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Author Topic: Steam Ship Vicky—Compensation Thrusters Optional  (Read 11436 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Steam Ship Vicky - Lead Bullets and Punctured Air Hold. But No Worries.
« Reply #75 on: February 23, 2013, 11:59:03 am »

As the ship tilted and turned, Arden struggled to maintain his footing, or at least fall gracefully enough that his smokebombs wouldn't be set off.

"Was that a bomb blast!? God damn, we're taking hits! I'll try and buy you some time, but if this goes badly, stay off of the top deck."

Load a poison smokebomb into my gun, and carefully climb to the upper deck. If I can see the enemy ship and it looks like I can fire the smokebomb onto their ship, do so.

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« Last Edit: February 23, 2013, 01:02:39 pm by Wwolin »
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Steam Ship Vicky - Lead Bullets and Punctured Air Hold. But No Worries.
« Reply #76 on: February 23, 2013, 12:00:45 pm »

Character sheets, people.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Steam Ship Vicky - Lead Bullets and Punctured Air Hold. But No Worries.
« Reply #77 on: February 23, 2013, 12:14:14 pm »

Roland comes out of the belowdeck area, seemingly fuming

"These bastards are hitting our ship! They. are. hitting. our. ship! Can you believe these no-good sons of..."

Screaming a long line of expletives only years of mingling with sailors can teach you,  he makes his way to the flak cannons.

Get to the Flak cannons. Make sure they're loaded. Then try to get a fix on the target ship and keep firing, making sure to lead to target if it's moving.

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((sorry about the card :S))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Steam Ship Vicky - Lead Bullets and Punctured Air Hold. But No Worries.
« Reply #78 on: February 23, 2013, 11:57:11 pm »

Doc rushed into the boiler room, only to see Luther twisting dials and pulling levers at random. That man clearly had no idea what he was doing; Doc decided to try and send him off before he blew something up.

"I got the boiler, Luther. You should take a look at the aft airtank instead; I've been told you're good at fixing things.

"Oh, and is that a piloting manual I see in your pocket? Can I have it?"

Go to the boiler room. Shut off the airflow to the aft airtank; we'll need it depressurized before it can be repaired.
Check the pressure gauges on all airtanks; see if any of the other ones are leaking.

Spoiler: Doc Anderson (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: February 24, 2013, 03:36:42 am by HmH »


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Re: Steam Ship Vicky - Setting Sail
« Reply #79 on: February 24, 2013, 02:02:51 am »

"Snake eyes! God damnit." Eunh cursed as he started to run for the flak turrets. He had some experience with guns, and those had to be worth the time he had spend firing them now.

Eunh gets to man the flaks and tries to pinpoint the enemy.
Spoiler: Eunh Destern (click to show/hide)
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Steam Ship Vicky - Lead Bullets and Punctured Air Hold. But No Worries.
« Reply #80 on: February 26, 2013, 10:19:41 am »

Sairi [3]+1 checks the altitude (slowly climbing, as measured from Second Ocean level), the pressure (Boilers working at half power), the air tanks (The fore hold is perfectly fine, and the aft hold is slowly losing pressure but still serviceable. No other tanks to remark on).

The pilot's room is a roughly hexagonal cabin, with cabinets and gauges and control panels and levers filling three sides. The viewing port is more of a window, with a presumably glass inner pane and a standard regulation quartz outer pane. There are three of those square ports, completely taking up the upper parts of the wall.

Sairi's been in all sorts of piloting cabins, so he's not a newcomer to this one. But it ain't a bad cabin, no sir. Probably was the best controls of Vicky's time, but now both she and her controls are aging. Still got some fight in them.

Jameson [4] sprints all he's worth to the engine room. He knows Vicky needs more of that black coal to make her burn with the fury of her younger days. And there's only one person who can do that. [4] He hinges the coal hopper open and spades coal into it. It's not easy work, but working with mechanisms has given him some strength.

Luther [2]+1 twists random dials. He turns a couple a bit to the left, a few counter clockwise, a few clockwise. Nothing bad happens, much, but nothing good either. The boiler is looking less feverish. The pressure gauge went down a bit, too. The problem seems to be that the aft hold is leaking, causing the ship to droop.

Arden [1]+1  fumbles and lets go of his smokebomb, which rolls across the deck and [2] into the gutters, which leads straight off the side of the ship. Cursing, he tries again, but [1]+1 the second attempt also fumbles. This one clunks onto the deck's wooden planks and starts leaking poison gas.

Roland [5] sees that the flak guns are loaded. [6] spots a patch of night sky without any stars. [5] quickly fires at the ship. With the repeated hiss-thump of steam building up rapidly then being released, the small round flak balls fly across the dark.

He thinks he sees nothin'. Then he looks again—the part of the sky without star's brightens 'causes of the fire from the flak. Keeps brightening and darkening, making it an easy target. He keeps up the shooting. Doesn't seem to have much effect, though. Doesn't quite know why, but he keeps on shooting.

