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Author Topic: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)  (Read 48511 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #150 on: March 19, 2013, 10:23:14 pm »

Redhat was walking all around the fort trying to find his wolf. The damned thing just couldn’t stay bucking put, now could it! The little had no idea where she was. “BONNET! BONNET!” Then he heard a soft whimper a little ways away. “Bonnet, you know not t- oh buck...” That’s when he saw the mangled mess of fur and blood that used to be his dog in the middle of the trench that circled the fort. “hellhellhellhellhell...” He just stopped and tried to figure out what to do.

A familiar stallion had just gotten back from a short hike with a fellow pony and was heading back towards his room. His pointed ears absorbed the profanity spilling forth from Redhat’s mouth, causing him raise an eyebrow. Case recognized the voice and headed over to the spot where he believed the complaint was emanating from, “Mr. Hat? Is that you?”

“case... CASESTUDY get over GET YOU BUCKING ARSE OVER HERE IMMEDIATELY!” The pony jumped down into the hole and tried to find some way to help his wolf.

What in Equestria?! It seemed like he had just gotten done patching up this same pup just yesterday. He followed Red down into the trench and began a quick examination of the animal.

“Stop gawking and do something!”

Case groaned as he continued to check for broken bones, “I am. We need to get her to my office as soon as possible, but I have to be careful about how I lift her. If her spine is injured, any rough handling could sever her spinal cord.” He stood up, “Alright, look, we’re going to have to lift her together. I’ll get the front half and you get the rear half. Make sure she stays level and well-supported.”

The pony nodded and grabbed her lower body. “okay-okay!”

The two gently carried the wolf to the hospital. Case sent for Convalescence to come assist him immediately. “Mr. Redhat, I know that this is a dear pet of yours, but we will need you to wait outside. This is going be intensive and we need as much room as we can get. One of us will come to you when we are ready.”

“I... okay sure...” he looked down and sighed. “I-is bonnet going to be okay?”

“I’m not sure, but we will do our best. I-I’m sorry, but I have to attend to this immediately...” Case closes the door and locks it behind him. There was no time to waste. As he began to work, the doctor could only wonder as to what caused such horrific trauma...

Convalescence slowly opens the door to the hospital and looks around. Seeing Redhat still worriedly waiting outside she walks over to talk to him. "We've done everything we can for her now. She's stable, but things don't look good."

He sighed and looked down, “but... ugh... is she going to pull through or not?”

"It wouldn't be right for me to give you a false sense of hope. If she does make it she has a long road to recovery ahead. You can come in to see her now,"

There was blood covering Case Study’s forelegs. He had a sombre expression on his face as he washed off a rag, “I’ve used up the rest of New Dawn on your pet, but she is in significantly worse shape than she was the first time I treated her. I can’t give you any guarantees. At best, I’d give her a fifty percent chance at surviving this unless there is some unexpected intervention.”

He just sighed and moved his hoof down to try to stroke the thing, before pulling it away, not wanting to hurt her. “thank you...”

The male doctor stepped over to Redhat’s side, “You know we’ll continue to work on her for as long as we can. Even if she does recover, she probably won’t ever be by your side during a battle again,” He wiped some of the blood off of the sheets that the dog was lying on, “Do you know how this happened?”

“I haven’t the slightest clue. I just found her in a ditch like this...”

“I suppose we could always ask around and find out if anypony else saw something. Whoever, or whatever, did this was not subtle about it.”

“Well... if it was somepony in the fort, i’m afraid you’ll have to sew together another animal in the foreseeable future.”

Case clearly understood what Red was getting at, “At this point, I’m doubtful it was anypony we know. The culprit had great strength and sadistic intent. I don’t see any sign of stab wounds, so the thought of it being a pony in our midst seems unlikely.”

Redhat just gave him a look and took a seat. “Well okay then... I guess there’s not much I can do at this point...”

Doing likewise, the thin stallion sat at his desk, “I’ll probably be here awhile, making sure that Bonnet remains stable. She probably does appreciate your company. Although she can’t move or communicate right now, she is still probably somewhat aware of your scent at the moment.”

“Wait, I thought she was out cold?”

“She was initially. Once we got her stabilized, however, she began to stir so I gave her a sedative. Sometimes she blinks, but that’s about it.” He looks on at the immobile lump of fur.

“oh... okay... can I pet her?”

Case nods, “So long as you’re gentle. Take care not to move her at all, as we’ve tried to set her bones as best we could.”

“okay...” he sighed and started to rub the dog’s head.

Convalescence walks over to the bed and lightly pets Bonnet, "You can stay as long as you want. I'm sure she'll appreciate it."

“Thanks...” he pet her again. “what are the chances she’ll make it?”

“Probably just as good as the chances that she won’t,” Case explained, “I’ll admit that I’ve seen patients pull through situations that I thought would surely kill them, but I wouldn’t want to give you the wrong idea. I’ve also seen patients die when they seemed to be getting better.”

“okay then...” he just kept petting her. “ugh...”

The doctor lowered his head a bit, “Look...if there’s anything I can do to make this easier for you...or for her...I can try.”

“Well, what would you have for either of us?”

He tapped a hoof on his desk, “Well, I could try to set this place up so that you can stay more comfortably. Perhaps go get some sheets so you can sleep on the couch. Bring you some food if you haven’t eaten yet.” He eyes the pet, “I could also try to put her under, since that would be the only way I can completely eliminate any pain she is feeling. The risk with that is that she may not wake up if I do that, given the extent of her injuries...”

“just do what you think is best... and i’ll go get some stuff if i’m going to stay here.”

“As you wish, Mr. Redhat.”


  • Bay Watcher
  • Ἱησους Χριστος Θεου Υἱος Σωτηρ
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #151 on: March 19, 2013, 10:57:27 pm »

, , Morning Dew, Faith, and Ward.

Temperance is sitting in the tavern next to Morning Dew, enjoying a bit of lunch outside of his office for once.  The tavern is mostly empty, curiously, but everypony had lots to do so he doesn’t pay it much mind.  As he sips at his soup, he playfully flicks his tail over to brush up against hers, not really caring if anypony was around to see.

Morning Dew smiled at him, and flicked her own tail to do the same. Mountain Dew was on her back, sucking on a little bottle, and she didn’t mind what any other pony thought. She sips at her own soup, and continues to smile. “I love being with you, Tempy,” she says with a happy tone.

The cheese soup was good, but it didn’t compare to spending time with Dew.  He makes a small satisfied sigh and slides a bit closer to brush up against her.  He flicks his tail again and says, “Not as much as I love being with you.”

Morning Dew sighs with happiness, and rests her head on Temperance’s withers. “I’m so, so lucky to have you. You’re the nicest and most loving stallion I’ve ever known.”

Oh, how he loathed to go back to work now.  It wouldn’t hurt to sit around for a little while, would it?  “And I’m lucky to have you,” he says, happily accepting his place as her pillow.

As the two rest, the door to the tavern swings open and heavy hoofsteps approach them.  They stop just beside them, and Temperance looks up to see Millstone standing next to them with a small smile on his face and two sacks of wheat on his back.  “I hate to interrupt, but there’s a couple of ponies outside looking for you, Temperance,” the old stallion says.

“Me?  Are they from Coupledye?  Did they say who they were?”

Millstone shakes his head and starts toward the back where the quern was.  “No, ‘fraid not.  They seemed pretty anxious to see you though, might best not keep them waiting.”

Morning Dew lifts her head off Temperance’s withers. “If you need to go talk to somepony, I can wait here,” she says.

Temperance sighs.  “I’ll try to make it quick.  It’s probably nothing too important,” he says, gently sliding out from beneath her.

Morning Dew watches him leave with a gentle smile, and goes back to eating her soup. Mountain Dew looks split between staying to drink her milk, or chasing after her daddy.

Temperance steps outside and starts toward his office, expecting anypony looking to meet him to be there.  He only has to set hoof out the door before the two ponies in question make themselves obvious against the familiar surroundings.  A pair of older earth ponies: a stallion with an almost black coat and wavy gray mane stands next to a snow white mare with a long and equally white mane curled at the tips.  “  Dad?”

The two glance over to him, and their faces light up.  “Temperance!” his mother exclaims, trotting over with her husband to give him a tight hug.  “Oh, it feels like it’s been years since we’ve seen you.”

His father lays a hoof on his withers and says, “We’ve missed you a lot son.  And we’re very proud with what you’ve done here.  This is a nice little place you’ve got going here!”

Temperance is at a loss for words initially, but hugs his parents back.  “Uh... yeah.  Um, thanks!  So... you, ah, didn’t mention coming out here in your last letter?  What’s the occasion?”

His mother smirks at him.  “Well, you did write that you needed a priestess out here, didn’t you?”

“I-I did, but... you’re moving out here?” he asks.  “What about the estate back home?”

His father chuckles and shakes his head.  “No, no, we’re not moving out here.  I know you’re devastated about that!  But, we thought perhaps we’d hitch a ride with the next caravan out here to come check up on you.   Maybe stay for a week or two.”

“Caravan?” Temperance asks, looking around.  He saw a single wagon near the entrance, but nothing looking like a caravan.

“Oh, we got a bit impatient and ran ahead of the rest of them last night,” his mother said.  “We just couldn’t wait to see you.”

“Oh, um, alright,” he says.  This was going to get interesting...  He decides it was probably best to go ahead and get the awkward part over with, since if he didn’t his parents were going to find out soon enough and probably in a much less pleasant manner.  “So, I, uh, guess you two are pretty tired and hungry?  Why don’t I show you where the food is?”

His parents agree, and the three make their way back inside the tavern, where Temperance sees Morning and Mountain Dew were still sitting where he left them.  He leads his parents toward them, and raises a hoof.  “Mom, dad, you remember Morning Dew, right?”

Both nod and give her warm smiles, not noticing the foal on her back or not realizing the implications yet.  “Oh, of course,” his father says, stretching out a hoof to shake.  “We’ve heard a lot about you, miss Morning Dew.  Our son Temperance has quite the infatuation with you!  I’m Ward, and this is my wife Faith.”

“Oh, hello,” she says, as she extends a hoof of her own. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Morning Dew, as you know, and this is Mountain Dew, my little filly.” She looks to Temperance, looking a little lost, but reassuring herself that he was there.

