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Author Topic: Hunted Magi -Turn 7  (Read 7621 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 4 Dark Night and Darker Comings
« Reply #90 on: February 18, 2013, 02:06:40 pm »

As Bree and Gerald talk, Marcus quietly skins and guts the rabbits before beginning to cook two of them over the fire. As they cook he joins his two friends in conversation. "I think it is pretty clear that we have to go and talk to this Lord Jace before he marches into the village. There is no way we can hope to defend against the might of experienced soldiers and if the villagers do they'll be massacred. Marcus pauses to take the rabbits off the fire, as he does so the Sapling scurries back into the cave, seeming rather pleased with himself. Marcus picks up his little friend and deposits him on top of his backpack well away from the fire before handing the larger of the two rabbits to Bree and Gerald before continuing to speak"But the way I see it we can benefit from our position. This Jace bloke seems to have little love for the Inquisition, and judging from the types of 'soldier' he's already recruiting he's willing to go to extremes to win this rebellion of his, so I say we offer our services to him, I've seen you lot throwing fireballs and I can heal and well..." He pats the sapling on what would have to be his head "and that is only after a few days, think of the powers we'll have in months or years! A smart man like this Jace will be able to see how useful we could be to him and will be able to offer us anything we require if we help him take the throne. Think of it, lands, money, titles and most importantly protection from the Church".

Actions:Eat the rabbit, clean away the skin and innards and wait for the rest to be done talking. When everyone has said their piece, head to the soldier's camp with whoever else will come and do anything necessary to gain an audience with Lord Jace.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 4 Dark Night and Darker Comings
« Reply #91 on: February 20, 2013, 11:30:29 pm »

Turn 5;The Inferno
Quote from: Marcus
Actions:Eat the rabbit, clean away the skin and innards and wait for the rest to be done talking. When everyone has said their piece, head to the soldier's camp with whoever else will come and do anything necessary to gain an audience with Lord Jace.
   You skillfully clean the rabbits while the others talk, and after working some of the herbs that you gathered into the meat you set them on spits over the fire.  As they roast you spend a bit of time carrying the scrap meat outside to bury it, hoping to avoid any animals moving into the cave.  Your sapling runs down to the little stream and sticks its feet in while you work, and you guess that must be how he drinks.  You walk down to the water and wash your hands, then when you stand up you find the sapling hanging off your backpack.  Sighing a bit as it climbs up to your backpack while still dripping some water; you head back into the cave.  Sitting beside the fire, you shoo the sapling off your pack and then set it next to the fire to dry.  Finishing the cooking for the rabbits you hand them out to everyone, chiming into the discussion on a few points as you eat.  While everyone discusses surrender options you spend some time using the leftover rabbit hides as well as branches and moss to make a half dozen torches.  Tying the bundles of sticks and moss together you look disapprovingly at your product, hopefully if you only burn one at a time you will get there before the flames die out.
     As the others get ready to go, you light one of the torches and hand it to Bree she’s the fire person right?  You wonder how effective your persuasion attempts will be as you head out the cave entrance.  The walk is mostly uneventful with you out front and the sapling hopping along beside you.  It dawns on you that you don’t want him getting in the combat, and so once you start to see the lights off in the distance you hoist him into a tree nearby.  Telling the sapling to climb up and wait, you watch as he slowly crawls up the bark into the darkness.  You can feel more than see the fires off in the distance, the heat wafting through the woods and bringing acrid smoke to your nose.  Hurrying with the others you turn to see Bree sucking in the torch flame as you run, her arms beginning to glow.  The sounds of battle reach your ears just as you break from the woods into a clearing the army was using as a campsite.  All across the encampment you see men running carrying various items, while other groups fight knights against mercenaries.  The bandits and mercs have painted their faces black and red, it’s obviously some sort of coup attempt and as you watch another tent catches fire and sends sparks soaring into the night sky.  You see few soldiers, and they appear to be getting overwhelmed, a man in sliver and iron armor yells for help as 7 bandits move to surround him, he appears to be a higher ranked knight and you can see others attempting to fight their way towards him.  Even as you watch though a blow lands on his side, and crimson fills the air, he continues standing but will need your assistance if he is to survive.    You take out your bow and ready an arrow, you hear the others readying for a fight as well, and you tell them to try and get to the captain before he falls.  That man might be your only hope to clean up the bandits and mercenaries, and he won’t stand on his own.  You watch as Bree strides forward, flames from her torch curling around her arms as the wood crumbles to ash.  Twisting flames from the burning tents begin crawling through the air towards her and you almost think that her eyes appear to have caught fire, you ready the bow and stride forward to help.

