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Author Topic: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)  (Read 48518 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #180 on: March 26, 2013, 07:31:01 pm »

The cave, a few days earlier. . .

“ - I’m telling you It’s just not safe anymore.” The Carnith retorted with a twinge of anxiety. The elephant sized blue and orange dragon was having himself a dinner of half a calf carcass in the middle of his gold hoard.  The dragon had a bony crest, four short but thick legs, bat-like wings and spiked tail. A long scar stretched across his back diagonally in between the separation between his wings. His serpentine yellow eyes harbored nothing but a nervous twinge as well.

“Carn, you’re havin’ another panic attack again.” Max said while preening himself on top of a aged granite table in the hall.

Carnith cocks a brow as he rips off a particularly tough piece of raw beef off the bone. “Am I? How can you even suggest I’m the one overreacting here? After a pony waltzes right in the front door?”

Maxwell tensed up. Oh, and how many more times was that going to come up? “It was a one off, Carn. A total shot in the dark. It’ll never happen again. I’ll get Temperance’s word on it.”

“Yeah? I bet that Temperance is tellin’ you everything you want to hear. How do you know he didn’t order that pony to trail you himself?” Carnith rolled his eyes at how trusting Max could be sometimes.

“Because I have I lil’ faith in the ponies, Carn. They are honest bunch.” Max said dismissively as he fluffed out his feathers for further examination. Ah, he missed a spot on the left. Preen, preen, and preen some more. “If you didn’t act so hostile towards ‘em all the time you’d know they’re not so bad . . .” He muttered under his breath.

Carnith’s scaly ears pin back and he lets loose a wry, jagged smile. “Max! Have you gone native on me?!”

Max, satisfied with his plumage, grinned back and fluttered behind Carnith. “Course not.” Max went to work massaging the dragon’s back with his claws. “Why? Worried something will take me away?”

“Always.” Carnith sighed, content at the welcome bit off stress relief. “ You know that. Every time you fly off to ‘check’ on them - what they are doing - you’re gone just a little longer than before.”

“You could always come down and say ‘hi’.” Max reminded him.

“Yeah, yeah I’d imagine that would go well.” Carnith laughed bitterly. He scrunched up his snout. “You want to know why I act so hostile around ponies?” He asked while gesturing with his giant claw. “They have this nasty habit of killing me on sight? Killing my kin for scales and horns and all sorts of other valuable bits and ends? That’s why I’m so hostile” He scoffs. “My sister -”

Max put a claw over his face. “Yes, your sister flew too close to Dawnpick and ended up an armor stand. I’ve heard this one before. It was unfortunate.”

“Unfortunate?” Carn snapped with vitriol. “It was a bit more traumatizing than just ‘unfortunate’!”

“ - But you can’t let that hinder what I’m trying to do here! You have got to get past this if we expect to get anywhere.” Max said in his defense.

“Should raze the place.” carnith said half-humorously.

Max shook his head with horror. “Against Flamberge? You wouldn't stand a hair of a chance. Diplomacy is all we got on our side..”

“Still trying to find a way for us all to ‘co-exist’, right?” Carnith said sarcastically, his tone full of doubt. “Give up the dream already, Max. Duskfields is  going to run me out with pitchforks the second  they get a whiff of me.”

Max puffed out his chest, shrugging off the reality of the situation yet again.  “I don’t want to believe that. All I need is the time ta’ a way to make it work, There’s a solution to find here, I know there is.” He said adamantly. “If I just do right by Temperance, if I build up a good enough reputation he might give this a shot -”

“I still say moving is the best option for us.” Carnith said, closing his eyes. “Somewhere sunny and tropical this time.” He grunted.

Max exhaled solemnly and wrapped his arms around the dragon’s neck. “Maybe, maybe.” He looks back at the hoard. “But all that gold . . .”

“Sell it to the caravans, turn it all  this into some pocket change for us to hit the road with.” Carnith sighs. “ I know how you feel. I just got used to the sheen too. It’s not a fair deal by any stretch.” Carn stomps down the hallway with Max still wrapped around his back. He he kicks the remains of the cow carcass out of the cave and gazes down at Duskfields in the far landscape below. “But, I just can’t do it anymore. Flying two valleys over every day for cattle, Staying in the cave for days on end for fear a pegusai might see me. I can’t be a dragon! It’s driving me stir crazy, which isn’t good for nobody. Not down there or up here.” Carn assured Max.

Max gazed down at Duskfields in heavy thought.With all the friends he had made in the past months, it feels wrong to just leave. But Carnith has more than a point. There was no chance those ponies would accept a dragon into the fold, as much as he loathed to admit. He might be hanging on to an impossible dream. Flamberge and Praetorian barely tolerated his presence as is. It just wasn’t fair to Carnith. To wait for a day that they both know will probably never come. Maybe, just maybe, taking off was best.

Max gave Carnith a pensive glance. “You really want to leave?”

After trading an unsure glace back , Carnith gave pained “Yes.” He shook his head. “The Red hatted one, He’ll tell stories of this place. There will be more and more nosing around. We’ll have to get more and more elusive; until we’re not living at all. I have seen it before. It’s better to just get out of their way. Live and let live. Start a new hoard.”

The dragon cranes his neck up to Max. “Listen, if you would like to stay down there, I would understand . . . I could go on my own.”

Max huffed. “Leave you? Then who is going to save your ass from trouble all the time? Who’s going to keep the cave clean, you big mess?” He grumbled. “Give me three weeks, that’s enough to time to say goodbye to ‘em all.”

Carnith chuckled lightly. “A few weeks is all it would take to wrap things up down there? Are you sure?”

“Yes. A few weeks outta do.” Max let out with a with a dutiful expression. “Just an odd project here or there that need to get done. With those Discordants, they need all the help in the world . . .” the griffon leapt off Carnith’s back and took flight. “This is the last time I’m going down to Duskfeilds, then we pack up and fly the coop yet again.”

“I’ll get everything packed while you’re down there.” Carnith said, trying to be helpful.

“Better still.” Max started to float away, towards Duskfields.

“Be careful . . .” Carn uttered, more nervously than ever. 
« Last Edit: April 09, 2013, 06:59:55 pm by DVNO »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #181 on: March 26, 2013, 09:02:05 pm »

Galena 19th, 270
(A few days before the last update.)

So far, today had been rather uneventful. The doctors office was quiet and still. Well, all except for the rhythmic tapping of a hoof against the hard surface of a wooden desk. Case Study was sitting alone as he stared at a jar of water that he had collected some hours ago. Immersed within the liquid of the container was the Moon’s Tear gemstone that he had obtained from the zebra caravan. He was attempting to follow the instructions given to him on how to use it to create healing potions, but things seemed to be moving at an agonizing pace. Case had tried to reorganize files, tidy up, write out plans, water the potted tenderoot plants; anything to make the time seem to go by faster.

Last night, the Moon was only about a quarter full. It had taken around three hours of exposure to that pale moonlight before the stone had begun to glow in a manner which mimicked that grand orb in the night sky. Although the process was slow, there did seem to be some progress in transferring the luminescence from the stone to the water within which it was submerged. He was going to make sure to test it on himself before administering it to any patients; he couldn’t let strange magic into the body of a patient without knowing for certain what it might do.

The door to the hospital opened, and Convalescence strolled inside. "Morning, Case Study," she said as she closed the door behind her and approached his desk. "What's that you're working on?"

“Oh, hello Dr. Convalescence,” he promptly responded, “I’m attempting to mix up a healing potion.” The stallion motioned with a hoof towards the bottom of the jar, “I had the good fortune to obtain this precious stone from the zebras. It’s supposedly enchanted in such a way that it can convert moonlight into healing magic. It’s taking quite a while to complete the process, so I haven’t tested it yet.”

"Oh, that's interesting. If it works it should be very useful," she replied sincerely. "Well if it doesn't require your attention, I'm gonna go get something to eat if you feel like coming with?" Convalescence put a hoof to her swollen stomach, "I am still eating for two, for a little bit longer at least," she said smiling.

He ceased tapping on the desk after a moment of thought, “...that sounds like a fine idea. I haven’t eaten anything this morning yet.” Case pushed his chair out from the desk and stood up, stretching his back, “I don’t suppose it’s going to run away on me. Let us be off.”

"Haha, let's hope not. I don't think the merchant would give you a refund." With that she walked back to the door and walked outside into the crisp morning air.

Once the two were in the tavern, Case Study decided that he was in the mood for corn this morning. A few extra vegetables on the side wouldn’t hurt, either. He took his plate and found an empty seat at an unoccupied table. He had rarely taken the time to sit down and eat properly in the tavern; the blue stallion had a tendency to eat whilst being busy with other things. It was a wonder that he ever even realized what he had consumed after the fact.

Convalescence, on the other hoof, sometimes had to stop herself from overeating. Surveying the options, she was tempted by some of the sweeter indulgences, but eventually decided to pick up a fresh salad. Taking it over to their table, she sat down and began to eat.

After swallowing a mouthful of the roasted corn, Case started off, “I don’t believe we’ve ever actually taken the time to sit down and get to know each other. May I ask what brings you to Duskfields, Dr. Convalescence?”

"No we really haven't, but I'm glad we finally are. It's nice to talk outside of work for a change," she said. "Anyway, Patches and I used to live in another settlement, where I was a Markspony if you can believe it. One day we wanted a change of scenery, and we didn't have much keeping us there, so we moved here. It's been almost a year now. Would you mind if I asked the same of you?"

He chewed up a slice of bell pepper before downing it, “I suppose there were several contributing factors to that decision. You might imagine that maybe it was a duty of selflessness to come help a new establishment stand on its own four hooves by keeping it healthy. Perhaps there was even a bit of intrigue in starting a new life where nothing was guaranteed and you had to live not knowing what the next day would bring. However, I think the single biggest motivation was...and I’m a bit sad to say this...the desire to put some distance between me and my ex-wife.”

Hearing that, Convalescence looked up from her plate, pausing her meal out of respect. "Oh...I'm sorry to hear that. Did it at least help?"

