"Make your report, Brother."
"The Storm still disrupts our communication. Reports indicate the carriers full of eager colonists and their defenders were destroyed by advanced weaponry - it wasn't mindworm attacks, Sister Kiera, not this time."
"How many were lost?"
"2 defensive cruisers, both transports, three-"
"Don't bore me with the details of hardware, Brother. How many people did we lose?"
"We're guessing that at least 10,000 lives were lost, Sister."
"And do we know who did it?"
"They appear to have brought down one of the attackers before they were destroyed, Sister. It is... as you feared. An unprovoked attack by the madmen that serve the tyrant Twiggie."
"For him, I am guessing this was a mere economic calculation - that unclaimed land is clearly something he sees profit in, and what cost is it to him when the price to hold it is paid in Believer lives? But this unprovoked aggression cannot go unanswered. When we lost contact with our men exploring the jungle, I was willing to give him the benefit of a doubt. Perhaps it was truly just the wildlife? But no - there are no more excuses for this behaviour.
From this point forward, we are at war. We are at war with an aggressive, unscrupulous, unstable individual. We will liberate his people, and free them from the shackles of bondage - we will free them from their slavery to Twiggie's greed, to his corporate slave-drivers. We will liberate them, and in the process we will insure our own security from this vicious madman.
Let the bell's ring, and spread the word among our flock. The devil has made his move, and we must act."