Quote from: Gerald
Action: Listen to the others conversation and relent to examination. Afterwards, head to the camp with the others. Eat food if hungry, but only if the others have already eaten.
     Mostly Jim and Bree just discuss surrender options, and possible benefits paid to the soldiers and the townspeople.  Marcus hands you some meat, and you eat in thought with the others.  Finally it seems that everyone is satisfied with what will be discussed, and Jim goes outside to practice while Marcus lies down to get a few minutes rest before you head out.  Bree comes over and sits beside you, asking to see if you were hurt at all, and though you try to tell her that you are okay she doesn’t relent.  Pulling up your sleeves at the spots where the fabric had burned through, you are amazed to find that you are not only completely fine but that half a dozen old scars had disappeared as well.  You and Bree both look over at Marcus a little uneasily; he’s getting a lot more powerful than any of you.  He knocked you all out for a few hours and didn’t even seem exhausted by it.  You see the sapling looking at you and Bree, and wave to it.  It continues to stare at you, and sits down between you and Marcus.
       The walk to the camp is quiet, though you are continuously worried that you’ll run into some advanced guard in the night.  However when you manage to get within visual range of the camp, and have yet to even be stopped by a scout you begin to worry more.  Walking from the woods into the clearing that the war camp was set up in; you are shocked to see the troops fighting amongst themselves.  Men run off into the woods in all directions carrying armor and weaponry, and you see that most of them have their faces painted black and red.  Marcus whispers to the rest of you that it looks like some type of coup by the bandits, and you agree though it appears that the knights are vastly outnumbered.  Marcus points to one man fighting against a number of armed men and says that he believes him to be the knight in charge.  Marcus takes out his bow and readies an arrow, while Jim’s eyes begin to glow with a grey light and Bree begins absorbing flame from the torch in her hands, you realize that the others are preparing to fight so you take out your hammer and ready yourself.  Marcus tells you to try and get to what must be the General, and you just silently agree.  You walk alongside Bree as flames come twisting from the nearby burning tents into her hands and arms, you look over into her face and see flames twisting inside her eyes.  You shudder a bit at the sheer amount of energy radiating off of her.

Quote from: Bree
Action: Await an explanation from Marcus and go over to Gerald to check for any burn marks. Try to convince the doubtful that we need to go to Jace's Encampment, if any. Help Marcus cook some of the meat he caught, and eat from the food stock.
      Marcus whispers to you, trying to keep the others from hearing.  “I think that when I attempted to heal Jim, I learned some sort of way to force a person’s body into a rapid healing type of sleep.  At first I thought it had only affected Jim, but in my hurry it seems that it leeched to the rest of you as well.”  You nod, and tell him that it certainly made you feel a lot better.  Leaving Marcus to his cooking you begin discussing surrender details with Jim, including how exactly to try and approach the commander of the group.  Once satisfied with your plans, and after having eaten you walk over to Gerald sitting on the far side of the cave.  Sitting down and leaning against the wall beside him you ask to see where you hit him.  After some fussing you manage to get Gerald to pull up his sleeves to show you where the fire burnt though, however there is no marks on his skin at all.  You notice a look of shock on his face, and asking him what is wrong, he tells you how there used to be a number of scars on his forearms that have all disappeared.  Before you can talk much more Jim comes back into the cave to tell you that his is ready to leave.   Marcus lights a torch he had made while you talked to Gerald and hands it to you, and you follow Jim out of the cave. 
      The walk towards the camp is calm and quiet, with the torch light playing off the few remaining leaves on the trees.  The warmth of the fire in your hands calms your nerves, though a forbidding feeling keeps creeping in that things will not go as planned at the war camp.  You start to feel the camp long before you or the others can see it, you feel it’s heat pouring down onto you from very far away.  Once the others begin to see or notice the camp, the heat is almost unbearable for you and it’s only when you realize that it is only in your head, you shut down your ability to sense the massive fires up ahead.  In preparation you begin using your Flame Control to siphon off enough of the torch fire to build up a charge without extinguishing it.  As the group slowly moves forward to the camp you light the other torch left and start siphoning from that as well.  Finding you don’t need to actually have your hands free to control the fire, you walk forward into the clearing with both the lite torches fueling your inner fire.  Marcus points out a group of convicts with their faces painted red and black, you see them all attacking who must be the leader of the knights and you stride forward into the field.  The others flank you on either side providing some backup, as Gerald jogs up to your side.  With a last flash you toss the torches aside as they crumble into ash and begin sucking in flames from the nearby torched tents.  Fire twists through the air from the tents as they extinguish into smoldering piles, and you can feel the flames burning within your soul, you ready for the fight.

