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Author Topic: Viva la Revolucion! Game Over, man, Game over!  (Read 126884 times)


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Re: Viva la Revolucion! Week 2, Day 1 - Planning Mode
« Reply #240 on: February 20, 2013, 02:58:11 pm »

NQT, I don't want to quote that WoT, so I'll just point out stuff I don't like about it:
- Why do you assume both me and Tiruin knew that DS was a spy at the moment?
- The whole 'didn't talk at all with DS' bit is just horrifying in its idiocy. I mean like what. How is this even remotely a sign of scumminess?
1. I don't. Reread what I wrote there, bearing in mind the meaning of the word 'or' and the punctuation mark '?'.

2. I never said anything about it being a sign of scumminess. Anyone versed in elementary mathematics could clearly see that there were more people that ignored Deathsword than could be scum.

Your overreaction is interesting though. Feeling guilty, Dariush?

Captain Ford

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Re: Viva la Revolucion! Week 2, Day 1 - Planning Mode
« Reply #241 on: February 20, 2013, 03:35:25 pm »

(PPE: Dariush, NQT)

Good luck wringing anything out of that.

Before I said that, I ran a search for mentions of "Death" and "DS", and this is what I pulled up:
- He answered an RVS question from Nerjin.
- He directed a question at NQT that was answered.
- NQT directed a question at him, which he never answered.
- He was included in Nerjin's team proposal.
- His name was mentioned several times in relation to him being on Nerjin's team proposal.
- He was included in a team suggestion I made that was based on turn order.
- Several people said they didn't have reads on him.

If I thought there was anything worth mentioning, I would have said so. In my opinion, if there was anything terribly useful, GlyphGryph wouldn't have felt comfortable eliminating him from the game. So if the Mod doesn't think there's anything of value (and he would know), then there probably isn't anything of value.

But furthermore, GlyphGryph broke the rules to make the game better for the rest of us. Trying to root something out of it is both against the spirit of the game (because you're never supposed to know anyone's role concretely) and against the idea of fair play (since his teammates didn't know his identity was going to be revealed).

But I don't think it matters. DS never said anything substantial, and without followup or interaction nothing he said can be put into
any kind of useful context.

Spoiler: Long Version (click to show/hide)

Summary: Your WoT is a huge load of WIFOM fuel. Aside from several factual errors, it casts broad suspicion on a large group of people (six), downplays the significance of your own interactions with him, and asks vague questions with obvious answers.

Only two people directly addressed him, and Nerjin addressed everybody in his first post (and didn't address DS after that point). So that points to you as the only one to interact with him in a meaningful way. I think that is a helluva lot more suspicious than anything you brought up in that WoT.
...Holy shit. Ford, you get the Official Medal of Epic Awesomeness.
Its official! Ford! You need to put it in your sig now! "Official Mafia Welcomer!"

Captain Ford

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Re: Viva la Revolucion! Week 2, Day 1 - Planning Mode
« Reply #242 on: February 20, 2013, 03:36:44 pm »

NQT, I don't want to quote that WoT, so I'll just point out stuff I don't like about it:
- Why do you assume both me and Tiruin knew that DS was a spy at the moment?
- The whole 'didn't talk at all with DS' bit is just horrifying in its idiocy. I mean like what. How is this even remotely a sign of scumminess?
1. I don't. Reread what I wrote there, bearing in mind the meaning of the word 'or' and the punctuation mark '?'.
Dariush isn't wrong. That question absolutely makes that assumption. All I see is you dancing around the question.

2. I never said anything about it being a sign of scumminess. Anyone versed in elementary mathematics could clearly see that there were more people that ignored Deathsword than could be scum.
And yet you threw suspicion on them (us, I guess) anyway.

Your overreaction is interesting though. Feeling guilty, Dariush?
Please tell me you're kidding. Dariush is practically purring.
...Holy shit. Ford, you get the Official Medal of Epic Awesomeness.
Its official! Ford! You need to put it in your sig now! "Official Mafia Welcomer!"


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Re: Viva la Revolucion! Week 2, Day 1 - Planning Mode
« Reply #243 on: February 20, 2013, 03:55:48 pm »

Why would Deathsword downvote the team that he was on?