“In the sense that she stopped trying to get back with did,” he took a sip of water from his mug, “I don’t believe she’s a bad pony...just...I know that if we had gotten back together that nothing would have changed between us. To be honest, we were married before I was even sure that it was what I wanted. She just kept pushing for it so much...and it didn’t help that mother kept chastising me for being ‘in my thirties and not yet having given her any grandfoals’,” Case rubbed the side of his head as he began to feel a bit of throbbing.

"Are you alright?" She asked, her voice slightly tinged with worry.

He put his hoof down, “Oh, it’s...nothing. I just have a problem with headaches. I’ve had it for as long as I can remember.” Although they became worse after the divorce. He decided that he would keep that little fact to himself. “They tend to come about when I’m hungry, stressed or tired. Don’t worry about me, Dr. Convalescence, it will pass.” Case shook his head, “Well, I can see that your marriage appears to be going well, at least.”

Looking somewhat reassured by his explanation, the mare smiled at his last remark. "Heh, well if you mean the foal I wouldn't say that's...indicative of a good marriage, but yes Patches and I are very happy. And we can't wait to be parents!"

“I’m sure that you will make quite the nice mother if your care of patients is any indication,” the red-eyed doctor affirms before crunching up a caramelized onion.

"Thank you. I just hope it comes as naturally as treating patients does,"

“I believe doctoring is a good start when it comes to the care of others, although I’ve never taken care of foals myself. So far, all of the mares that have become mothers in Duskfields since we began seem to be raising their children quite well. That should be at least a bit reassuring.”

Considering this, she looked more confident, "It is actually, I won't be doing it alone, and from what I've seen in the past year, Duskfields will be a good place to start a family,"

Images of the discordants attacking come to Case’s mind as she says that, “...I can certainly hope so.” He completed his ear of corn and prepares to take a slice of mushroom, “You were once a markspony, if I heard correctly? What led you to become a doctor?”

"Well, I've always been interested in medicine and helping ponies even as a filly," she began as she turned in her seat to show him the mark of a bloody needle and thread with a roll of bandages that adorned her flanks.

“Ah, yes, I had noticed that before. A rather nice mark.”

The two chatted back and forth for a bit longer, but soon completed their meals and headed back to the hospital. It took another half an hour, but the healing serum finally ripened. Soon, Case would test to see if it held up to expectations...
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #182 on: March 27, 2013, 01:40:22 am »

and Faith

Temperance took another long look at the tombstone just in front of him.  The funeral for Millstone had been held the previous day, so it was just him out here.  And his mother.

She was sitting quietly next to him with her head held low and her eyes closed, which he was emulating.  He hated to admit it, but he didn't really know what to do right now.  He'd spent decades in the same temple as his parents, listening to quite a few of his mother's teachings about the gods.  Amug wasn't a common topic, but he'd learned plenty.  More than what most ponies would absorb by just sitting there anyway.  She was his mother after all.

Yet, as they sat there looking at the grave, Temperance had no idea what to do.  He'd said a brief prayer to Amug, asking for her to take Millstone's soul, but he didn't know what else to do.  His mother was apparently still praying, so he must have forgotten something.  He took a deep breath and waited longer.  And waited.  Finally, his mother looked up.  "He is in Amug's hooves now," she said in a tired tone.  "We've done what we can.  Only he can give account for his life now."

"He was a good stallion," Temperance said, not taking his eyes from the inscription on the stone slab and patch of recently upturned soil.  "He was a hard worker and got along well with everypony."

"Then he has nothng to fear," his mother said.  "Nirmek's mercy will be upon him, and Amug will take his soul to be with her."

Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see her looking slightly in his direction.  Something else was on her mind.  "What is it?"

She said nothing for some time.  "He has nothing to fear.  But us... you..."

He didn't need to ask what she meant by that, and he nodded slowly.  "I know.  Believe me... I know."

"Your father and I will be returning home to Coupledye soon.  You don't have to stay here."

He shook his head.  "I can't come home, mom.  You know that.  I can't abandon everypony here."

"Somepony else can take over.  There are plenty of ponies here, there has to be somepony here who can manage things until Coupledye can send a replacement.  Surely."

"I'm sure there is," he said, finally turning to look her in the eyes.  "But even so, I'm not coming back."

"Why not?" she insisted.

"You know why.  If I went home, think about what that would say about me?  Or the family?  When the king got word that I quit and ran away?  That I just threw his trust away, and couldn't handle it?"

His mother looked as if she was in mild disbelief.  "Is that worth your life, Temperance?  Pride?  You know the sayings about pride."

He glowered and looked down.  "Virtue didn't quit.  You didn't try to get her to quit."

"She didn't have to deal with discordant ponies, Temperance.  The badger ponies?  They're nothing compared to this."  Faith stepped toward him.  "And you don't know what we did and didn't say to her.  We asked her several times to come home, but she wouldn't have any of it either."

"And everything turned out alright for her, didn't it?  She's even a duchess now, because she stood in the face of all of that and proved to the king that she had what it took."  He raised a hoof to his chest.  "I can too!"

His mother sighed and laid a hoof on his withers.  "What about your family?  She didn't have a family until long after Dawnpick was safe.  Are you willing to take that risk for Morning Dew?  Or Mountain Dew?"

"We are safe," he said.  "Have you see Flamberge and the soldiers fight?  We can hold off a few discordant ponies until we get more soldiers.  So the king or one of his advisors miscalculated.  It's a bit more dangerous out here than they realized, but that'll just show them all the better when we secure Duskfields."

She looked forlorn as her attempts to convince her son that this was madness were being swept aside.  She put another hoof around him and pulled him into an embrace.  "Temperance... just promise me.  Promise me that if it gets any more dangerous you'll come home where it's safe.  You might not understand, but if something happened to you, your father and I would be devastated.  Your sister would be crushed too."

"I know... I know..."

"Promise me?" she asked once again, locking eyes with him.

He fought it as long as he could, but he could never say no to that look.  Even at the age of thirty-seven, his mother could get him to do just about anything with it.  "Alright.  Alright, I promise."

She squeezed him tight in the hug, surprisingly strong for a mare well into her fifties.  "Thank you."

As the two held each other, Temperance looked back at the grave stone.  Everything was going to be okay.  They were taking precautions.  The soldiers were getting better, and they knew what they were doing.  And they were getting more soldiers soon.  They'd all be okay.

Then he'd show his family that he had what it took too.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #183 on: March 27, 2013, 04:44:37 am »

, Faith, Ward, and

Temperance was standing at the gate with his parents, helping them pack up their wagon in preparation for returning to Coupledye.  They had been here for a while longer than any of them expected, with the complications that had arisen, but even still he was sorry to see them go.  “That’s about it, I think,” he says, helping shove a box of food up onto the back.

“Looks that way,” Ward says, examining the contents of their wagon.  “Say, where’s Morning Dew?  Didn’t she want to come say goodbye to the new in-laws?”

“She was getting checked out by the doctors.”  He frowns.  “Actually, I should probably go check up on her myself.  She’s been feeling a bit under the weather for the past few days.”

Morning Dew appears a little way off, walking slowly towards Temperance and the two other ponies with a huge smile on her face.

“There she is,” Temperance says, mirroring her smile.  When she gets close enough to speak, he asks, “Feeling better?  You look a lot better.”

“Still feeling a little queasy,” she says, “but I know why now.” She continues walking over, and hugs Temperance tight. “Tempy...Case Study says... He says I’m pregnant again!”

Temperance’s face lights up as he hears the news.  “Pregnant?  That... that’s great news!”  He looks over to his parents.  “Mom?  Dad?  Did you hear that?  Morning Dew’s pregnant!”

His parents exchanged glances, and smiles form on their faces too.  “That is wonderful news,” Ward says, stepping over to give both a pat on the back.

Faith gives both a hug instead, but lets the tiniest amount of sadness creep into her smile.  “Another grandfoal.”  She chuckles.  “We won’t know what to do with them all at this rate.”

“This is going to be great!” says Morning Dew “I... Do you want to name the foal this time, Tempy?”

He looks her in the eyes, then to his parents, then back.  “I-I don’t know?  Don’t couples usually talk about that for a while?”  He finally releases her hug and asks, “How far along are you?  Did the doctors know?”

“No, but it can’t be more than three months,” she says with a little smile. “Oh, this is going to be fantastic!”

He chuckles and nods.  Being pregnant wasn’t much fun, from what he gathered, but knowing they had another foal on the way did a shockingly good job of lifting his spirits about his parents leaving.  “I can’t wait to meet them,” he says, resting a hoof gently on her side.

Faith steps back and sighs.  “I hate that we have to leave.  I’d love to be here for when they’re born.”

“You could come back,” suggests Morning Dew.

“We could,” Ward says, smiling.  “What do you think?”

Faith gives a half smile.  “It’s a long trip to make, but I’d love to see our grandfoal when he or she is born.”

“And we’d love to have you back,” Temperance says.  He gave each of his parents a strong, long hug and said, “I’ll miss you until then.” Morning Dew joins in on the hugging, holding each of her in-laws tightly.

“I’ll miss you too,” she says. “Do come back!”

“We will, you can count on it,” Ward says.

Faith nods.  “We love you both, and we’ll see you soon.”

As his parents finally mount up and set off, Temperance nuzzles Morning Dew.  He watches the wagon grow smaller in the distance for a few minutes, then says to her, “Come on, let’s go home and talk about names.”
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #184 on: March 29, 2013, 09:28:32 pm »


Flamberge, in his uniform, walks along the path to Temperance’s office, he seems in an extraordinary good mood today, when he arrives at the door, he checks his sword and straightens his peytral, before he knocks three times.

After a few seconds, hoof steps approach, followed by the door creaking open.  A sleepy-eyed Temperance appears, who makes a slightly surprised expression.  “Oh, good morning commander.  Come in, have a seat.”  He opens the door all the way and sits behind his desk.

Flamberge steps inside and sits opposite Temperance’s desk, “Temperance, I have two things to discuss, the first is good news and the second is a new work order for you.”

