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Author Topic: Hunted Magi -Turn 7  (Read 7637 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 3.25 Coming Storm
« Reply #75 on: February 16, 2013, 10:43:48 am »

yep no problem, working on Richard, and the others turns atm.  So if you want to revise your turn Iawatooshort, go ahead.
Nom nom nom


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 3
« Reply #76 on: February 16, 2013, 07:48:26 pm »

Uhhh marcus? Why is there a small tree attached to your arm?

consult marcus on how the sapling came into being, engrave the swirly rune onto a rock for future reference. After that is done head down to the stream and wash my shoulder and shirt.
Grab a handful of sand once im done and take it back to camp then grab hold of my amulet and try to make the sand form a dagger shape in midair, if succesfull cast inflame on it to turn it into glass.

Pull the arrow out of my shoulder seconds before the regrowth attempt

Also have a very important question... what species of tree is it?

Gerald felt almost as if he were being pulled in two..

One side a destroyer, the other a preserver.

Action: Practice my wind magic to start, learning to control it.

Bree rolls her bright blue eyes at the scene as she approaches the fire, a very small, amused smile pulling at her cheeks. “You nearly scared me out of my knickers. Is that thing.. under control?” She sits down at a close, but safe distance from the fire, trying to dry herself off. “How did everyone sleep?” Bree asks while combing her hands through her hair, the fire slowly leeching the cold from her bones. “I slept soundly.. As for the sapling, do you think it might be possible to do.. things...while we sleep?” She begins to frown worriedly over to Marcus and Gerald, before remembering that Jim had shouted. Her gaze shifts over to him, her brow furrowing at the sight of the arrow still buried in his shoulder. “We should probably send someone back to town.. for clothes and medicine.”

Action: Inquire about the nature of the sapling, then examine my own artifact once more. Out of curiousity, I focus on the fire in an attempt to make it dwindle momentarily. Wait for a response from the rest of the group about sending someone to town.

Waking up, Richard open the book. Yes it was still there, along with all he knew about the spell which was not the greatest amount.

He went to work and pondered. The spell was draining at his level of skill so not good to train with. Yes he plan to train his magic. It was part of him now, best to learn it now then burning down half the village by accident.

The burning net spell or Ensnaring Fire as his book called it was made by his will. Maybe he could make another one, but what. Best to stick with fire since he knew he could do that. What would be the weakest and lowest cost fire spell? Fireball? No that would be a fire part and a contain part therefore the simplest would be a blast of fire.

Turn for tomorrow, go to work, when free time come up find empty space and try for a low cost fire blast spell.

((Apologies that I don't have time to post better yet. I guess we all need to meet up but Osgar doesn't know a reason to at the moment.))

After resting, continue to the village. Head to my family's house with Ealdwine. Eat and sleep.

I play with the sapling while talking to the others, letting him swing off my arm and clamber onto my shoulder. "The night after we were in the ruins I was testing out my powers and this guy grew out of the ash pile, but he was just a tree before. Other than that I'm as lost as you lot, but he seems to listen to me well enough" I stand up and let the little tree sit remain on my shoulder "He's no threat to any of you so at the moment he's no one's concern but mine, however, we do need to do something about Jim's shoulder, so if its alright with him I'm gonna try and sort it out.".

Action: If Jim will let me, attempt to heal the wound with Regrowth. Then find out what the rest of the group want to do.

Working on the turn now, posting this here to confirm everyones actions, do not make any more changes please; unless I've got the wrong action posted here.  Then tell me post-haste.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2013, 01:16:51 am by kilakan »
Nom nom nom


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 3.25 Coming Storm
« Reply #77 on: February 16, 2013, 08:35:21 pm »

"Alright, but I'm going to leave the arrow in, we don't know what damage the arrow has done and removing it could cause you to bleed to death. I think that as I heal you and the flesh knits together the arrow should be pushed out"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 3.25 Coming Storm
« Reply #78 on: February 17, 2013, 07:33:54 pm »

Uhhh marcus? Why is there a small tree attached to your arm?

consult marcus on how the sapling came into being, engrave the swirly rune onto a rock for future reference. After that is done head down to the stream and wash my shoulder and shirt.
Grab a handful of sand once im done and take it back to camp then grab hold of my amulet and try to make the sand form a dagger shape in midair, if succesfull cast inflame on it to turn it into glass.