This is an excellent question.  Since we know he actively voted (only one dumbass has forgotten to vote, and it was clearly noted in the votecount) that leaves two possibilities:

1)  Deathsword failed to grasp the concept of the game.
2)  There was another spy on that team.

I think it's safe to discount 1.  Knowing, then, that I am town, that leads to the conclusion that Tiruin is scum.  Slap him together with Nerjin and we've got this mostly down pat.

How many spies do you think went on the first mission, and how sure are you of that number?

Also, you missed a big point- Ford *did* mention Deathsword.  (PPE: Ninjaed by Ford)

Incidentally, I would pick players who are coming up soon in the turn order, so we can put them under the spotlight while the results of the last mission are still fresh in our mind. For this reason, sending the team leader is bad move, because the turn order would have to go all the way around again before he ends up in the spotlight.

Assuming Tiruin was organizing, my picks would be:
Captain Ford

He wanted to send him on a mission... with himself.  I consider this a point in Ford's (and by extension, Dariush's) favor- why send multiple spies on mission one?

Nerjin: Up
Dariush: Up
notquitethere: Up
Tiruin: Up

All these people get scum points for voting for team with at least one spy in it.  We do know, however, that at least one townie voted for it.  My Tiruin and Nerjin scum reads are strong.  Now I do have a town read on Dariush, but my NQT read is middling (see below.)  Does this confirm or condemn either one of them?  I don't think so, but again, why would a spy vote against a known spy-including team?

Dariush voting down on the team that did go is also a point in his favor.

When taken by their actual deeds, null. However, in pretty much every game I've been in with either of them they tended to be flashing neon 'LYNCH ME' signs, so a change from that bumps my read up a notch. Now please explain why you are distrustful of them.

For NQT, this post set off alarms:
Nerjin, just go for that team. We'll only know it was a good one if it succeeds. (Besides, spraypainting isn't that hard, and your team has the smarts, the muscle and the heart to win!)

Just throwing a team out the door limits discussion, plus I detailed some more in my post here.

However, conisdering his later posts, he stops giving off scum vibes.  On further reflection, my read on him has risen back to mostly neutral, with the caveats raised above.  My read on him is very scattered with a poor signal to noise ratio.

Ford is mostly gut, though do note the above reply to NQT.  Not so sure on him any more.

To recap, for now I'm thinking to send Dariush, LS, Ford and ZU on the mission

I... think I would vote for that team.  I have strong town reads on you and LS, and leaning town on ZU.

Actually, let's sum this up.

Strong town:  Dariush, Leafsnail, ToonyMan
Light town: Zombie Urist
Neutral: Ford
Light scum: NQT*
Strong scum: Nerjin, Tiruin

*To be honest, my read for him is all over the map.  I'd rather not send him out of principle at this point.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.

Captain Ford

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Re: Viva la Revolucion! Week 2, Day 1 - Planning Mode
« Reply #244 on: February 20, 2013, 03:59:40 pm »

EBWOP (Reply #241): It just occurred to me that NQT being the only one to address DS is easily explained by the fact that NQT was the only person that DS addressed. Duh.

I knew that before but forgot it when I wrote that post.

PPE: Ninjaed by Toaster.
...Holy shit. Ford, you get the Official Medal of Epic Awesomeness.
Its official! Ford! You need to put it in your sig now! "Official Mafia Welcomer!"

Captain Ford

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Re: Viva la Revolucion! Week 2, Day 1 - Planning Mode
« Reply #245 on: February 20, 2013, 04:14:50 pm »

PFP (My last three posts are all PFP, too)

Why would Deathsword downvote the team that he was on?

This is an excellent question.  Since we know he actively voted (only one dumbass has forgotten to vote, and it was clearly noted in the votecount) that leaves two possibilities:

1)  Deathsword failed to grasp the concept of the game.
2)  There was another spy on that team.
I don't see it. The concept of "acting town" is mafia 101, and that would have been his first priority. He first and foremost would have been thinking about what he was going to say, and his vote would have been made with his stance in mind.
...Holy shit. Ford, you get the Official Medal of Epic Awesomeness.
Its official! Ford! You need to put it in your sig now! "Official Mafia Welcomer!"