“Oh?  What sort of news?” he asks, preferring to hear that first.  He wasn’t too sure about the new work order thing.  It didn’t sound like a simple request.

Flamberge smiles proudly, “I took Crosshair to see Case Study yesterday morning, and he has said she is almost certainly pregnant.”

Temperance reflects a smaller smile.  “That is great news,” he says, wondering for a moment if he’d just missed any news of them being engaged.  He decides not to mention it.  “You two have been together for a long time now, that’s great to hear.”

“Indeed. Anyway, to get to the work order,” Flamberge begins to explain, “Crosshair and I are planning to move in together, and share one room now. However, we aren’t exactly looking to give up any space. Praetorian and Maize, despite being married, each have a room, and conveniently, one of them, is next to Crosshair’s room, we would like to have the carpenters tear down the wall between those two rooms, and allow us to claim the new larger space, for us and our foal, while my current room becomes up for grabs, perhaps Maize and Praetorian would like it, or one of the new migrants, I don’t really care..”

“Did they not move in together?” Temperance asks, confused.  He starts rifling through a drawer and pulls out a small map of blocks with names corresponding to the houses.  “I can’t believe I didn’t reassign their extra room...”

Flamberge quirks an eyebrow at his clearly unorganized manager, “Yeah, they sleep in the same room now, but their individual names are still on each door of their old rooms.”

Temperance raises a hoof to his forehead as he spots the error on the map.  “No... I didn’t reassign their extra room.  I can’t believe this... ponies have been waiting on rooms.”  He fetches a pen, and says, “I, uh, know you said you didn’t want to give up any space, but this was just a mistake.  We’re short on space, so the room really should go to one of the newer arrivals.”

"On what grounds?" questions Flamberge, "Why should we give up space we've been using for more than a year? I'm just requesting we move some things around. The new arrivals have the dorms and will have their own spaces soon enough."

“Yes... but the fewer new rooms we have to build, the better, of course.  And Morning Dew and I moved in together in a normal sized room.  The other married couples all live in the same sized rooms.”  He looks up to Flamberge, and a particular thought strikes him.  “You two... are... uh... right?”

Flamberge quirks an eyebrow and then nods, “Oh! No, we aren’t, nor to we plan to be married,” he replies trivially.

“Oh,” Temperance replies, equally simply.  “I... just assumed...”  He sets his pen down.  “...but, even if you’re not... we do have several ponies without bedrooms.  Three soldiers, in fact.  Yari, Epaulette and Bascinet.  If you wanted to move in with Crosshair, you’d be doing them a big favor by letting one of them have the room.”

Flamberge looks annoyed, "Temperance, I am the military commander here, she is the captain of the guard. The two of us are entrusted to protect everpony here from threats inside and out, all I'm asking from you, is to combine two rooms for us, and our family. Two rooms that we are already entitled to, do we not deserve at least this much from you?"

Temperance opens his mouth to speak, but simply stares into the paper in front of him.  He wanted to press the issue a bit more.  He was hoping that Flamberge would be willing to give the extra space up, but it didn’t look like he was.  And he and Crosshair had earned it if anypony had.  “I... guess I see what you mean.”

“Good.” Flamberge stands, “I’ll go help Crosshair move her things out of the way for the carpenters, and packing up my things, I’ll be expecting the workers, in the next day or so. Good day Temperance.”

“Right,” Temperance says, scratching down notes to get on that in the morning.  Now seemed like a good time to review everything in Duskfields and make sure he hadn’t missed anything else like this.  And prepare the explanations for when other ponies started asking about Flamberge’s special treatment.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #185 on: March 29, 2013, 09:49:11 pm »

Crosshair let out a soft content sigh as she returned to her room, which she now shared with her Commander and made slightly larger for the expecting foal. Even now that her stomach’s settled and showing a little baby bump, making her look slightly chubby like Cream Puff, she still went to work. There may be no more spars for now to avoid any accidents, but she still take liking in shooting targets and guarding. This Evening she ended her shift early, there’d be other ponies taking her post for her, but for now, she just wants to wait for her loving stallion to return home with their dinner. They’d eat at the Tavern, but tonight Crosshair wanted it to be special with just them.

Flamberge returns a plate of food upon his back.  Seasoned and roasted vegetables, some fruit and sweetened yogurt for dessert.

He places the food on the table and approaches Crosshair touching her bulge with a hoof and smiling.  "Feeling alright today?" He asks.

Crosshair beamed as she laid on her side to let him touch her bulge like that, sighing contently “Mmhmm.. haven’t been feeling sick at all.” She chirped happily at him.

"Mmm, I'm glad to hear that." He gently kisses her belly then asks,  "ready to eat?"

“Sure am!” She coos happily, giggling from the gentle kiss on her belly before slowly sitting up so she can face the table to eat with him.

Flamberge sits next to Crosshair on the bed as they begin to eat after a few minutes he asks,  "I know the baby is still months away,  but what about a name? Anything you were thinking of?"

“Mmm.. I think if it’s a filly I’m going to call her Crossbow..” She sighed contently, leaning onto Flamberge as they both eat. Enjoying her fruits and veggies.

Flamberge takes a bite, chews, and swallows before asking,  "and any ideas for a colt?"

Crosshair giggled, swallowing some more of her food “I think that’s for you to decide.”

Flamberge looks in thought,  "Perhaps... Claymore for a colt? And I had been thinking Curtana for a filly, but I like Crossbow too."

“Mmm.. That’d be a lovely name.” The small mare sighed contently, nuzzling lovingly into her stallion’s muzzle as they finish their meal together.

Flamberge puts down his utensils having finished his meal as well and leans into the nuzzle.

Flamberge turns to Crosshair and slowly begins to kiss her while gently pushing her down upon the bed.

She did not resist, cooing contently and lovingly into the kiss as she’s slowly being pushed down upon the bed, letting her rest her back on the soft cushion.

[Tasteful fade to black, to protect Telgin and the Toad’s delicate sensibilities.]


Also, we have Flamberge's journal.

Flamberge Field Journal 21st Galena, 270

I spoke with Temperance about improving our defenses. He doesn't seem thrilled about arming the civilians, but he will submit to my instructions.

Flamberge Field Journal 14th Limestone, 270

Temeperance and Morning Dew are getting engaged. It seems the bastard she bore was his, and he plans to legitimize her. I'd bet there is a story in there somewhere, but if so, I'm ignorant of it.

Flamberge Field Journal 19th Limestone, 270

The well is complete, a sourse of clean water inside the walls will be a great boon, should the discordian's ever lay siege.

Flamberge Field Journal 22 Limestone,270

More recruits to train, and more civilians to protect. We need more supplies. We need more material, if my superiors saw what I have to work with...

Flamberge Field Journal  1st Sandstone, 270

The wedding was today, much to my surprise, it turned out to be a double wedding, with Praetorian and Maize tying the knot as well. I have to admit, I'm a bit jealous, Maize is a beautiful mare and Praetorian is a lucky, lucky stallion, I told him as much at the reception.

Flamberge Field Journal 6th Sandstone, 270

Parasprite swarm, one of the new recruits, Scimitar, and Redhat got bitten and needed stitches. Nothing else to report.

Flamberge Field Journal 14th Sandstone, 270

An ambush of discordian's struck today, they are getting more and more bold. Ol' Stallion Millstone got killed, sadly. However, I'm conserned that my, condition, may have come to Temperance's attention. I knew it was only a matter of time, before somepony else found out, but I'd managed to avoid it thus far. No other casualties though, and the body count of the enemy was high, hopefully the'll avoid us for a while now.

Flamberge Field Journal 6th Opal, 270

More bugs, killed someponies pet. A shame, but nothing can be done.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 09:56:35 pm by KingStrongbeard »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #186 on: March 29, 2013, 11:49:33 pm »

This is awful...this is just awful. Case Study prepared to pour some of the Moon’s Tear healing potion into some cloths. As far as he had previously tested it, the potion seemed to do good on the claims of the zebra merchant. The normally stern-faced pony was obviously troubled, despite attempts to suppress his feelings, “This...this will be just fine...hold still Mr. Redhat.” He began to dress the bite wounds as best as he could.

Redhat sighed a little, before tensing at the stinging feeling the potion had on bare skin. “okay... that hurts...”

Case groans, “The pain will subside quickly once the potion goes to work...” The numerous and shockingly-deep bite wounds scattered across Redhat’s body seemed to be bothering the blue doctor more than most might expect. “I don’t understand...they were so small...”

"I didn't even know they would do something like this. I've seen them attack crops, but never ponies..." Dr. Convalescence added from across the room where she worked on Scimitar, who had also suffered parasprite bites.

“Have you ever seen a swarm of bees kill a full grown cow? well, those things are bigger than a bee, and we’re smaller than a cow.” he then winced. “oww...”

“Yes, but parasprites aren’t venomous.” At least I hope not. After taking out a tiny glass, a small amount of the potion was poured into it, “Here...drink’ll make the healing process go a bit faster.” Treating the problem from both the inside-out and outside-in simultaneously would surely turn this situation around in a hurry. Wouldn’t it?

He downed the medicine, wincing at it’s downright horrid taste. “Ugh... please don’t inform me that  there is more where that came from?”

“We’ll see if any more becomes necessary...” Case had never tried the potion on such extensive injuries; his personal test was to simply see how well it could deal with a small scalpel cut above his own hoof. The test wound had healed in five minutes with no scarring. As he waited, Case feverishly chewed a stalk of tenderoot and rubbed his temples.

“well fine...” he sighed and fluttered his wings anxiously, “uhg...” the spearpony placed a hoof to his head, “Oh god... I must say, why is it always so hot in these parts. Back where I’m from it was so pleasant it actually snowed every now and then.”

“It...doesn’t feel that hot in here to me...but I’ve heard that snow can actually be pretty awful. It can kill crops and keep ponies from getting to where they need to go...”