-Halfway Charged
-1 mana

Quote from: Jim
try to formulate a plan that will allow Marcus to get back into town without giving away the fact we have magic. Head off away from the others and try to combine gather earth and earth shot to fire either a stone spear or several fist sized rocks at a tree.

Side with Bree, follow her to Lord Jace's encampment and have Bree attempt to negotiate terms of surrender as she is much more charismatic
    Marcus seems to disagree with the idea of him going back to the town, he reminds you that without him you all have no one to try and patch you up.  You think to yourself that you seriously hope he doesn’t shoot you again, as you take the food from the fire.  You and Bree discuss details while the others rest, you notice Marcus head out for a bit and then when he comes back in you excuse yourself from Bree and head outside to practice one last time before heading to the camp.  Picking a suitably flat spot, you sit down on the ground to concentrate.  Putting your hands out to the sides you reach with your mind down into the soil and touching on a few decently sized rocks and begin to pull them towards you.  Attempting to push them forwards you find that they go spinning off in random directions, without a large amount of force.  When you try to shape them into a more weapon-like form, you find it beyond your abilities to form raw stone.   
    Deciding to try something different you reach for a connection with your tooth amulet, and find power come flooding into yourself.  Everything seems sharper and clearer than before, and you notice that it appears as though a dull grey light is emanating from your eyes, as everything you look at is illuminated slightly.  Shrugging it off you go back to attempting to combine your abilities so as to not need to actually have ahold of the stones to propel them.   Looking at an old deadwood stump, you lift a number of smaller stones into the air, and with a flick of your hands send them blasting through the night air.  The stones slam into the old wood shredding it apart, feeling your connection with the stones is still present, you push the stones outwards in separate directions and watch as the remaining shreds of the stump are torn apart as the rocks blast free.  Satisfied and unwilling to expend more energy you allow the connection with your amulet to fade and wait as everything dulls back down to a normal state of being.  You gather up a number of smaller pebbles and pocket them before heading back inside, you see everyone else pretty much ready to go and so you motion and head out.
       The walk is quite, and you almost don’t realize that the group has approached the war camp until Marcus motions for you to hurry.  Rushing into the clearing you look about at the large camp engulfed in flames, men with faces painted red and black fight with others who appear to be the normal soldiers.  Meanwhile still others run off with weaponry and armor, or put the remaining tents to the torch.  You think that you catch sight of a larger man with a badly scarred face directing the mercs and bandits in the takeover attempt, but he is quickly hidden by the fighting crowds and burning tents.  Marcus directs your attention to a particular area of the fighting nearest to your group, and says that he believes that to be the knight in charge of the soldiers.   Bree and Gerald walk forward with Bree siphoning fire from the ambient destruction and taking her lead you make the connection to your amulet.  Your focus increases, and you can feel the power of those around you and Bree glows so brightly as to nearly blind you.   Jogging to catch up with the others you take the stones out of your pockets and set them slowly orbiting you in the air, ready for a fight.
-Learned-Grapeshot-Control and propel small stones, can be used with deadly force under the right circumstances-Mana Dependent on size and power.

Quote from: Osgar
Before sleep, grab a couple dozen arrows and a couple of spare bow strings in case. If possible, head a short distance out of the village to try something – try to concentrate the power of the wind in the arrows to give them added force and accuracy. Try it on a tree or something.

If I have any power left, try something else. Search for a small stone. Throw it in the air above my head, and try to deflect it by concentrating the power of the wind in a way that blows away from me. Try a couple of times and see if I can do this passively, or rather as an instinctive reaction.