Pull the arrow out of my shoulder seconds before the regrowth attempt

Also have a very important question... what species of tree is it?
    Marcus shrugs at the sapling question; he says that he had a bit of a dream about possibly being it?  But past that it is beyond him.  You try and get close to look at the rune on the sapling, however it seems a bit disturbed by you glaring into what is effectively its eye.  ! You manage to calm it down a bit as it tries to climb onto Marcus’s other shoulder to move away from you, and with Marcus’s help it sits still enough for you to sketch a copy of the rune into the dirt.  You transfer the sketch onto a stone, and ! once satisfied with the copy you pocket the stone.  During the carving you felt as though it was trying to connect with your ability, though even when you attempted to push energy into the carving it was repelled.  ! You figure that perhaps you need to train in more of the similar magic, or have a better understanding of nature itself before it will work in the intended way for you. 
     You duck out of the cave, watching the overhanging roots to make sure you don’t catch the arrow on anything.  You head down to the stream, while gazing at the sky through the waving leaves.   It’s only noon or so, but still the attack is planned as only just over a day from now and you are still wounded and relatively defenseless.   You wash your face in the stream, staring at the reflection and hardening your resolve.   You clear your mind and determine that it’s time to make yourself a weapon, and become a stronger man. ! Standing at the side of the stream you stretch out your arms and pull the sand from the ground, it collects in a spinning morphing mass as grain after grain rips free of the ground to join the mass.  ! Bringing it together and elongating it into a bladed form in the shape of a dagger you turn your palms inward.  With a blast, flames ignite between your outstretched fingers, the grains turn white hot and begin to glow and you pour ever increasing levels of heat into the floating mass.   ! It begins to smooth and sharpen under the heat, and once you are satisfied with the product you let the heat go.  The glass dagger spins on its axis between your hands, and you lower it into the stream, the water sizzles and a bit of steam escapes before the dagger cools.
    You pick it out of the flowing water; it feels delicate but exceptionally sharp.  As well you spend no energy moving it around with your mind, it seems to you that having infused it with so much of your own will allows you to control it without becoming any more exhausted.  !  Trying to push it out away from yourself while maintaining control, you are able to move it to a distance of 20 or so feet before you start to feel power draining from you keeping it aloft.  Bringing it back to your palm, you place it in your pack and look back into your reflection.  Washing your face and coat in the cold autumn water you hear Marcus coming up behind you.  Turning to face him, he asks if you are ready for him to try and heal you.  You ask him to wait a second, and reaching up with your good arm you remove the arrow head, and then ask him to pull the arrow back out of your back.  !  He asks cautiously if that’s such a good idea, and you ask if using his power to try and heal someone is a good idea.  ! You feel his palm on your shoulder, and his fingers tighten their grip on your back while the other hand grabs the arrow.  With a sharp tug, you feel the arrow begin sliding back out of the wound and you scream like you’ve never screamed before.  He tries to hurry to prevent too much pain for you, and with a sickening slurp the shaft comes free.  Blood begins gushing from the wound and turning your chest crimson, feeling faint you sit down by the stream while he tries to put pressure on the injury.  Your vision dims and then goes completely dark, the last thing you see is Marcus’s panicked face and arms coated in your blood.
      You come to some hours later beside a fire in the cave.  The first thought that crosses your mind is the wound in your shoulder, and you reach up with your left hand, and find that the hole is mostly closed and you can move your arm without too much difficulty.  Though there is intense lingering pain, and you worry a bit whether it will ever go away completely.  You glance about and see Bree sitting beside you looking into the fire with Gerald nearby, the night sky has already made the outside world black as can be.

-Knowledge Increased-Inflame, heat affected by mana expended and duration affected by concentration-Fire (1)
-Partial Knowledge-Gather Earth-???-???
Health Restored, Arrow removed from shoulder.
Gained Bound Glass dagger
+2 mana

Bree rolls her bright blue eyes at the scene as she approaches the fire, a very small, amused smile pulling at her cheeks. “You nearly scared me out of my knickers. Is that thing.. under control?” She sits down at a close, but safe distance from the fire, trying to dry herself off. “How did everyone sleep?” Bree asks while combing her hands through her hair, the fire slowly leeching the cold from her bones. “I slept soundly.. As for the sapling, do you think it might be possible to do.. things...while we sleep?” She begins to frown worriedly over to Marcus and Gerald, before remembering that Jim had shouted. Her gaze shifts over to him, her brow furrowing at the sight of the arrow still buried in his shoulder. “We should probably send someone back to town.. for clothes and medicine.”