“Yeah, if you're foolish enough not to farm the right crops or actually attempt agriculture in dead of winter. Honestly, if you don’t eat everything the moment you get you should enough stores for 4 months out of the year. And so long as you don’t go outside during a blizzard you’ll be fine...” He slouched into the chair in started to pant softly. “And I demand that you don’t tell... me that it’s anywhere close too... half decent in here and... open a window please.”

“That’s right, but sometimes snow can come outside of winter and...well...I don’t pretend to know a whole lot about farming...” An ear twitched, “ hot when you first came in here? Do you feel...uncomfortable in any other way?” Concern began to rise in his mind.

“Well.. not really...” he coughed every now and then between pants “But.. i assume this place doesn’t decent air circulation...”

Something’s not right. Case rushes over to Redhat and puts an ear to his side, “How is your breathing? You’re...not having any trouble with it are you?”

At this, Convalescence looks up from her work and starts to look concerned.

“With what?” he started gave him an angry look, before tensing for a moment. “O-okay... some-thing.. is off..” his voice sounded hoarse (haha).

This didn’t bode well. “I may be having a negative reaction to the serum...” Case responded with an obvious tone of concern. The zebras didn’t say anything about this. He quickly rummaged through the cabinets, “I don’t want to have to do this...please don’t let this become serious...”

“I...” he started to wheeze. “Tr-try... *Wheeze* my... best...” he started to struggle a little now and put his hooves up to his neck, the poor little pony just stopped breathing altogether.

No, no, no! Finally getting a hold of the tube he was looking for, the stallion rushed back to the green pegasus lying on the matt. “Dr. Convalescence, quickly! Hold his head steady! We’re going to have to perform a tracheal intubation!”

The pony gave case a desperate look, not honestly knowing why this had suddenly happened, and did his best to hold himself still and stop the incessant flailing he was doing a moment ago.

Convalescence rushed over to the table where Redhat was asphyxiating. "Try to keep still, Redhat," she said in her best reassuring tone, as she put a hoof on either side of the stallion's head.

“This isn’t going to be pleasant, bear with me...” The body would never accept a foreign object being inserted into the windpipe, so the doctor knew to expect some reflexive attempt to reject the tube. Redhat was just going to have to deal with it, as the only other option would have been to carve a new breathing hole in his throat via tracheotomy. He began the process as gently as he could, but this was never an easy thing to do.

The pony gave him a frightened look as he saw the tube get closer to the green stallion’s now quiet blue face. He held still though, even though he kept wanting to buck the thing away from him.

“I’m sorry, this shouldn’t have happened...none of this should have happened...” he apologized as he managed to wiggle the tube into place. The blue pony let out a sigh of relief after the job was done, but he knew that Redhat was in a good deal of discomfort. He patted the pegasus on the back, “It’s alright, we’ll just have to ride this out...once the swelling goes down, we can take the tube out.”

The pony just relaxes as best he could with a tube down his throat, and gave Case a look, and an angry one. He didn’t know why he was swelling, but if Case was “Sorry” of it, then it was probably his fault.

The earth pony stallion shook his head and turned to Convalescence, “We’re going to need to test a bit of the potion on Scimitar before we administer it in full force. There’s no telling who may or may not be allergic to it.” She nods her head in agreement.

He gave case a really, really, really angry look. Had case even tested this before giving it for something so minor as a few cuts? wait... maybe Red was the test.... He pointed his hoof over at a pile of paper, hoping to be able to right down his personal discrepancies with Case Study’s testing policies.

“ want to write something?” After acquiring a page of paper and an inked quill, Case passed them off to the distressed patient.

the pony just started to right away, before hoofing the paper to Case, it read. “Do I look your common domesticated guinea pig?”

The skinny pony’s eyebrows lowered together as he processed what he was reading, “What...? Why would you think that? I’m not experimenting on you! I had this tested! I tested it on myself! Nothing of an adverse nature occurred. I mean...nopony had any kind of issues with New Dawn...I figured this Moon’s Tear potion would be the same...” He placed a hoof to his forehead and frowned. How I could be so obtuse?

The went back to righting, then hoofed the page at him in the same fashion. “I call it like I see it. Also, I demand you never give me your special brand of tonic water ever again. I don’t like having a hoose shoved down my throat after a hard day of getting my behind gnawed off.”

Case read the newly written message, “You know I won’t; I’m having this tested on everypony in Duskfields. I need to find out what makes one allergic to it...” I should have done that in the first place.

Convalescence leans over to read over the note. "Don't worry, Redhat, we wouldn't give it to you again knowing the reaction it caused." Now that Redhat’s life was no longer in imminent danger, she went back to Scimitar and continued dressing his bite wounds.

He tried to sigh, before realizing the tube made that rather difficult. he just started to write things down again. “okay... if you want to know what made my body reject your demonic tonic water, please feel free to ask away”

“You...know why this happened?” Case asked, feeling puzzled.

The paper was written on once more. “Well, first off, i can assume if you honestly did try it, and you didn’t end up suffocating, The big three things I could think of, are that I’ve got wings, I’m exactly native to these parts, and once you pop my hat off... well you know what I mean. And even then it could just be just me. “

“We’re going to find out which of those factors, if any, are responsible,” Case moaned.

With the last space on the paper, he wrote. “And do the other doctors know about what happens when my hat is gone?” before hoofing it to Case.

After reading that part, he folds the paper up and makes sure that Convalescence is preoccupied with Scimitar before whispering, “No, they don’t.”

The angry look on the pony’s face seemed to calm down now. So long as he could trust Case not to spill the beans, He figured he could maybe still trust him.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2013, 01:44:12 am by Kryptid »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #187 on: March 30, 2013, 12:29:12 am »

Case Study’s shadow cast across the door to Temperance’s office. He took a deep breath and exhaled. Whatever happens, I have to own up to my responsibilities. Slowly raising a hoof and pausing for a moment, he finally convinced himself to knock three times.

Temperance glanced up from the map he was scribbling on, and said, “Come in.”

As the door slowly creaked open, a sharp, blue muzzle poked in, “Good evening, Mr. Temperance.” He trotted in and kept the blank expression on his face that he had a tendency to carry at most times. On the inside, Case felt anything but composed. “Do you have a minute? I have something of great importance to discuss with you.” He made sure the door was closed.

Temperance could tell something was troubling the doctor, even before he said so.  “Of course, of course,” he said, pointing at the chair next to Case Study.  “Have a seat.  What’s wrong?”

Good thing Case had eaten a whole stalk of the analgesic before he came in here. “Firstly, and I understand if this is not possible, I would appreciate it if you would keep the contents of this conversation confidential. I fear my reputation may be at stake.”

That had his attention.  Temperance leaned back in his seat and nodded.  “Yes, of course.  What is it?”  He was beginning to wonder if maybe this conversation was more appropriate for Serenity?

Might as well rip the proverbial bandage off. “It’s my fault. The parasprites that swarmed Duskfields yesterday, I mean. That was all because of me and my stupid, risk-taking studies for the sake of medical advancement.”

Temperance raised an eyebrow.  “Come again?  I’m not sure how you could be responsible for this.  I mean, we’ve had several swarms out here and all.”

He closed his eyes as he put a hoof to his brow, “Look...I know this might not make much sense, but I’ll try to lay this out the best that I know how. You are aware of the very first parasprite swarm that overtook our establishment, correct? Well, after all of them were killed, I gathered some of their corpses and tried to do some dissection in my office. I thought I might learn something. I didn’t really, so I put them in the trash. The next day I took them back out because I had an idea the night before. Long story short, I was able to find a sufficiently intact embryo from one of the bodies to heal with the New Dawn potion...”

Case groaned and continued, “I kept the resulting parasprite in a copper cage in one of my desk drawers for a while...not having any better place to put it. I didn’t want anyone to know about it because of the fear it might cause. Yesterday, it finally chewed its way out. I think you can fill in the blanks as to what happened next...”

Temperance’s face didn’t change as he listened to the story.  “You... kept a parasprite in your office?  And it ate its way through copper?”

“Yes, yes, it’s must have been grinding away at the metal for some time...not that the cage was that well made to begin with.” Images of the profuse bite marks on Redhat’s body ran through Case’s mind for a moment as he slumps in the chair. “Their bite is stronger than you think. Stronger than I thought...”

“There were some injuries, right?” Temperance asked, still taking a minute to process this.  “I... this...”  He mouthed a silent, “Wow.”

Case nodded subtly, “There were. They were minor...easily treated...but they were injuries nonetheless. I’m a doctor and a pacifist. I’m not supposed to be responsible for harming others. This could have easily turned out much worse, especially given that Mr. Redhat went into anaphylactic shock from the medicine I gave him. I think you see now why I don’t want anypony else to know about this.” He sat upright again, “Nevertheless, I felt an obligation to let you know the truth, Mr. Temperance. If anypony has that right, it’s you. I don’t know if there is anything I can do to make this right, but I will accept any consequences you decide to impose on me for my actions.”

Temperance sat in silence, working his jaw as he thought.  What was appropriate for this situation?  “Well... nopony was seriously hurt, and no lasting damage was done to anything.  I... I don’t...”

He shook his head.  “Case, we don’t really have any provisions for issuing punishments for anything out here.  And quite frankly... I don’t want to go through the trouble of setting something like that up for this.  Not to mention it would most definitely not be a private matter if I did that.”

The physician’s red eyes locked with those of the stallion in front of him, “Does that mean that you are undecided about this?” That had the potential to be the worst answer possible; Case didn’t want to have to stew for days waiting for Temperance to make a decision on the matter.

“I... just a moment.”  Temperance thought, tapping his hoof against his desk.  He wanted to just dismiss it, but he felt that something was in order.  “Look... it wasn’t a big deal.  So... how about just cleaning the tavern floor every night for a week?  I won’t tell anypony why, and if you do it after hours nopony has to know.”  He lowered his eyebrows and added, “And no more parasprites in your office, okay?”

Some of the tension Case carried in his muscles lifted, feeling thankful that at least his job was going to be left intact. He wasn’t exactly thrilled about being a part-time janitor, but things could have gone a lot worse. “I understand, sir. I’ll begin tonight, if you wish.”

