Because as we all know being republican and being normal, moderate, and tolerant are mutually exclusive. I find it funny how some people professing to be "tolerant" are anything but to the people they disagree with.
Supporting the current batch of republicans is certainly pretty exclusive with being moderate and tolerant, yes. Back before the party decided to start it's purges of everyone who wasn't "ideologically pure", sure, there were a number of moderate and tolerant people who could vote for Republican candidates in good conscience.
It's been a while since that's been the case.
I find it funny how some people professing to be "tolerant" are anything but to the people they disagree with.
I found it funny how obsessed some people are with something they clearly don't understand. Come off it - we know the whole "lib'ruls are intolerant!" talking point, repetition doesn't make it any less bullshit. Intolerance of intolerance is
absolutely required for an open society, the same way a willingness to remove essential freedoms from persons who violate the social contract is essential to a free society. There's a reason we throw murderers in jail, you know, and I doubt you're going to argue that we're hypocrites for supporting freedom in America and still doing so. Of course this is all probably pretty academic, as I am not even sure you understand what intolerance is - most people who say the line above don't seem to, anyway.
Its NOT about disagreeing with matters of policy, even strenously. The Republican debt default bullshit, terrible as it might be, is not intolerance, nor is pretty much anything the dems have done recently. Opposition is not intolerance anymore than disagreement is persecution, and no matter how badly many conservatives seem to want to be the victim of both as a rhetorical point, its not happening.
Intolerance exists amongst liberals of course - its a people thing at its core - but its only enshrined in the ideology of one of the parties by definition.