Both of the new arrivals give her a shake, but it’s evident that something is now distracting them.  They both give each other puzzled looks, and Faith finally says, “Oh, Temperance didn’t mention you had a daughter.”

“Oh,” she says, realising now she’s not only walked into a minefield, but has just stepped on one, and if she moves wrong, it’ll blow. “Um. Mountain Dew’s a new arrival. She’s almost four months old, now.”

Both blink in silence, once again giving each other a glance.  “Oh, well, yes, I suppose he wouldn’t have had time to mention that in his letters,” Ward says, finally convincing his wife to sit at the table rather than just stand there and look stupefied.

Temperance sits beside Morning Dew, and takes a deep breath.  It didn’t take a genius to see that this was stressing her out tremendously, as it would any pony.  As it was him.  But, he could shoulder most of it at least.  “Yes, little Mountain Dew was a bit of a surprise.”  He gives his parents a small, nervous grin.  “I bet you didn’t think you’d be meeting your third granddaughter today, did you?”

“...granddaughter?” Ward and Faith say in near unison, studying the little unicorn filly, who is currently pretending to be asleep.  After a few awkward moments, a small smile returns to his mother’s face.  “No, this is quite a surprise.  When you stopped mentioning her in your letters, well... we thought... we didn’t think the two of you’d gotten married already.”

“Oh...Um.” Morning Dew swishes her tail nervously, and looks anywhere but the two older ponies’ faces. “We. Um. Haven’t gotten married. Not yet.”

The shock that hits them is impossible to hide, to which Faith utters, “Oh.”

Temperance nods, and once again hopes to steer the conversation away from Morning Dew’s withers.  “That’s right.  Actually... I wasn’t sure how we were going to handle that, but it’s great that you two showed up when you did.  I’d love it you’d marry us, mom.”

Faith opens her mouth, but only a quiet indecipherable noise comes out.  Ward pats her on the back and smiles weakly.  “Your mother would love to marry the two of you,” he said, keeping his eyes on Mountain Dew instead of either of the two adults across from him.

“Really?” Morning Dew asked with delight. “You’d marry us?”

Faith snaps out of her daze, and smiles nervously.  “Oh!  Oh, o-of course!”  I-in fact, Temperance, why don’t you go show me where the temple is so I can have a look at what needs to be done?”

“Uh... about that...” Temperance begins, resting a hoof on Morning Dew’s hoof.  “We... don’t have one.  Yet.”

Faith looks utterly stunned, and raises a hoof to her forehead.  “Nirmek have mercy upon me...” she mutters.  She shakes her head slowly and pushes at Ward to get up.  “Would you excuse us for a moment?  I’m suddenly a bit dizzy, I think I should get some fresh air.”

Ward slips up so she can stand, and gives Temperance a worried look before helping her outside.  Temperance in turn flashes Morning Dew a look of concern and stands.  “I’ll be right back,” he says to her, trotting off after his parents after they disappear through the heavy wooden doors to the building.

Morning Dew’s lip starts wobbling. Hopefully... Hopefully it’d all be alright...
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #152 on: March 20, 2013, 12:37:27 am »

With the jar of New Dawn now empty, Case Study was intrigued by the arrival of the zebra caravan. Wasting no time getting to the trade depot, he hoped that they may have some mystical concoction or other item that he could use in his practices. Carrying a sack in his mouth, he also wondered what he might offer in trade; Duskfields was currently too small to have any sort of useful currency system. The settlement was more like a big extended family than a true town and as such ponies tended to cooperate for the sake of survival and goodwill rather than paychecks. The doctor arrived and began perusing the variety of goods the zebras had brought with them.

The zebra caravan itself was fairly small, consisting of only two wagons, the merchants who owned them and a small contingent of guards.  There were no other ponies about at the moment, so the few zebra merchants who were previously arranging their wares quickly took notice of him as he approached.

“Excuse me,” he waved a hoof after placing his bag down, “Hello! I am one of the physicians of this settlement. Given some rather serious injuries that our citizens have suffered recently, I have found myself in need of some way of improving my ability to help patients recover. I was wondering if you had any medicines, healing potions, enchanted items or anything that might be of use in my profession?”

The closest zebra cocked an eyebrow and prodded his nearest neighbor, who spun to face Case Study.  The squat mare gave him a toothy grin and beckoned him closer.  “Of course, of course my good stallion!  Come, look at what we have for sale!”  She waved a hoof over several boxes of many peculiar trinkets and said, “We have the finest bandages, soaked in the healing sap of the trees of our homeland.”  She plucked a strange little figurine from the box and said, “Or, perhaps you are looking for a good luck charm?”

Ah yes, typical salespony attitude. “I doubt I’m the first pony to arrive here, so you probably realize that most of us don’t have any money in Duskfields,” He began going through his bag, “I do have some items that I might be able to trade.” The pale blue stallion pulled out a box and opened it. It contained the freshly-minted tools that Steel Rivet had made for him, “I don’t think I can spare many of these, but...” he lifted a scalpel, “What do you think I might be able to get for this? The smith that made this said that the runes inscribed on it are magical. I have yet to figure out exactly what they do.” I have no idea why Rivet would have put them on there without knowing their function. Case had a trump card if none of this was going to be sufficient.

She took the scalpel and examined it closely.  “A fine blade, indeed.  And magical it may be.”  She rifled through her box a bit more, and made a few noises as if in deep thought.  “For an item such as this, I believe I could part with a few rolls of bandages.  If you had proof that it contained magic, a bit more, perhaps.”

Case was afraid of that; a few bandages wouldn’t really help him all that much. He rifled through the tan fabric sack once more. This time, he pulled out something made of gold. Holding the object with both hooves, he stared at it for a moment in deep thought. It was his wedding band. The stallion wasn’t sure why he had held onto it; he had divorced Fauna six months before volunteering to come and help set up this new establishment. The earth pony looked back and forth between the band and the zebra merchant. Did he really want to do this? Maybe he should go ahead and give it away. It was time to move on. “What can I get for this?”

The mare’s eyes lit up as she cradled the golden item in her hooves.  “For this, I think perhaps a special thing?”  She ducked down beneath the makeshift stall that she was standing behind and produced a small box of her own.  “Within this box rests an item of great magical power.  It is only for such valued customers as yourself that I even bring it out.”  She offered it for him to take, and says, “Among your kind, is it not the ones with horns who work the magic?”

His curiosity was piqued, “That’s right, but I’m no unicorn, as you can see,” he pointed a hoof to his forehead. Hopefully, whatever it was, didn’t require him to be a unicorn in order to use it. Eyes narrowed at the box, “Can this item of yours aid an earth pony doctor in any way?”

She shrugged.  “I cannot say.  We call it the ‘Moon’s Tear’,” she said, opening the box and revealing a pale blue stone in the shape of a teardrop.  She made a grand gesture, holding it up into the sky.  “For us it is a simple thing to use.  You hold it up in the moonlight, and it absorbs the native magic.”  She then acts as if dropping it into something.  “You then put it in the purest water you can find, and let it soak.  The magic transfers to the water, making a balm or drink that can heal wounds.”

Now he was interested. “That...most certainly would be of great use to me...” Now he had to make the decision. Even before they were married, Fauna was the best friend that he had. Still, she had betrayed his trust. Maybe if he finally cut the cords to his past life, he could relax and his chronic migraines would improve. Case clinched his eyes shut, “I’ll do it...I’ll take the trade.”

The zebra’s grin widened to the point it looked like it would exceed the limits of her face.  “An excellent choice, my pony friend!” she said, exchanging the trinket for his.  “As I warned you, I cannot say for sure that it will work for you.  I am sure you have ones with horns around to help if not.”

“I...thank you. I’m sure somepony will be willing to, yes.” He took a look at the shiny gem in his hoof. I have high hopes for you. Don’t disappoint me. Case left the trade depot, his heart strangely heavy and his head pounding from the stress of the decision. So many memories, both sweet and bitter, were tied up in that band he just let go. Surely the feelings would fade in time, but he had to get a hold of some tenderoot in the meantime to assuage his newest headache.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Ἱησους Χριστος Θεου Υἱος Σωτηρ
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #153 on: March 20, 2013, 01:03:19 am »

, and

Morning Dew walks over to the counter of the tavern, to where Cream Puff is busy preparing for the next meal, slightly dejectedly. Mountain Dew is still pretending to be asleep on her back. “Cream Puff?” she asks.

“Hmm?”  Puff glances over her shoulder, then smiles and sets her knife down.  “Heya Morning!  How are things going?”

“Not too well... Temperance’s parents are here,” she says.

“Ah, so that’s who they were.  Wait, not so well?”  Puff gives her a concerned look and waits for her to continue.

“Yes... Temperance... Temperance had forgotten to tell them about Mountain Dew... And I don’t think they like me,” she says, sadness clear in her voice now.

“Hey, none of that now.  They probably just didn’t expect to have a grandfoal waiting for them!”

“I... Maybe you’re right,” she says glumly. “I... I just can’t wait until we’re married. Then nopony will... will be like that.”

Puff walks around the counter and gives her friend a hug.  “It’ll be alright, Morning.  He loves you!  And you love him!  That’s all that really matters, right?”

“I-I hope so,” she says, returning the hug. Mountain Dew opens one eye slowly, and seeing the guardian of the sweet jar distracted, she jumps up and goes off to find more sugar.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #154 on: March 20, 2013, 08:44:04 pm »

  Max's Terrible Poetry, Vol XXII

 Something sinister stirs In fields, the inns, the halls.
Flails 'a flyin', ogres 'a chargin', the blood falls.
Fortunately, we have heroes instead of walls.
Flamberge, born for flight and fight;

Into the fray like the bolt before the thunder!
The heads of discordians are ripped asunder
inspiring awe to all he serves under.

The mighty should take care
note less of how a discordian dies,
but how one is exactly born.

Case Study

 Precision. Logic. Concentration.
The practiced gears churn.
But it seems no passion burns?

 The odd pony out,
When all the ponies pair down,
As stoic as a stone.

Quite strange it seems!
I thought every mare dreams
to marry a doctor’s wealth?


Praetorian, Praetorian, trapped in a Maize.
She stands there through the coma's haze,
can love never cease to amaze?
Makes all these rumors of a confessed love
with a therapist astray
hard for the mind to digest.