“That’ll be fine, thank you,” Temperance said, relaxing a bit himself.  He waited a moment before adding, “I know you didn’t mean any harm.”

“Sometimes intentions are irrelevant,” he added after sliding out of the chair. “I do thank you for your time, Mr. Temperance.” With that said, he exited the office and clicked the door gently shut. Cleaning up the tavern, I suppose I do deserve this. What a happy birthday this is going to be for me...
Through pain, I find wisdom.

Impending Doom

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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #188 on: March 30, 2013, 07:25:28 pm »

Serenity stands outside Praetorian’s home. She raises a hoof and knocks lightly on the door.

There is a short wait, and then Praetorian opens up the door. “Ah, Serenity. How are you?”

She smiles. “Oh, I’m doing quite well. I have a bit of time before my next appointment, so I thought I’d drop by.”

“Well, come in, come in!” he says, standing back to let her through into the small room. She can see in one corner a neat and well-kept collection of small pony statues, barely twice the size of her hoof. Above it, on a hook, hangs a small circlet of oak leaves. On the other side is a neatly kept bed, and a closed chest.

Serenity finds the accommodations quite spartan, but somehow still quite homely. She nods to him. “I like what you’ve done with the place.”

“It’s nothing, really. Just the Lararium and a place to sleep, really,” he says. “I’d offer you something, but...not really much food or drink here, heh.”

“That’s perfectly alright,” she says, “I didn’t come here for the food, after all.”

“Just the company?” he says in a little bit of a tease. “Please, do sit down,” he says, indicating the bed. “What did you want to talk to me about?”

Serenity hops up onto the bed, making herself comfortable. “Oh, nothing in particular. Just looking for some pleasant company.”

“And instead, you found me?” he says with a slight chuckle.

She chuckles in kind, sliding over to offer him a seat.

Praetorian sits down next to the mare, a smile on his face. “So, then. Now you’ve found me, you going to try and find out more about me, huh? Interrogate me like I’ve been interrogating you?”

“Well, I suppose I could... Where are you from?”

“A little city, out in the middle of nowhere. You’ve probably never heard of it. Called Roana,” he answers.

Serenity nods. “I think I may have seen the name in an old schoolbook once. What’s it like?”

“It’s a nice place, if a little small and insular. I suppose its most important feature is the barracks just outside the town, where some of the military of the Meandering Gloss is trained. Called the Field of Nokzam. All the ponies of the city go there, even if they’re not part of the military, for exercise and some weapon practice,” says Praetorian.

“That’s quite... different. Was the city often under attack?”

“Not too often. It was just a good way to get exercise, I suppose. We did contribute a few more soldiers to the legions than most cities, too.”

Serenity nods. “I see. So then what brought you out here?”

“The military, of course,” he says with a little self-deprecating smile. “Third term, and all.”

“So you were deployed out here. But then why would they send you alone?”

“Well, I admit it’s not the most typical of deployments. But it wasn’t too large of a place, nor did it have too many ponies. I guess we were just the ones they could spare.”

She nods. “I suppose we don’t really have anything out here important enough to warrant a full military deployment.” Serenity slides a little closer to Praetorian. “So, do you have any family in Roana?”

“A couple now, just the paterfamilias and materfamilias.” He smiles a little sadly. “Not many others of my family I’m in contact with now. And more than a few are dead.”

Serenity looks confused. “Forgive me... I’m not too familiar with the terminology. It sounds like... ‘father-family’ and ‘mother-family’?”

“Father of the family, and mother of the family,” corrects Praetorian. “They’re the heads of the household. In this case, my mother and father, but it could be so far as my grandparents, were they still alive.”

“Ah, I understand now. And what are they like?”

“They’re pleasant ponies, if a little distant,” he answers.

“I see.” She says, the faintest twinge of envy in her voice.

“What are your parents like?” he asks in return.

Serenity looks away. “...My parents died when I was still a little foal. I never knew them.”

Praetorian hugs the little mare tight. “I’m so sorry...”

Serenity leans into the hug. “No, it’s alright. It wasn’t like I was alone, I had my brothers and sisters.”

“Still,” he says, giving the mare a little nuzzle.

She accepts it, turning it into a brief kiss on the cheek.

Praetorian turns an interesting shade of red at the kiss, and only barely restrains a slight flinch at it.

Serenity blushes as well, chuckling nervously. “So, ah... do you have any brothers or sisters?”

“Uh, well. I’ve had a few,” he says, joining in on the chuckling after a second’s pause. “Three brothers, and four sisters.”

“And what are they like? Are any of them in the military too?”

“Well, some of my brothers were. Munifex and Miles were, yes. My sisters aren’t, and neither is Artitus.”

Serenity notes his use of the past tense, and looks concerned. “...Something happened, didn’t it?”

“...To Munifex, yes,” he says, looking over to the little set of figures, and noting the one of his brother. “He’s dead, now.”

“I’m sorry...” She leans against him, “...and Miles?”

“Miles... I don’t even know what happened to him. He just stopped sending letters, after a while. I pray that he’s well... But...”

Serenity raises his chin with a hoof, looking into his eyes. “Do you have faith in him? Do you believe he’s a strong, skilled warrior?”

“...Yes, I believe he is,” Praetorian eventually admits.

She smiles. “Then I believe he’ll be alright.”

“Yeah...” agrees Praetorian.

Serenity decides to change the subject. “And what about your sisters?”

“They’re still all alive, last I heard,” he says, happier to get on to a different topic. “Let’s see... Equa’s married to a stone carver back in Roana. Pulchra’s a clothing-maker, I think she’s moved to another city... What was it again, Cartwheel or something? Sacerdotessa’s a priestess, just moved to Coupledye if I recall. And... that just leave little Graminea, who’s married too, to a military officer, a captain if I recall.”

“Interesting. Is there some convention in your society against mares in the military?”

“Of sorts. Mares are to be protected. The military is also...well, less salubrious than most places, shall we say.” He shrugs a little, not breaking the hug that hasn’t been broken yet. “I suppose it might be different in other places...”

Serenity nods. “One of my sisters is a soldier. She’s actually been very successful.”

“That’s good to hear. You could be a good soldier too, if you wanted,” he said, and then smiled a little teasingly, before saying “I’m sure we’d be good partnered up. Keeping watching each others backs, and all,” in a teasing voice.

“I’m sure we would.” She looks away. “But... I don’t really want to hurt anypony if I don’t absolutely have to. I guess it’s just not in me.”

Praetorian turns her head to face him again. “I know you don’t...and that’s what makes you a better pony than I am. I’m just a soldier. You’re something more, something better, you and Maize are.”

Serenity looks up at him. “You’re so much more than that to us.” She cranes her neck up, hesitates, then moves up and pulls him into a brief, tentative kiss.

Praetorian enjoys the taste of her lips, but though he hides it, he is happy when it ends. “Serenity...” he says, not sure what else to say.

Serenity blushes furiously. “I-I-I’m sorry, I... I don’t know what...”

“Serenity,” he says again, brushing her mane. “It’s...It’s alright. Have you told...Have you told Maize about how you feel?”

“Well... she has mentioned that she’d like it if the two of us were a bit... closer.”

Praetorian bites his lip a little. “Serenity... I... Please don’t be offended by this. I... I love you...but... This is a little new to me. Can... Can we hold off on going any further than this, at least for a time?”

Serenity nods. “Of course. More than anything, I want you both to be happy.”

“That’s what I want for you two as well, Serenity... To be happy.” He brushes her mane aside, and gives her a little peck on her forehead. “Please, whatever happens, whatever comes between us...don’t let me hurt you, Serry.”

Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #189 on: March 30, 2013, 11:00:27 pm »

Max’s Diary

7th Opal, 270

  Overheard Temperance complaining about the parasprites today. He - he really doesn't know what he signed up for out here, does he? The parasprites aren’t classifiable as the typical animal or locust as far as i'm concerned. they are more apt to something like a natural disaster. Imagine a sandstorm where every grain is an autonomous creature that can maneuver through every crack and nook. The second that devious little grain takes a bite out of anything: A chunk of wood, an apple, a pony, It splits and multiplies.

Even if the living areas were watertight, (Which I know they’re not since I built the things) These parasprites will always be a maintenance problem out here. They will nest in apartment walls, the plumbing, the floors, the refuse piles! Anything!

Flame is always the best option for infestation. Glad I always have Dragonfire around, for sure.

17th Opal, 270

  How many times have I told Carn to do something about those bones he likes to keep around? One day he’s going to trip on one and I’ll too busy patching him up to say the usual  “I told you so” ‘s.

18th Obsidian, 270

  Welp, here it’s finally come. The last day. How I had hoped this little venture would not end on a down note. Just leaving out of the blue. They’ll understand. Even though they won’t understand the whole underlying truth, they understand this kernel of truth enough: This is something I genuinely need to do. 

My ‘ol pony mother, Patina, told me something that felt important, once. The meaning of loyalty.  Loyalty is friendship that has caught fire. It is a quiet understanding, a mutual confidence, of love and forgiving. It is loyalty through the good times as well as the bad times that truly matter in the end.

I was fifteen. I was sailing a across the land, looking for Something. Exactly what, I never knew. One night, there was a terrible thunderstorm. I was caught in a violent gust and I can remember nothing after. Weeks later, I found myself in a dragon’s cave. Battered, wings broken. I was terrified, I thought he was going to eat me! Instead, he asked how I liked my salmon sandwiches, cut or uncut? I’ll never forget that. We grew to know each other. Carnith. Simply nothing like him. He nursed me to heath,  And ... well. I got my wings back, but I flew nowhere. I felt for the first time, I found where I was trying to be in such a hurry in the first place. I was at Home. Odd? Sure as hell is. But I’m not one to question providence.

That was seven years ago. And still, we're doing just fine. And some ponies are not tearing up what we have going. Sorry, Temperance.  It’s just a matter of loyalty. Nothing Personal.

