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Author Topic: Hunted Magi -Turn 7  (Read 7652 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 1
« Reply #30 on: February 08, 2013, 08:39:02 am »

*this consists of just Gerald, Marcus, Bree, and Jims actions (aka Dwarmin, Narsis, Raijinkit and Unholy+Pariah)  I will post Iawatooshort's  turn next once it's done.  Then once i know nothing that Gerald, Marcus, Bree or Jim does affects Richards turn I will post his and finish theirs off.  Also your character sheets are being consistently updated on the first page.  Generally your characters are carrying anything listed there, plus clothing.  As well there are some things there that you didn't put in your character sheet but I instead gave you, so check it out :D

Jim slumps heavily upon a chair at the table with his drinking buddies and sighs heavily before ordering a drink and joining the conversation
sorry i don’t remember a damn thing... last thing i can recall is we were all having a laugh over a ghost story and then i wake up in my fireplace with this big ol' tooth hanging round my neck and no pants in sight... did you guys wake up with a random trinket as well?

after finishing the conversation follow Gerald and Bree
Inspect my amulet meticulously on the way to the ruins
When we get there look for books and tablets

      Downing the last of the bottle of gin you work up your nerve to follow Bree and Gerald.  ! Looking at the amulet on the way through Rutsett, you determine that it is most definitely a single tooth though the more you look at it the more something feels wrong.  !  After not too long, about the time that you finally get outside of the village you realize that it’s warmer than your hands or the cool outside air.  Deciding to submerge it in a cold trickle of water running alongside the path for a minute you let the others get a bit ahead before removing the amulet from the water.  To your touch it still feels warm as though alive.  ! Enraptured by the heat within the amulet and the silence of the calm night you walk as though in a trance following just behind Bree and Gerald.  Slowly you begin to hear whispers in the darkness, ! and failing to look away or move your attention from the amulet they get louder until a single guttural voice rises above the noise.  “You are weak but I can make you strong, give in to my influence child so that I may grow and teach you.”  ! Fighting against the influence you attempt to break out of the trance, sensing your struggle the voice whispers,  “I’ll show you what you could become in such a short time, and then you will either serve or die as well.”
     ! The feeling of your body disappears and all you can do is watch as a shadow overtakes you.  Staring out from your eyes, and trapped within your mind you attempt to scream though your body doesn’t obey.  Looking up you see the backs of Gerald and Bree walking ahead of you through the forest, the ruins looming in the distance.  ! Your hand raises up holding the Tooth Amulet ahead of you as the lips that are no longer yours mutter indecipherable words.  A language that sounds like grating metal and the snarling of beasts gives form to the evil intent controlling your body as the voice whispers “You could do this, given power.  But it matters not, I’ve already decided to kill you and everyone else who wronged me.”  ! Stones pull themselves free of the ground and merge into a spinning orb above your hands as dark flames lick down your arm and ignite the sphere.  Just before the final syllable would escape your throat an arrow pierces your shoulder, the sphere crumbles and falls to the ground.
       ! A daemonic scream escapes your lips and you regain control, ! trapping the shadow within yourself you bring your will down on it as if it was a hammer onto glass.  ! For a second you stand outside of your own body gazing upon a desiccated ancient man before ramming your hand through his chest.  The shadow surrounding you shatters and dissolves.  Returning to yourself you see the darkness around the amulet shatter, though the warmth remains.  ! The strange feeling you had before is gone and it feels like the amulet is now a part of you, entirely controlled by your will.   With the return to your own body comes the pain from the arrow in your shoulder, and ! you stagger a bit before Marcus comes up behind you and steadies you from falling.  You think you hear Marcus ask what that thing was before you slip into unconsciousness.
      Drifting into a dream, you walk through a barren landscape with your bare feet upon the broken ground.  Each step you take leaves a burning imprint, and picking up one of the stones you try and throw it as far as you can.  It shoots from your grip and doesn’t stop flying for as far as you can see.  Dead man’s knowledge seeps from broken essence into your mind giving you a sense of how this is being done.
     -4 Hp
     -4 mana
     Gained Knowledge;
                           -Earth Shot

Quote from: Gerald
Action: Imbibe some honey wine, along with a potato and beef strips for dinner. Afterwards leaving the bar, go to try and buy a sturdy blunt weapon, like a large mace or hammer. If explanations are needed, say I've got some rats in my cabin that need extermination.