The Thief

  The tenuous struggle for co-existence is
A long tightrope with less return
than say, a stolen bag of gold and myrrh.

I met a thief the other day,
A diamond dog with a coat of grey.

The thief cannot understand why,
I bother to try, with an open claw
to get my compensation.

The truth is I'm rather content In my horseshoes, no special consideration,
I like to learn how my neighbors live. I cannot deny seeking colorful company is
Just Another itch of mine I need to satisfy,
" How do you bake like that? How do you dance like that? How was that song sung?"
Value has more meaning than one.

He called me a fool.

Sure, I'm fool I know,
For loving life, and saying so,
In whining poetry.

But I'm a fool you'd love to know about now,
standing in front of a guardspony with nothing but a bag so once precious.
He looked up to me and asked to be vouched for, as an old friend or so.
I gave him a stern "No" and went on my way.

Al mondo mal non e senza rimedio

Reach me via Bitmessage ~ BM-2DC7sWixk2iSKThdX9thhyrxWBeWRXUEv9

Impending Doom

  • Bay Watcher
  • has gone stark raving mad!
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #155 on: March 21, 2013, 12:46:07 am »

Puff knocks on Crosshair’s door.  She wasn’t worried, yet.  After all, her friend does like to nap, and she wouldn’t put it past her to accidentally sleep through a meal.  “Cross!  You in there?”

With some rumbles of a pony falling off of something, The door’s opened to reveal a Crosshair with messy coat and mane “nn, Morning ‘puff!” she beam her the brightest smile she could manage at this time of the day. Which it wasn’t much, but she showed no displeasure in seeing her best friend at her doorstep.

Cream Puff smiles at her friend.  “Morning!  You almost missed breakfast!”

Crosshair blinked and let out a yawn, stretching her neck slightly to the sides to make it pops, revealing a little bit of fading bite mark there unintentionally. In fact, now that Cream Puff have a little better look, she seems to have those in various part of her! “I must’ve slept too much again.. Rough night.” She giggled as she went over to grab her brush so that she can brush her mane to be proper again.

Puff quirks an eyebrow at the marks on her friend.  “...are those bruises?”

Crosshair begin to brush her mane and coat, seemingly unconcerned while tying up her mane into a ponytail. “hm? Oh! yeah, I get these sometimes. Have to spar to keep the shape up and all that, you know? ehe..”

Puff isn’t fully convinced.  “Oh really?”

Crosshair nodded as she brushed her coat clean, trotting over to her friend, beaming her a smile. “Yeah really.”

“If you say so...”  Puff still isn’t convinced, but doesn’t really have anything else to go on right now.  “Anyhow, come one!  I’ll whip you up something to eat at the tavern.”

“That sounds wonderful!” Crosshair grinned as she follow her friend away, locking her room’s door.

Puff keeps glancing sideways at her friend’s bruises, but doesn’t say anything as she leads her to the tavern.  She makes her a good, hearty breakfast: Eggs, haycon, potatoes and peppers, and fresh bread.  “Here you go, Cross!  Eat up!”

Crosshair’s eyes was sparkling to see such a grand breakfast, her mouth was already watering “Oh.. my, Puff, this is amazing!” She squee’d as she take her seat, and eat up she did! She sure was hungry!

“So, how long has it been since you two sparred?”  Puff sits across from her friend as she eats, striking up conversation.

Crosshair made sure she swallow the delicious food down first before speaking “Well, yesterday really. Why?” she asked with a cautious curiosity.

“Dang, and those bruises are still there?  He doesn’t pull his punches in a spar, looks like.”

Crosshair chuckled as she noms the last bit of her eggs, moving onto the haycons and potatoes “Bruises usually takes more than a night to go away, Puff.”

“Still, I’m surprised he hits you hard enough to cause bruises.”

“It happens in spars.” Crosshair said dismissively as she finishes the last bit of her food. “Whew! That was amazing as always, Puff! I’m glad we have you around to cook stuff for us!”

Puff smiles at her friend.  “I’m glad you enjoyed it, Cross!”  As they talk, the subject eventually wanders to Puff’s meetings with Serenity.  “She’s a nice pony, Cross.  You should see her some time.  Did me a world of good.”

Crosshair rubs her muzzle slightly as she ponders about that. “hmm.. I don’t know, I mean, I know she’s a nice pony and all that but. Besides getting to know her a bit better, I’m not entirely sure why I should give her a visit over any other ponies else.”

“It’s her job to talk to ponies, and I don’t think her schedule is so full that you’d be pushing other ponies out of line, heh.”

“Mm.. I suppose so, Alright Puff! Let’s go meet her now?” Crosshair beamed at her friend brightly.

“Great!  Come on!”  Puff eagerly leads her friend to the office, idly wondering if Serenity and Temperance will ever get separate offices, then knocks on the door.

After a brief pause, Serenity answers the door. “Oh, hello Cream Puff. And Crosshair, as well? What brings you two down here?”

“Silly Puff here thinks I should talk to you.” Crosshair giggled and give her friend an apologetic nuzzle at the side of her muzzle for calling her silly, that’s a tiny bit too affectionate for friends to do. But it seems normal for them enough.

Serenity smiles warmly. “Well, I’m sure she means well. Why don’t you come on inside? If nothing else, we can sit down and have a nice chat.”

“Don’t mind if we do!” Crosshair chirped cheerfully as she lead Creampuff inside into the office. Seemingly quite cheerful already just by being near her friend.

Serenity makes sure both of her guests are comfortable before taking her own seat. “Right. So, Crosshair... how have you been doing lately?”

“Not bad! I’ve been patrolling and training a lot. Got to keep my shots good in case we might need it, Plus I’ve had a great meal from Puff, talked to her some, I’d say I’m pretty happy with myself” Crosshair chirped contently.

Serenity smiles warmly. “I’m glad to hear that. And what about you and Flamberge? Can we expect wedding bells any time soon?”

That made the small mare blushes a little brighter than she intended to. “Um, w-well, It’s up to him.. Really, If he really wants to take my hoof into marriage.. I’d really like that, though.”

“Well, have you told him as much?”

Crosshair leveled her ears and look down slightly for a second, pawing at the floor “Well.. not really. He’s a busy stallion and there’s plenty of things on his mind. I don’t want this to be a bother to him too.” Said the smaller mare, on whom marks from what happened earlier could be seen quite easily at this range.

Serenity begins to say something, but notices the odd marks on the little pegasus’ body. “Crosshair... where did you get all those bruises?”

“While Sparring with the Commander.” Said Crosshair dismissively. “It happens.”

Serenity stands, coming around the desk to sit by Crosshair. She takes one of the little mare’s forehooves in her own, gently lifting the leg to trace the two half-round marks on either side of the limb. A bite mark, and most definitely equine. It doesn’t appear to have been hard enough to break skin, but it must have hurt tremendously. Serenity stares over the tops of her glasses into Crosshair’s eyes. “I don’t recall ever hearing of any martial art that teaches one to use their teeth in battle.”

Crosshair, again, tried to wave it dismissively, pulling her foreleg from under Serenity’s inspection. “The Commander says that you use what you have. And sometimes when your weapon gets knocked off, your teeth can make a very good weapon too knowing where to bite.. Like the legs or the neck!” She explained, trying to sounds casual about it, but on a closer inspection, anypony would see that she’s hiding something, and there’s something more about it.

Serenity’s pupils shrink. “...He bit you... on the neck?”

Crosshair blinked at her little slip-up but still tries her cover. It’s her story, and she’s going to stick with it. “Uh.. yeah..” She replied simply, trying to figure something out but lean her neck to the side to let Serenity inspect the bitemarks there as well, some even seems to have broken the skin!

Serenity turns away in horror, but forces herself to look back. “Crosshair... these marks... they aren’t really from sparring, are they? Please tell me the truth.”

“They are!” Crosshair insisted.

“Crosshair, please. You don’t have to lie to us, we want to help.”

Crosshair sighed. “Serenity, please. I’ve got these from the spars, it got a bit too rough and there were some bites a little more painful than others, but that’s that. Okay?”

No.” Serenity stands over Crosshair. “This... this is not okay. Sparring or no, he shouldn’t be hurting you like this.”

Crosshair flops her ears down slightly as she looks up at the Doctor. “It’s alright, really. I’m a guardspony! and if I can’t handle a little pain.. then how am I going to handle it in a real fight?” She reasoned, still trying to protect the stallion that gave her all these marks.

Puff finally speaks up, having been sitting and listening this entire time.  “You can train without stuff like this, Cross!  And you’re a markspegasus!  You shouldn’t actually be in any fights!”

“But.. It’s better if I know how to take care of myself /when/ I’m in the fights! right?” she retaliated.

“Not like this!”  Shouts Puff.

As the two mares, argue, an idea begins to form in Serenity’s mind. She steps between the two, holding up her hooves. “Enough!” She turns to Crosshair. “...What day was this... sparring session?”

“well.. it was three days ago, I think..” Crosshair answered, rubbing the back of her neck slightly.

Serenity turns to Cream Puff. “Puff, wasn’t that around the same time...”

“That Flamberge kissed me and I told him to buck off?  Yeah...”

Crosshair blinked and perk her ears up, looking at her friend, stunned.

“Yeah... I had the hots for him, Cross.  And he apparently figured it out and tried to get with me.  I told him that wasn’t going to happen.”  Puff blushes as she tells her friend this.  She was over Flamberge... mostly.  And Crosshair deserved to know that he was a cheating bastard.

Crosshair frowned slightly and leveled her ears again, giving her friend puff a neck hug. “Oh Puff.. why didn’t you tell me you had the hots for him? I wouldn’t mind you at all!”

Cream Puff sighs.  “It’s not just the polygamy, Cross!  He’s nuts!”

“No he’s not!” Crosshair sighed aswell “He’s as mentally well as both you and me.”

Serenity sighs. “This isn’t the point I was trying to make. Crosshair, Flamberge did what he did because he was angry. And that means it’s going to keep happening.”

“He didn’t do anything wrong..” Crosshair said, still trying to protect him even now.

Serenity holds her head in her hooves, unsure what else she can say to the poor mare.

Puff looks her friend in the eyes.  “Hurting you is wrong, Cross.”

“It is.. but not like this!” Crosshair protested still.

“Yes like this!  Exactly like this!  He can’t take his frustrations out on you, Crosshair!  Especially not when he’s mad at me!”