Action: Inquire about the nature of the sapling, then examine my own artifact once more. Out of curiousity, I focus on the fire in an attempt to make it dwindle momentarily. Wait for a response from the rest of the group about sending someone to town.
  Marcus shrugs at your questions about the sapling; the most he can say is that it’s likely that yes you can do things while you sleep.  ! Having to accept that answer, and seeing no one make a move to head back to town you decide to just take a seat beside the fire and practice.  !  Initially you have no success, and getting your amulet out you try focusing through it into the fire, though to little avail.  You stare into the wavering flames and picture them withering and burning down into ash, though when that doesn’t work you instead attempt to suffocate them by removal of air. ! The flames wave and flicker while air rushes around you and the fire pit, but you are unable to force it all away from one location at the same time.  ! Getting tired of failing you take out the amulet, wrap it around your palm and then thrust it towards the fire while thinking of it being trapped.  The amulet and your hand flashes while a cyclone of fire is sucked into the gemstone, ash and dust scatters around you and sparks fly through your clothes and hair giving you a demonic appearance.   Cutting off the flow the fire slowly sputters back to life from a smoldering pit, though your hand and the gem continue to glow fire-red.   !  You try and release it slowly back into the fire, and a blast shoots out and slams into the wall, the roots and dirt smoke a bit but don’t catch. 
     You curse, your hand and the gem continue to shine, so instead you try flicking a small finger outwards towards the fire pit.  ! This time only a small spark flies from your hand and bounces harmlessly off the floor.  Your hand and the gem dims ever so slightly, and you calm down a bit.  Looking over to the other side of the cave you see Gerald throwing and catching small rocks in the air, with his hands held behind his back.  You smile mischievously and flick a small spark at him thinking it will sputter out before it even gets close.  The little ball of fire rolls through the air lazily, spiraling and smoking but doesn’t go out.  It doesn’t look like its going to hit him, though you notice it turning and spiraling to keep aligned with where he’s standing. 
     “Look out!” you shout.  Gerald turns and sees the fire floating towards him and with a wave of his hand bursts the fireball with a gust of air.  You expect him to be mad, or at least surprised, instead he beckons for you to shoot another and he crotches as though ready to play catch.  Unable to keep from laughing you decide to comply, at the worst he’d only end up a bit singed.  ! Flicking a small bit of fire towards him, you begin to feel that this is a really easy to control spell once you figure it out.   He bats it out of the air with ease and tells you to try and throw a bit faster.  You snap your wrist as hard as you can and the spark leaves a shimmering trail as it blasts through the air.  The streak hangs in the air for a second or two before you realize that Gerald didn’t stop it.  He laughs and points to the now hairless patch on his arm, you sigh with relief at the sight that your blast was relatively harmless.   You continue your game of blast and block for quite some while, occasionally siphoning more flame as your reserves run low. 
    You begin to get a bit annoyed at how Gerald keeps matching you so well, and shrugging off anything that does get through.  You decide to show him that you were holding back a lot, and slowly start hitting him harder and harder, waiting for him to ask you to slow down.  !  However you only see him motion for more, annoyed you ready to blast him with a barrage of smaller bolts, though you are interrupted by Jim screaming.  The power fizzles and you let the fire rush out of your hands in a prolonged whoosh, as you hurry outside to see what is wrong.
  !  You see Jim passed out, and Marcus attempting to stop him from bleeding out into the dirt.  You can only watch as Gerald helps carry Jim inside, and you stand there in a bit of shock right up until you are blinded by a verdant flash of light coming from Marcus.  You black out, and don’t wake for a few hours.  Moaning you roll over to see Gerald looking around dazed, it appears to be dark outside now and your stomach growls for food.  You feel really good though, hungry but good.  It’s also exceptionally dark outside already, you feel uneasy about having lost so much time.

Flame Control-1 Mana to Siphon- Power based on amount of flame absorbed- Duration Held based on Concentration
+2 mana max

Gerald felt almost as if he were being pulled in two..

One side a destroyer, the other a preserver.

Action: Practice my wind magic to start, learning to control it.
!   Starting with just trying to catch some small stones using air, you toss them one by one and catch eat of them.  You can feel more then see the gusts of wind keeping them aloft, and they waver slightly.  It’s hard for you to focus on more than two or three at a time, though you quickly find that it’s easier to just deflect them or bounce them up or down like juggling instead of holding them in place.  Once you begin to feel as though you can keep 4 or 5 going at once, you hear Bree shout at you.  Turning you see a spiraling thumb sized flame coming towards you, ! reacting quickly you brush it aside with a thought and it sputters out. 
     ! You laugh a bit and beckon for her to shoot more at you and it’s a lot more interesting than playing catch with yourself.  The first few are relatively easy, though once you ask her to increase the speed you quickly find that unless you can react fast enough to snatch at the object like you normally could with your hand, you are unable to stop it.  Luckily all you lose is a few patches of arm hair, and all the work in the mines certainly made you into someone who doesn’t mind losing some skin.  Beckoning for her to fire multiple at once, you try to sweep them all with a wall.  !  The fire splashes off the invisible barrier, and smoke swirls around you in a vortex.  She begins to take it a bit too seriously, and you notice the flames growing in power and speed.  Worrying that Bree will end up hurting you, you attempt to ask her to calm down a bit, but she can’t hear you through the swirling wind and flame.  ! Just as you begin to panic that you might actually get hurt, you hear Jim shouting outside and see the little sapling jumping in the cave entrance.  A last brush of fire wafts past your nose and Bree hurry’s out the door, trailing flame as the light goes out of her arms.  !  Exhausted you trail slightly slower, you wonder how she managed to avoid getting tired at all and then you realize that she was working through her object almost exclusively. ! Even the thought of using the coin makes you nervous, you think that it should remain a last ditch attempt.
      Seeing Jim and Marcus covered in blood you curse and rush to help, Why couldn’t they just get help.. or have the sensibility to tell us first…  Lifting Jim by his legs, you help Marcus carry him into the cave, blood streaming onto the ground at ever increasing rates.  Helping Marcus lay him beside the fire; you move to put pressure on the bleeding when he puts his hand on your chest.  You look into his eyes, and he motions for you to step back, you nod nervously and stand back.  Watching on, you see Marcus crouching over Jim’s prone form, Marcus’s breathing slow and controlled, and Jim’s erratic and shallow.  You look over at Bree, worry creasing her blue eyes and you go to say something when a verdant green flash blinds you.  Waking up a couple hours later you look over to see Bree and Jim lying beside you, with Marcus nowhere to be seen.  !  You feel… good, abnormally good, though the feeling dissipates as you wake up slowly.  The darkness seems to have closed in outside, and the swaying fire is low and does little to illuminate the cave.  You toss a few pieces of wood on the fire and wait for Marcus to show up or for the others to wake up.