Then, Poke around the ruins that night if time permits, accompanying any friends who wish to go.
    Feeling a strange mixture of excitement and nervousness you glance about the inn and begin thinking of explanations as to why you are buying a blunt instrument after the suns already gone down. ! You can’t help but think that maybe you see a few people at the end of the bar closest to your group listening in, and then get up and leave before you.  You may be just a bit paranoid is all, but they did leave without finishing their drinks.  Trying to think if you’ve ever seen them before, and coming to no conclusion you finish your drink and food, drop the payment for the evening on the table and head out.  Agreeing to meet back up with the others in a minute, you split off to head over to the market district.  It is less of a district, and more of a few trade shops with the occasional booth, but it matters not since the tool shops still open.  Since there’s no demand for armor or weapons in the town, the best you’ll hope for is a maul for pounding fence posts or maybe a blacksmiths hammer.  ! Luckily there is a sturdy smith’s hammer made of solid iron, and a well wrapped leather grip all for only 12c.  Handing over the money you thank the store keeper before quickly heading back out to the meeting spot.  You weigh it in your hand, and despite an actual weapon it’s the next best thing, having been designed for repetitious heavy blows and to withstand heat and iron. ! This time you could swear you saw someone out of the corner of your eye staring at you, then realizing you are carrying a large hammer in the middle of town you shrug it off and go to meet with the others.
     The walk is quiet with everyone walking behind you and even Bree standing well behind you back.  You can’t help but feel that everyone is relying on you to be the brave and strong person of the group, though some nagging feeling is making the back of your neck prickle. ! Once out of the village your apprehension continues to grow, and the night being one of the darkest you’ve seen in a long time with the thick overhanging clouds and only occasional moonbeams to light your path, is certainly not helping you keep up your courage. ! Before too long you think that you can see shadows moving at the corner of your vision and you start to sweat even though the night is very cool. ! Suddenly you can hear a voice muttering something incomprehensible and you just freeze in place, too nervous to move.  It is cut off by a sharp scream that goes from a beastly roar to a normal human’s cry of pain which shatters your state of inaction.  Hurrying back down the path you rush past Bree, and seeing Jim with an arrow in his shoulder raise your hammer to attack whatever shot him, ! barely managing to stop the swing as Marcus comes out of the shadows and catches Jim. 
      “What the hell was that thing, Gerald?”  Marcus asks in a hushed whisper.
      “Erm… what thing?”  You almost immediately feel like an idiot for playing parrot, and rectify by saying “I didn’t see anything, I felt right creepy and then I heard a scream.  So what shot Jim anyways did you see it?”
      “Jim… was the thing, or whatever it was, Jim was being controlled by it.  I shot him to stop him throwing some sort of flaming rock ball at you and when I did, I saw Jim standing outside his own body with some old white skinny dude.  Then the… ghost Jim?  Well he punched through the other guy, that’s when Jim fainted.”
      “Oh, so… are we safe?”
      “I think we should… umm... Where is Bree?”
      “I’ll go look, you hold Jim for now.”
    With that Marcus takes off up the bath, leaving you holding a slowly bleeding and unconscious Jim.  You walk up the path and nearly step on Marcus who is kneeling down on ground level looking at something.   “What is it man?  Where did she go?”
       “Someone’s grabbed her, I can follow them but not quickly.  You come behind me with Jim, we don’t know how many people are in the woods tonight.”
      Agreeing, Marcus leads you through the forest for about 9 or so minutes before arriving at a decaying old farmhouse.  For a second you think that he’s lost the trail before you hear two men’s voices arguing.   !  Setting Jim down against a tree stump, you take out your hammer and prepare to follow Marcus, he signals you to go around to the other side while he heads towards the door.   You just get to the far side of the house when you hear a man inside scream in anger and then pain, walking back around while being careful not to be ambushed you arrive in time to see Marcus helping Bree out of the house.  She’s soaked in blood though it doesn’t look to be hers, glancing into the house you ! promptly vomit all over the ground.  You’ve never seen a dead man in this type of state before, his skin looks like it had been cut hundreds or even thousands of times with a small knife and blood has pooled over a large portion of the floor.   ! In a bit of shock you go back to the forest, pick up Jim and then walk back over to where Marcus and Bree are standing.  The 4 of you are now standing outside the abandoned farm house, with two dead men inside and it is currently around midnight.