“He was a little rough on me that night is all! And I didn’t complain! He would’ve stopped if I’ve told him to!” Crosshair said again, trying not to raise her voice too much at her friend.

Serenity looks up from her hooves. “Puff... I don’t think we’re going to convince her like this...”

Crosshair huffed slightly. “You don’t need to convince me anything.. Flamberge’s not a bad pony.” She said firmly.

Serenity sighs. “I don’t think there’s any point in arguing anymore. You... you can go, Crosshair.”

Crosshair sighed slightly as well. “Alright.. Thanks Serenity, It was.. good, talking with you.” She nodded, getting up to turn and left the place.

Serenity slumps back in her chair. “Puff... what are we going to do?”

Puff sighs.  “I dunno?”

“He’s hurting her, she doesn’t even see it, and there’s nopony here strong enough to stop him...”
« Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 01:25:18 am by Impending Doom »
Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #156 on: March 21, 2013, 02:51:58 am »

and parents.

Temperance trots after his parents, stumbling back outside to see them looking around aimlessly.  “Hey, come on, don't be like this,” he says, stopping just behind them.

Ward says nothing, but Faith rolls her eyes.  “What did you expect?”  She runs her hoof through her mane and shakes her head.  “This... I just... is there anywhere private to talk around here?”

“My office,” Temperance says, leading them that way and inside.  Once they're safely inside and away from any prying ears, he sits and waves a hoof for them to do so across from him.  “I know what you're thinking, and it's not what it looks like.”

“What is it, then?” Ward asks.  He sighs and raises both eyebrows.  “I don't really see but one way this could have happened.”

“It was an accident,” Temperance says, slumping back into his chair.

Faith rolls her eyes again.  “We gathered that much.  I just don't understand,” she says, shaking her head.  “How could you let this happen?  Didn't we raise you better than this?”

He blows out his breath and gives them both a cold look.  “Mom, I'm a thirty-seven year old stallion.  You don't have to talk to me like I'm eight years old.”

“The point stands,” she says, leaning onto his desk.  “You know having foals with mares you're not married to is wrong.  For so many reasons.”

He shakes his head.  “No, no, no, you don't understand.  She did it.  It's... it's complicated.”

“Now, Temperance,” Ward begins, raising a hoof.  “Blaming her isn't right.  It takes two to dance, as they say.”

“It's true,” he insists.  “Look, yes, it took both of us, but you don't get it.  It... it was a spice... a poison, some kind of drug... she found it.”

For a moment it looks like Faith is going to have a heart attack.  “Drugs?” she exclaims.  “For Nirmek's sake Temperance!  Did you lose your mind when you came out here?”


She looks to Ward and says, “No temple?  Drugs?  An illegitimate daughter?”


“What's next?  I suppose you'll be telling us that you've got a barrel of wine under that desk of yours.”  Faith raises a hoof to her forehead.  “We thought maybe Virtue would indulge and flaunt what we taught her, but she never did any of this!”

“Would you two listen to me!?” he says, stamping a hoof loud enough to make the walls shudder.  For a fleeting moment he wants to throw the fact that Virtue built a temple to foreign gods in Dawnpick in their faces, or how she got drunk and had quite a few intimate nights with Harvest Moon before they got married.  Stuff she never told them.  For the best too, clearly.  His scowl softens as his seething begins to cool.  This wasn't about Virtue.

Both of his parents are stunned at him raising his voice.  Good, he wasn't in the mood to play around anymore.  “Thank you,” he says dryly at their silence.  “Now, look.  This isn't her fault.  She found some plants growing out near the fields.  She thought they were spices and we ate some with dinner one night.”  He leans back into his chair and says, “And before you ask anything, it was apparently worse than alcohol.  Yes, we were intimate with each other, but we weren't completely in control of ourselves.”

That didn't seem to have convinced the two too much, but after a few seconds of nopony saying anything, his father finally decides they were allowed to speak again.  “Alright.  Suppose that's true.  Why aren't you two married yet?  You seem to still love her.”

“That's even more complicated,” he admits.  “I didn't remember that night, so, when she started showing I just assumed she cheated on me.  I was so upset I didn't even give her a chance to explain herself.  So naturally, we broke up at that point.  It wasn't until a few weeks ago that we even got back together, when she explained it all to me.”

Ward nods slowly.  “Alright.  But... how do you know that's true?  You said yourself you don't remember.”

“Because I trust her,” he says.  “And the doctor confirmed that what she dug up could have those side effects.”

“We understand,” his father says, nudging his wife.  “It's just, well, she knows you're from an important family, right?  If the foal wasn't yours...”

Important family?  Since when?  Virtue was a duchess, but nopony else in the family had a title of any sort, or much wealth for that matter.  “Mountain Dew,” he stresses her name, “is my daughter, okay?  That's not even up for discussion.  And you don't know Morning Dew.  She's the sweetest, most loving mare I've ever met.  She's not in this after money.  I don't think she even realizes I'm worth anything.”

“Fine... fine...” his mother says, sounding defeated.  “But you are getting married, right?  Soon?”

“Yes.  As soon as we can,” Temperance says.  “We were waiting for a priest to come, and now that you're here, we don't have to wait anymore.”

“Good.”  She continues to rub her temple with a hoof.  “We'll need to prepare... I don't even know where to begin...”

“Can we talk about that later?” Temperance asks, standing.  “I know you two are exhausted and hungry.  Why don't we go and actually get something to eat this time?  And maybe you two can try talking to Morning Dew some more?  I know if you do you'll fall in love with her too.”

His mother nods slowly and stands, followed by his father.  Ward nuzzles his wife and pats Temperance on the back.  “I think that's a grand idea.”
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #157 on: March 21, 2013, 07:58:57 pm »

SmoothBlock was lounging outside the “distillery” with a bowl of fruit in front of her. She picked up a piece of fruit, looked it over and placed it back the bowl. “Hmmmmm.”

Just a small trot away from Smoothblock was the bar. A bar which was missing a very important thing: booze. Woodchip, however, wished for drink.

Putting two and two together, he begins to trot in the general direction of the distillery.

SmoothBlock looked up from her bowl of fruit and waved.“Hey Chips, haven’t talked to you in awhile, how are ya’?” she stood up and trotted towards him.

Woodchip’s face displayed a rainbow of reactions, most of which involved twitching. He was glad to see Smoothblock, but he also knew that she was not a pony he wanted to be involved with the undercurrant of pure evil that ran through the fortress.

“Hey, Smoothblock. It’s been...well, it’s been a long time. I have had the nastiest headache, and I just havent been able to socialize like I have wanted.”

“I noticed, why are keeping yourself shut up like that? Not that much goes on out here.” SmoothBlock rolled her eyes.

Woodchip puts on a shaky grin. “I just, well, have had bad experiances with ponies like the ones that have raided us recently. I just haven’t been feeling too good, either. I feel fine right now.”

“Really? I’ve never seen ponies like them before, though I did spend most of my life in the dark.” She chuckled heartedly. “The Zebra’s came, I’m trying to figure out what fruits I can turn into wine... or just booze. Want to help?”

Woodchip just looked at Smoothblock for a few moments, and finaly nodded.

“Ah, why not. I was going to get a drink, anyway, so I might as well try. But, not to be intrusive, but what do yah mean you spent most of your life in the dark? Are you from one of those mountain cities?”

“My mom is head of the miner's guild in CoupleDyes. I’ve been living below ground until I came out here.” SmoothBlock directed WoodChips to the bowl of fruit she had been fussing with. “So, what do you think?”

“Well, I never thought about ponies who lived mostly underground before. Cheerfulgrins was on a hill, and it was nice and grassy. Really, it was very peaceful. Well...”

Woodchips attempt at a smile turned sour. “Until those crazy ponies came.”

 SmoothBlock looked at him with concern in her eyes.

“You seem real hung up on this, Chips. Have you considered talking to doctor Serenity?”

Woodchip sighs. “No, I don’t think so. But I do know...”

He looks at Smoothblock, as if seeing if she was trustworthy.

“How much do you know about Maize, Smooth?”

“Not as much as I like.” She tilted her head to the side. “Why do you ask?”

Woodchip lowered his head so that he could see Smoothblock eye-to-eye.

“I am pretty sure she has the...well, thing that makes ponies go crazy. I have seen it before, and I am pretty sure others know about it too.”

“Thing that makes ponies go crazy.... WoodChips, she was abused by some pony in her past. That will leave scars on anypony.” SmoothBlock place a forehoof on his big withers “It’s up to good ponies help each other out.”

Woodchip groans tiredly. “I know that she was hurt in the past before, Smooth. I don’t think there’s a soul here that does not know that yet, or at least put two and two together. But she’s hurt in another way too, in a way that even Serenity can’t help with. It’s magic, very bad magic at that, and it hurts ponies and makes them do bad things. ”

“That sounds like trying to place blame for things that just happen. My magic all has to do with solid stuff, so ephemeral stuff sounds like horse apples to me.”

Woodchip snorts slightly. “My own magic is the same. But I know about this sort of thing because, well...”

His lower lip quivers slightly, but he eventually gets control of himself.

“Smoothblock, I am no traveling pony. I am a refugee. I was out playing outside when the red cloud went over my village, and I fled a few months later when the others started to eat meat.”

“You should talk to CaseStudy and Serenity. Even if it is magic, that doesn’t mean it can’t be understood and dealt with. They can help you, I can help you too.”

She looked shyly at the ground “If you want me too...”

Woodchip raises his head and looks up. Breathing heavily, he closes his eyes and only opens them after lowing it back down to fully face Smoothblock.

“Thank you, Smoothie.”

His face goes red when he realises what he said.

“Smoothie, hugh hugh. That name’s a lot cuter than I am.” She smiled at him and blushed.

Woodchip was entirely new to this sort of thing, but a niggling thought in the back of his mind told him that Smoothblock was probably not. He notes that she never did take her hoof off his withers, not like he minded.

As such, he decided to play it safe.

“That’s not true. I think it fits, anyway.”

SmoothBlock lifted her other foreleg and wrapped it around him, hugging WoodChip warmly.

Woodchip, after his brain fully proccessed what was going on, returned the favor and took great care in not crushing the smaller pony.

“Thank you, Smoothie.”

SmoothBlock was a fairly muscled mare, but all the fat made her feel soft. “You’re welcome Chips.”