Then, after resting, try to persuade Ealdwine to come with me to the cave where I suspect the others are hiding. Regardless of his answer, head there and exchange stories of what's just happened. Take food.
    You look through the house while the others are talking and manage to scavenge up a dozen more arrows along with a single spare bowstring.  Then turning in for a few hours of sleep, you manage to nap for a bit before rising back out of bed.  It’s still quite dark out but you are unable to stay in bed.  Gathering your things you head out to the woods nearest your house to attempt a bit of practice.  Readying your bow, you focus your mind and pour some energy into the arrow, drawing back the string you release the arrow and the power at the same time.  A wave of air ripples outwards from the bow, following in wake of the arrow.  It stirs up leaves and rustles branches in a tunnel of air, and when the arrow slams into the tree trunk it hits with such force that it rips a chunk from the tree, though the arrow shatters.  You ready to fire another one when you hear behind you “I’ve not seen anyone shoot like that before Osgar.  Though I suppose that explains how you fired so many arrows in such a short time.”  Turning you look at Ealdwine standing behind you holding two bags, you drop your bow and he throws one of the bags into your hands.  “It is food, we need to get going.  Grab your bow and follow me, and don’t think about trying to run off.”  You pick the bow up and shove the bundle of food in your pack.
     You walk in silence for some time before Ealdwine speaks again, “So did anyone ever tell you that I was born with a twin?  No probably not, he wasn’t very healthy and when we ran away together at the age of 12, I was the only one to ever come back.  For a while people thought that maybe he had just found a life somewhere else, I mean we were gone for ten long years.  The truth is though that we had to leave because my twin found something very unusual out about himself… he broke his neck when we were playing up in those ruins that you went drinking in, and if he didn’t stand back up a few minutes later with his head twisted right backwards.  At first I thought I had just gone insane, but he put his head back straight and we went home, my parents didn’t even notice a damn thing.  However he wasn’t right anymore, and convinced me to run off with him to make money and fame for ourselves.  We went off and worked as mercenaries or soldiers for some time, though people always hesitated to hire kids to clear wolves out of the forest.  However people quickly changed their minds when they realized who we were, and over the years I saw my twin die many… many more times, he just put himself back together each time and we went on.  One day though, he didn’t get back up and that’s when I decided to come back home.  So, if you think that what you are doing is strange to me, it is not.  Don’t rely on your powers too much Osgar, don’t be like my brother, he never thought it would fail him.  You’ll not need my help with the army here, at least you shouldn’t, so I am going to track down Lord Jace.  Maybe we’ll meet up again or maybe not, hopefully when we do I can give you a lesson or two on sword useage.”  He laughs lightly for a bit, “Hey, maybe you can teach me something then.” 
      With that Ealdwine splits off and walks away from you out into the forest, you say goodbye and just continue onwards towards the cave.  Arriving there you find that the fire is still burning lightly, though you suddenly hear people talking on the other side of the mound of roots and tree’s that makes up the cave’s roof.  Thinking it’s your friends you walk around and almost walk face first into a number of people gathered around talking.  Slipping behind a tree you wait a listen to what they are saying.  “So we gather up at the designated spot after the others finish off the last of the soldiers, then we do this raid our way right?”….”Yeah, those bastard knights thought to use us a free labor just cause they broke us outta those mine’s, well I suppose now they know why we were all in there eh?  Hahahahahah.”  They break up into laughter that sounds just a bit mad, and leaning around you count 5 of them.  They begin to break up and head off towards the north so you follow along behind them.  Not too long later you come to a spot in the woods where a large mass of the bandits have begun gathering, as you watch even more trickle in from the woods carrying weapons, armor and barrels of what you assume to be oil.  Some of them appear to be injured, though it’s not stopping them from dipping arrows wrapped in cloth, into the barrels of oil.  You attempt to count, though as you wait you figure at least 100 or more men are already in the makeshift camp and more are still filtering in.  They appear to be readying for a major assault, and there doesn’t seem to be any sign of the knights.