I heard the Fell Jungles are particularly warm this part of the year ... 
« Last Edit: April 03, 2013, 10:10:59 pm by DVNO »
Al mondo mal non e senza rimedio

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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #190 on: March 30, 2013, 11:59:52 pm »

Bloody Obsidian,

Obsidian 18, 270

   Max was whistling a jaunty little tune as pulled a cart behind him to the outskirts of town. He paused and gave his typical friendly, gregarious nod to the ponies he passed along the way to his eventual destination. When he reached that destination, what the ponies coined the 'hole', the griffon ripped off the black tarp tied down on top of the cart. Inside were the results of Flamberge's latest glaucoma fueled rampage; a dozen or so fallen badger ponies. A couple bodies, a couple severed limbs, a couple decapitated heads. Oh joy. The military paid no consideration to the griffon that had to mop up the mess, did they?

  Max began throwing odd bits and ends in to the 'hole', the mass grave the ponies regretfully had to dig for all these hostile aggressors. Not out of disinterest or disrespect towards the bodies, but out of a simple matter of overwhelming volume. Max was astounded at how much trouble this little farming town could stir up in such a short amount of time. He picked up a badger pony head from the pile with a bemused expression. "Maybe, you're just another reason to pack up." Max sighed, talking to the head, holding it like in the iconic Shakespeare play. "How many years have Carnith and I dealt with the likes of you? Six? A year more?"  He asked the the head, which had a nice and neat cleave of a sword in the middle, tongue splayed out and eyes skewed in two separate directions. "Too many. Time for the ponies to deal with you. We’ve had our share.” Max feels contrite and selfish as he says it. “Then again, the discordants, the discordants are new. Never had to deal with them before. How will the ponies fare against them?" Max contended, his eyes flicking the left in unsure doubt. He sighed with a longing. "The things Carn could do for this place. What Duskfields could do with their very own pet dragon." His eyes turned to angry slits. "But that's all he would ever be to these ponies, wouldn't it? A pet. A tool. A' animal to be contained and controlled. They'll never see Carn as the Carn I know . . ." Max sighed and threw the head into the grave. He looked up to the pearl white clouds with a resolute jaw. "Not the the dragon I love." He said with a tone of finality. Sure. It’s been great working with these ponies, but  life without Carnith simply ain’t no option at all. The choice was really black-and-white as it’s ever been before. Now if only he could phrase it neatly for the rest to understand. Max shakes his head.  "Max how do you get into situations like these?" He muttered to himself.

  Max hears the sound of hoof steps behind him. "Smoothblock, you got the grave dirt faster than I thought ya' would." He said with mundane surprise. Max turned around and what felt like a wall of Ice cold water hit him across the body. Time slowed down to crawl as he looked upon the tomahawk embedded in his stomach. He looked up at the pony wielding it with a betrayed, horrified stare. He had no Idea who this pony was with his burning red eyes, jagged yellow teeth and disheveled hair. He forcefully shoved the attacker away, still trapped in surreal disbelief  - The tomahawk came with. The scared Griffon’s guts sloshed out of the wound and blood sprayed over the Discordant in broad flecks. Max clutched his stomach and doubled over on his back in confusion. His wings fluttered spastically as his ‘Flight or Fight” reaction kicked in, he tried to fly a thousand miles away from this lunatic standing over him. His wings were uncooperative though, as he could still barely register what was happening. He tried to cry out for some reason and mercy from the creature but all that came from his beak was a gurgle of black blood. His breathing became pained and labored. He weakly kicked the Discordant away.

The pony bared his teeth again in a yellow grin, uncaring about the blood spackling his face.  “Your doom has come,” he hissed, stepping forward again.  The pony swung his weapon at the griffon again, catching him on the right arm with the flat of the blade as he brought it up defensively.

Max’s entire body balled up reflexively at the shattering of his right arm. Now he realized, Oh Nirmek, he realized he was about to die at the hooves of a discordant. “Don’t - *Hack* Have to ... do this ...” Max spat out, shivering, feeling cold and numb. Every involuntary rasp of breath made his stomach wretch in a pain so intense his body wanted nothing but to shut down and spare him the agony.

The pony brought his weapon up again, ready to deliver the killing blow.  “Everything dies and decays... today, that is you.”
 A shadow encompasses the two for a brief second. Max winces and braces for the tomahawk with a whimper.

And down from above, Crosshair flew in with her crossbow held tightly in her mouth, her bolts all depleted, she charged the offending discordian and bashed him in the head. Unfortunately, she was a small mare and even with the crossbow made entirely out of metal, it still wasn’t a proper club and did not do much more than push the Discordian back slightly, allowing her to put herself in between the discordian and Max as she bashes away at the thing, hitting his legs mostly when he brought it up to defend himself.

The discordant snarled and parried a swing of her crossbow with his axe.  “All of you foals will die!” he bellowed, swinging back at her.
The small mare proves to be a difficult target to hit, dodging and dancing about around the axe that tries to hit her, watching every move, she knew this kind of attacks. And Flamberge’s was much faster, the practices show it’s work as she return several more ineffective whacks at the Discordian, a Swing came by too close for comfort and she had to raise a hoof to block it with her boot, protecting her more important part.

The twisted pegasus drew his axe back for another strike, when two more of his kind flew overhead.  By now the rest of the soldiers were on their way, and the new arrivals slammed into a wall of swordsponies.  He glared at Crosshair and swung for her neck.

There is a flashing of steel, a scream of agony.  Crosshair's face runs red with blood.

The pony that had threatened her fell to the ground.  His forelegs removed with a single swipe of Flamberge's flamberge. His vital fluids splashing outwards.  He collapsed to the ground, completely stunned.  “E-Entropy?” he gasped.
Flamberge continues his assault removing the remaining legs and then issues a bloodlust soaked battlecry before charging at the next closest foe.

Max wraps his good claw over his head as a war zone ignited around him. “Get me out of this!” He screeched at the top of his bloody lungs helplessly. 

Screams and shouts continued to fill the air as the discordant ponies met resistance.  One was even knocked clear from the sky by a crushing blow to the spine by Flamberge, where she tumbled into a nearby pool of water.  Despite all of this, the citizens stood and watched in horror instead of fleeing.  One mare in particular, saw the stricken griffon, and darted forward.

Max starts to notice how profusely he’s bleeding. The flushed griffon muttered “ Amug . . . Babin ... Govos ... Griffon God ... Praetorian... Carn . . . Somepony . . . . Anypony - I don’t wanna go out alone . . .”  Max gives in to pain and becomes unresponsive.

The mare, Heartfelt, stared at the mess in front of her, and her mouth hung open.  “Dear gods in heaven...” she muttered before she realized what was happening around her.  She wasted not another moment before wrestling the large griffon onto her back and trotting toward the hospital with all the speed she could muster, screaming for the doctors.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2013, 10:19:54 pm by DVNO »
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #191 on: March 31, 2013, 12:01:17 am »

« Last Edit: March 31, 2013, 12:03:49 am by DVNO »
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #192 on: March 31, 2013, 12:06:06 am »

, and

After another long day of verifying the stocks of Duskfields, Temperance came to the realization that he hadn’t really investigated the farming schedule in many months.  A lot could change in that amount of time, so now he was heading out to the fields.  He knew Morning Dew was at work at least, but maybe if he was lucky Maize and the others would be there too.

Maize was happily playing around with Mountain Dew, allowing her mother to farm the fields without having to worry about the young foal trying to get her attention. She picks up the little one with her head. “Let’s fly around, whee!” As she walks around the field, she spots Temperance coming.

He smiles at the two as he approaches.  “Having a bit of fun?” he asks with a small chuckle.

“Bur urba dada!” says the little foal excitedly.

Maize carefully nods, trying not to drop the foal perched on her head. “Yep! Just giving Morning Dew a little break so she can take care of the field.” She puts her head down, giving Mountain the chance to climb off. Mountain Dew does climb off - but not onto the ground, instead, she jumps onto her father’s head.

After a few months of being this little filly’s father, Temperance was expecting that, so he quickly shifts her from the grapple on his face into his hooves.  He sits on his haunches and drops her into his lap, where he gives her a tiny nuzzle.  “Nice try,” he says.  He looks back up to Maize and says, “Seems she’s taken a liking to you.”

Maize smiles. “She’s such a sweet little foal. I can’t wait until mine’s born.” She leans in, offering the foal her own nose. “For now, though, I get to be like a godparent for this little one.”

“A godparent?”  Temperance smiles at Mountain Dew again and makes an attempt at a funny face at her.  “Well, I suppose you do get to spend a lot of time with her, with Morning Dew working out here and all.”

Maize lets out a giggle at Temperance. “Yeah, I do.” She takes a second to think. “I can’t say I’d mind being her actual godparent. I’d love her about as much as my own little ones, I bet.”

He continues smiling at and attempting to play with Mountain Dew.  Her mother was much better at this than him.  He thinks a bit as he does so, and says, “Well, I think she’d like it.  And you are a good friend...”  He looks up to Maize again.  “You said Morning Dew was out here?”

Maize gestures to the fields, where Morning Dew is just coming into view through the crops.

Morning Dew smiles as she spots Tempy and Mountain Dew playing, and walks over to talk with them and Maize. “Hello there, Tempy, Maize, Mounty,” she says with a smile. “Is Mountain bothering you, dear?”

“Oh, no, no,” Temperance replies.  “She was just playing with Maize until I got out here.  There was something I was going to ask...”  He raises a hoof to his chin and shrugs.  “I’ll think of it in a minute.  In the meantime, Maize brought up something that I think sounds like a pretty good idea.  What do you think about her being Mountain’s godmother?”

“Oh, um,” says Morning Dew, a little flustered at being put on the spot, “um, as long as she doesn’t mind.”

“Of course not, Morning. I’d love to be little Mountain’s godparent.” Maize nuzzles the foal lovingly. “I bet Praetorian won’t mind, either.”

“I think he’d make a find godfather, too,” Temperance adds.  “I know he’s busy though.”

“I’m sure there’s time in his schedule.” Maize begins to play a little game of ‘grab the nose’ with Mountain.

Mountain Dew tries to grab Maize’s nose in response, and starts tugging on her nose with her magic, wondering why it isn’t coming off like her own did.