Quote from: Bree
Action: Finishes the meal and leaves the tavern, heading over to the bookshop to pick up a Bible and the sharpest letter opener I can find. I go along with Gerald, treading behind him the entire way to the ruins. Bree searches the ruins carefully, having read her share of books on demons, pagan rituals, and symbols.

   You pay the modest amount for your meal before hurrying out the door with the rest of the group.  You plan a meeting spot with the others before you split off and jog quickly over to the bookshop. ! Gathering up a bible, your shoulder bag to keep it in and the letter opener off the desk you head back out the door, locking it behind you.  Only Gerald and Jim are waiting for you on the edge of the village, you guess that Marcus and Richard were serious about not coming to help.   Traveling together you head out towards the ruin, which takes you a ways up the road to the mines before splitting off on an ancient forest path which is hardly used.  It’s exceptionally dark and you are having a hard time seeing much more than just Gerald’s back, the moon being blotted out by clouds and the dense overhead growth.  ! You continue through the forest desperately trying not to trip on any exposed roots, nor to fall behind at all, almost forgetting that Jim should be behind you to keep pace.
    Suddenly, causing you to nearly shriek there is an ear rending scream from behind you, and Gerald goes running past you swinging his newly bought hammer.  !  Taking the opening, two men wearing masks run out from the side of the path and grab you.  Struggling you try and break free or to yell for help, however the large one has you in a neck lock, while the smaller ties a gag that is so tight you cannot even breath through your mouth.  !  Binding your hands, the larger man throws you over his shoulder and when you try to kick yourself free the smaller one waves his knife in front of your eyes, the look on his face clearly saying that he wants to have any reason to hurt you.  The last thing you see before he puts a blind-fold on you is a determinedly evil grin shining in the moonlight from the smaller man.
    After only 10 minutes or so you are thrown into a chair, and then tied firmly down before the blindfold is removed. !  Looking around it seems that you are in some type of abandoned farmhouse with the moonlight from the newly unveiled moon shining down through holes in the ceiling.  The only furniture in the house is the chair you are tied to and a table that the larger man is standing at while he goes through your bag, there is a stack of papers and other items that aren’t yours on the table as well.  You jump when the larger man speaks,
     “So, we heard your friends talking about some sort of treasure they found?  One of the dudes had this necklace thingy that looked pretty nice and another had a bloody silver coin.  Do you know how much I could buy for a silver coin that big?  Now if you want your pretty little face intact tell me where you lot got that shit!”  His threats seem really half-hearted but the smaller man gets giddy at the mention of violence.
      “Hey Harold, why don’t we just start cutting her till she talks?”  The younger one of the two says, he looks demented and you get the strangest feeling that grabbing you was his idea, and that he doesn’t care about any money.
       “First off idiot, if you want her to say anything take out the damned gag and secondly don’t use my name.  I hate being called Harold!  The boss told us to gather information on the town, and you had the bright idea of getting her to give us info on the town and possibly an extra pay, so at least calm down till she does.”
      Looking dejected the smaller man walks over to undo your gag, just as he starts to walk behind the chair you hear a dull ‘thunk’ and the man called Harold collapses to the floor.  The smaller man runs over and flips Harold over, an arrow is sticking directly out of his heart having killed him instantly.
      “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO??” ! The smaller man draws his knife and leaps at you, your eyes go wide in terror and suddenly the amulet hanging around your neck flashes.  You immediately feel stabbing pain all over your body, and the man suddenly staggers backwards.  Seconds later a similar effect as what happened with your books begins at the man’s feet, a swirling wind picks up around him and appears to tear off little pieces of his skin and he begins to scream and flail. ! It rips at his clothing and exposed skin for only a few seconds it reaches his neck, blood runs red and drips to the floor as he hangs there helpless and his skin is torn to pieces.  ! Finally he falls to the floor and the door bursts open with Marcus staggering in.  He nearly pukes before he can manage to walk over to your chair to undo your bindings.  ! Grabbing your belongings you move quickly outside into the fresh air, the stench of fresh blood making you nauseous.  Once you are outside Gerald comes walking out of the woods carrying Jim with an arrow sticking out of his shoulder.  Checking yourself over, it appears as though a large amount of the blood landed on your clothing and skin.  You now stand outside the abandoned farm house, with the two men dead or dying inside and the time is around midnight.
      Lost 4 Life
      Gained Knowledge Air Razor-Minor Wind, 4 mana start, channel
       -2 c

