Well, the generals have figured that men and women are too different to do the exact same kind of mission, so they moved the goal posts and changed the mission.
Special Forces has always been more 'diplomat and advisory' then 'march uphill 20 miles and brain the enemy with a shovel' type mission anyways. Direct action missions for SF has been lessened by the kind of conflict where SF works close with conventional forces, people who's sole purpose is this kind of fighting. SF is special because it does what conventional units can't do effectively and this is getting into the local populace and foreign government officials.
I don't see this as a bad thing. The wars are basically over anyways, there isn't much to lose if this all turns out bad. If it does go terribly bad, then the old-guard will be vindicated. If it goes well, then the US is more capable. If it goes mediocre, will, they'll muddle along forever, like the US military has been doing anyways. The US military is good, but it's not great. It's full of very average people doing their duties with a sensible amount of effort with a restrained amount of talent and intelligence. Despite the media and hollywood, the military isn't all flawlessly pure heroes or disgusting murdering criminals or naive victims of 'the man', it's a really accurate cross section of America as a diverse society and as an organization, it's open to experimentation, it's record is certainly not flawless, there is room for improvement.
So screw it, let's experiment and see what happens. I'm interested in seeing the results. All wars conducted by the USA are wars of choice anyways.