Maize giggles as she tries to shake the firm magical grip, eventually surrendering. “I give, I give!” She ‘returns’ Mountain’s nose with a “Boop!”

Temperance chuckles again.  Maize was going to make a fine godmother.  And regular mother, for that matter.  “Yes, she certainly seems to enjoy playing with you.  You’re going to have your hooves full when your foal is born though.”  He purses his lips in thought for a moment.  “Actually, both you and Dew are probably going to be out of work for a while around the same time...”

“I’m not too worried about that, really. I’m not going to get very big probably, so I should be able to work up until I have the foal.” Maize begins to tickle Mountain, careful to not overdo it but still having fun.

He nods.  “Even still, there’s maternity leave after you give birth.  I guess we’ve got enough stocked up to last for a long time though.  Pumpkin Patch can probably keep a little bit going while you two are out.”

“Oh, um, if you need me to work, I can work. It might be a little slower than usual, though,” says Morning Dew.

He shakes his head.  “No, no, it’ll be fine.  Between Mountain and our next foal, I know we’ll both be give out all of the time.”  He smiles and shrugs again.  “A month of maternity leave won’t set us back.”  He then mocks smacking himself against the forehead with a hoof.  “Oh, right, that’s what I wanted to talk to the two of you about anyway.  I’d have preferred if Pumpkin was here, but you can pass it along to her when she’s next on duty.

“I was just wanting to check up on you three and make sure that all of the seed stocks, field rotations and all of the other practices are still working out and there haven’t been any issues.  I’d hate that we were doing things inefficiently or poorly because I haven’t been on top of things.”

“Oh, um, I think we’re doing stuff pretty well,” says Morning Dew slightly hesitantly. “What do you think, Maize?”

Maize nods, giving Mountain a break. “I think we’re doing well enough. Plenty of seeds, a good selection of crops... if you want to talk to Case Study or one of the other doctors, we might be able to reserve a patch for medicinal plants, too.”

“Oh, that’s not a bad idea, maybe I should talk with him about that.”  Temperance looks a bit shocked as he realizes how his tone could have been taken.  “And I wasn’t trying to imply that any of you were doing anything wrong.  Far from it.  It’s just that I don’t have the time to really directly manage things out here like I used to.”

Maize nods. “Me and Morning can take care of organizing everything, we’ll come to you if we need anything. We’ve sort of been doing that, anyway, right Dew?”

“Yup!” says Morning Dew. “Maize is really the better one at the organisation,” she admits, looking a little down.

“No I’m not.” Maize looks out over the field. “This place was a mess before you showed up. Maybe I’m better at planting, but organization?” She shakes her head.

“No, no, you really are,” says Morning Dew. “I’m nowhere near as good as you are.”

“Are we about to have a compliment argument?” Maize giggles. “Aren’t your mommy and godmommy silly, Mountain?”

“Mama buh bah,” agrees Mountain Dew, and she starts sucking on her hoof.

Temperance chuckles again, not really wanting to step into the middle of the argument.  “Well, if the process you’ve got out here is working well, I don’t see any reason to change it.  Don’t hesitate to let me know if anything does come up.”  He smiles at Morning Dew.  “Not that I thought you wouldn’t tell me.”

Morning Dew smiles in return, and gives her husband a kiss on the cheek. “Of course I’d tell you,” she says.

Maize nods. “I’ll speak up, too, if there’s a problem. Now, do you want me to take little Mountain out of your lap?”

Temperance gives Mountain Dew another quick nuzzle and offers her to Maize.  “Be good for  her, okay?”  He looks up to the two mares and says, “I think she’d probably be happier out here with her mom and you than back in my stuffy office with me.  I appreciate what you all are doing out here, and letting me know if anything comes up.”  He gives a slightly less than enthusiastic glance back to his office and says, “I’d probably best let you all get back to work.”

Maize grabs the foal and places her on her withers. “Alright. If you ever want to come by and hang out, we’d love the company.” She smiles. “Maybe we could arrange a little double-date with me and Prae-Prae with you two, even.”

He nods.  “That sounds like a fine idea.”  He then gives Morning Dew a small kiss and nuzzle, and another smaller of each to Mountain Dew.  “Alright, well, I’ll get out of your manes.  I’ll see you two later tonight,” he says to his family with a smile as he turns to leave.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #193 on: March 31, 2013, 01:09:51 am »

As usual, I'd hoped to get this out sooner, but then stuff happened and I wanted to get through to that being resolved.  You'll see.  :)  Anyway, here's the save for the year 270: Duskfields -  I'll be continuing with the tradition of posting year end updates.  That won't include anything that happens after 1st Granite of 271, but plenty more does happen.  Also, note that Bascinet and Epaulette are probably claimed.  I'll update the first post with permanent claiming info on them soon.

Temperance's Journal - 2nd Obsidian, 270

Another month, another thief.

It's becoming almost routine.  Redhat and Praetorian ran after her, and Redhat killed her without much fuss.  It's kind of depressing that something like this is routine, really.  Just another victim.

At least the wall is coming together, and the home caravan should come soon.  I'll be happy to see them.  Maybe I'll have a chance to talk tot the liaison this year.

I noticed around this time that I screwed something up: the griffon civ has no trade trigger!  I fixed that, but they won't show up until next year now.

11th Obsidian, 270

The caravan from home was spotted out south this morning.  They should be here soon, and hopefully with the liaison.  I'm really anxious to speak with him or her about some trade agreements.  They'll even get to use the new drawbridge, which might be a bit more impressive than what they saw last year.

Yep, remembered I can make mechanisms for this out of copper, so I didn't need to wait on the stone after all!

Other than that, things have been a bit quiet lately, thank goodness.  We finished making those crossbows that Flamberge asked for, and the wall is nearly complete.  Now we just have to round everypony up and issue them, which is probably not going to be a smooth process.

Getting off of that subject, we got some bee hives put up today, so Bonesetter can tend to them and maybe get us some honey when he has spare time.  I know Cream Puff will be happy to see the honey, but in any case, I'm not going anywhere near the hives!

18th Obsidian, 270

The caravan arrived, and I got to speak with the liaison today, finally.  Or, well I thought I was going to get to talk to him.

Unfortunately, just as we were getting ready to start my meeting with him, badger ponies showed up at the entrance!  There were three of them that approached, somehow sneaking through the gate without being seen.  Crosshair was drilling her two new initiates around the gate at the time, so they rapidly dealt with the invaders.  That was over and done quickly enough, especially with the caravan guard throwing their weight into the fight.

That's when the discordant ponies showed up.  Half a dozen pegasi, unicorns and twisted earth ponies approached from the same hill as last time, right for the section of unfinished wall.  It made an obvious target, of course.  Once again, I'm gathering all of this from second and third hoof accounts, since I was cowering in my office with the liaison.

Since the badger ponies had just attacked, the soldiers were on high alert and Flamberge came charging with Plastron and Scimitar.  They couldn't get to Max before one of the accursed pegasi flew over the wall and attacked Max.  He hit him in the stomach with his axe, which inflicted a gruesome wound that I cannot believe he survived.  After he went down, he broke his leg with another swing.

It was only by Crosshair's bravery that he survived.  She flew into the attacking pegasus and bashed him with her crossbow, which was now out of bolts from the badger pony fight.  While she had him distracted, Max managed to fly just out of range from the battle, collapsing atop the wall.

While that tragedy was unfolding, a second squad of maceponies flew over the west wall right into the pasture.  Praetorian was getting Redhat at this point to go assist Flamberge, when he spotted the two pegasi.  He and Redhat responded as fast as they could, and intercepted them.  Praetorian was unharmed in the fight, and incapacitated the attackers with crippling stabs to the limbs with his spear.  Redhat finished the two off, but not before one broke his nose.  A small wound, all things considered.

The main fight was still far from over, and Scimitar was grievously wounded by a pony with a morningstar.  Both of his right legs were broken, and his left forehoof was smashed.  He'd surely have perished if Flamberge didn't jump into the fight at that point.  There were so many body parts left over and the fighting was so fierce nopony could tell me exactly what happened.

Which is fine, really.  I saw that there was a pegasus floating in the nearby pool, and the entire pool was red with her blood.  I don't want to know more about what happened.

In any case, the caravan guard finally responded at this point, and the fight turned in our favor, with all of those inside the walls being killed.  That just left three outside the walls still blindly charging for us.

The aftermath was even more horrifying than the last invasion.  All of the ewes and the ram are dead, with only two lambs left alive.  They were terrified, and I don't know if we'll ever manage to get them back in the pasture.

The other discordant bodies strewn about the southern part of the settlement will take days to clean up, and I don't know who is going to do that right now.  I just can't think about it.  Flamberge has done a good job organizing that so far...

There were only three of us wounded, and none killed, thank the gods.  But all the same the wounds are terrible.  Max is still bleeding profusely, and the doctors don't know if he'll live.  Scimitar is in immense pain and may have permanent damage to his legs, but only time will tell.  Aventail was also wounded when the marksponies rushed to save Max, taking a nasty cut to his hindleg that may have caused some nerve damage.

Scimitar has a wound list two miles long.  He won't be leaving the hospital for many months...  And I get to see my first griffon trailing his guts!

The wall was almost finished... if it had been finished maybe there would have been time to get everypony to safety.  And I still haven't issued the crossbows we just finished making.

Flamberge is going to be furious, and he'll have a point.  If I was prioritizing things better and following his advice, maybe nopony would have even been hurt.

Nirmek help me... I'm starting to really see why Virtue was so stressed out by this.  She didn't even have to deal with discordant ponies.  I'm not so sure we can do this anymore.  One day, they're going to attack with greater numbers, and Flamberge won't be able to keep them at bay.

What do I do?

I need Morning Dew.  Maybe talking with her will calm me down some.  I hate to bother Serenity over this... or admit that need her services... but I don't want to end up like Virtue.

