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Author Topic: Blazedcobalt: a story game. Dwarfing available.  (Read 4408 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Wait, mechanics can have moods? I've never seen an artifact mechanism :P
Quote from: Max White
And lo! Sirus did drive his mighty party truck unto Vegas, and it was good.

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Coalwalker (engraver) and ILBane (weaponsmith/speardwarf) are on my list for dorfing in future migrant waves.  Onol Ziriloddom is free for anyone who wants to be a fisherdwarf.
Further signups are open.
Yes, mechanics can have moods.  I've seen it multiple times :P  But then, I always have a mechanic team in my forts.

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Our hunter brought a steel crossbow with him, and 37 silver bolts.  I guess he hates were-creatures.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2013, 08:23:24 pm by wyldmage »


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I freaking LOVE platinum.
Make me a platinum everything! I'll be happy forever!
I always seem to end up with a magnificent burial complex and nowhere near enough bodies to fill it, or far too many bodies and nowhere to put any of them.


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Timber 22
Just finished conducting a meeting with our outpost liason.  I have requested a few leather skins for use as armor, lye, gypsum, some copper ore, a few spare seeds, some mail shirts (in case they bring something appropriate), cats, dogs, chickens, cows, bulls, llamas, booze, some cave fish, olivine, rutile, bauxite, orthoclase, cinnabar, cobaltite, microcline, marble, lots of thread, and lots of clay.

The caravan is still unloading, and all of us are working to get the stone crafted goods to the depot as well.  Not much else to report on yet.

Moonstone 18
Well, I was particularly lazy (drink, sleep, eat, and then kept wanting to stockpile goods or conduct meeting, not trade), and never got around to trading.  So I had so ILBane handle it for me.  He's almost as good as I am now.  We got some thread, lots of booze, another copper pick, a copper warhammer, a lot of fish, a bin full of leather, and some random other meats.

Obsidian 1
Winter is two thirds over with.  Everyone has been focused on their specific jobs again, now that the initial frenzy over our first caravan is past.  And our miner struck an underground cavern.  There's not much to see yet, but I've attached sketches of the parts we've been able to see.  It looks like the best way to proceed is continue the stairway directly down, and then wall it back off to prevent trogs and other underground creatures from finding their way in.  To that end, I've designated a small room to be dug near the bottom levels of the stairway, to be used to store stone blocks.  That way, construction should proceed rapidly after the breach.
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Felsite 2, year 102
When I sent the message saying we had room for more migrants, I was hoping for 5-10.  Thirty-three just arrived!  In the interest of brevity, I will only list those who have note-worthy skills, and summarize the rest.
Aban Asennakuth is a great siege engineer, and he has impressive social skills as well.
Erib Rakustsokan is a great animal caretaker, and she has strong social skills as well.
Morul Bomreklir is a great bowyer, and he has impressive social skills as well.
Onol Kilrudosust is a great building designer, and she has impressive social skills as well.
Aban Ablelnish is a great tracker and talented macedwarf.
Zan Eribnicat is a great tracker and adept hammerdwarf.
4 children arrived with the migrant wave, and 23 other dwarves.
All of them have had non-noteworthy occupations cleared.  They will be added to bulk labor for the short term.  Some will be drafted into the military.  And I may have specific tasks for some of them.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2013, 10:22:45 pm by wyldmage »


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Re: Blazedcobalt: a story game. Dwarfing available.
« Reply #34 on: February 05, 2013, 10:27:38 pm »

Okay, so its time to take a break for now.
There are now TONS of dwarfs for anyone who wants to be added in.  6 dwarves of notable skill (but be careful, if you pick one who ends up being more than just a dwarf, you might be in the first wave of fatalities!).
If you have a specific labor that you want to be dwarfed into, there are now enough dwarves to easily set that up.  Everyone who has been added so far with a specific request does have that labor active, and I'll specialize them towards it at this point.
In total, there are 42 adults, 4 children, and only 10 have been dorfed.

I'll check back on this thread in a few hours!
Additionally I'm going to start focusing on more story, less 'after action report' with the posts, now that major milestones are slowing down.


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Re: Blazedcobalt: a story game. Dwarfing available.
« Reply #35 on: February 06, 2013, 03:42:41 am »

Felsite 25
Tragedy struck!  A Werebull came in and killed Adil Rovdgikut (one of the new arrivals).  He then chased another of the new guys across half the map before reverting back.  In the chaos afterwards, he slipped back off the map before vengeance could be had.  In the meantime though, Risen Kibsanad, another of the new arrivals, fell into a fey mood, and constructed a legendary leather face veil.