Quote from: Marcus
Then, remembering what happened the last time we went to the ruins I feel guilty about leaving my friends. Sighing I grab my bow, quiver and knife before slipping out of the tavern and heading out after them.
    With a sudden guilt trip from within, you decide to gear up and then follow them out.  However, by the time you manage to get away from Dern’s complaining about how there always seems to be hunting and drinking to do when the inn’s really busy, your companions are long gone.  At least knowing their destination you are able to jog and catch up fairly quickly, ! however by the time you do you can see that there is something wrong with Jim.  His skin is pale and he keeps staggering on flat ground, carefully hanging back you notch an arrow and follow along quietly.  ! You notice some type of shadow hovering over him and as you watch it descends into his body.  ! Reacting quickly you walk out onto the path and take aim, Jim raises his arm and begins using some type of magic.  It looks like he’s going to fire something into Bree’s back, who is currently quite a bit farther up the path.  You say a quiet prayer asking Jim to stop, and then for your arrow to be true ! with an elegant draw and release the arrow cuts the still and dark night, piercing into Jim’s shoulder.  The arm drops to the ground and you begin to notch another arrow when you see something strange, it appears as though there is a ghostly apparition that looks like Jim staring down an ancient and emancipated man.  As you watch the version of Jim shatters the old man and then returns into Jim’s body.  Putting the second arrow back in your quiver you dash up the path and make it just in time to catch Jim as he falls.
    Seconds later Gerald arrives confused and nearly clubs you to death before you manage to explain what happened.  ! It takes only a minute but by the time you realize that Bree isn’t there as well, you can no longer see where she has gone.  Shouldering Jim over to Gerald you rush up the path, checking along either side for tracks or any sort of mark.  ! Not too far ahead you can see where two or more men ran out of the underbrush, grabbed Bree and dragged her back in.  Signaling for Gerald to follow you move through the brush as quickly as you can, and before too long arrive at an abandoned farmhouse.  ! You can see on the inside two men talking and what appears to be Bree tied to a chair.  ! You think you could have a clear shot, and so tell Gerald to go cover any escape routes.  ! Moving into position you notch an arrow, breathe deeply and let the shaft fly.  ! It instantly kills the larger of the two men, so you take out your knife in preparation for the other one to charge out the door.  He screams, you brace, and then he screams again but this time in pain.  You rush to the door and kick it open; you can see the other man caught in a torrent of wind that is tearing gashes and small cuts into all his exposed skin.  Once it reaches his throat blood is flying everywhere, by the time he is dead you move in and attempt to not vomit.  Barely containing yourself, you manage to get Bree out of the chair and back outside, choosing to just leave your arrow in there for now.  Gerald comes out of the trees with Jim, having apparently either seen what happened as well or having just decided you could handle it.
     You stand there with Bree, Jim and Gerald outside of the abandoned farmhouse, having just killed one man, shot your friend, and witnessed another man’s death.  What a night.
    -2 Arrows
Nom nom nom


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 1.5
« Reply #31 on: February 08, 2013, 01:07:32 pm »

Eat half of what I have. Make a mental note of where I am, then just check silently within a 100m radius that the area seems safe. Find a sturdy tree near the trail, climb up it, strap myself to a branch with my belt, and try to sleep until first light. Keep all belongings in the tree too and remove any trace of me below, as far as possible.