22nd Obsidian, 270

I traded with the caravan today, but still haven't had a chance to speak with the liaison properly.  I ended up trading a lot of the food we grew here for a lot more metal, primarily steel and iron in the form of goods that will have to be recycled.  I also bought some cloth and thread, since we were running low on both and did away with our flax plot a while back from having too much.

I had to break the news to Cream Puff that they had no cows, nor any other milkable thing.  I did manage to get a banana tree, but their orange tree and lime tree were far too expensive to purchase.

I didn't feel like haggling over it.  I still feel like dirt about the ambush and the wounded.  The doctors told me that Max is still clinging to life, and that Scimitar is going to walk again, even if it'll take many months for him to recover.  Aventail's wounds will heal, for the most part.

I'm starting to get curious if I should maybe try mixing a bit of wine in with my juice over dinner.  If it can really help me relax, it might be worth it.

Mom will never know.

23rd Obsidian, 270

I'm starting to move past being afraid and heading straight into being furious about these attacks.  We had another badger pony show up today, and the militia ran to fight it.  Plastron got there first, and now he's in the hospital.


The doctors think he'll be okay, but he's unconscious now.  Hopefully from just the pain and not severe brain damage.

The hospital is full, and the three doctors we have are working overtime, day in, day out to keep up with the injuries.  This is almost too much.  I can't believe it's so dangerous out here.  Coupledye has to realize how dangerou it is.  Why haven't they sent more soldiers?

At least Flamberge killed the badger pony.  He has personally slain fifteen badger ponies and discordant ponies, and all told we've killed dozens and dozens.  Why do they keep coming?

25th Obsidian, 270

I finally spoke with the liaison today.  He was ready to get out of here, I could tell.  No doubt shaken to the core at seeing so much violence, and what we've got to put up with.  Good.  I hope he goes home and tells everypony what's going on out here so we can get the help we need.

Anyway, I asked him to send some more sheep, and some cows for Cream Puff.  I also requested as much stone of a few types I could get.  After asking Steel Rivet about it, I figured we could use as much iron ore as they'll send as well as a lot of flux stone.  Maybe we'll be able to make some more steel with it.

The soldiers sorely need it.

Oh, that does remind me that we finished the wall today.  That's something, I suppose.  Now the discordant pegasi will have to take 5 seconds longer to get in and kill us.  Anyway, now that that's done, I updated the map of Duskfields for the first time.  It kind of looks like a town now.

Spoiler: Huge Image (click to show/hide)

22nd Granite, 271

Max, Plastron and Scimitar are still in the hospital, slowly recovering.  Aventail was released quickly at least, and is making a quick recovery.  I'm still praying that the others will be alright.  The doctors tell me that it's going to be a very long recovery process for all three, and they may not fully recover.  So, that put me in a bit of a poor mood today.

I also got word that the quivers needed for the crossbows were finished today.  So soon I'm going to have to issue those and deal with the consequences.  That didn't help much.

And, to top it off, another thief showed up today.  He was quickly put down by Praetorian, Redhat, Prodd and Flamberge in a quick but brutal fight.

Even as he laid there, bleeding out, he kept taunting us with, 'The end is near,' and how we should, 'Rejoice in the coming oblivion.'  It used to creep me out, but now it just annoys me.  They've been saying that every time they come.  Chanting it, shouting it, all but singing it.  I was glad for Flamberge to shut the foal up.

I just haven't felt right since Obsidian.  It's starting to worry me a bit.

14th Slate, 271

Mountain Dew is a year old today.  She's grown so much, it's hard to believe.  We had a little party for her in the tavern this afternoon, and I have to say that since things have calmed down a bit, that did a lot to lift my spirits.  I love my family so much.  They can make even the darkest times look so much brighter.

It even managed to take my mind off the fact that I'm the leader of one of the civilian militia squads now.  Not something I ever saw myself doing, and not something I can really see myself making much contribution to.  Holding a crossbow feels so strange...

I saw to it that Morning Dew was in the same squad as I am.  If anything happens, I want to be with her so we can watch out for each other.

Oh, that also reminds me that I was checking up on the patients this morning.  Plastron is back on his hooves, if a bit disoriented and sluggish.  That's to be expected, I guess.  Max and Scimitar are still a ways off from being released, but at the very least the doctors tell me that they are improving.

One small miracle at a time.

20th Slate, 271

I'm not quite sure what's getting into the ponies around here.  Steel Rivet has been cooped up in the forges for a while now, apparently turning ponies away unless it was an emergency (which thankfully it hasn't been).  I'm not sure what he's working on in there, but I hope he's alright.  If he doesn't come out in another day, we may have to go in after him...

Just setting him up with a new steel warhammer, nothing to be alarmed about.  Not a mood, I'm afraid.

Equally alarming was that Wood Chips came to me asking if he could join the militia.  I'm pretty sure I don't like that idea.  He's our most skilled carpenter, and can do a lot more good there than he can swinging an axe and discordant ponies.

I'll try bringing the matter up with Flamberge and Praetorian at some point.  Maybe if they can find more recruits for an axe pony squad, they might be alright with it.

I don't know.

28th Slate, 271

I was observing the level of wood stocks we had left this morning, or rather the complete lack of any, despite a tremendous demand for more.  Holly has clear cut most of the forest immediately around Duskfields, so there aren't many trees close by to cut.  I'm terrified to ask her to stray very far away though, for fear of badger or discordant ponies attacking her.

Well, it turns out I didn't have to worry about that today, because another gigantic swarm of parasprites showed up a few hours later.

46 of them this time.  Mother of mercy.

And to top it off, we had another band of new arrivals show up in the middle of the chaos.  I'm sure they were rethinking their decision to move out here after they saw soldiers chasing rabid little flying monsters around for an hour.  The marksponies stood atop the tavern sniping the little things with terrifying precision, while the swordsponies and spearponies finished off the wounded.

I even saw Lathe and Veneer take a few shots with their crossbows, but I decided to just leave the work to the real soldiers and kept out of it.  There were dead parasprites and bolts everywhere.

Praetorian got about 5, Redhat about 5, Crosshair maybe 3, Flamberge about 15, and a smattering among the other ponies.

After that was over, I finally managed to gather the new arrivals together and get an idea of who arrived:

A pegasus stallion markspony named Quarrel, and his wife,
A pegasus mare plant processor named Sweet Potato,
A unicorn mare clothier named Pleats, and her husband,
A pegasus stallion weaponsmith named Keen Edge,
A unicorn mare furnace operator named Flue,
A pegasus mare markspony named Yari,
An earth pony stallion farmer named Plowshare, and his wife,
A unicorn mare woodcrafter named Heartwood,
A unicorn stallion swordspony named Pauldron, and his wife,
A pegasus mare plant processor named Nectarine,
An earth pony jeweler and glassmaker named Crystal Clear,
A pegasus mare spearpony named Bascinet, and her twin sister,
A unicorn mare spearpony named Epaulette.

Seeing so many more soldiers makes me feel a bit safer, although Yari is an interesting case.  Apparently, she's from Dawnpick.  Virtue sent her.  She doesn't seem too happy about it either, since she appeared to be in a rather poor mood and avoided my prodding on the issue.

I have mixed feelings about that.  I guess Virtue caught wind of what was happening here and sent some help, which we do need, but I've got everything under control here.  She didn't have to do this.

Maybe I'll be able to get more out of Yari later.  I hope she doesn't resent me over this.

Anyway, more farmers and plant processors are always welcome, and I know Steel Rivet will be glad to have somepony dedicated to making coal for him, although the new armorer is going to find that work for the two of them is going to be a bit scarce.  Or not, we've got to scrounge up gear for the new soldiers somehow.

I guess I should go check on that and new housing.  Again.

20th Felsite, 271

The housing matters got more complicated today.  Flamberge came to me saying that he intended to move in with Crosshair, and that he didn't want to give up any space.  So I asked the carpenters to knock out a wall to open it up for the two of them.

I hate to do it, since it's showing favoritism and using up space we really can't spare, but he and Crosshair have done a lot for Duskfields.  I was hoping that by explaining that I'd given up space when we moved in together he'd come around, but he didn't.

We'll manage, I guess.  It's just one more room we'll have to build.

22nd Felsite, 271

I saw something interesting out by the fields today when I went to check up on Maize and the other farmers.  It looks like one of the chickens hatched a few new chicks.  I'm surprised it's taken this long, really, but seeing the cute little chicks put me in a slightly happier mood.  It's good to know that despite what's happened, life goes on.

Of course, I kept forgetting to forbid the eggs until recently, hence why I had so many to cook, and none to hatch.

More exciting is news from Smoothblock that she finally found a way through the aquifer.

Apparently she found a way to collapse an enormous amount of soil into the aquifer, which soaked it up enough for her to dig through and set up some means of holding it back.

She hasn't found any metal ores under there yet, but she did find kaolinite.  I'm no geologist, but she says it's useful for making pottery and other porcelain things.  That's pretty useful even if we don't have any real stone or metal ores yet.  I'm hopeful though.  This is major progress for us, and soon enough we should be able to melt down some of our own metal to make armor and weapons for the soldiers.

8th Hematite, 271

Scimitar left the hospital today, so I feel much better knowing he's okay.  He's still in rough shape and barely able to get around, but is at least getting around and recovering.  As badly hurt as he is, I may need to speak with Flamberge and him about whether he should continue serving in the militia.  If he's bad enough off, it might be for the best.  How do you tell somepony that though?

And Max is still recovering.  He's acquired a bit of an infection, the doctors tell me, and while he's probably well enough to leave, they want to keep an eye on him for a few more days.

Anyway, I got other great news today.  Smoothblock ran into some tetrahedrite underground today, which is apparently raw copper.  Copper isn't great, but with a bit of work it can be turned into some useful things, and with a bit of tin from back home we can make bronze out of it, which is pretty good for armor and weapons.

Things are looking up!
« Last Edit: March 31, 2013, 01:42:28 am by Telgin »
Through pain, I find wisdom.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #194 on: March 31, 2013, 01:45:33 am »

10th of Felsite, 271

There is a long, lone howl from the mountain north of Duskfields.
Al mondo mal non e senza rimedio

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