Woodchips was content with just standing there and half-leaning on Smoothblock, but a flurry of questions began to churn in his mind.”Hey, Smoothblock. We could stand here all day, and I would not complain either way, or we could head inside the distillery and try and use those zebra fruits to make some drinks. And if we are really over our heads, we could go ahead and make sure that the drinks in there are all perfectly safe for the other ponies in the fortress.”

“That sounds like a good plan WoodChips. Let’s go in and take some 'samples'.” SmoothBlock smiled at WoodChips and guided him into the small shed she called a distillery. Eventualy, the little door shut.
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #158 on: March 21, 2013, 09:55:42 pm »

, Faith and Ward

Maize wanders about Duskfields, wondering where Temperance is hiding his parents. She’s never met a priest before! ...Well, she has, but not personally. Most of the time everypony just shooed her away before she could get to him or her, but there was nopony to shoo her off this time.

She eventually spots them, standing on the scaffolding against the far north wall.  Both appear to be staring out to the north, not speaking or even moving.

Maize runs to the base of the wall, then carefully moves up the scaffolding, eventually coming out beside them. She joins them, not familiar with the ritual but knowledgeable enough to guess it would be rude to interrupt.

After several minutes of the two sitting quietly with their heads lowered and eyes closed, the mare finally looks up and out over the plains.  The stallion next to her finally does the same and asks, “Anything?”

Faith simply shakes her head.  “No... nothing.”  Neither she nor Ward seem to realize they have a guest.

Maize, curious, finally speaks out, softly and carefully, with her head held low in submission. “I’m sorry, but what are you looking for?”

Both start slightly as Maize speaks up.  Faith raises a hoof to her chest and shakes her head.  “Oh, my... I did not realize you were there!” she says, visibly trying to calm down.

Ward places a hoof on her withers, then looks over to Maize.  “We’re... not really sure, to be honest.  It’s just, well, we heard there were some strange things happening around here.”

“I’m sorry for startling you both...” Maize’s head sinks lower, below her withers now. “B-but, if you want to know about the strange happenings, I can tell you what I know... or think I know.”

“It’s quite alright,” Ward says, smiling at her.

Faith nods and turns to face Maize.  “Yes, don’t worry about it.”  She cocks her head slightly.  “You know something about it?  Have you seen the clouds?”

“I... I’ve felt them...” Maize’s eyes turn down a bit. “It’s a long story, if you don’t want to hear it.”

Faith’s eyes widen a bit as she moves a bit closer to Maize.  “No, no, please, whatever you have to say, we’re glad to hear it.”

Maize glances back up. “Well... it all started when I was a little foal, I guess. My father... he was really mean. He did a lot of nasty things, and I never really knew why he was so mean, but I sort of just started thinking that he was supposed to be mean to me. But... when I came here, sometimes I’d blank out, and when I came back, ponies were talking about scary red clouds or even these evil ponies that attacked, that everypony called discordant ponies. One day I saw one... and it looked almost just like my father did. And now, I think I might be one of those ponies, or at least part of me.”

Ward and Faith exchange slightly alarmed looks.  “Discordant ponies?” Ward asks.

“The military ponies would know a lot more than I do... you could ask my coltfriend, Praetorian.” Maize looks out. “All I know is that they’re smart, have good weapons, and hate us all. I think even whatever is in me is full of hate, too. Sometimes I feel it, I think.”

The two continue to look quite worried.  “That... this...” Faith begins, looking back out over the fields briefly.  “ beginning to make sense.”  She looks back at Maize and asks, “You say that you feel something when this happens?  What exactly do you feel?”

“When the cloud comes?” Maize thinks. “It’s... hard to remember. It’s like I’m drawn away from my body and I have to try and fight my way back in...”

“You don’t think...?” Ward asks Faith.

Faith slowly nods.  “...I do.”  She encourages Maize to sit up so they can look eye to eye.  “Tell me, miss, what is your name?”

Maize looks back into Faith’s eyes as best she can. “I am Maize... I do not think I have a last name, if I did, my parents never told me it.”

Faith takes one of Maize’s forehooves in her own.  “Maize, I’m going to ask Nirmek to bless you.  Have you ever spoken with him before?”

Maize shakes her head. “I only know of Amug and Govos.”

She nods understandingly.  “Then it isn’t much different.  Nirmek is the great stallion of mercy and forgiveness.  For nearly as long as I have set hoof here, I have been asking him to keep his hooves on you all.”  She closes her eyes.  “You have nothing to ask forgiveness of, but we all need his mercy now.”

Maize nods and closes her eyes as well. “Should I say anything, or just pray?”

“You can pray if you wish, but if you feel uncomfortable doing so I will.”  Faith lowers her head, and begins saying in a hushed voice, “Oh, Nirmek, who is forever watching over us, I once again come to you, asking you to provide your mercy.  The ponies here are at great peril, and only by your hooves will they be spared.”  She raises Maize’s hoof slightly.  “And above the rest, I ask you to watch over this mare, for whom the danger may be greater still.  She is innocent of all this.”

Maize smiles a bit, happy that there is at least one pony in the world who cares enough to pray for her. “Thank you, Misses... I don’t think I learned your names, actually.”

She makes an apologetic smile as she opens her eyes.  “Oh, my, forgive me for not properly introducing myself.  I am Faith, and this is my husband Ward,” she says, tapping a hoof against her husband’s side.

He smiles himself.  “Perhaps you’ve heard of our son, Temperance?”

Maize nods. “Of course. Temperance is a good man. I’m sure you’re proud of him.” She smiles a bit more. “I’m good friends with his soon-to-be wife.”

“Quite proud of him, indeed,” Ward says, grinning slightly.  “He’s done a good job out here, and I’m glad to see he’s with Morning Dew.  She seems like a wonderful mare.”

“She is.” Maize indicates the fields with a nod. “Me and her do the farming. She’s actually trained in it, though, so she knows more than I do usually. I had to learn by growing plants myself, wherever I went.” Maize turns out to look over the forest again. “I wonder if a few of the trees I’ve tried to plant ever grew, sometimes.”

“Well, there are certainly enough of them out there,” Ward says with a small chuckle.  “And whoever is growing the food out here knows how to grow the best I’ve ever tasted.  Your cook is no slouch, but I’ve also tried a tomato earlier by itself, and it was the best I’ve ever eaten.”

Maize prostrates herself gracefully. “I am humbled by your praise. Please, though, praise Morning Dew when you see her, too. I don’t think I could have done it without her.”

Faith gestures for her to rise and smiles softly.  “We already have.  The whole lot of you have done a fantastic job out here.  That’s why I’m praying so hard to the gods for you all.”  She sighs.  “As a mother, I keep wanting to take Temperance away from this place, as dangerous as it clearly is.  But he’s a grown stallion.”

“The evil here is... thick, I guess.” Maize looks to the sky. “But the sun still shines, and the rain still falls clear and gentle. I think we’ll be able to change this place for the better. I know it has already changed me quite a bit.”

“I couldn’t have said it better myself,” Faith says, looking up into the clear sky.  “Whatever evil grips this place, its hold isn’t absolute.  I have hope for you all, and Nirmek’s hooves will be on you all.”

“Speaking of Nirmek.” Maize looks to the mare beside her. “Would you mind teaching me a few things about the gods, and how to pray? I’ve... never really gotten to talk to a priest before. Whenever I tried, I always got shoved away by other ponies who called me nasty things like ‘whore’ and ‘street filth.’”

“Then they were not true servants to the gods,” Faith says.  “I’m always ready to teach those who are willing to learn.  You seem to know some already though, so, where should I begin?”

Maize grins jovially, her head held high. “Teach me more about Amug, then. I’ve always been interested, but I never really got a chance to ask about her...”
Nothing important here, move along.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #159 on: March 22, 2013, 11:37:31 pm »

, , , Ward and Faith

A few minutes later, Temperance returns to the tavern with his more sedate parents in tow.  He opens the door slowly, not sure quite what he’d find inside now.  When he sees that Morning Dew hadn’t fled the country, he starts back in her direction, wearing a slightly nervous smile.

Morning Dew is still just sitting by the bar, looking dejected and being comforted by Cream Puff, while Mountain Dew is busy consuming more sweets. She doesn’t seem to notice Temperance and his parents re-entering.

The three make their way up to the bar, and Temperance rests a hoof on her back.  “Everything alright?” he asks, knowing the answer already.  Ward and Faith take seats to Morning Dew’s other side, trying not to look too curious.

Morning Dew sits up, and turns to Temperance, about to hug him, but she stops short, seeing the parents still there. “...sort of...”

Puff gives Temperance a smile, and his parents a significantly cooler look, then goes to extract Mountain Dew from the sweets.  “Come on, little one.  You don’t need to be bouncing off the walls right now... like last week.”

Temperance chuckles lightly at the thought and brushes a hair out of Morning Dew’s face.  “Cheer up, everything’s alright,” he says.  He gives a quick glance to Cream Puff and says, “Uh, do you have anything left over from lunch?”  He nods towards his parents.

Puff shakes her head and hands him his foal.  “No, but I’m sure I can make them something.”

Morning Dew smiles a little at Tempy’s reassurances, and gives him a little nuzzle. “I love you,” she says under her breath. “What happened out there?”

Temperance takes Mountain Dew and sits himself.  Maybe he could keep the filly occupied to give her mother a bit of a breather.  “Thanks.”  He looks back over to Morning Dew and says, “Oh, uh, I was just showing my parents around.  Mostly my office.”

“This really is a nice settlement,” Ward says, trying to dispel some of the tension floating round in the air.  “I never expected it to be so built up already.”

“It’s all because of Temperance,” Morning Dew says with pride in her fiancee. “If it hadn’t been for him, we wouldn’t have gotten anything done.”

“Oh, we’re quite proud of him,” Ward goes on.  “But a place like this doesn’t build itself with just one pony’s hooves.”

“Or forget a temple,” Faith whispers to herself, prompting a small frown from Ward.

“Um,” says Morning Dew, trying to ignore Faith’s words, “the carpenters and Holly have really helped getting everything built up properly.”

Temperance nods, also trying to ignore his mother’s words.  “Yeah, the carpenters have done all of the heavy lifting.  Literally and metaphorically,” he jokes.  “Of course, we all rely on the farmers.”