Knowledge Expanded-Catch-mana used based on weight and speed of the object-Can Deflect non-solid objects
+2 mana max

I play with the sapling while talking to the others, letting him swing off my arm and clamber onto my shoulder. "The night after we were in the ruins I was testing out my powers and this guy grew out of the ash pile, but he was just a tree before. Other than that I'm as lost as you lot, but he seems to listen to me well enough" I stand up and let the little tree sit remain on my shoulder "He's no threat to any of you so at the moment he's no one's concern but mine, however, we do need to do something about Jim's shoulder, so if it’s alright with him I'm gonna try and sort it out.".

Action: If Jim will let me, attempt to heal the wound with Regrowth. Then find out what the rest of the group want to do.

  ! You swing the little sapling at the end of your arm, and dodge a dozen questions from the others about its existence.  Helping the little thing up onto your shoulder, you set about walking around the local area while you wait for Jim to be ready for you to try healing him.  The sapling seems content to ride around, and you think that you get the feeling that it can’t wait to be that tall by itself.  You laugh at the thought and begin talking to it, of what it thinks it would like to be named, of what it thinks about being able to see, and a dozen other things that cross your mind as you look for any sign of game to hunt.  Of course the sapling doesn’t respond any more than just giving you its attention as you talk away.   Though at one point you feel it tapping on the side of your head, and when you turn to glare at it for giving you a whack, it points to the ground a few feet away. ! Thinking that maybe it wants down you kneel so it can hop off, and the sapling promptly runs off into the woods.  You begin to run after it, worried that you scared it away with so much talking, however you see it come walking back towards you dragging something.  It stares up at you with what you think is a very pleased look, while holding the object behind its back. 
    ! Suddenly it swings a dead rabbit up towards you, and you only just manage to catch it.  You stutter a bit, trying to cope with the fact that it obviously knew you were attempting to hunt before you notice it prodding your leg.  Putting your arm down it grabs hold, and you swing it back up onto your shoulder where it sits and goes back to just listening to you attentively.  !  You can’t help but wonder how something only the size of the rabbit it caught, and a tree at that, managed to both catch and kill a rabbit in a matter of a few seconds.  You start to get a bit uneasy at having it so close to your neck, before finally inspecting the dead rabbit, it was caught in a snare trap and already dead by the looks of it.  Well at least the little guy can retrieve things pretty well, and at the speed it moves you wouldn’t be surprised if it could catch a rabbit.  You head back to the camp while wondering just how intelligent the little guy really is.
     Getting back you figure that it’s time you tried to get the arrow out of Jim’s shoulder.  You are unable to ignore his request to pull it out before you try healing; however it immediately proves to be a bad idea.  Blood begins pouring from the wound the second you begin pulling, and you panic.  With a rip the shaft comes free; however you can see that it had pierced an artery.  Jim falls to his knees and then passes out on the ground from the pain and shock almost instantly.  Gerald comes rushing out of your hide-away, and you get him to help you carry Jim inside.  Placing him by the fire you kneel down and immediately try to summon your energy.  Your hands glow with the wound, and you can see his breath becoming shallower by the second.  Rushing you unleash as much as you can in the hopes it will work, and with a brilliant flash you see the wound begin to nit itself closed.  As well, the  arrow you didn’t realize you were still holding begins to twist and grow.  The blood flow stops after a few seconds, and his breathing slowly returns to normal, though when you go to tell the others that it worked, you see them unconscious on the floor as well.  You look at the staff that just grew in your hands, it’s got a distinctly reddish-brown tinge of blood over the length of it and the wood is heavy and strong.
     You and the sapling drag the others beside the fire, and arrange them as comfortably as you can.  You realize that your stomach is growling exceptionally badly, and decide to leave the others here to sleep off whatever happened while you go catch something to eat for the night.  Leaving the hide-away you go out to hunt with the sapling riding on its new favorite spot, your backpack.  The hours pass and you get back with to the hide-away not too long after dark.  You can see the others awake inside and so you head in with your catch of 2 more rabbits, and a collection of herbs and spices to add flavor.   As well you managed to find a good amount of root vegetables and chestnuts to cook to have in the morning.  You head in with the haul, and sit down to start cooking.  Your sapling clambers down and looks at the chestnuts.  Feeling bad, you realize he is uncomfortable, so handing it the bag of chestnuts you ask him to go plant them where he thinks they would like to grow and before you can even finish, the sapling dashes out of the cave hauling the small bag behind it.
-Gained Blood Wood staff
-4 mana
-Learned Spell-Restorative Hibernation-Puts the target to sleep for a few a length of time depending on the amount spent, and heals relative to the amount of time they are asleep-Can over cast to affect multiple people-Nature
Gained Rank-Nature-1
Gained Food-Three Rabbits+Cooking Spices
                       -Foraged Food for 1 mealx4

***Just as everyone wakes up, Marcus walks into the cave carrying 3 rabbits as well as a decent amount of other foraged supplies.  It is now nighttime once more, and approximately 7pm.  There is only 24 hours till the attack on the town is scheduled, and it feels like there is a large rain storm or early blizzard coming at the same time.

