was a party the day before, after all. Something about a cloud. It might have been a pegusi mare giving birth or something akin to that.

Then again, the air did taste funny today. Less sweet but more...metaly. As if somepony decided to let the forge doors wide open and let the dust inside flow in the town. But that was absurd.

He was heading for the medows, a impressivly intact parcle of land with many young saplings that were neverless ready to be used by the fort. More importantly, he only had three more logs to chop down before he was done with his quota for the rest of the summer.

And then he bumped into a sea of dark blue.

"Oomph!" he grunted. The sea of blue snorted back, and patted his head gently with a delicate hoof.

"Watcha doing, Chippy?"

Wood Chip's eyes widened with joy. It was Sea Breeze, a fishermare, who, more importantly to the little colt, was just five years his senior and was, in his opinion, the modal of prettiness.

"Oh, I was going to the forest!"

She chuckled slightly, and lowered her head down to his level. Wood Chip had forgoten just how dark it was still, as he could not really see her face.

"Arn't you now. That's good, I guess. I was going there later, I got some berries I need picking for something special. Wanna help me later, little guy?" she said almost mirthfully.

Wood Chips tiny near-adolecent brain kicked into overdrive.

"Yes." he squeaked out. She just giggled at him in a slightly condencending way often seen in older sisters.

"Okay, little Chippy." she said, giving him a little pat on the shoulder.

With that, she continued walking down the street. He could have been overjoyed then, but for some reason, his shoulder felt sticky and smelled that metel smell again, stronger than before. He patted the spot where he touched him and, somewhat embarressed, smelled it. It was very strong, and very nasty. He nearly gagged, but he could not see what it was considering the stubbern sun. He shrugged it off, and continued down his path.

And he did.

He kept walking, and it seemed like the row of houses went on forever and ever. He was slightly scared now, even more so when he felt the ground become wet and warm, as if a tropical storm had passed overnight. Perhapes more distressingly, he knew the sun was supposed to be up by now.

And then, in mear moments, he found himself in the woods. The sun was shining brightly.

Furthermore, the ground was red, and each individual blade of grass covered in red dew. The forest was completely red, and Wood Chips realised that the smell he was smelling was that of blood.

He began to scream, and he only half-aware of his suroundings, turned around and began running home.

He didn't know how far he had run, but he eventualy found himself near his own home. Nopony else was out, and it seemed he was the only one up. He needed to tell somepony what he had saw in the-

"Hey Wood Chips, you alright?"

It was Sea Breeze. She knew something bad was going on, of course, and she probably wanted his help!

Of course, that optimistic thought was crushed when he turned around to a very full-looking Sea Breeze with a smear of red around her mouth. She just grinned lazely at him and tossed her lime green mane of hair to the side.

"Hey, Chippy, you don't look to good. Your pa is down by the river, and we are cooking up some nice stuff for midwinter. It's a new recipe, and the pigs are helping make it. Comon, i'll show you. It's starting to be a real party down there."

Wood Chip felt his legs go under him, and he felt himself sink into the bloody muck that tasted of sour grapes and copper, all while screaming, pleading, for a god, any god, to help him wake up from this nightmare.

Somehow, in the darkness that was the deep core of the world, he felt something vast and red, not entirely real and solid, come into view, and with a little harsh hiss, he heard a little gurgling voice echo across a vast sea of dark earthy nothing.

"Wake up, little pony, it's time to play pretend at being normal now. You lived because it was funnier that way. Wake up and up and up and up and up to the same old thing, and know you can't do a little thing about it. Bask in the primality of your so called friends and know that, one day, your going back home!"


Wood Chip woke up, for real this time. He knew it because of the small shape happly curled up around his side, snoozing the night away as she used his back like a pillow. He sighed, and tried to close his eyes, but he knew better than to hope to fall asleep again tonight.