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Re: Viva la Revolucion! Week 2, Day 1 - Planning Mode
« Reply #246 on: February 20, 2013, 04:23:29 pm »

So why do you think he voted it down?
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Viva la Revolucion! Week 2, Day 1 - Planning Mode
« Reply #247 on: February 20, 2013, 05:14:38 pm »

I can see how you might not think it's really in the spirit of the game. I can understand that. On the other hand, with no special roles, true revolutionaries in this game are at a disadvantage and it makes sense to learn what we can from the few definite pieces of information we're given.

Specific replies:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Conclusion: Ford sees suspicion where there wasn't really any, making me more suspicious of him.

This is an excellent question.  Since we know he actively voted (only one dumbass has forgotten to vote, and it was clearly noted in the votecount) that leaves two possibilities:

1)  Deathsword failed to grasp the concept of the game.
2)  There was another spy on that team.

I think it's safe to discount 1.  Knowing, then, that I am town, that leads to the conclusion that Tiruin is scum.  Slap him together with Nerjin and we've got this mostly down pat.
I hope you're right (and, you know, not using spy misdirection magic).

How many spies do you think went on the first mission, and how sure are you of that number?
I don't know. I'm agnostic about the number. Tiruin looks pretty suspicious, but at this stage I don't want to risk sending any of you three on the next mission.

Also, you missed a big point- Ford *did* mention Deathsword.  (PPE: Ninjaed by Ford)
Yeah, that was an honest mistake and I've apologised to Ford.

He wanted to send him on a mission... with himself.  I consider this a point in Ford's (and by extension, Dariush's) favor- why send multiple spies on mission one?
I take you're point: it does indeed speak in Ford and Dariush's favour. That said, an obvious spy gambit would be to mislead people into thinking that there was only one spy on a mission when there were more. People suspect Tiruin now, but if you're also a spy that suspicion works in your favour.

For NQT, this post set off alarms:
Nerjin, just go for that team. We'll only know it was a good one if it succeeds. (Besides, spraypainting isn't that hard, and your team has the smarts, the muscle and the heart to win!)

Just throwing a team out the door limits discussion, plus I detailed some more in my post here.
As I said before, at the beginning of the game I was treating it solely as a logic game. I've since been convinced that behavioural reads are more important than I was giving credit. In light of my earlier belief, wanting to get the game started isn't particularly suspicious. If I was a spy I'd have been a lot less flippant in my early posts.


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Re: Viva la Revolucion! Week 2, Day 1 - Planning Mode
« Reply #248 on: February 20, 2013, 07:51:39 pm »

Nerjin 'randomly' picked a team including Deathsword:

2. Tiruin
3. Deathsword
10. Toaster

Completely random, does not take any of the people who are WIFOMing even a little. There, that is the team I propose.

Yeah. Random, judged by dice rolls. I'm not sure what you're trying to say.

Why would Deathsword downvote the team that he was on?

To attempt to appear more town. It was obvious from the backlash that it wouldn't pass. It seems a rather easy conclusion to find if you ask me.

So why do you think he voted it down?

Probably because the general vibe was a positive one. That's if Dariush is scum. I'm not sure. I did notice something odd though, if you'll indulge me ever so briefly:

Tiruin's proposed team was:

The final vote counts layout was:
In favour:
Nerjin: Up
Toonyman: Up
Zombie Urist: Up
notquitethere: Up
Tiruin: Up
Leafsnail: Up
Captain Ford: Up

Dariush: Down
Toaster: Failed to Vote. Effective Vote: Down

Maybe I'm wrong but that seems to me to be a bit of dodging responsibility. Maybe there's nothing to it but would you care to explain your refusal to vote at all?

The demon code prevents me from declining a rock-off challenge.

Is the admiral of the SS Lapidot.


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Re: Viva la Revolucion! Week 2, Day 1 - Planning Mode
« Reply #249 on: February 20, 2013, 07:52:04 pm »

Sorry about the fail of formatting again...
The demon code prevents me from declining a rock-off challenge.

Is the admiral of the SS Lapidot.


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Re: Viva la Revolucion! Week 2, Day 1 - Planning Mode
« Reply #250 on: February 20, 2013, 09:04:16 pm »

NQT's recent analysis post re: Deathsword's interactions is really bad.  He just takes an arbitrary action and uses it to try and attack a bunch of random players, without giving any real analysis or reasoning why.  This is bad because it suggests he's just trying to derail any kind of townreads people might have rather than offering genuine analysis to find the scumteam.