The other two actions are going to be up asap.
Nom nom nom


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 3.25 Coming Storm
« Reply #79 on: February 17, 2013, 07:35:36 pm »

It double posted my post for some reason
Nom nom nom


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 3.75 Coming Storm
« Reply #80 on: February 17, 2013, 09:47:25 pm »

Yay that worked better than expected, everyone got new knowledge, i got a magic floaty dagger and by almost dying i gifted marcus with a blood wood staff :D

I wonder if he can use blood magic now?
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 3.75 Coming Storm
« Reply #81 on: February 17, 2013, 09:57:33 pm »

Yeah there was a lot of pretty good rolls, and the bad ones were quickly smoothed over by good recovery.

Waking up, Richard open the book. Yes it was still there, along with all he knew about the spell which was not the greatest amount.

He went to work and pondered. The spell was draining at his level of skill so not good to train with. Yes he plan to train his magic. It was part of him now, best to learn it now then burning down half the village by accident.

The burning net spell or Ensnaring Fire as his book called it was made by his will. Maybe he could make another one, but what. Best to stick with fire since he knew he could do that. What would be the weakest and lowest cost fire spell? Fireball? No that would be a fire part and a contain part therefore the simplest would be a blast of fire.

Turn for tomorrow, go to work, when free time come up find empty space and try for a low cost fire blast spell.
    You wake up early to get a good start at the library.  Arriving way before your shift was supposed to start you clear out one of the smaller back rooms of the random furniture that was being stored in it.  Once that’s done, you find an old padlock that you used to use for the cash till and proceed to set up the inside of the door so that you can lock it to make sure you won’t be disturbed.  By the time that is done, it’s time for you to open up.  The day ticks by, and you are endlessly annoyed that your co-worker fails to show up until lunch time, and then leaves at 1.  However a larger than normal number of people came in today to take out the books or to pay late fees.  By the time closing rolls around you’ve got a small fortune in fees and decide to just pocket it all.  Normally you’d share it with the other person designated to run the Library, but you don’t feel like the little snipe should get anything for today.
    Locking the front door you head to the back room, and lite a candle before locking the door behind yourself.  Sitting down at the lone desk you left in the storage room, you take out the book and flip it open to the second page.  Laying your hand on the book and imagining it in the form of just a blank book with your other spell in it, the pages clear of the random information to reveal a blank page.  You check the first page and the same runes and words are still present, satisfied you flip to the second page.  Thinking that you need some really basic spell that is not draining, you place your left hand on the book and point your right hand out to the open space in the room.  Imagining pure elemental fire you release your energy outwards, and a pure flame spreads from your outstretched fingers.  It pulses outwards and upwards, and you need to cut it off before feeling any real strain, it was coming worryingly close to the ceiling.   Trying again, this time you let just a constant trickle of power out and a torch like flame appears above your outstretched palm.  You look at the page to see if anything was recorded, and are annoyed at the still blank page.
     Taking a different tactic, you attempt to create the torch like flame once more, and then move it about.  You are rewarded by a dancing flame coming from an invisible point in the air; you initially move your hands to control it and then just move it with your mind.    You make it spin and pivot, though moving it too fast causes it to be blown out.  Expanding on that idea you hold one in place, and then create another flame, and continue making them until it starts to become exhausting.   Pushing yourself you can hold up to ten at once, each the size of a normal torch flame, however past three you start to expend energy past just what you use to make it.   As well you find them harder to control the farther away they are.  Finally you sit thinking for a few hours with three of the flames dancing around the room and your body, finding that you lose no energy as long as they don’t get blown out or too far from you.  Looking over the page you see the words ‘Dancing Fire’ with a few simple runes and a very basic incantation.  You practice saying the words, and suddenly the rune glows and creates a fourth flame, though you feel no loss in energy at its creation.
    Taking what you learned, you snuff the flames and head home for the night.  It’s only just getting dark as you get back to your house and you feel that you have enough energy left should you want to try something before bed.
Learned-Dancing Fire-Create and move up to 3 flames with only 1 mana, hold them indefinitely-Create and move more and farther from you for additional energy and concentration strain.
-3 mana
Nom nom nom


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 3.75 Coming Storm
« Reply #82 on: February 17, 2013, 09:58:41 pm »

Yay that worked better than expected, everyone got new knowledge, i got a magic floaty dagger and by almost dying i gifted marcus with a blood wood staff :D

I wonder if he can use blood magic now?
Oh yeah, and ps. that dagger is still made of glass so if you hit anything harder then leather it'll shatter.