Morning Dew blushes a little. “Oh...well, Maize is really good, she’s the one you rely on,” she says.

Puff returns with a sandwich for each of Temperance’s parents, and some homefries to go with.  “Here you are!  Don’t be so modest, Dew!  Maize is good, but she can’t grow everything.  We need you just as much as her.”

“Thank you,” Faith says, accepting her sandwich.  She examines it briefly before she starts away at it, clearly not too enthusiastic.

Ward nods his thanks to Puff and begins eating.  After he finishes half of his sandwich, he says, “I should say the both of you have done a fantastic job growing what’s in this at least.  And the cook who prepare it clearly knows what she is doing.”

“Yes, it’s very good,” Faith admits, still slouching in her seat.

Mountain Dew’s horn glows, and Ward notices the remaining half of his sandwich begin to slip away...

“Huh?”  He looks quite confused until he notices the magical haze around the sandwich.  He follows it back over to the little filly and plucks it out of the air before grinning at her.  “Oh, you’re such a little trouble maker, aren’t you?” he jokes.

“She gets into a lot of things,” Temperance says, trying to distract her with a hoof as he speaks.  “That’s how unicorn foals are, I guess.”

Mountain Dew giggles at Ward and Temperance’s response...before noting that the other older pony in the room hadn’t finished her sandwich, either... Her horn glows once more.

“Like you and Virtue didn’t get into a lot?” Faith says before attempting to take another bite of her sandwich.  As she notices it has started floating away like Ward’s, she sighs and starts after it.  “Although you two couldn’t do this at least.”

Puff chuckles and starts making a little sandwich for Mountain Dew.  “She’s a little bottomless pit, too.  You were just withers deep in the sweets!”

Faith gently recovers her sandwich and sits next to the filly.  The slightest hint of a smile creeps up onto her face.  “You shouldn’t be eating this, sweetie,” she says, wagging a hoof at her.  “It’s grown up food, it’ll make you feel bad.”

Morning Dew winces at the memory. “She does have teeth,” she says.

Faith withdraws her hoof, suitably warned despite doubting the filly could cause significant harm.  “I’ve been bitten a few times,” she says, nodding toward Temperance.  She finishes off her sandwich and asks, “So, how old is she?”

“Five months,” Temperance says.

“I never did get to see any of our other grandchildren when they were still this young,” Faith says.

Mountain Dew begins to wriggle out of Temperance’s grip, apparently intent on playing with the mare who just finished her sandwich.

Temperance tries to restrain her gently.  “No, no, I don’t think grandma wants to play.”

Faith’s tiny crack of a smile persists.  “If she wants to play, it’s alright.”

Mountain Dew, given the tacit permission, jumps out of Temperance’s grip and over to Faith.  She holds the filly up, smiling softly.  It had been a while since she held a young one so small, much less one related to her.  “Five months old, she’s big for her age,” she says with a tiny chuckle.

“Bub ubba!” replies the foal in an excited voice as she is lifted up. She reaches out her fore-hooves to try and touch Faith’s face.

Faith starts humming a quiet tune as she touches her muzzle to Mountain Dew’s hooves.  “You’re a cute little one,” she says between verses.

Mountain Dew tries to join in on the humming, but doesn’t quite replicate the tune.  Faith’s smile widens a bit as she continues to hum.  As the song comes to an end, she says, “That was very good!  I’ll have to teach you to sing when you get older.”

“Ub bah beh,” agrees the foal, before giving a tiny yawn, and beginning to lie against Faith.

Exposure to grandfilly is something that Faith can’t stay grumpy through, so she happily sits, holding the sleepy foal in her hooves.  It had been too long since the last time she’d had a chance to do this.

Temperance watches, all but grinning himself.  He knew his parents would warm up to the two after they had a chance to interact with them.  He watches Mountain Dew yawn again, and says to Morning Dew, “Looks like she’s getting sleepy, maybe we should get her to bed?”

“If your mother wouldn’t mind,” she says with a little bit more of a smile on her face.

“No, no, I think he’s right,” Faith says, reluctantly looking up from Mountain Dew.  “She needs her mother right now I think, then a nap.”

Morning Dew collects her little foal, and excuses herself to take her to bed.

Temperance smiles at his parents, and says, “See?”

Faith stands and returns to her seat.  “See what?”

“I told you that you’d warm up to them.”

Faith sighs and nods.  “Temperance, this is all still just a big shock to me.  It’s going to take me a moment to catch up with everything.”  She makes a tiny smile.  “But, yes, I can’t say no to my new granddaughter.”

Ward chuckles.  “And Morning Dew seems like a sweet mare just like you said.  I’m sure when we’ve had  few days to get to know her, we’ll love her just as much.”

Just like he’d told them.  Temperance nods.  “Well, why don’t I go find you someplace to stay?  We can talk about all of this later.  Maybe over dinner.”
Through pain, I find wisdom.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Ἱησους Χριστος Θεου Υἱος Σωτηρ
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #160 on: March 24, 2013, 02:58:56 am »


Praetorian and Serenity are sitting in Serenity’s office, having a little lunch together.

Serenity sits beside Praetorian, contentedly sipping her bowl of cheese soup.

“So, Serenity. How have things been for you here so far?” Praetorian asks, wanting to know a little bit more about the mare.

“It was a bit rough, at first. But this place really has flourished in the time I’ve been here.” Serenity smiles. “And so has my business. Miss Virtue was right: My services have been in very high demand here in Duskfields.”

“And do you get much satisfaction out of your work? It must be a good feeling, to work towards helping other ponies,” says Praetorian, matching her smile.

She nods. “Very much so. Seeing a pony, who was before so deeply troubled, walk away happy and at peace... that’s easily one of the most wonderful feelings in the world.”

“I have no doubt,” says Praetorian. “I can’t say I know many ponies who’d be suited for the role, though. It must take a lot of kindness to be able to endure listening to so many ponies, and to help every one of them, without giving a thought for yourself.”

Serenity blushes slightly. “W-Well, it just takes a lot of patience, really...”

“And a kind heart. I doubt even the most patient pony could do this without that, as well,” says Praetorian. “You’re a good pony.”

“...Thank you...” She manages a nervous grin.

“You’re a cute pony when you’re blushing, you know?” says Praetorian with a grin, trying to put the mare at her ease. “So what else do you do, besides psychiatry?”

Thankful for the opportunity to change the subject, Serenity begins. “Well, I like to read in my spare time - mostly things related to my profession, but I also enjoy reading about history. I was also into fencing while I was at university, but I haven’t had much chance to practice since coming here.”

Praetorian nods. “Yes, it’s hard to find partners out here for sparring, but if you like, you could practice with me. Redhat is...well, not as experienced as he said he was, shall we say.”

Serenity smiles. “I’d like that very much, thank you.”

“That’s good to hear,” says Praetorian with a smile.

“So... what about you, then? What sorts of things do you like to do in your spare time?”

“Well...” Praetorian shrugs. “I occasionally write letters to some old friends, though I’ve been unable to do that for some time. Injury and such. I’ve read some books - though, of course, not much more than the usual histories. And, of course, there’s Maize.”

Serenity chuckles. “Yes, I can imagine.” She looks away. “I... hope it’s not too much of a bother, me spending time with her. I know you’d much rather be together all the time...”

“Serenity,” he says, before giving the mare a hug. “I want you to be happy, just as much as I want her to be happy. Please, don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine,” he says, with a little smile on his face. “I’m a big colt now,” he finishes, before laughing a little at himself.

Serenity leans into the hug. “I know. But I couldn’t be happy if I knew you were unhappy. And neither could she. We both care for you very much.”

“I know,” he says. “And that’s why I’ll be okay. Just as long as you two are happy, I will be, too.”

“...Okay. So long as I know you’re happy...” She cranes her neck up for a nuzzle.

Praetorian nuzzles her, holding the sweet little mare softly.

Serenity holds the nuzzle for a moment, before relaxing in his hooves. “So, have you two thought about getting married any time soon?”

“I hope to do so,” he says, enjoying holding her. “I’m making a little piece for the engagement. Then it’s just waiting for a priest to come. Hopefully, we’ll be married in a year.”

Serenity looks up at Praetorian. “You’re making the ring yourself?”

“I am, during my off-time. Which has decreased slightly, heh.” He smiles at the unicorn mare. “Not that I mind.”

“That sounds...” She smiles wistfully. “...Incredibly romantic. I’m sure she’ll love it.”

Praetorian makes a note to make another ring, for Maize to give to Serenity. “I hope so,” he says, ‘And I think you will, too,’ he thinks to himself, as he gives Serenity another nuzzle.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


  • Bay Watcher
  • Ἱησους Χριστος Θεου Υἱος Σωτηρ
    • View Profile
Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #161 on: March 24, 2013, 03:02:17 am »

, , , , , , Faith, and Ward, plus most everypony.

If there was anything that could be said about Duskfields, it was that the weather always seemed to be nice.  Even now, as autumn was beginning, it was warm outside, and the slight breeze that blew by wasn’t too chilly.

Nearly everypony in the settlement has gathered around the center of town, just outside of the tavern.  Temperance is fighting his nerves as he waits anxiously for things to begin, periodically looking up to his mother.  She smiles at him, but says nothing as she too continues to prepare herself for the ceremony.

Neither wore any special garments.  Temperance didn’t even own any in Duskfields, and his mother had no idea that she would be presiding over a wedding when she came, so her robes were still far away back in Coupledye.  It didn’t matter to him though.  Who needed flashy clothes?  It wouldn’t show his love for Dew any more.

Morning Dew, meanwhile, is in the tavern, and stressing herself out. Mountain Dew was being energetic as she usually seemed to be, and refusing to calm down. Praetorian was there to give her away, having been appointed for that role by the priestess. She could see that he wasn’t altogether sure what to do, and wondered idly why he had been selected.

As the crowd begins to settle, Temperance can’t help but chuckle inside at how bare this ceremony was going to be compared to the ones he’d seen back home.  Only the simplest decorations were hung up, and they had nopony to play any music, instead relying on a makeshift choir of residents.  Only one flower filly, and no ushers.  It was okay though.  He smiles at his mother once again, when she gives him a small nod.  It was time to start, and he swallows another lump of nerves.

Maize shifts her weight as she hides away in the storage section of the tavern. If she were a more excitable pony, she’d probably be bouncing around from excitement and anticipation. She looks to Ward for assurance.