Tomorrow, he was going to see Serenity.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 10:00:35 pm by Pokon »
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #224 on: April 09, 2013, 02:38:18 pm »


A couple of hours before daybreak, Praetorian sits upright in the bed, breathing rapidly. As he became accustomed to the light, his breath started calming down, though what he had seen had been enough to startle him awake.

Maize is just stirring, her body wondering what happened to the strong legs that were holding her. “Mmm... Prae-Prae...”

Praetorian, still slightly dazed, turns to Maize. “Maize? I’m sorry to have woken you. I... I just saw something.”

Maize, more awake, turns around and takes her turn to wrap her legs around her husband. “Wanna tell me about it, Prae-Prae?”

“I... Well, if you want. The... The gods, the Sheyim. They had come together, in a great courtroom, and at trial were the different nations. There were the Beorites, of course, the Deutschmeiner, the Rainbow Coalition, and even this nation, the Meandering Gloss. The first few trials went swiftly, and there was no defence. The Beorites, accursed for their aggression. The Deutschmeiner, for their enslavement of and discarding their ties of kinship with those who they deemed lesser. The Rainbows, for their own crimes,” said Praetorian, remembering what he had seen vividly.

Maize nods and nuzzles her husband, not quite understanding but figuring this might be important. “You want me to get something to write with, dear?”

“Maybe... I should write this down, yes, but I have to tell you, first. The guilty nations were to be punished, a fire to come upon them. But then we were brought up to the stand, and our trial was not to be quick, or easy. We have profaned their names, the names of our gods.” He shivered as he said it. “Babin declared us to be guilty, and he, Govos Dawnshore, and Laltur Stockadepure spoke our punishment. Doom will come upon us, and it shall not leave a one of us untouched. A famine will be the first, for Govos shall sew up the sky, and not a drop of rain shall fall. But that will not be all, for Govos shall then send the insects in their hordes to blight us; aye, and the parasprites too.”

“But... we haven’t profaned them, why are they doing this to us?” Maize seems a bit disturbed by the mention of parasprites.

“Not- not us alone, but our nation. We are being punished for our crimes: following the foreign gods of the Deutschmeiner, following the foul habits of the Rainbows, and for allowing in their corruption.” He almost shook as he spoke. “And it shall not end there. Laltur will send the next curse, a blight upon our bodies, pestilence and foul plagues. Not to kill us, but to keep us mindful. And then Babin spoke, and his punishment was worst of all: the discordant shall destroy our nation, killing most, and... and taking the rest into slavery.”

Maize gets an ill look. “I’m... sorry...”

“What... what’s wrong, Maize?” he asked, looking to the mare with great concern.

“I don’t know... but I can’t help but think part of this is my fault.”

“What do you mean?” he asked, his expression not changing too much.

“I mean...” Maize looks around a bit. “I am part-discordant... maybe... and I’m not from here, so... maybe me being here has something to do with it...”

“Maize...” Praetorian moves to her, and hugs her. “Look, Maize. Your past is your past, and you have turned away from the discordants. They did not mention those who have joined us and follow our ways, but rather those who are among us and have turned away from the right ways.”

“But...” Maize looks out the window. “Those plagues are on us... they said they were going to punish the entire world...”

“Yes... but not for any fault of yours.” He grimaces a little. “But those who have faulted are there... and their guilt lies upon their heads.”

“It... it really doesn’t sound like the gods to punish every pony for the evils of a few,” Maize reassures herself. “Maybe its the evil of this place... maybe they’re trying to spread lies, to break our faith.”

“Maybe.” Praetorian doesn’t look too sure, but who knows. “I hope it’s just that...”

“If only Temperance’s parents were still here, huh?” Maize gives her husband a big hug. “I think we have another priest now, at least. You might be able to talk to him about it.”

“I think that might be for the best. I’ll go talk to him tomorrow, I think,” says Praetorian.

“Alright.” Maize pulls Praetorian back down onto the bed and moves on top of him. “Now, lets get our mind off such dreadful things, alright?”

“That sounds enjoyable,” he says with a little laugh.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."
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