+1 Mana
Learned Aimed Shot-High chance to break projectile-Mana Cost fluctuates with power
11 Arrows
1 Bow String

Quote from: Richard
Make a earth spell that make a hidden trap.
     Setting yourself up in your study, you get the fire going well.  Turning to the table, you light a candle and sit down with the book.  Flipping it open to the third page, you clear it of any writing and prepare to focus.  You imagine a pit of hollow earth underneath a thin rune, and attempt to create the writing for the spell without casting it.  Words and lines begin appearing on the page, as energy crackles from your hands into the book.  Once it’s done you look with some satisfaction at the page depicting groups of people plummeting into darkness.  Closing the book head to bed, while leaving it sitting on the study table, you glance back into the room one more time hoping that the fire won’t get the house to hot in the night before closing your bedroom door.   You fail to notice the glowing rune on the back of the fireplace stones.
      You fall asleep quickly, and pleasantly.  However your dreams are strange, consisting of fire and smoke.  Gagging yourself away you try and look around your bedroom though it’s filled with smoke and fumes, while flames are already beginning to lick their way up your inside door.  You go to the window and push it open, leaning out the window to look the story and a half down to the stone streets.  People are rushing about your house attempting to put it out, though you have to duck back in as flames push their way out of a downstairs window.  Looking about you can only see the window and the door to the stairwell which is connected to the study, the stairs lead into the kitchen, and the front door is in the adjoined living area.  You go to make a move to rush down the stairs, though you notice flames licking at your exposed skin.  Attempting to pat them out you watch helplessly as your left arm begins to burn into ash, painlessly.  You can feel the connection to your book, and the book must be on fire or near the fire… it’s killing you and if you don’t get the book and get out FAST you will be dead, even if you yourself get out.
-Learned Cave-In  -4 Mana, creates a pit underneath a trigger rune which will collapse anything that moves over it into a deep hole.
-On Fire
-Book on Fire
-Spontaneously Combusting

***Turns slowed to action/reaction time scale. (Hopefully this should let me get a combat turn out every day or twice in one day)
Scapheap, you've rolled badly a number of times in a row.  You have one, possibly two inventive actions to try and recover.***
Nom nom nom


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 5 The Inferno
« Reply #92 on: February 21, 2013, 12:49:06 am »

Fearing that the knight he saw being overwhelmed was in fact lord jace jim brings the majority of his energy to bear and holds it for a few moments before unleashing it all at once firing all of his levitating stones into the crowd of mutineers between the party and the knight whilst yelling FLEE NOW YOU PATHETIC RABBLE OR I WILL RAIN DEATH UPON YOU UNTIL THIS LANDSCAPE IS A SWAMP OF BLOOD AND STONE hoping his display of power will break their morale.

expend 4 mana to cast grapeshot at the traitorous forces between our party and the lead knight, pick up a dropped sword and move to aid him, avoid standing in brees line of fire
« Last Edit: February 21, 2013, 12:55:37 am by Unholy_Pariah »
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 5 The Inferno
« Reply #93 on: February 21, 2013, 02:46:17 am »

Bree smirks devilishly at her companions before jeering off to the side at a near sprint, her skin glowing and eyes glittering effervescently.

Action: Set fire to the wood and brush surrounding the camp with both my torch and some of the stored energy, making sure to space the sites effectively and efficiently. If and when the fires catch and begin spreading a bit, start drawing on the flames for more energy without extinguishing them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 5 The Inferno
« Reply #94 on: February 21, 2013, 03:28:54 am »


Find and book before putting out the flames on me and the book(possible by spell) and then leave my house.
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 5 The Inferno
« Reply #95 on: February 21, 2013, 01:29:51 pm »

Action: Thin the bandits around the knight with arrow fire, only join the fight directly if there is no other way to save him. If the brush fire Bree started looks like its heading back through the woods abandon the fight and find Ashes the Sapling before he burns.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 5 The Inferno
« Reply #96 on: February 21, 2013, 04:31:28 pm »

"Oh balls. Well, it was nice knowing you, comrades..."

Observe the bandits whilst staying hidden. Try to discern who is the leader.

Cast Predatory Wind Rush and if it will only take 1 mana throw one of my swords through the head of the leader and then flee (otherwise shoot 5 arrows at him and his lieutenants, then flee, then shoot 5 arrows). Presuming some bandits follow, shoot up to 8 arrows into them and then continue to flee. Head away from the village to draw the bandits away, but whilst the Wind Rush is still in effect turn back towards the village (evading the bandits) to warn them that the bandits are coming and to prepare to fight to the death. Try not to let them see my supernatural speed and try to replenish my arrows.