The old stallion lays a hoof on her withers and smiles at her.  “Just a few moments yet,” he says, right as the sound of ponies singing together in near harmony reaches them through the walls.

Outside, Faith is leading everypony who was willing in the singing of a simple hymn.  Her voice carries over the others, and she closes her eyes as she puts as much emotion into it as she can manage.  With the choir behind her, she sings,

”Make me a channel of your peace.

Where there is hatred let me bring your love.

Where there is injury, your pardon, Lord

And where there's doubt, true faith in you.”

The tavern’s doors open, and Praetorian and Morning Dew begin the procession down to the front of the makeshift celebratory area, with Mountain Dew being the most energetic flower filly that anypony could hope for.

Maize has to hold herself back from the door as she waits for the time to be right.  Ward stands confidently beside her, waiting for the signal.  As they stand, the singing continues.

Oh, Gasis grant that I may never seek

So much to be consoled as to console

To be understood as to understand

To be loved as to love with all my soul.

Praetorian and Morning Dew finally reach their destination, and the two stand there, Morning Dew smiling shyly at Temperance.

Ward gives Maize a tiny nudge and leads her off after the two.  As they make their way down to join the other couple, the choir finish their song.

Make me a channel of your peace

Where there's despair in life, let me bring hope

Where there is darkness, only light

And where there's sadness, ever joy.

Oh, Gasis grant that I may never seek

So much to be consoled as to console

To be understood as to understand

To be loved as to love with all my soul.

Make me a channel of your peace

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned

In giving to ponies that we receive

And in dying that we're born to eternal life.

Oh, Gasis grant that I may never seek

So much to be consoled as to console

To be understood as to understand

To be loved as to love with all my soul.

Praetorian starts at seeing Maize also process down, and doesn’t know what the heck is happening.

Maize beams wildly, though she holds her head low as she becomes the center of attention for a few long moments.

Faith smiles warmly at the four as she opens her eyes again.  She waves a hoof across the crowd to instruct them to be seated, and looks over to Maize expectantly.

Maize smiles back and turns to face Praetorian. “Hey, Prae-Prae... I really love you, you know, and I...” She kneels before him, disappointed that she has nothing to really present but wanting to make the most of the moment. “I would like to marry you.”

Praetorian is shocked, and a second passes before he manages to come to his senses, and says “I want the same, Maize. You’ll marry me?”

“Of course.” Maize rises back up and offers her hoof to Praetorian, beaming all the while.

Praetorian takes Maize’s hoof, and beams with happiness.

Serenity is sitting towards the front of the crowd, close enough to hear their exchange. She gasps and laughs aloud, a wide smile splitting her face.

Faith can barely contain a grin as Maize proposes to her love, and Temperance and some among the crowd fail to contain their surprise.  After a few moments, she stands tall and looks out over the crowd.  "Ponies of Duskfields, we are gathered here today to witness the union of the two couples here before you.  Temperance Scribebakes and Morning Dew Tattoomirthful, and Praetorian Ordertwinkled and Maize.

"As these couples have lived together here, through the highs and the lows, their love for each other has grown.  And here today, they choose to make their love for each other known to the world, and to join together as husband and wife."

She looks over to Morning Dew, and says, "Who gives away this mare, to be wed to this stallion?"

Praetorian turns to Faith. “I do.”

She then looks to Maize.  "And who gives away this mare, to be wed to this stallion?"

Ward shuffles his forehooves and stands tall.  "I do."

Faith looks between the two couples and says, "Then I charge you four, as you stand in the presence of Gasis and the other gods, to remember that love and loyalty alone will serve as the foundations of a happy and enduring marriage.  If the solemn vows, which you are about to make, are kept permanently, and if you steadfastly seek to do the will of those who are in heaven above, your life will be full of peace and joy, and the marriage which you are establishing will abide forever."

She turns her attention to Temperance and Morning Dew, and says, "Temperance, will you have Morning Dew to be your wedded wife, and in the presence of these witnesses do you  vow that you will do everything in your power to make your love for her a growing part of your life?  Will you continue to strengthen it from day to day, and week to week?  Will you stand by her in sickness or health, in poverty or wealth?"

He nods proudly.  "I do."

"And you, Morning Dew, do you take Temperance to be your husband, and in the presence of these witnesses do you vow to strengthen your love for him every day?  To stand by him, in sickness and health, in poverty or wealth?"

Morning Dew smiles happily. “I do.”

Faith smiles and nods, before turning to the other couple.  "And Praetorian, I ask you the same.  Will you take Maize to be your wedded wife, and in the presence of these witnesses do you vow that you will do all in your power to grow your love for her with every passing day?  Will you stand by her in sickness and health, poverty or wealth?"

Praetorian, taken back to the day he swore his sacramentum, salutes. “I do.”

"And Maize, to you I ask the same.  Will you take Praetorian to be your husband, and in the presence of all those gathered here do you vow to love him more every day, for as long as you shall live?  Will you stand by him in sickness and health, poverty or wealth?"

Maize nods excitedly. “I do!”

Faith smiles wider and looks between the four.  “Now that Temperance and Morning Dew, and Praetorian and Maize have given themselves to each other by the promises they have exchanged, I pronounce them to be husband and wife, in the name of Gasis and the gods above.”  She nods to each couple.  “You may now kiss.”

Temperance needs no further instruction, and moves to kiss the love of his life.

Praetorian leans over to kiss Maize.

Morning Dew responds to Temperance’s kiss, and holds the loving kiss.

Maize takes Praetorian’s lips with her own, holding the kiss long and gentle.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #162 on: March 24, 2013, 12:57:55 pm »

A bit late with the update this time, but I hope the excitement is worth it.  I'm probably going to have another shorter update to finish out the year within a few days, which will include the year end save.

And, we got new ponies!  If anybody was waiting on one, they might see what they want this time, including 4 new soldiers.

Temperance's Journal - 21st Galena, 270

Flamberge came to me this afternoon, requesting an update on the current status on a number of things related to military matters.  First off, he reminded me that we really, really need to get to work on a wall.  The ditch isn't going to keep discordant pegasi out, and after what we've seen of them we can probably expect to see more of them.

The other matter he brought up worries me a bit.  He wants me to arm all of the adults here with crossbows to back up the soldiers in the event of another attack.  I can hardly blame him for wanting more armed ponies, but giving weapons to all of us?  Somepony is going to get hurt, and even if not, a lot of ponies are going to be quite unhappy.  I'm not exactly thrilled.

Should I arm Max too?  I guess so.

24th Galena, 720

Convalescence gave birth to her colt this afternoon, which the parents decided to name Mittens.  I visited them very briefly to make sure everypony was doing well, which Case Study assured me they were.  Mittens is a skinny little colt, but the doctors didn't seem to be too concerned.

It's a good thing things have been a bit more calm recently.  Convalescence shouldn't have any trouble taking it easy for a while.

The other interesting thing to note is that as part of the final preparation for getting the wall put up, I had Smoothblock fill in the hole in the southwest section of the settlement.  With that little hole plugged I think we're ready to get to work on that.

A quick before and after.  DFHack can be used to fill in holes like this, but the tiletypes command can't unreveal the filled in tiles in any way that I can find (the hidden flag's not good enough).  So I'll try to fix this myself later.  I backed up the save, just in case.

10th Limestone, 270

We finally put together a small well just to the west of the hospital (finally found a use for that set of gears that will put them somewhere that ponies won't have to look at them).  Unfortunately, there's a problem with it.  Apparently the water is draining out of it as Flamberge and Redhat were running the new pumps to fill it up.  Something to do with the water table I gather.

Looks like we'll have to shut down the pumps for now and reengineer the well somehow.  A floor and some walls will probably solve the problem.

Yep, forgot that aquifers absorb water as readily as they provide it.  So it's naturally disappearing as I pump it into the well's cistern.  Easy to fix.

14th Limestone, 270

I'm so excited, I'm not sure if I can even write tonight!  Morning Dew and I are back together!  It's hard to explain, to the point I'm not sure I even get it, but she never cheated on me!  She still loves me too!

And I have a daughter!  Mountain Dew is my daughter!

Things have felt pretty surreal since I found out, but I'm happy, so I don't care!  We're even going to get married again soon!

Being a dad is going to be tough, though.  Mountain Dew is such an energetic little filly, and she gets into everything.  I'm sure I'll figure it out with Dew's help, though.

19th Limestone, 270

The well is fixed!  So now we've got a safe source of clean water.  I know that will be very important if anypony ever gets hurt again.  Next we just need to get some soap.

I know Flamberge was pushing hard to get started on the wall, so I decided to get started on the north wall since the hospital also needed work.  The carpenters won't have to run back and forth as much that way.  The hospital itself needs a good bit of restructuring unfortunately.  The rooms are going to have to be made a bit smaller, and a couple extras will be added.

One thing at a time though.

21st Limestone, 270

I can honestly and truthfully say that I had no idea today was coming.  Mom and dad showed up today.  I'm happy to see them, make no mistake, but once they found out about Morning Dew, things turned out about as predictably as one might imagine.

Mom was going to lose it at first, I thought, but she came around a bit after she took some time to talk with Morning Dew, and to spend some time with our daughter.

She seems willing to marry us at least, which is all I can ask.  We should be getting married soon, anyway, and it'll all be fine then.  I don't care what anypony, not even my parents, think about Morning Dew.  I love her like no mare I've ever met, and marrying her is the best thing that could happen to me.

Mom and dad aren't going to stay for very long though, they say.  A few weeks at most.

I'll miss them after they're gone, I'm sure, no matter how rocky things were today.

22nd Limestone, 270

Today started off a bit exciting, in the bad sense, when Crosshair had to chase off another diamond dog.  Fortunately the guard dogs we have stationed at the entrance spotted it and started barking, which gave us plenty of warning.  I suppose there's no special connection between the diamond dogs and their nonsapient kin.

This evening things got even more exciting.  The small caravan of new arrivals from Coupledye that my parents mentioned showed up.  I gathered them all together and showed them around briefly before getting them all something to eat and drink.  I also took down some census information, and here's what I came up with:

A unicorn stallion markspony named Prodd,
An earth pony mare farmer named Pumpkin Patch and her husband,
An earth pony stallion swordspony named Plastron,
An earth pony stallion doctor and beekeeper named Bonesetter,
A unicorn stallion priest named Sanctuary and his wife,
An earth pony mare markspony named Aventail,
A unicorn mare plant processor named Rosebud (she also makes soap),
A unicorn mare cook named Pepper Flakes and her husband,
A pegasus stallion swordspony named Scimitar.