((Apologies that I don't have time to post better yet. I guess we all need to meet up but Osgar doesn't know a reason to at the moment.))

After resting, continue to the village. Head to my family's house with Ealdwine. Eat and sleep.
   The walk back the rest of the way is largely uneventful, though at one point you could have sworn you heard someone yelling way off in the distance.  Getting back to the town by sun down, you hurry with Ealdwine to your family home.  Your parents are sitting around the table with a few other people you remember from around the town, most notably the Reeve, Bree’s father and the miner foreman.  You and Ealdwine spend a minute looking at each other before you nod and walk in together.  Someone screams and you realize that you forgot about the weaponry, though when your parents see you they rush to embrace you.  Nearly choking on the familiar smell coming off your father, you manage to push him back. 
     Suddenly the Reeve pushes your parents aside and grabs you by the shoulders “You are my daughters friend right?” you nod, “Then tell me where she is!  People have been abducted recently and you, Ealdwine as well as your friends Jim, Marcus, Gerald and my daughter Bree are all missing.”  You stutter and the Reeve shakes you by the shoulders, you can see tears forming in his eyes “Please tell me you know where she is…”  just as you are about to answer, Ealdwine interjects.
      “Sir, I was abducted by a group of bandits gone soldiers.  They are intending a hostile take-over or raid on Rutsett tomorrow night, and have been abducting people to try and get information on the town as well as being able to use them as hostages to ensure we comply.  The leader is Lord Jace, the noble to the north who the last few years have been speaking out against the Inquisition.  He has decided to overthrow our king and the rebellion is starting in Surwall County, with us being one of the first targets.  I don’t know if he has your daughter, but he certainly has some of our people.  Some of his soldiers are criminals and others are hired bandits, however I believe at least 1/4th of his army to be soldiers from Innastras.  I’ve fought with these men when I was far younger and know a good deal of them, keeping in touch by mail when I can over the years.  They are honorable and will avoid any bloodshed at all; I wouldn’t be surprised if they actually attacked the bandits and criminals when they get here.  The others in his army though, clearly have no ideas of rebellion and simple want to kill and steal everything they can.  If we defend the town, and try and sneak some people in to release ours, I am sure that we can get Lord Jaces original soldiers to help us, especially if I can speak with the head knight.”   You nearly choke at the amount of information that you didn’t know about Ealdwine, you had no idea he was a soldier.  Less it seems, no one else knew anything about Ealdwine, it’s true he disappeared during his childhood but no one ever thought he had lived that kind of life.
   The Reeve thinks it over for a few minutes, before finally saying “You are right, even if they have my daughter… *sob* … we can’t afford to let ourselves fall to their whims.  It’ll be a rushed defense of the town, and I don’t think we even have proper weaponry.  If it was under different circumstances I would actually be all too happy to join this Lord Jace, the inquisition is getting out of control and my last messenger told me that no one has even seen the king in years.  We need to get everyone out of the outlaying farms and into the village central. Then block off streets with whatever we can find… let’s just hope they aren’t animals and start a fire or anything crazy.  We should be able to push them out once we know how many of them there are, after all… we know this area and we have something to fight for.”   You decide to slip out of the conversation as it goes into more technical matters, such as whether or not to bring animals in.  You get the feeling you’ll be woken up before the sun rises to help, and so you hug your parents, get something to eat and then head into your room.  You find it odd that the others would be missing… surely they have gained the same strange powers as you, and then it hits you.  They are probably all hiding out in the woods, unaware of the coming fight at all.  The only places you can think of are the ruins and the cave you and Marcus used to camp in when you were poaching and didn’t want to get caught, even though no rangers come this far north.  You look out your window at the rising moon, dark clouds are gathering for a storm on the horizon, the town is readying for a fight and you’ve come into some strange powers.  Then again so have your friends and they are out there somewhere and you could hazard a guess where they are.  As well, you realize that the army will likely march through that section of the forest on the way to the town.    You need to decide a course of action, and you only have 24 hours or less to do it.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2013, 10:35:36 pm by kilakan »
Nom nom nom


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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 3.75 Coming Storm
« Reply #83 on: February 17, 2013, 10:36:55 pm »

With that, everyone is in the same time-frame.  As well there's about 24 hours till the attack and everyone is aware of it except Richard, who will likely be woken up in the night to help with the defenses.
Nom nom nom


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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 4 Dark Night and Darker Comings
« Reply #84 on: February 17, 2013, 11:44:02 pm »

perhaps we should head back to town, my shoulders fixed so that wont arouse any questions and we should warn the village about this "Revolutionary Force" that's probably already marching towards them
On that note... how are we going to explain Marcus and his little buddy over there.

try to formulate a plan that will allow Marcus to get back into town without giving away the fact we have magic. Head off away from the others and try to combine gather earth and earth shot to fire either a stone spear or several fist sized rocks at a tree.