In the morning, eat the remaining half of my food. Search for something edible and keep a look out for water all day. Look for the trail and follow as far as I can after marking a tree near the trail with a sign suggesting I am following the trail. Something like an O and an arrow. Keep bow and arrows to hand whilst tracking and handaxe within easy reach. Try to discern from the trail how many people I am following. Should be easy to follow if they have been stumbling on through the night. If it becomes obvious I am after more than three people than return immediately to the village to seek help unless it looks like it is more than 33% likely to rain.

Before leaving examine my charred jawbone. How did it find its way into my pocket?

    Having a quick meal of half your remaining food, which was originally your lunch, you sigh just a bit as it clouds over.  The darkness quickly becomes overwhelming; however your great vision gives you a definite advantage in situations like this.  Searching the surrounding area turns up nothing more dangerous than a few poisonous mushrooms, and the tracks you had been following for most of the day.  Eventually you find a large oak tree with some low hanging branches near the trail, and swinging yourself up onto the first branch.  ! With the dexterity that would put a squirrel to shame you scale the tree until you are high enough up that anyone or anything passing by below would be unable to hear your breathing, or likely to even be able to see you.  Settling in for the night, you make yourself and your items secure against the tree and within no time manage to fall asleep.   
     You stand alone in a beautiful field during a high summer day.  Slowly the trees begin creeping in on you from each side, while creatures underneath their dark canopy glare at you standing in the light.  As it gets closer you can see claws rending the soil and teeth gnashing in anticipation of when your lone field is finally consumed by the forest.  Attempting to run you find yourself stuck in place, and no matter what you do you are unable to move.  You feel like you can hear their thoughts in the darkness, horrific thoughts of fresh meat and murdered prey. 
     ! Not too soon, the morning light wakes you from your nightmare, and with a jump you grab hold of the tree to steady yourself.  For a few seconds you can almost hear the echoing thoughts from your dream, though it fades away quickly.  Untying yourself from the tree, you climb to the ground after listening to see if anyone happens to be nearby.  Once back on the ground you finish off your meager food supply.  You spend a minute carving an old hunter sign you used as a kid into the nearby tree, it indicates that you are hunting a predatory animal and would like assistance.  Marcus and some of your other friends would know what it meant should they ever pass this way.  Waiting a minute to examine your Charred Jawbone, ! you feel as though whatever it used to belong to, truly enjoyed the chase.  This parallel between the echo in the bone and your own hunt for Ealdwine awakens a primal instinct in your soul.  ! The leaves around you stir slightly with a puff of wind, and you get the greatest urge to run. ! Grabbing your equipment, and stringing your bow you set off down the track first at a light job and then progressively begin picking up speed.  You can feel the jawbone heating up in your pocket as if on fire once more and with a tingling sensation it seems as though a small part of you drains through the bone and then back into you with renewed force.  !  You begin running, then dashing, and in no time you are moving as fast as any animal of the forest you have ever seen.  Flying over the terrain you follow the track by instinct, bow at the ready.  Having made fantastic time, you feel that you must have covered what would normally take you 3 or more hours running in little under 20 minutes. ! Ahead you see that it crosses a small river over a foot bridge, and luckily for you there is an apple tree planted beside the bridge by some long forgotten traveller.
     Slowing your pace you feel whatever was invigorating you previously draining away, and taking a moment to rest you pick a half dozen apples and eat a few as well.  Hopping down to the stream you take a deep drink and then fill yesterday’s flask with the remainder, being only your lunch flask however it won’t last all that long for you.  ! Just then it occurs to you that you are hunting potentially dangerous people, and haven’t been paying that much attention to what is ahead of you.  Listening intently you almost think you can hear something, and climbing back up to the bridge you notice that the tracks are well defined in the softer soil near the river.  Not only that they must be exceptionally fresh with none of the greenery even beginning to stand back up.  ! There are definitely only three people other than Ealdwine, and one of them must be badly injured since he is dragging both his feet constantly.  You can easily tell which set must be Ealdwine’s tracks, since it appears that they put a set of leg chains on him by the dragging marks in-between one set of prints.  He is still walking of his own free will and thus not badly injured at least, you stand back up and look down the road.  Seeing nothing you take out the Jawbone and consider for a second trying to re-create the effect you had earlier !, deciding that it’d be worth a try you focus on a thought of moving like the wind.  ! Initially you feel like it has no effect, but when you reach down inside the pit of your gut and try and push that twitchy energetic feeling you have into the jawbone while focusing on speed and dexterity, it begins to warm up.  ! Your hands holding the charred jawbone twitch and jitter as your focused energy flows through the jawbone and back into you, bringing with it that primal hunter instinct.
   Shoving the jawbone into your pocket and taking up your bow you set off like a gust of wind.  Flying through the forest, kicking up chunks of turf you feel more alive than you ever have before.  The ancient orange leaved branches whip by overhead and within little time you can begin to hear the people you are following.
     “I don’t get why the boss says we needa bring in some guy from that village, I mean… what the hell is there about it that’s so interesting anyhow?” says a voice like that of some spoiled child or perhaps an older woman, in a very whiney pitch.
     “Oh shut up, you aren’t the one who got bloody stabbed for it now are you?  I’m the one who took the blow, and hell I’d like to give one back!”  This time it’s an older man with a voice like an iron file, as though he’s drank almost every hour of every day.
      “Don’t be an idiot, if I brought in a wounded man for questioning we’d all be killed, so I’d rather just kill you if you try anything.”  The last voice has a very regal and almost noble sort of tone to it.
     Coming up behind the arguing group you see Ealdwine walking along behind them with a burlap sack over his head, while he has a chain around his neck that a women who you presume was the first speaker is holding.  The trio is almost stereotypically dressed as to what you’d imagine mercenaries or bandits to be dressed in, wearing leather armor and carrying both clubs and swords.  The only distinction being the posture of the tallest man, it almost seems as though he would of had lessons every day of his childhood on manners befitting a noble or knight.
      “Well at least we are almost back to the base camp… can’t wait to get a beer or two eh?”  The man with the deeper voice says.
     ! You almost feel bad as you go to notch and arrow, then the women says “Well at least we’ll get to raid that village in not too long, looks like that mine might run pretty deep.  Might have gold.”
    “Besides, it’ll be a place for me to practice my swordplay, peasants are so much fun to kill since they try to fight back but end up running from even drastically lower numbers of skilled fighters.”  The taller man says with a wicked grin at the women.
     ! With the last of your apprehension evaporating you draw and fire, then fire again and again in rapid succession. ! The feral instinct seems to be equally good at increasing your speed in other aspects as well, and before the first of the kidnappers has hit the ground the other two already have multiple arrows in them.  Shaking yourself out of the bloodthirst, you realize that you’ve shot your entire quiver into the three people.  Running down the road towards Ealdwine you search the bodies for keys while telling him that it’s you.  He asks you multiple times if it actually is you, and when you pull off his hood he almost begins to cry.  Undoing the leg chains and collar, he embraces you before you move to collect the arrows.
     “So where are the others?” he asks
     “Just me Ealdwine, didn’t think to get anyone else.”
     “Well then… thanks but don’t be a moron next time.”
      You get a bit annoyed at that, “So what do you think I couldn’t take them?”
      “Not really, but I see you ran outta arrows pretty fast… good thing you didn’t miss then.  So we gonna bury em, dispose of the bodies… loot the dead?  What o mister hero is your plan now?”
     -Learned Spell- Minimal-Predatory Rush-Wind-2 Mana-Short Duration
     -Gained 2 mana cap
Nom nom nom


  • Bay Watcher
  • goodness what
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 1.5
« Reply #32 on: February 08, 2013, 03:15:36 pm »

"Look, I didn't think, I'm sorry... I thought they might get away and... and yes, we should hide the bodies. I heard them, there's more of them and they're going to raid the village. We need to tell someone."