We can use the extra hooves around here, but this of course means we're short on space again.  We'll need around eight more rooms now, and I'm sure Sanctuary is going to want a temple of some sort as soon as we can get one.  Mom had a little fit about us not having one yet, but she wasn't going to be around forever.  Sanctuary is apparently Coupledye's response to my request, so he'll need something.  I never forgot about building one, it's just that safety seemed to be more important.

I also need to check on our military supplies for the new arrivals.  We may need to use some of the stocked up metal to make some armor for them.

1st Sandstone, 270

Today was the big day!  Morning Dew and I got married today!  I'm still so wound up I'm not sure I can write much tonight, but I will write that, much to my surprise, Praetorian and Maize were married with us today!  Mom and dad were in on it, and the thing surprised pretty much everypony else.  I'm happy for them though, I was glad to have them get married alongside us.

The wedding wasn't extravagant by any stretch, but I think it was all the better for it.  I don't need extravagance to show Morning Dew that I love her, although that cake that Cream Puff baked up more than made up for the rest.  Mom even said how much she enjoyed the ceremony, which is saying something.  I'm glad she finally warmed up to Dew, like I knew she would.  Nopony can help but love her.

I'm pretty tired after such a day, but I'm not sure how much sleep I'll be getting tonight.  I'm going to be spending a little time with my new wife.  We can worry about everything else tomorrow.

6th Sandstone, 270

Today started out calm enough.  I was inspecting the new farm that was tilled up, which we'll be planting tomatoes, potatoes and green beans in.  That looked fine, of course, and I'm eager to see what Puff makes out of some of the new crops.  We're kind of really starting to look like a farming community now.

That's when things turned into chaos.  We hadn't seen them in a very long time, so quite honestly I'd forgotten about them.  But they didnt' forget about us.  The parasprites came back!  Pepper Flakes saw them swarming our direction and galloped off as fast as she could to warn the soldiers.

About 25 all told.  Should be tons of fun!

I was running from the little things for the better part of half an hour as the military chased each down and exterminated them.  They managed to keep them from the food this time, thank goodness, and none of the property was harmed that I could tell.   Shockingly, both Scimitar and Redhat were injured badly enough to require hospitalization though.

It's just a few cuts.  They'll walk it off, after they give Case Study and Convalescence some experience points.

The wounds weren't bad at least, but it's a reminder that we can't take anything as harmless out here.  And we really need more armor for the soldiers.  Bad.

26th Sandstone, 270

The two soldiers were fine after a quick patching up, which I was sure they would be.  Having two doctors around means that injuries like that don't take long to get treated.

I'm happy to report today that we've made significant progress on the wall: the entire northern section is completed.  We're starting on the western section now, and the entire thing is coming together faster than I expected.  At this rate we might be done with it by the end of the year.

We've also made some significant progress on the hospital, and have started work on the newly needed housing.  It's a long way from done, especially with the wall to distract us, but it shouldn't take too long I hope.

14th Timber, 270

Today started out nice and calm.  We had no reason to believe it would be anything but, until the screams started.  I was walking with Morning Dew to get something to eat for lunch when I saw Serenity and Patches galloping in a panic away from the southeast.  The discordants were back.  Six ponies wielding warhammers came charging down the hill.

Of course, we didn't stick around to see much after that.  A few months ago we instated an emergency drill for everypony to run to the tavern and lock the door while the soldiers ran to face the enemy.  Until we get those crossbows made, it was the best we could do.

I didn't see what happened afterward.  Everything I'm writing here is what I pieced together from the soldiers after the fact.  From what Flamberge told me, one of the attacking discordants was a pegasus.  The trench held the others back long enough for him and the others to get into position, but that cursed pegasus flew over the trench and attacked Millstone.

He was sixty five years old, and arthritic.  I don't know if he even saw the discordant coming, but  Flamberge got there just a few moments too late.  By then, she had already broken his neck.

Flamberge had no account of the fight after this point (a worrisome feature of all fights he's been part of, I'm starting to gather).  I had to consult the other captains for what happened next.  They got revenge for poor old Millstone, but what good did it do him?

Flamberge tore her blasted hide apart in the fight, and as was the case with the last major attack, the others panicked and began to flee when they saw what happened.  Crosshair and her squad disabled several, including one ghastly shot to the throat by her.  Redhat finished most of them off with his spear at that point.

It was at this point that Praetorian spotted another squad approaching from the west.

The battle must have been unimaginably brutal.  Between Flamberge, Praetorian, Scimitar and Plastron, the discordant swords ponies were cut down and strewn about the southern hills.

It'll take a week to pick up all of the teeth...

At that point, Praetorian came and got us all at the tavern.  I was very reluctant to see the aftermath for myself, but I had to take note of everything that happened.  There were bodies everywhere.  None of the soldiers were so much as injured, but the very first thing I saw when I stepped outside was Millstone's body.

I don't know if I'll ever be able to forget that sight.

Poor stallion didn't make it far after they broke his neck.

I feel...

I don't know how I feel.  I don't think words can really describe it.  Somepony died.  This has never been fun and games, but gods help me, I didn't know I could be this scared.

Mom and I did what we could for the poor old stallion, which basically consisted of getting his body out of sight with the help of the soldiers and saying a prayer to Amug for his soul.  We have no facilities to handle this... I didn't think we'd need them...

I have to figure out what we're going to do.  Smoothblock will have to dig a grave for him, but where?  Outside the walls?

I'm not sure we have any choice.

We had some of the crossbows made... Millstone could have been armed...

Would it have made any difference?

17th Timber, 270

We buried Millstone today.  Smoothblock dug a small grave for him out north, and we interred him in a quickly built wooden coffin.  It doesn't feel like enough, but I don't know what else we can do for him.  He had no family that he ever told anypony of, so we have nopony to send any notice of his passing to.  He was a quiet one, but was well liked around town.

Everypony has been pretty sullen the past few days.

Mom and dad set off for home today, too.  I knew I'd hate to see them go, and with them leaving under these circumstances, it's even worse.  I know they wanted me to come back with them.  I could see it in their eyes.

But I can't.  I won't back down.  I won't give up.

Everything will work out.

19th Moonstone, 270

Sand Paper gave birth today to her first son: a unicorn colt that she and Flying Buttress named Shim.  The two seemed in good spirits, but after what happened last month I dread being a parent in times like this.  When I think about Morning Dew and Mountain Dew, it scares me.  A lot.

We'll be okay.  I know we will.

Everything's going to be okay.

6th Opal, 270

Yet another parasprite swarm today, just as we were finishing the hospital!

Room for 3 doctors and 4 patients.  Probably not the greatest ratio...

I'm starting to fear and hate the little things with a righteous passion now.  They're not only harassing ponies and trying to eat our food, but they actually killed somepony's pet today!  This is terrible!

Holy crap...

Finishing the hospital won't do the poor little thing any good.  If I never see another parasprite again, it'll be too soon!

At least the militia killed all of the horrible little vermin.  Flamberge once again was all but making sport of it, claiming what must have been ten by himself.  The marksponies helped too, downing a lot of them with their crossbows while the spear ponies finished them off.  I guess it's reassuring to know that they're such good shots.  I can't imagine how you'd shoot something so small and fast...

Too bad they weren't around in time to help Millstone...
Through pain, I find wisdom.


  • Bay Watcher
  • War is a valid form of diplomacy.
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #163 on: March 24, 2013, 02:37:32 pm »

Well alright! Made my afternoon man. I don't suppose I can grab that pegasus swordpony can I?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #164 on: March 24, 2013, 06:44:12 pm »

Galena 24th, 270
   Today my foal was finally born! It ended up being an earth pony colt, who Patches and I decided to name Mittens. Maybe one day he'll take after his father's line of work? Case Study delivered the baby, and Temperance even stopped by to check up on us. I'm lucky to have such good friends here in Duskfields. Anyway I'm all worn out, so that's it for now.

Limestone 19th, 270
   They finally finished a well outside the hospital today. It's a huge step for our town's healthcare needs. Although we still have a dire lack of soap, and it's only a matter of time until somepony gets a serious infection. I'd be more angry if I didn't know Temperance is trying his best to get things organized, but still... In happier news, Mittens is still doing well.

Limestone 22nd, 270
   We got a lot of new migrants including a few more soldiers for the militia, and from what I hear, another doctor. That brings the total up to four. I'll have to go meet him as soon as possible. Oh, and a priest as well. I don't concern myself with the gods much, but I know it helps the others.

Sandstone 1st, 270
   Morning Dew and Temperance were married today! And another one of my friends, Maize, married Praetorian! It was a nice ceremony, it reminded me of mine and Patche's wedding. I wish both couples happiness.

Sandstone 6th, 270
   I had to stitch up Redhat and one of the new soldiers, Scimitar, today after a run-in with some parasprites. It wasn't anything serious though, and they went right back to training afterwards.

Timber 1st, 270
   Today is the one-year anniversary of the day Patches and I arrived here, and so I've been thinking about life in Duskfields so far. The town has come so far in the time I've been here, from just a few wooden buildings to a bustling settlement. And it's become a home to me in that time, I have a job where I can do good for other ponies, a family, and plenty of good friends. I'm glad we decided to come here.

Timber 14th, 270
   The Discordant ponies attacked us again today, this time in greater numbers. Patches and Serenity were the first to see them, but thankfully they got away and everyone took refuge in the dining hall...well...almost everyone...old Millstone was killed. Dead before I could do anything to help him. I wished I could have been out there with the militia, even if I haven't picked up a crossbow since I was a guard with the Pleated Euphoria. I don't think that feeling will ever fully go away. Still, they need me where I am now, in the hospital, and I have a family to think about now.
Moonstone 19th, 270
        Case Study and I helped deliver another foal today. This time it was a unicorn colt that Sand Paper and Flying Buttress decided to name Shim. It's nice to see that life goes on after what happened last month. And Mittens will have plenty of other foals to play with at this rate!
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 06:46:28 pm by Amorack »
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