Side with Bree, follow her to Lord Jace's encampment and have Bree attempt to negotiate terms of surrender as she is much more charismatic

terms of surrender must include:
no prisoners/mercenaries come within a mile of the town or outlying farms
all hostages must be returned unharmed
me and Bree get a free beer each
« Last Edit: February 18, 2013, 02:32:30 am by Unholy_Pariah »
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 4 Dark Night and Darker Comings
« Reply #85 on: February 18, 2013, 12:34:05 am »

Bree sits up slowly, hers eyes adjusting slowly to the near darkness now inhabiting nearly every corner of the cave. She scans the room quickly, attempting to regain her wits. Her eyes fall on Gerald first, diligently adding wood to the dying fire and stoking the coals. She continues to look around the space, finding Jim lying on the cave floor, sleeping just as she was. “What happened?” She glances back to Gerald, barely noticing several spots of red dotting his arms, hair singed and patches of hair missing. Bree remains silent for a moment, hesitant to say anything about what occurred earlier, much less to draw more attention to herself. Eventually, she decides on something to say and relays it with a keen expression of guilt. “Gerald.. I'm truly sorry about earlier... I..” Bree notices Marcus trudging back through the mouth of the cave with several dead animals and that eery little sapling on his back, forcing her to quickly drop her quest for an extended apology. “Marcus! What in the world happened?” She swiftly rises to her feet, brushing off some of the dirt from her clothes. “I was just watching you tend to Jim and I.. I just fainted.” Bree blinks quickly, as if still trying to shake off the remnants of her long nap, and restore a personal semblance of stability. After waiting for a response, Bree pauses for a short time before saying anything else. “If Jim is well enough, we should make our way to Lord Jace's encampment. We need to convince him that Ruttset is going to surrender peacefully, and maybe prevent him from sending any of his.. deranged soldiers. It might also be easier to appeal to Lord Jace than to evacuate an entire village, and safer as well.” Her brow creases with worry as she stares into the flames produced by the nearby fire, deep in thought.

“My father...”

Action: Await an explanation from Marcus and go over to Gerald to check for any burn marks. Try to convince the doubtful that we need to go to Jace's Encampment, if any. Help Marcus cook some of the meat he caught, and eat from the food stock.


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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 4 Dark Night and Darker Comings
« Reply #86 on: February 18, 2013, 01:32:38 am »

Gerald had raised an eyebrow and smiled to Brees rising, really glad she was finally awake. His relief was superseded by her look of concern-his first thought was that he had offended her, somehow-such was the searching quality of her cool blue eyes, which so often compelled his imagination and his interest. He was something of a romantic, deep in his miners heart, and sought meaning and truth in beauty. Like all wandering hearts, his mind had always yearned to the Quest. For the Tower. For Victory. For Love...even if all he would ever be was a miners son, unworthy of such as she-he could still dream, and keep her safe as best he could

What's a matter with you, son? Taking a shine to a girl who you know outta keep from six leagues of ya? I tell ya boy, no matter how good or bad you do, a mans lifes always turn into mess of scars, time comes and takes it all away, everything you got and you love and everything you bled for, you lose and it leaves...a scar, naturally.

But you aint but earned your first stripes yet...and you're young.

Go ahead, it's your time to spend, son.

His fathers voice, an echo from beyond the rim of time and space. He was never the most...supporting of fathers. There was love, but it was a tough and stony sort, like an old creek bed long run dry. He sometimes felt his old man had lost most of his love for this world when his mother passed, some years ago. Gerald could recall (or maybe it was just his merciful imagination) that his father had once been warmer, kinder...happier.

It was like that something had indeed dried up in him, that night his mother left them for some other (Better?) world-that horrible night-and Gerald was always discomforted when he thought about that.

It was a thought that kept him awake night, even if he couldn't quite grasp the meaning-not but a miners son, he couldn't put it into words that would convey the feeling properly, he had always believed.

He thought-could all the love in a man just dry up and turn to dust? Was life and happiness so fragile a strong wind would blow it apart?

Was that all he could look forward to? Was that all?


What was he thinking just now, he wondered, shaking his head. He usually didn't...ruminate, was the word he recalled. That was odd. Bree mentioned the burns-which stung, but only faintly. Internally, he calmed himself and his wayward-and strangely compelling-thoughts. Magic had a way of playing with emotions, it seemed.

He was about to open his mouth to tell her that it was nothing-he really didn't mind a few training scrapes-before they were interrupted.

She was convinced of the need to surrender peacefully.

Gerald knew the Reeve, the foreman of his dig site. Knew him well enough. The man had always been down in the pit with them, overseeing the mine, making sure everything was safe. During yet another collapse-not nearly a month earlier-Gerald had woken up to the Reeve pulling rubble off him, his hands bleeding and his eyes set in a fierce determination. The Reeve had saved almost a dozen men, single-handedly. He only stopped through sheer exhaustion.

He could see the Reeve fighting to the bitter end to defend to the town-whatever cause he settled on, he pursued it with immense conviction. Bree showed the same trait occasionally...