Check the bodies for any signs of who they might be. Also check for keys to Ealdwine's shackles - and take them as evidence if possible. Take one of the leather armours if it looks like I can wear it comfortably and unencumberedly. Ealdwine should carry one too if possible. Both me and Eealdwine should take a sword; in fact I'll take two. Keep a look out whilst doing this, then hide the bodies as well as possible a reasonable distance from the path and head back to the town. We can eat and drink on the way. Be careful not to active the jawbone in Ealdwine's presence unless we are attacked - in that case use it. Also cover our tracks if it is possible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 1.5
« Reply #33 on: February 08, 2013, 07:11:38 pm »

Check on Bree to see if she is alright then talk to Gerald to see how badly I hurt Jim. When that's done quickly scout the area in case there are signs of where they were going to take Bree. Afterwards carefully enter the farmhouse to retrieve my arrow and look for anything that may be of use.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 1.5
« Reply #34 on: February 08, 2013, 07:19:04 pm »

wake up and just sit there quietly in a mix of exhaustion and shame at nearly killing my friends, try to get a little rest while the others go about their business

Oh and stick a few rocks in my pocket for use as ammunition, and quietly thank anyone who tends to my shoulder
« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 08:37:17 am by Unholy_Pariah »
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Where do we go from here?
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 1.5
« Reply #35 on: February 09, 2013, 04:53:55 am »

Gerald made his way back, gathering the team.

" these things we got have ghosts in them? That can take control of us?" he said, his voice lower than usual.

"And these things you're all doing, it's mag..." Gerald cut off his own sentence, as if mentioning it would bring a legion of hunters on them at that very moment.

He continued. "Anyway, I'm glad you're alright Bree...and someone needs to look at Jims wound. I don't hold it against you, anyway, so don't look so glum."

Gerald decided now would be a good time to look at his own coin. If something was in there, he wanted to find out what...

Action: Examine my own coin, trying to be alert in case something strange happens or tries to control me.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 1.5
« Reply #36 on: February 09, 2013, 04:07:00 pm »

I'm gonna give Raijinkit another hour or two before I start the turn, he's not been online for the last day and a half... and I think he mentioned to me over skype that he was going away till monday.
Nom nom nom


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 1.5
« Reply #37 on: February 09, 2013, 08:32:32 pm »

"I... What did I do?" Bree examines her hands, which are splattered with evidence of the carnage that was left behind in the farmhouse. She shakes her head quickly, in an attempt to clear it. Successful, Bree responds quickly, "Much appreciated, you guys. I don't think those two were interested in anything but coin.. They mentioned having seen your odd looking bit of silver, as well as your necklace." She motions to both Jim and Gerald, perplexed and slightly annoyed. Bree pulls out her own talisman from underneath her clothes, the opal a shimmering stone licked with shades of scarlet, flame, and gold. "And this stone was blue..."

Action: Check myself for injuries, then accompany Jim to look for anything useful, studying my changing artifact a little while rummaging through the items inside.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 1
« Reply #38 on: February 10, 2013, 09:25:34 am »

Turn 2: Adventures in Blood and Fire

"Don't go to bed too late."

Finish my fish and head home. Try and see what I can do with my book then go to sleep.