Toaster's observation is interesting but I'm not sure if it's meaningful, particularly since if his conclusion is "Tiruin is also a spy" then it doesn't explain why Tiruin voted it up while DS voted it down.

Strong town:  Dariush, Leafsnail, ToonyMan
Light town: Zombie Urist
I think this would be a good team.  If we're going with "nobody from the first mission" though (and I'm beginning to see some logic from it - it means if the mission is sabotaged by spies they're forced to give us more explicit information about a second member of their team) I guess replacing me with Captain Ford would be the best option (since NQT is worse).


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Re: Viva la Revolucion! Week 2, Day 1 - Planning Mode
« Reply #251 on: February 20, 2013, 09:47:18 pm »

Probably because the general vibe was a positive one. That's if Dariush is scum. I'm not sure. I did notice something odd though, if you'll indulge me ever so briefly:

Tiruin's proposed team was:


Toaster: Failed to Vote. Effective Vote: Down

Maybe I'm wrong but that seems to me to be a bit of dodging responsibility. Maybe there's nothing to it but would you care to explain your refusal to vote at all?

If you had actually read my posts you would have seen where I said I simply forgot to do it, and that I would have voted for the team.  Calling it refusal is just poisoning the well.

Leaf:  I suppose I would vote for a Dariush ZU Ford Toony team.  Not my top pick, but oh well.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Viva la Revolucion! Week 2, Day 1 - Planning Mode
« Reply #252 on: February 20, 2013, 10:08:16 pm »

Why would Deathsword downvote the team that he was on?

This is an excellent question.  Since we know he actively voted (only one dumbass has forgotten to vote, and it was clearly noted in the votecount) that leaves two possibilities:

Ah, so you did. My apologies.
The demon code prevents me from declining a rock-off challenge.

Is the admiral of the SS Lapidot.


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Re: Viva la Revolucion! Week 2, Day 1 - Planning Mode
« Reply #253 on: February 21, 2013, 05:44:19 am »

NQT's recent analysis post re: Deathsword's interactions is really bad.  He just takes an arbitrary action and uses it to try and attack a bunch of random players, without giving any real analysis or reasoning why.  This is bad because it suggests he's just trying to derail any kind of townreads people might have rather than offering genuine analysis to find the scumteam.

I'm genuinely sorry if it came across that way. I thought it might be helpful for town to have all the info on Deathsword all in one place. I didn't attack any players, I just raised the questions that followed from the information. I'm not trying to derail anything, quite the contrary in fact.


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Re: Viva la Revolucion! Week 2, Day 1 - Planning Mode
« Reply #254 on: February 21, 2013, 06:23:15 am »

NQT, I don't want to quote that WoT, so I'll just point out stuff I don't like about it:
- Why do you assume both me and Tiruin knew that DS was a spy at the moment?
- The whole 'didn't talk at all with DS' bit is just horrifying in its idiocy. I mean like what. How is this even remotely a sign of scumminess?
1. I don't. Reread what I wrote there, bearing in mind the meaning of the word 'or' and the punctuation mark '?'.

2. I never said anything about it being a sign of scumminess. Anyone versed in elementary mathematics could clearly see that there were more people that ignored Deathsword than could be scum.

Your overreaction is interesting though. Feeling guilty, Dariush?
Basically what Ford said. You ask rhetorical leading questions and point out stuff while weakly poking people and immediatly retract all statements as innocent the moment they retract. Seriously, why the hell would you point out the people who didn't interact with DS if you don't consider it a sign of, well, anything?

Strong town:  Dariush, Leafsnail, ToonyMan
Light town: Zombie Urist
I think this would be a good team.  If we're going with "nobody from the first mission" though (and I'm beginning to see some logic from it - it means if the mission is sabotaged by spies they're forced to give us more explicit information about a second member of their team) I guess replacing me with Captain Ford would be the best option (since NQT is worse).
I repeat, I will not take Toony, and I am sufficiently sure of your townness (or rather Tiruin's scumminess) to include you as a repeat.

Ah well, I don't see any point in delaying the vote anymore.
zombie urist
Captain Ford
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