"You figure the village will surrender to Lord Jace, or even join him? ...well, I suppose they ought to, or it will get burned to the ground.

Or maybe the top men will burn it down anyway, when they figure we turned against the King, even if we didn't. Either way, I don't see much hope in it. I figure we go to Lord Jace, we're really risking...everything..."

He wondered, at that. Getting killed was one thing...getting captured...tortured...was much worse.

It would be worse for the others-like Bree-and even normally decent men could be very cruel in times like these.

Of course, there was another possibility. People like them-those with magic-would find Lord Jace-given the alternative. It was their bargaining chip, to coin a term his card playing friend and fellow miner Lod Janson sometimes used. He hoped Lod was smart enough to stay out of any fighting. He was plenty brave, but not very big or strong-they mostly used him to scout out unexplored or ruined passages and squeeze through narrow entrances in the mine.

He nodded, thinking. The rebels would want them with powers-maybe need them, if they wanted to win out against the inquisition.

And that might be what kept them and the town alive.

Then again...Gerald at least knew that revolutions were rarely civilized-oftentimes, those that rose to replace one bad lot were just as worse, or more so. Could he do that? Hurt people? Destroy his kingdom, and all the good that came with law and order? Kill people, in the name of the good and the well? Who maybe were just fool miners sons like he was, told to fight and given weapon, that he was the enemy?

Even if they were swinging a sword at him...the immensity of the decision began to settle upon him like a bag of bricks.

In the end, Gerald decided.

"I figure we'll go. I'd go just to keep you safe Bree, or...

Or die protecting you, he thought but left unsaid. That was purely plan B, of course.

"...or, well, as worst they conscript us to fight. We've got...powers, now. That makes us unique, and valuable. Specially to someone who is apt to destroyin' the Kingdom that would erase us because of what happened we had no choice in.

At the very least, we could use that as a uh, bargaining chip, to make them spare the town. I'm not sure about fighting for them...or against them...but push comes to shove, we use that to negotiate."

Action: Listen to the others conversation and relent to examination. Afterwards, head to the camp with the others. Eat food if hungry, but only if the others have already eaten.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2013, 02:01:35 am by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 4 Dark Night and Darker Comings
« Reply #87 on: February 18, 2013, 02:16:44 am »

as Gerald and Bree discussed the possibility of negotiating terms of surrender for the town Jim sat quietly listening to the words they spoke but focusing more on whether or such a surrender would even be a possibility.

on the one hand he felt that the townsfolk were unhappy with the kings rule and fearful of the inquisition but on the other hand he did not really socialize with the townsfolk and could not be certain if he was correct.
his concern was deepened when he considered the man they were considering surrendering to. He was desperate and had an army in which half of his troops likely comprised of ex prisoners and mercenaries, even if he wanted to let the town surrender there was no guarantee he could stop his army from attacking once it got within visual range of the poorly defended town and if the assault began the town would likely be destroyed and everyone slaughtered.

and so he decided that there was only one way out for the people who had allowed him to become part of their community and sheltered him when extreme weather or famine had threatened him.

Speaking up sharply after Gerald mentioned the possibility of using our powers as bargaining chips Jim stated his conclusion.
There is no other option, someone must go to this revolutionist encampment and prevent this attack from ever occurring, the people of Rutsett have given me too much for me to stand idly by while total destruction comes ever closer, i will pay any price to prevent it from happening be it my life or my freedom.

who is with me?

Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 4 Dark Night and Darker Comings
« Reply #88 on: February 18, 2013, 03:19:29 am »

Richard prepare for bed, but before hitting the hay, he checked the book again.

Make a earth spell that make a hidden trap.
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


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Re: Hunted Magi -Turn 4 Dark Night and Darker Comings
« Reply #89 on: February 18, 2013, 04:30:27 am »

After sleeping, Osgar went out to find Ealdwine. He had a fairly good idea where his friends were, and was sure Lord Jace’s force of bandits would march right over them if they weren’t careful. Perhaps if Ealdwine came along and they did run into the more honourable soldiers he talked about they would have a better chance to talk them out of massacring the village.

Osgar wondered if he should keep his armour – it might cause problems if it was recognised as belonging to any of the three men he had so surprisingly killed the day before. He mulled it over as he walked through the forest with Ealdwine, and asked his tutor about showing him the swordplay he had mentioned when they first took the swords. Perhaps Ealdwine could show him as they walked.

Before sleep, grab a couple dozen arrows and a couple of spare bow strings in case. If possible, head a short distance out of the village to try something – try to concentrate the power of the wind in the arrows to give them added force and accuracy. Try it on a tree or something.

If I have any power left, try something else. Search for a small stone. Throw it in the air above my head, and try to deflect it by concentrating the power of the wind in a way that blows away from me. Try a couple of times and see if I can do this passively, or rather as an instinctive reaction.

Then, after resting, try to persuade Ealdwine to come with me to the cave where I suspect the others are hiding. Regardless of his answer, head there and exchange stories of what's just happened. Take food.
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