Once they are warned, head back out to intercept the bandits (stealthily...). Cast Wind Rush when I find them. Grip my jawbone tightly in my fist and then shoot half my remaining arrows and then get the hell away from them because I will by now have no mana left unless my jawbone does something awesome and so will probably die. Flee and hide.

Basically I want to see if I can slow them, possibly by killing and dividing some of them and leading them astray - either whittling them down very slightly to improve the odds for the village, or slowing them down enough for my comrades and the knights to have a chance to get there and rescue us all. I really have no idea what would be better to do.

Of course, I'm not sure how long the wind rush lasted last time, so if it won't let me do all this then... I'll have to think, and possibly just run to warn the village, get the biggest pile of arrows I can, and then use my powers to help us build a wall of dead in front of the village barricades before we die If THIS happens, try to use my powers of windiness to blow the inevitable flames away from the buildings.

Either way I'm quite pessimistic about my being here in several turns.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 5 The Inferno
« Reply #97 on: February 21, 2013, 09:26:59 pm »

I'll give dwarmin more or less 14 hours till I start work on the turn.
Nom nom nom


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 5 The Inferno
« Reply #98 on: February 22, 2013, 04:50:45 am »

((Oh well, I suck. Will do an easy action since I neglected to post...))

Action: Bodyguard my friends and intercept any attacks or attackers coming at them. Use my wind magic to repel arrows and sling bullets if people start shooting.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 5 The Inferno
« Reply #99 on: February 24, 2013, 05:21:41 pm »

Bump for claymore impression
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 5 The Inferno
« Reply #100 on: February 24, 2013, 08:05:31 pm »

Sorry, turns incoming tonight for sure.  Also... claymore impression?
Nom nom nom


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 5 The Inferno
« Reply #101 on: February 24, 2013, 09:10:49 pm »

Claymore as in the mine not the sword.
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 5 The Inferno
« Reply #102 on: February 25, 2013, 01:13:52 am »

((Oh well, I suck. Will do an easy action since I neglected to post...))

Action: Bodyguard my friends and intercept any attacks or attackers coming at them. Use my wind magic to repel arrows and sling bullets if people start shooting.
      ! You attempt to watch out for the rest of the group, but within seconds Bree has run off, Marcus has disappeared and Jim is involved in a sword fight.  You start to move to help Jim, when you spot a large number of men charging towards Bree.  Charging to Bree’s help, you see her notice the soldiers and then fall, assuming that she was hurt you fly into a blind rage and tackle the 3 surviving deserters full on.  !  Barely managing to avoid their weaponry, you go crashing to the ground on top of the armed men, and swinging away with your hammer you quickly kill off all 3 of them.  Standing you turn to look for Bree, however you see that she is right behind you and perfectly fine.  Sighing in relief you decide to stand watch while she does whatever she was attempting to do.  You see Jim handling himself well with the fighting, however the flames are getting a bit excessive.  Turning to try and ask Bree what she is doing, you notice that her eyes have glazed over and you are unable to get her attention.  Within a minute the camp is surrounded by massive walls of flame, and the fire is creeping into both the camp and the woods.  None of the deserters attempt to come near you or Bree, and you completely lose sight of Jim in the acrid smoke.  You have no idea how Bree is able to see through the ash and smoke, you are barely able to see more than 4 or so feet.  The heat and sounds of battle overwhelming your sense of direction so you resort to just following by her side through the heat.  Finally she comes out of the trance and tells you that there are about 50 deserters with an unknown number of soldiers left, though at this point the heat is making you somewhat light-headed and the smoke makes it increasingly hard to breathe. 

Slight Knowledge-Hammer Fighter (1/10)