Malachite 10
Everything has calmed back down.  I've assigned a dozen dwarves to masonry labor in order to get a wall built around the pasture out front, as well as our carpentry station, refuse pile, and depot.  In order to allow merchants in, it won't be a perfect defense, but it'll still help enormously.  The elves came to trade.  We didn't have much left to trade, but got all their wood, a bit of alcohol, and a tamed giant leopard.  A few kobold thieves have been showing up.  One made it back to safety after being spotted and chased by one of our dogs and the leopard.  The other one was spotted by our watchdog and didn't fare so well.  Nish, the first hunter to arrive, was in range, and launched a silver bolt in its leg.  The kobold then fell over, losing his balance and triggering the stone trap he was standing on, causing the mudstone to land on his chest and drive his ribs through his heart and bruising his lung and guts, as well as shattering the bone in his leg (the one NOT hit by Nish).  He didn't ever move again.  He was carrying a silver dagger.  I believe I'll gift it to Nish.

Additionally, earlier this year we finished a bridge over the stream, and built a pair of walls along its side on our side of the water, with a set of cage traps.  They are paying off quite well so far.  One giant grasshopper, 3 giraffes, and 3 monitor lizardpeople.  The 4 animals will provide excellent chances for our animal handlers to practice taming.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blazedcobalt: a story game. Dwarfing available.
« Reply #36 on: February 06, 2013, 09:33:57 am »

I'm loving this!  Thanks for the story.  I'd be thrilled to be signed up to any position available.

Edit:  Thinking about it, I realized how unhelpful not giving any preferences is.  So, I'd like to be either a hunter (other than Nish) or a not-too-talented military dwarf.  If these don't work, whatever else there is.  :)
« Last Edit: February 06, 2013, 09:54:30 am by Togre »
"Hey guys, you know how I've been repeatedly injuring you over and over again for the purpose of training up a team of high skilled doctors? Yeah well we didn't actually need to do that."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blazedcobalt: a story game. Dwarfing available.
« Reply #37 on: February 06, 2013, 11:26:04 am »

I see myself as a military dwarf, talent need not apply. Preferably hammer dwarf, but whatever suits the needs of the fortress. Should I fall, make it epic or hilarious. Also, don't bury me in a coffin, memorialize me. And put it somewhere I frequented in life, the dining hall, the barracks, a major hallway, the booze stockpile.
Unless not burying me is a problem, I'm mostly interested in the engraving, and my slab being a part of the fortress.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blazedcobalt: a story game. Dwarfing available.
« Reply #38 on: February 06, 2013, 11:36:42 am »

Ah, yes, if and when I die, make me a platinum tomb.
I always seem to end up with a magnificent burial complex and nowhere near enough bodies to fill it, or far too many bodies and nowhere to put any of them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blazedcobalt: a story game. Dwarfing available.
« Reply #39 on: February 06, 2013, 12:05:31 pm »

If he is still available, I'd love to by this fella:
Aban Ablelnish is a great tracker and talented macedwarf.
I'll willingly die for y'all. :D
That's nothing. I had something mate with a pile of dead meat.


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Re: Blazedcobalt: a story game. Dwarfing available.
« Reply #40 on: February 06, 2013, 04:01:52 pm »

Togre - an apprentice hunter/marksdwarf he has been told not to hunt for the moment (goblin invasions are stepping up).  A member of the archery militia squad as well.  Working as a mason in the General Labor Force.
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Spaghetti - a talented macedwarf, and member of the militia.  When not training, works as an engraver.
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BoredVirulence - an adept hammerdwarf, and member of the militia.  Working as a mason in the General Labor Force.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blazedcobalt: a story game. Dwarfing available.
« Reply #41 on: February 06, 2013, 04:18:58 pm »

Limestone 28
Things have been getting quite hectic.  The human traders came and went, leaving a great variety of items.  Nothing of significant consequence, just random supplies.  However I did trade for a large sum of leather.  While roaming creatures are reasonably common, I don't foresee being able to build a sustainable leather industry without farming, so acquiring a stockpile of leather now is advantageous.  The caravan later this fall should have plenty more, if they listened to my requests.  When the humans showed up, so did a handful of goblin babysnatchers.  One was caught in a cage trap, and the rest were spotted and chased off.  I am worried though, as many of our kids frequently idle outside with the animals, which is still insecure.  None have been taken so far, though.