Doc [4] thinks he gotta shut off air to the aft tank. He rushes into the boiler room. Gotta find the cut-off valve, he thinks. But then he thinks twice. The aft tank's the only thing keeping up the ship's behind afloat. It would be a bad idea to shut it off. Instead, he looks at all the other gauges. [4] The main fore hold isn't leaking—the gauge pressure hovers at maximum. The boiler is keeping up pretty well considering the leakage, though it's trembling, probably because someone's using a steam machine somewhere else in Vicky. Judging by how much it dips each time (a couple Sarts each time), the flak is going off.

He reduces pressure in the fore air hold just in case the aft air hold's tear opens wider. It's better for balancing, anyways.

Eunh [5] dashes to the flak guns, too, and mans one next to Roland. [6,5] He has a flash of inspiration, and he shouts at the firing droid. It whirrs to life, its red glowing eyes (three of them) assessing the situation, spotting the target, finding how to kill it. It skitters over to a third flak gun and starts firing it. He watches it shoot, seeing where it is hitting (the front of the ship) and follows suit. The ship isn't moving fast, which makes it easier.

Eunh watches the brightly lit-up target get pegged again and again by the robot. It shoots straight and true, hitting where the fore air hold must be, truer than an angel.. The other ship's shapeshifting scale finish seems to be chipping off. He follows suit, and the man Roland does too. Other ship dips, and flounders hard to port. Seems that it didn't have any more holds than Vicky has, and the wind got it.

I've been looking over your cards again, and I see a strange thing. Roland, the navy gunner, don't have Cannonry as an ability. That intentional?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Steam Ship Vicky - Lead Bullets and Punctured Air Hold. But No Worries.
« Reply #81 on: February 26, 2013, 10:32:05 am »

"Ship stabilizing. Regaining momentum and level with the sea." rang Sairi's voice through the metal piping.

"By the looks of it, we're in the clear. Depressurize the aft hold, and take care of any minor inconveniences. Boilers at mid-strength."

He tries checking for any hidden valves, special controls and scanning device mechanisms.

Spoiler: Sairi Lunaria (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Steam Ship Vicky - Lead Bullets and Punctured Air Hold. But No Worries.
« Reply #82 on: February 26, 2013, 01:27:33 pm »

"well, that didn't work. Where was that other place they mentioned? The aft tank? That sounds like it."
Head to and attempt to fix the Aft tank.

Spoiler: Luther von Schankel (click to show/hide)
I would ask why fire can burn two men to death without getting hot enough to burn a book, but then I read "INEXTINGUISHABLE RUNNING KAMIKAZE RADIOACTIVE FLAMING ZOMBIE" and realized that logic, reason, and physics are all occupied with crying in the corner right now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Steam Ship Vicky - Lead Bullets and Punctured Air Hold. But No Worries.
« Reply #83 on: February 26, 2013, 02:05:56 pm »

I've been looking over your cards again, and I see a strange thing. Roland, the navy gunner, don't have Cannonry as an ability. That intentional?
((I was under the impression cannonry fell under pyrotechnics, because cannons go boom. However, I now see the Error of my ways, would you allow an impromptu change to my card like so
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or would you rather I just work the no cannonry bit into the backstory?))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Steam Ship Vicky - Lead Bullets and Punctured Air Hold. But No Worries.
« Reply #84 on: February 26, 2013, 04:26:35 pm »

Jameson continued to load in coal into he had gotten a good amount in.

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Congratulations Persus, now you are forced to have the same personal text for an entire year!
Longbowmen horsearcher doomstacks that suffer no attrition and can navigate all major rivers without ships.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Steam Ship Vicky - Setting Sail
« Reply #85 on: February 26, 2013, 10:19:31 pm »

The rabbitman's eyes flared up in joy as the flak started to hit the enemy ship, the light emanated by fire and fury lightening up the skies in a beatiful game of violence. "Oh yes, those are the odds I like." Eunh said with a low whistle and a grin. "Eat lead, bandit."

Eunh stops firing and checks if the enemies are escaping/incapacitated.
Spoiler: Eunh Destern (click to show/hide)
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Steam Ship Vicky - Lead Bullets and Punctured Air Hold. But No Worries.
« Reply #86 on: March 01, 2013, 12:07:12 pm »

((Whoops, didn't notice a turn was up. Sorry!))

Doc pulled a plug out of the speaking tube in the boiler room's wall.
"Anderson to the bridge: decreased the fore pressure to compensate for the leaks, sent Luther to go look at the aft tank. Will go to the warehouse to see if there's any welding equipment in stock."

Go to the warehouse. Get a blowtorch, a pair of welding goggles and a sheet of metal. Bring them to Luther at the aft tank.