Action: Thin the bandits around the knight with arrow fire, only join the fight directly if there is no other way to save him. If the brush fire Bree started looks like its heading back through the woods abandon the fight and find Ashes the Sapling before he burns.
     Drawing your bow, you focus down the arrows shaft.  With a silent breath floating on the wind your first arrow strikes home, felling a deserter who was raising his arm for a killing blow on the knight.  Within seconds you have the motion of combat in your blood, and the next arrows wound or kill further deserters.  The deserters turn to try and cover themselves from your arrows, only to have the wounded knight strike them down from behind.  Some arrows miss and go slicing through the tents or embed themselves in the hard ground, and you pull the final arrow from your quiver.  You think that you have killed all the deserters initially attacking the knight, though more joined the fight as their companions fell, you glare at the two still sword fighting with the knight.  You grin at the sheer tenacity in the old knight; even wounded he’s more than a match for two younger men.  You decide to take no chances, and wait for the moment to be perfect before firing.  The arrow flies through the smoke filled air and slices through one deserter’s neck and into the second’s chest.  Both men fall dead as the knight looks at you finally, you see shock pass his face as he realizes you or your companions are not soldiers.  Feeling the fires leaking themselves into the woods through Bree’s reckless fire-seeding, you bow to the knight before turning and running back into the woods.  It takes you almost no time to find your sapling, and as he climbs from the tree onto your backpack you ask him “So, would you mind the name Ashes?”  You can sense him giggling, so you take it as a yes.  The smoke wafts through the woods, and you can see sparks glowing within the dense fog of ash.  Attempting to move back towards the battle you find that flames block your path.  You spot a group of the deserters moving off towards Rutsett carrying barrels and weapons, their torchlight letting you easily spot them even through the smoke.

Skill Partially Learned-Combat Archery (4/10)

Bree smirks devilishly at her companions before jeering off to the side at a near sprint, her skin glowing and eyes glittering effervescently.

Action: Set fire to the wood and brush surrounding the camp with both my torch and some of the stored energy, making sure to space the sites effectively and efficiently. If and when the fires catch and begin spreading a bit, start drawing on the flames for more energy without extinguishing them.
    ! You quickly run into trouble, as the fighting and fleeing of the deserters is so wide spread that you keep almost running into an entanglement.  !  Attempting something different you try and project the fire, causing various spots in the dry autumn grass and scrub brush to burst into flame.  !  Swinging your arm in a large arc you cause a ring of fire to appear around the entirety of the camp, formed from little brush fires every few feet.  ! A group of the deserters sees you using your power, and you expect them to flee however they draw weapons and charge you.  They close on you so quickly that you barely have time to react, and are only able to cause two out of the 5 of them to be engulfed in fire before they reach you.  You try to back away from their weapons but trip and fall into the grass, just as you hit the ground Gerald leaps over your prone form and tackles the deserters full on.  ! Surprised by his ferocity they go down under his superior strength, you hear a sickening crunch followed by two more in rapid succession.  Climbing to your feet you hear a scream for mercy which is promptly cut off as Gerald rains hammer blows upon the deserters.  He turns to look at you, and you nod that you are fine, his gore covered body is terrifying though you see worry in his eyes for you.  !  With him standing guard you go back to fueling the fires and before long have twisting flames encircling the camp, spewing heat and smoke high into the night sky.  ! Spreading flame allows you to take in a good examination of the camp, and you guess that there are perhaps fifty deserters left.  ! The fires as well as Jim’s efforts are having a massively demoralizing effect on both sides of the battle, though since you’ve managed to trap everyone, none of them are attempting to flee through a wall of fire.  Most of the camps tents are either on fire, or been knocked down, as well you see that what looks to have been their supply carts are all on fire or looted.  All that is really is left in the field is fighting men and fire.  You begin concentrating and absorbing flame back into yourself and after a minute or two feel as though you are holding as much as you can.  Though your amulet hungers for more power, you avoid over-taxing your abilities.   You’ve managed to cause most of the surrounding woods to catch fire, as well as all the tall grasses and scrub brush within the camp.  The few places free of fire are engulfed in melee combat.  ! It suddenly occurs to you that there is a distinct lack of smoke or heat for you, however looking over at Gerald you notice him sweating profusely and having a bit of a hard time breathing.  ! Realizing that you were unconsciously filtering out the negative effects of the fire to yourself you try extending the same effect to him to little effect.

-Slight knowledge-Fire (Minor)-Seeds of Flame-???-???
-Maximum Charge
-3 Mana
-Rank of Fire skill gained
-Passive Trait gained, Kinship to Fire-???