We are up to 69 dwarves, and our miners, carpenters, and masons are frantically trying to provide sufficient bedrooms.  The 16 bed dormitory is almost always occupied now, as well as the 8 bed hospital.  The hospital is nearly finished.  It is missing a traction bench, and soap.  Soap production is always a stretch to set up, but the ashery was just finished, and once its done, it should be fairly little time before we have our first soap production.

Our miners primary current project is the excavation of lava tubes, with our engravers training by smoothing the entire tube.  Significant delay has been added to the project due to a multitude of veins the long tunnel has pierced.  Instead of marking them and coming back later, I elected to dig most of them out in their entirety.  The resulting limonite should supply our smiths with tons of iron for production, and when the lava flows through, magma workshops can be set up to minimize our need for coal.

I've been continuing to help the miners with these excavations, but my duties as expedition leader continue to take up more and more of my time.  I've encouraged other dwarves to step up and help out, and many have done some.  JoeClark has been particularly vital in helping organize the militia.  Training in the barracks is underway.  Once our magma forges are operational, I will be issuing an order to conscript 10 dwarves with no prior skill (our current squad of 10 all have some fighting skill already) to form up another melee squad.  I'm definitely worried about escalating goblin interest.  It won't be long until they make a strike on our citizens.

Sandstone 26
42 bedrooms have been completed.  14 more are excavated and waiting on doors and beds.  Five masonry shops have been working full steam creating mudstone and granite blocks for construction use.  Rubble remains strewn everywhere through the fortress.  With many dwarves sitting idle, I've designated a pile outside for the rubble, and marked a few rooms to be cleared of stones.  I've assigned the labor for producing 2 iron axes - until the magma forges are running, we're going to need tons of wood for charcoal in addition to our wood usage for beds, and bins.

Besides our 2 legendary crafters (both the result of moods), our highest skilled dwarves are:
Torrasque, the high master miner
Viro (myself), the master miner
Tobul, the great spinner
Spaghetti, the great tracker
Onol, the great building designer
MrsWillsauce, the great miner
Morul, the great bowyer
Logem, the great pump operator
Erib, the great animal caretaker
Dumed, the great tracker
BoredVirulence, the great tracker
Aerie, the great carpenter
Aban, the great siege engineer.

Ground level
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Timber 14
The dwarven caravan arrived a few days ago, they are en route to the depot (as are our trade goods).  Trading with the humans left our trade goods quite low.  I've begun investigating better optimization of our crafting for those goods, as well as addition of more crafters and workshops.  Unfortunately, I'll have to be very picky with this year's acquisitions.  Booze is in decent supply, but remains the #1 priority for now.
Additionally, when laying out plans for our magma tube, I've stumbled into a major hurdle:  lack of magma-safe rocks.  So far, only Rhyolite, Mudstone, and Granite have been encountered, which will mean having to make the floodgate out of iron.  Additional charcoal has been queued for creation.

Timber 24
Acquired all of the caravan's alcohol, a copper mail shirt, copper bottle axe, all their cheaper leather skins, plenty of random stones and wood, some copper bolts for our hunters, some chickens, and another dog.  There was plenty more that would have been nice to be able to afford, but those purchases can wait.
Winter is almost upon us, and it is time to move the depot into a more secure location, and begin the training of a second militia squad.  It will take quite some time for them to be effective, so need to start early.

Obsidian 2
The first child of the fort was born.  The child, Momuz Oddomzursul, was born to Bembul Lolokothsin (mother) and Nish Likotzoluth (father).
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A baby shower is planned for next week.

Obsidian 8
Atir Zalismafol has been taken by a fey mood.  That is the third one so far.  However, he has no crafting skills, so I can't even begin to guess what he'll craft for his legacy.  He is making a beeline for one of the craftdwarf workshops, so we shall soon see!

Obsidian 20
Atir completed a palm trumpet named Tathar Locun:
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Our other resident artifacts:
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« Last Edit: February 06, 2013, 06:14:32 pm by wyldmage »


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Re: Blazedcobalt: a story game. Dwarfing available.
« Reply #42 on: February 06, 2013, 06:08:55 pm »

wyldmage -- Thanks!  So neat comparing myself to my dwarf.  The areas of similarity and different are hilarious.  I look forward to feebly pummeling my foes with a loaded crossbow.

