Look, I'm not saying Clinton wasn't a terrible president. But he bombing a medical factory is... nothing, really, on the scale of "evil shit" presidents get up to, and with the exception of Carter all the presidents in modern history have been psychopaths of various types. And when I'm talking evil, I'm not talking about petty shit like fucking watergate - I'm talking about actual serious stuff with serious consequences.
Kennedy invaded other countries for what amounted to no reason at all, killing thousands, and cementing the rule of some pretty terrible dictators. Which isn't that bad, really, but he had a limited amount of time to do serious damage, so you gotta give him credit for trying.
Lyndon Johnson, yeah - Vietnam. There's nothing about Vietnam that THIS asshole wasn't responsible for. In addition, following his leadership, he instituted the now cemented tradition of going to war without actually needing to declare war! And he made up the stuff that he used to justify it. The whole thing was based on misinformation Johnson personally ensured was fed to congress and the media, in collusion with the Pentagon who were looking for any excuse to go gung ho in the region, after campaigning against intervention. Notice any traditions set up there? And it wasn't just vietnam - he napalmed civilian villages in Guatamala and funded the death squads that roamed the country, and he orchestrated the coup against the democratically elected president of Brazil, replacing it with a military dictatorship and killing thousands upon thousands.
Nixon... oh hell, Nixon. Watergate was a bit of petty stupidity that got him kicked out of office, but this man destroyed American's faith that government could ever be a tool for good. He lied to them constantly, about everything. He conducted multiple wars, attempting to hide them from the public, and more than a million people died from his actions, half of them solely due to his actions. He essentially destroyed Cambodia out of nothing but arrogance, with no potential gain ever to be realized. He plummeted the US into a terrible war debt, and strengthened the military-industrial complex immensely, he deceived the population constantly and has what may be the largest body county to his name of any modern (post-WWII) president.
(And his outgoing legacy was to bring Pol Pot to power, though I'll let him off here since unlike the rest of it this probably wasn't intentional) So, yeah... if Watergate is what you think of when you think of "evil" and Nixon... you've got a weird definition of evil.
Ford was mostly okay - except he set the precedent that Presidents are and always will be above the law. I actually forgot about Ford, who is now officially getting my vote as "less terrible than Clinton and thus everybody else but Carter". He also did quite a bit to subvert the rule of law, and did all of the "normal" evils of continuing policies that killed a whole bunch of people for no good reason, but most of that was momentum and following congress's lead, so... moving on.
Carter was good. I don't care what anyone else says about how terrible a president he was - he enacted good policies with good consequences and didn't order anybody assassinated, overthrow any democratically elected governments, and he even managed to avoid killing a whole bunch of people because he was bored. His most egregious sins seems to have been letting to many other people get away with too much stuff he arguably had the power to stop - but that's not really "evil" on the mass-murder scale we've been operating on so far. His only real sin was being followed by...
You could fill a goddamn book with all the evil shit this guy did. Compared to the beacon of evil that was Reagan, Clinton's evil star isn't even visible in the night sky of presidential evils. Nothing he did even comes close. Grenada, El Salvador, Angola, and, of course, Nicaragua.
Not only was he utterly evil in terms of foreign policy, basically treating the world as a list of people to be killed (he really brought back politicial assassination as the cool thing) he also did everything in his power to destroy us domestically - Hell, his AIDs policy alone probably caused more harm Ford managed in his entire presidency.
Oh, and he helped genocide the Mayans. Genocide is pretty evil, right?
Bush Sr - he helped finish the Genocide Reagan started, invaded Panama, and a whole bunch of other stuff...
Clinton did a LOT of terrible things. Horrible things. He was worse than Carter and Ford... but was he really any more "evil" than most of his peers? Doubtful.
And we already know what happened since then...