In my local area, the average "good paying job" pays about 30 to 50k/year. Costs of living are adjusted to this pricing point. 50k is 'living large, with the 3 car garage, hummerH3 in the driveway, and a speedboat." 100k+ is "doctor" type wages. 30k is "normal family home, 2 cars and some kids". 20k and less is impoverished.
This works out, roughly, to about 15-17$/hr, give or take, for the 30k figure.
The machinists union demands baseline pay at 23$/hr, to start-- that's before any bonuses or pay raises-- with mandatory raises that quickly push this above 40$/hr as the base rate of pay, with hiring restrictions forbidding aircraft companies from hiring nonunion members, even if they apply, if a union member is in the employment application database, and on top of this demanding pensions that rival the retirement packages of doctors.
No, I don't think its a good thing that nobody gets pensions anymore.
I think its a bad thing for unions to inflate local economies by demanding pay greatly exceeding the median income, driving local inflation, and making non union people suddenly hit the poverty line.
To clarify further-- the typical US resident does not receive a pension from their employer for retirement. Instead, the vast majority of people now use a tax sheltered 401k savings plan, managed by a retirement investment firm, which the employer does "payment matching" for.
Eg, if I pay 300/mo into my 401k, and my employer does 30% matching, they pay 100$ into my 401k as well. So, basically I get 400$ put in my retirement savings, instead of 300$.
My employer matches to 100%, up to 4% of my monthly pay.
If I were to get paid 1000/month, and pay in exactly 4%, that would be 40$/mo put in the retirement investment account. My employer will match that 100%, and put another 40$ in, out of its own pocket, netting me 80$/mo actual investment per month.
Greater than 4%, they cap what the supplimentation would be at the 4% figure.
That's pretty standard on how retirement savings works these days, and is why bernie maddoff's investment scandal was so egregious. (Those were retirement investment accounts he was defrauding.)
BOEING does not want to liquidate pensions, and provide no alternative. They want the switch exclusively to 401k plans.
The machinists union wants the 401k plan AND the pension plan to be in their contracts.