Fearing that the knight he saw being overwhelmed was in fact lord jace jim brings the majority of his energy to bear and holds it for a few moments before unleashing it all at once firing all of his levitating stones into the crowd of mutineers between the party and the knight whilst yelling FLEE NOW YOU PATHETIC RABBLE OR I WILL RAIN DEATH UPON YOU UNTIL THIS LANDSCAPE IS A SWAMP OF BLOOD AND STONE hoping his display of power will break their morale.

expend 4 mana to cast grapeshot at the traitorous forces between our party and the lead knight, pick up a dropped sword and move to aid him, avoid standing in brees line of fire

     !  You attempt to use your powers to thin the number of enemies fighting the knight, however Marcus is well ahead of you and every time you go to fire, the enemy falls to an arrow first.  !  Looking about quickly for a weapon, you grab a bloodied sword out of the hands of a nearby corpse and move in towards the now relatively alone Knight.  ! Striding forwards you keep yourself ready to fight, and you see a group of deserters who were heading for the knight split off and head in your direction instead.   Only too late do they see the storm of stones following behind you, and the cloud of rocks sweeps in a wave through their ranks.  For each point of energy you spend, you witness two or three men fall to broken bones or punctured organs.  Your fury is barely directed, ripping up the earth, shredding the ground and remaining tents as it rips through the deserters as they attempt to flee or charge.  Careful to avoid any places where there are soldiers fighting, you still manage to find enough targets to use your power on before reaching the knight.  The knight is fallen to his knees in front of you, sword propping him up as blood leaks from numerous small cuts on his body.  Seeing fear in his eyes you put froth your hand, and help him to his feet.  “We are here to help you.”  Turning you look out across the battle and attempt to shout ! however you only manage to gag on the smoke that has begun filling the air.  !  The flames have grown to a terrifying level, and you can no longer see where any of your friends are.  Though in the immediate area you can see scattered combat going on between the soldiers and deserters, the knight himself however still seems to have his breath.
      “We need to get the rest of my men organized and out of here before we all burn to death in our armor.  Witch-boy I assume you mean to make good on your word to help?  Very well my name is Sir Erwin, knight commander of the 2nd Revolutionary force.  I’ll tell you now, if you’re some type of daemon we have plenty of trained priests, you’d be better off with the deserter scum.  However… I am willing to trust you somewhat.”  He puts out his hand to you, and you shake the armored hand.  He grabs a shield off of a nearby corpse and throws it to you.   “I’ll assume that once your tricks are used up you don’t know how to fight, stay behind me while I attempt to gather up my men from this tactical nightmare.”  He takes a deep drink of a pouch, and you can smell the stench of liquor even over the smoke, he hands you the last of the drink.  You take a deep swill and within seconds feel it hitting your chest.  “The soldiers call it Blood Boil, me and you’ll probably have the worst hangover of our lives but it’ll keep you on your feet.  Now let’s fight eh witch-boy?” He turns and jogs off; incredibly light on his feet for the amount of weapons and armor he is wearing.  You follow, and judging by his mannerism you get the distinct feeling that this Sir Erwin is a knight by skill and not by birth.  He heads towards the fighting mass of men further in the field, and you have a hard time seeing how many there are through the smoke.

Gained  Bloodied Sword, Unknown metal type
-4 mana

***Battle Summary***
     The fighting rages on with both sides being harmed by the excessive smoke and fire, approximately 50 or fewer deserters remain.  There are a very large number of wounded or incapacitated soldiers, and about 20 still fighting.  The fire has begun creeping into the woods and the field where the fighting is taking place.  It is becoming increasingly difficult for you to keep your sense of direction (except Bree), and the retreating deserters are heading in the direction of Rutsett with haste.

Battle Event; Lightening splits the sky, and with the Thunder it begins to rain.  At first small drops, it quickly turns into a torrent of freezing cold water.  However most of the fires are large enough that they continue to burn, however the flames have stopped spreading.  Between the smoke and the darkness of night, as well as the rain, once the fires go out it will be near impossible to see.

I apologize for any bad writing or grammatical errors, I wanted to get this done before I went to bed.  Overall lots of very good rolls.
Nom nom nom


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 5.5 The Inferno
« Reply #103 on: February 25, 2013, 01:59:45 am »

hmmm demon you say?

follow and assist Sir Erwin, have my dagger fly around above me hidden in the smoke and use it to slit the exposed throats of deserters who try to engage us in combat.

((you forgot to add the shield Sir Erwin gave me))
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 5.5 The Inferno
« Reply #104 on: February 25, 2013, 04:12:27 am »

thanks, sometimes there's such a period between when I start writing and when I finish I end up forgetting things.
Nom nom nom
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