Btw, what version and mods are you use?  I like the look and may try upgrading from ASCII again. (Last time the lack of difference between yellow sand floor and yellow sand wall chased me back to the basics).
"Hey guys, you know how I've been repeatedly injuring you over and over again for the purpose of training up a team of high skilled doctors? Yeah well we didn't actually need to do that."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blazedcobalt: a story game. Dwarfing available.
« Reply #43 on: February 06, 2013, 06:28:11 pm »

wyldmage -- Thanks!  So neat comparing myself to my dwarf.  The areas of similarity and different are hilarious.  I look forward to feebly pummeling my foes with a loaded crossbow.

Btw, what version and mods are you use?  I like the look and may try upgrading from ASCII again. (Last time the lack of difference between yellow sand floor and yellow sand wall chased me back to the basics).

I'm using no gameplay mods.  My favorites though were the ones that added extra creatures and plants.  Sadly, the plant one I always trimmed down in size (having 50 different plants to decide between was a bit of an overload, not to mention the issues with dwarves liking stuff that you had chosen not to grow).  And, since Toady added so many new creatures, I haven't seen the need for the animal one either.

As far as graphical, I use Mayday.
I like all the graphical packs, but each one has small issues that drive me crazy at differing times.  I choose mayday because I like the simplistic 8-bit feel of the dwarves, general coloring for unexplored/designated/etc, and eye-friendly coloring overall.  I'm not using the official release of it, as last I'd looked he hadn't released one (he'd been mia for months).  That is part of the reason that some of my screenshots have names with strange characters in them (like the lever symbol).
One of the things that has been annoying for me this game is that designated tiles in unexplored terrain look virtually identical to visible mudstone.  The biggest problem I've had with other mods is the difficulty in distinguishing between walls and rubble, or between wall and floor in some cases.  If that *ever* occurs, I avoid that visual pack forever.  It isn't worth having to smooth every single wall, just so I can keep track of my fort.  Part of that is my style for fort layout (I build them similar to modern buildings, where walls are thin, and most space is fully used).  This results in minimal unexplored space to create black-zone buffers.
For your benefit, take a look at the screenshot from my last set of journals.  The "ground level" view has yellow sand walls and yellow sand floors.  They're similar, but I've never had trouble telling them apart.


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Re: Blazedcobalt: a story game. Dwarfing available.
« Reply #44 on: February 06, 2013, 06:40:48 pm »

Granite 1, 103
Today marks the 2 year anniversary of our arrival.  There are 70 dwarves, including 5 children.  There are 52 completed bedrooms, a dormitory, and hospital all with beds.  The entire magma tube has been dug.  Final re-walling and smoothing is going on while awaiting the completion of magma-proof floodgate parts.  Digging is proceeding to create additional storerooms for the bulk of furniture, bars, wood, and ore we are building up.  The pasture has been completely walled off.  It is still vulnerable to archers from the hill along its western side, but otherwise safe.  The trade depot is safely inside the mountain, and protected by a 15'x15' section of traps (3x3 squares).  Paving has begun to guarantee a smooth path inward from outside, and to prevent growth of cave trees that might block the route.  We have a meeting hall with 2 wells inside, fed by the aquifer that is taking care of all our needs.  It is across the hall from the hospital, so there should be no problem for the doctors to have their own water supply needs met.  Soap has been finished, leaving the hospital fully stocked except for a traction bench, which is taking our mechanics a while to complete.

Upcoming projects:
When I am satisfied with the progress of clearing empty space for storage, our miners and masons will re-breach the cavern, wall it back off, and begin construction of a gate.
After the iron floodgate parts are finished, production of iron weapons will begin.  The initial weapons will be set into weapon traps to better protect the depot while MrsWillsauce gains additional skill.
After breaching the cavern, we can continue downwards and hopefully uncover some more types of stone.  Finding some flux for making steel is a major desire.
Walling off of a second pasture has begun, with plans to put a cage stockpile nearby, and cage traps along a 5' wide path leaving the pasture.  This should allow us to release trained-but-not-tame animals to graze.  The 3 captured giraffes have all starved to death, but allowing them to run loose in a walled off pasture with all our other animals would be inviting disaster.
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