Turn 6: Grabbin' Disks>Madison: Stop being totally awesome for just a moment (actually keep doing that, but dial it down a notch so no one suspects you know how great you are) and see about connecting to Rod as his server player.
EDIT: Also respond to Kate.
(Also, no worries. At least it's still alive. ^^^)
2 - You open up the server application and try to connect to Rodion, but can't establish an Internet connection. Looks like you need to go restart the router.
"Damn it Ben, I swear I'm going to switch your modus to Ouija board."
Plan revenge, install disks, retrieve arms, drink a diet coke.
3 - You begin to plot your revenge, but get too distracted by the pretty flashing install screen on your computer. Arms and sugary drinks will have to wait.
>Kate:Captchalogue one of your whips(don't ask) and pester Maddie
4 - You captchalogue one of your smaller whips. Hopefully the spirits will be co-operative when you want it back.
>James: Retrieve computer from hiding place. Your pet lizard tends to like to hide things.
2 - You spot your computer, but a particularly angry lizard guards it. Looks like it's time to STRIFE!
>Rodion: Pester Maddie like the amazing chap you most certainly are. Carefully examine that blaster. Who knows where it even came from?
aD: so we doing this or was? this scvirb thing or sometihnf you know. feeling unusually lucvid so better do it dast and studf.
aD: lucidinty is a rare thing dor me you knwop.
aD: unsless i'm dreaming right now and that's why i hjust picked up a blaster in my room that runred out to be a lethal weapon. real deal and all that.
aD: disintegrated my ieraserdhead poster.
aD: i was like whoa and then i was like i dinst get the fusas about raht mobie anywat.
aD: had a pretty funny babt in it thoufh.
aD: mentsurating chibkens creeped me out howecvver.
aD: so am i teh client or some ot her thing here.
aD: or am i like the server palter or waht.
5 - You examine the blaster. It appears to be a very powerful weapon, cleverly disguised as a statue for easy concealment in the average home.
Castor: >Acquire computer from previously-mentioned female parental figure and begin installing the game.
6 - You acquire the computer and stick the disk into the drive. It installs very quickly, but the computer shuts down right after cause the battery died.
Name:Kate Farm.
Chumhandle: loveLashing
Fetch Modus: Ouija.
Sylladex Contents: Small Whip
Strife Specibus: None
Strife Portfolio:
Health: 100
Name: Madison Turner
Chumhandle: athleticCactuar
Fetch Modus: Ouija
Sylladex Contents: None
Strife Specibus: BALLSKIND - Basketball
Strife Portfolio: BALLSKIND,
Health: 100
Name: Rodion Yefimovski
Chumhandle: arcticDreamer
Fetch Modus: Tech-Hop
Sylladex Contents: None
Strife Specibus: BLASTERKIND - Cherry-Flavoured Death Ray
Strife Portfolio: BLASTERKIND
Health: 100
Name: Robby Calzone
Chumhandle: lataciousDancer
Fetch Modus: Monoploly
Sylladex Contents:
Sburb Discs - Park Place
Strife Specibus: None
Strife Portfolio: None
Health: 100
Name: James Cenaron
Chumhandle: brightDawn
Fetch Modus: Recipe
Sylladex Contents (SEE SPOILER)
Strife Specibus: None
Strife Portfolio: None
Health: 100
Effects: STRIFE! (in battle with pet lizard - 15/15 HP)
Recipe 1:
Name: Castor Davrameshi
Chumhandle: sacrificialValedictorian
Fetch Modus: Miracle
Sylladex Contents: None
Strife Specibus: None
Strife Portfolio: None
Health: 90/100