I'm still struggling to get my head around this. I can't see why solid Democrat states like Illinois (Chicago for christ's sake!) and Massive Chew Sets have elected Republican governors. What happened?
Aside from all the reasons already stated, you also have conservative billionaires pouring a couple percent of their gross wealth into every midterm, because this is what results.
And while Chicago will never be a conservative place, their political clout isn't anything like it once was. Given your inclinations I'm guessing you've researched how it was essentially the focal point of American socialism for decades. Days long gone by.
Surely they can't all be like Chris Christie?
Chris Christie is not a good guy or leader by any means. He's just not psycho flavored Republican, which is apparently a great achievement now. But no, they aren't like him at all.
I feel a sense of detachedness from it all of course as a foreigner and leftist. For me American politics is a choice between bad and terrible. Watching the Democrats go down also feels a bit like watching Labour go down - which is a curious sensation indeed, not quite pleasure or satisfaction or even schadenfreude.
The Democrats aren't really going down, per se. In fact, little has changed in the way of the legislative deadlock other than that the Republicans can say they have all of Congress. Obama will still veto everything coming his way, the Republicans will still bitch about it,
BENGHAZI, and little will happen between now and 2016. If, and this is the hope, the Republicans do what they do best and shoot themselves in the foot, there will be a reckoning for them then. The Republicans can't get over their internal factions well enough to win well on a national level, but Congress is leagues easier for entrenched forces to take.