Spoiler: Doc Anderson (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 01, 2013, 12:10:30 pm by HmH »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Steam Ship Vicky - Bad Moon Rising
« Reply #87 on: March 02, 2013, 10:19:59 am »

Sairi [5]  looks around, patting any flat surfaces for hollowness or hidden cabinets. There seems to be a lot of empty sockets where new information panels could slot it, but they are mostly dusty with a rectangular outline, as if there used to be panels there yet no more. Vicky ... used to be a fine ship. She was ... well, she was something special. She had all the tools you could think of. All of them. But time passes, and time is the worst enemy for a high tech ship. In her time she was one of the most powerful steam boats in the Second Ocean, but now... well, she's nothing but another passenger ship which just happens to have a lot of cannons. And flak guns. And a firing robot. And a very important mission.

[3] So no, Vicky has only the bare necessities. The pilot boards and the gauges. But the good thing is you can add more panels and sensors and gadgets and whatnot. You just need to have them. Installing them's as easy as one, two, three.

Vicky sails straight in the night, her lights doused, hidden by the darkness. Below, the blue moon shines on the choppy surface of the Second Ocean, rippling, staring. Her attackers were left far behind, and unless they got a thousand cheetah souls slaving away in unison, they won't be catching up to Vicky on full steam. Of course, that's assuming Vicky doesn't flip over before dawn.

Luther decides to remedy this issue.  [1]+1 Now, jury-rigging and fixing are both his specialties, but this case is a bit hard. It's like trying to block a river with sand. Whatever he tries, it all just undoes itself and floats away. He climbs back up to the deck, triple-checking his safety ropes, and sits down for a think.

Doc saunters towards the Airborne Warehouse Vicky has in her belly. [4] He doesn't find a welder (those are expensive! Besides, what use would a wooden ship have in welding?), but he does find a pressurized nail driver. He charges up the small portable tank it has, though 'small' is clearly relative, as it has its own wheels to move it around and apparently weighs a quarter ton full, and uses the freight elevator to move it upwards. He hands Luther the long hose the gun has and a small (again, relative) pack of nails.

Luther tries again. [6]+1+1 Well, this time he fastens bits of scrap lying around to the various holes. Though it's a patchy solution, they won't be crashing any time soon. Vicky has to be careful, as the crude solution is far from the ideal that is welding, or even a whole new hold, which is severely expensive.

Jameson [6] packs every bit of coal in the stash under the plank into the hopper. He is dusty with coal, but the hopper won't run out.

Of course, if fire occurs, it'll all burn up in a second or two, what with the coal dust settled everywhere.

Roland quickly scribbles out his character card's skills area and rewrites it. He isn't able to join in quite yet*.

Eunh [2] is unable to see what happens. The ship quickly draws away, as it doesn't have enough speed to keep up with Vicky, but it seems to be drooping heavily towards the rear. The night swallows up the ship again, the identity of those onboard an unknown.

The firing robot powers down, its clicking clockwork quieting to a tiny, intermittent tick , tock.

The night grows older. The blue moon rises, striving to emulate the Sun and its everlasting radiance but ending up with just a pale shadow of what the Sun is. The white moon is not visible tonight, and the red moon is trailing the blue moon into the sky. The positions tell Sairi that tonight won't be smooth sailing, that with minimum hazards. When the red moon rises, magic is weaker. When the blue moon rises, magic is stronger. When both move together, the most uncanny things can happen. Ever see a coin land on its side? Well, it happens during color moon rising. You could swear by the three Oceans and the Mother Earth that something could never happen to you, but it does.

Lost in his reverie, he suddenly sees a shimmer to starboard, nearly out of his range of sight, a bank of stationary, yet rolling grey clouds. It triggers a dim memory, one from his childhood, one of spooky stories in a heavy rain by a fire.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Steam Ship Vicky - Bad Moon Rising
« Reply #88 on: March 02, 2013, 10:50:39 am »

(<3 this. The narrative!)

Sairi licked his lips as he calmed the controls, adjusting them to a stable setting which anyone could recognize as he moved to the ship's intercom.

"Hey, everyone. Compass and altitude dictates we're safe from any pirate incursions, but...not from environmental hazards."

He began relating the beliefs of the watchers of the skies, the relation of the colored moons and what he had just seen.

"I don't think this ship has an autopilot, or at least a co-pilot system so I'll be staying at the helm. The intercom is two-way by the way, I've just discovered that we can all communicate that way.

Also, prominent probable danger to our west. Our right side. Could anyone check it out? I don't feel good about that direction..."

Spoiler: Sairi Lunaria (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Steam Ship Vicky - Bad Moon Rising
« Reply #89 on: March 02, 2013, 11:33:03 am »

Jameson rooted around for a broom. Finding one, he swept out the coal dust to minimize the chance of a fire. Then he remembered that the ship was fired on earlier, and went to go see if anything had been hit.

Get broom, sweep out coal dust. Go to where repairs are needed.

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Congratulations Persus, now you are forced to have the same personal text for an entire year!
Longbowmen horsearcher doomstacks that suffer no attrition and can navigate all major rivers without ships.
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