    Telling the others goodnight as they all head out of the tavern on their late night escapades, you set down the few coppers for the meal and then head out.  ! The cool night air would normally be refreshing to you, and yet something feels amiss.  About halfway home, you realize what is wrong; there is a small group of people following you that you’ve never seen before in Rutsett.  Picking up your pace, you attempt to lose them in the maze of houses near where you live, ! and before too long your superior knowledge of the local town allows you to shake them off your trail.  Heading in the back door to your place you promptly lock all the doors, pull the curtains and then head upstairs.  ! Looking out from your second story window you can see the group of men, who you can now tell are armed, goes rushing down the street right past your house.
    Blood pumping from nervousness you set about blocking off light from the windows and then moving most of the furniture out of your dining room.  Leaving the table, one chair and a few candles you set the book of cats down on the table.  ! Working up your nerve, you sit down and then flip the book open.  It appears to be a pretty normal book of anatomy and classification of the known feline species, though before long you start realizing that half the species either don’t exist or are some type of mythical beast.  Flipping through the pages you nearly laugh at the page about the griffon, but then you realize something is wrong with the book.  You turn the page ahead, and then flip back, and the page has changed what it is about.  !  Every time you flip the page it’s something new and you are consistently unable to find any of the pages you had seen before. !  Shutting the book you realize that even the cover has changed; now it has no actual words and instead just random letters and numbers.  The only consistency is the feline theme, ! it strikes you that perhaps it was only reflecting what your own interest was and in fact wasn’t originally a book about cats at all.
    !You experimentally picture a blank page before opening the cover once more, and to your amazement and satisfaction the first page is in fact blank.  You lose your focus on the blank page and it shifts back into what you originally saw the book as.  !  Your proximity to the book begins to make you feel a bit strange, and the longer you stare at the open pages the more you feel a buildup of what could only be energy.  Looking about the room you spot the extinguished fireplace and getting up you put a few logs into the fire place and then stand back a few feet.  ! Taking the open book in your hands you imagine some type of net or web and then point towards the logs in the fireplace.  Feeling the energy leaking from you and through into the book like spilt blood, the page shifts into a picture of a man wrapped up in a burning net.  As you look at the page it writes out a list of guttural words underneath the picture and it is then followed by a number of symbols arranged in a circle.  !  Reciting the words out loud you feel the leak of energy turn into a torrential flow before it sucks you dry, and with a ripping pain in your head the log in the fire place suddenly begins to smolder.  Lines of red spread across its surface and burst into flame, mimicking what is happening to the man in the picture.  ! The effect only lasts for a few seconds before the net of fire on the log sputters out leaving a patchwork of burn marks over the wood.
   ! The entire experience leaves you with an awful headache and setting the book down you resolve to go to bed.  ! Before leaving however you decide to see if the first page in the book stayed the same, and sure enough while the rest of the book is keeping the ever shifting information on felines, the first page still contains the picture of a man wrapped in fire along with the words and symbols.  You carry the book into your room, lay it on the bed side table and crash down into the bed, falling asleep within minutes.
    Learned Spell-Ensnaring Fire-6 Mana-Small Duration
    Gained Knowledge, minor runes-Ensnaring Fire-???-???-???
    Mana cap increased by 2
    -6 mana
    -2 health
     -4 c

*Next up we go back to the group out in the woods, and then Iawatooshort's next turn.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 10:17:46 am by kilakan »
Nom nom nom


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 2
« Reply #39 on: February 10, 2013, 10:29:32 am »

Not going to lie, Chaotic Book of Cats is the best name for a magic item ever!
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 2
« Reply #40 on: February 10, 2013, 10:36:15 am »

hehehe was wondering if you were gonna check the character sheet or not.
Nom nom nom


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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 2
« Reply #41 on: February 11, 2013, 08:44:16 am »

Im not gonna lie... me and scapheaps cat book are going to be spending a whole lot of time together

On a completely unrelated note whats the mana cost for "summon magma cat"?
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 2
« Reply #42 on: February 11, 2013, 12:14:49 pm »

high enough that I'd need a up front payment of at least one arm and or your first born child.  I mean... summoning magma in the shape of a cat would be easy enough if thats what you wanted :P
Nom nom nom


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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 2
« Reply #43 on: February 11, 2013, 03:43:14 pm »

I was thinking more long the lines of basically summoning a cat statue and then imbueing it with life by forcing a minor fire elemental to bond with it... although it would really come out as a volcanic cat rather than a magmacat but hey... new pet...
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 2
« Reply #44 on: February 11, 2013, 09:41:15 pm »

((OOC I'd let yourself get to about 10-12 mana before even trying to summon a small fire elemental, let alone summoning it, making a statue and then combining the two.))
Nom nom nom
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