Wolves, unless they're starving, generally avoid humans due to the fact they've learned we WILL kill them.
And the Bulgaria case where they deliberately live away from remote reserves and into the peripheries of human settlements for the additional food, that is an exception?
Does this even have anything to do with anything, anymore?
Seriously, folks, drop the issue and get back to the controversial topic at hand; gun control.
We can discuss the right to arm bears and other wildlife after we finish the discussion of whether or not I'm allowed to own the severed limbs of said bears.
On that topic: I like pointing out Australia, because after it's massive gun control laws, they haven't had a single mass shooting(that I'm aware of; maybe this changed since I last checked or I fucked up my fact-finding somewhere), while the US has on the order of one every three days or so. Which is utterly ridiculous.
I believe that obtaining a lethal piece of hardware should not be easy under most circumstances, if any, just like I think thermite shouldn't be easily obtained, and that chlorine trifluoride should be completely illegal in all circumstances (I can think of no use other than causing massive amounts of death for that horrific substance). Cars are potentially lethal, but they're also far more expensive than most guns, as far as my(admittedly remarkably small in terms of purchase and whatnot, though I do enough research for sci-fi stuff that I can pretend to be well-educated on the general subject) knowledge of guns goes. And obtaining the loans and paperwork and whatnot for a car is a difficult process.
I really can't see much of a reason to own an assault rifle, submachine gun, or automatic shotgun, for that matter. Shotgun and handgun are fine for home defense(even if I feel handguns could do with some more restrictions), and hunting rifles and shotguns work for hunting, if you're into that sort of thing and make use of the entirety of the carcass. Beyond that, stuff should stay in the shooting ranges(and I will admit, shooting an assault rifle is fun, I've tried it; still think I don't want people with them just hangin' around their houses).
I get rambly sometimes, sorry.
Sidenote: Studies have found(sorry I don't have the link to the data right now, maybe in a bit, and this is going off partially faulty memory, so forgive me any mistakes and take with a grain of salt) that in counties with extremely strict gun control legislation and the like, such as where guns are not allowed period, crime rates, particularly crime committed whilst the victims are at home, is higher. Whether marginally or significantly, I don't know. However, fatalities from crimes are much lower, both in terms of deaths per capita from crimes(those not directly related to murder that is; deaths during a robbery, for example), and the proportional amount of crimes that result in death. Foggy on those parts, though.
In counties that encourage or require gun ownership, crime rates of that sort are lower, but fatalities from them are much higher.
Which all makes sense to me, and if logic and the statistics don't match up, something's usually missing; you can't just point at the data and say 'well there!' you have to actually
do something with it for it to be of any use.
Personally, I'd like if gun control was a bit stricter in terms of the ease with which we can obtain lethal weapons, and perhaps require checkups(if it doesn't already, I dunno) to continue owning them like we need with driver's licenses, though preferably more frequently(every two years?), and if we(as in the country, not the thread) could then move on to dealing with the corruption of various federal systems by corporations and abuse of power and individuals by authority figures(like the police). Once that shit get sorted out, maybe we can deal with the whole abortion 'scandal', the rape-centric culture, and other bigotry here in the good ol' puritanical US of A(god I'm unpatriotic). Finally, when all that shit's sorted out, we'll be able to deal with
the prejudice against AIs that's sprung up and the robot revolution that's getting ready to ignite because of everyone being assholes in the year 2050 the environment, which hopefully we were working on this whole time because it's not exactly something you can put off in the same way we can civil rights(that sounds shitty, and it is, but it's still true; civil rights don't tend to worsen over time, but the environment does), and maybe convince the rest of the world to help deal us deal with global warming and the like too.
I'm probably missing something. There's enough awful shit going on it's bound to happen.
Oh yeah, I remember now, the incredibly uneven class divide, the national debt, funding cuts for education systems, and us fucking around in other countries. Right.
...I think I'll just move out of the country once I get out of college. 10 years won't be long enough for the situation to improve much. Canada sounds good. Or
Australia ehh fuck it I think I'd still rather deal with all of America's shit than fight off all the stuff that lives in Australia.
Australians are badasses, by the way. Way less guns than America, and they still survive in what is one of the most lethal environments in the world, going by wildlife(7 out of the 10 most poisonous animals in the world live in Australia).
Rambling done. I think.