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Author Topic: Steam Ship Vicky—Compensation Thrusters Optional  (Read 11439 times)


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Re: Steam Ship Willy — 0.5
« Reply #30 on: February 04, 2013, 03:41:45 pm »

The old gentleman's gaze slithered lazily across Sairi's drawing and kept wandering. There seemed to be nothing mysterious left in the room... nothing at all.

"Nope, not goin' to draw ol' Victoria. Waste a' time, if you ask me. We don't really need to know what her hull looks like, and there's got to be a few good, detailed maps on board should you want to know where everything is.
"Now, are y'all sure none a' you know anythin' else about the ship? 'Cause if that's so, I'm goin' with the description Sairi here offered. Vicky easily could've grown some wings in the past ten years... it was a long ten years, after all."

A rattling noise came from the gentleman's steel leg, and its gears stopped moving. He took a small drill out of his lab coat, plugged it into a slot in the knee and started cranking it:

"Name's Tom, by the way. Tom Anderson. Some people call me Doc. Professor if you want me to bore ya to death."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Steam Ship Willy — 0.5
« Reply #31 on: February 04, 2013, 06:54:21 pm »

The man at the back of the group spoke, twirling the singed end of his moustache. He was wearing military style boots with a dull grey pants and a worn leather jacket, his satchel hanging lazily at his side.

"I believe Sai here has the right idea. I wouldn't know anyway, I manned the cannons and hauled the ammo, I never did really look what the ships were made up out of."

He was playing with a lighter, flicking it on and off. The thing was old and used, the brass dull and unreflective. The man suddenly looked up, as if snapped out of a trance.

"Oh, right, introductions. The name's Roland, but you can call me whatever you please."

Roland gave a courteous nod toward his teammates, and went right back to staring into his lighter flame.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Steam Ship Willy — 0.5
« Reply #32 on: February 04, 2013, 07:53:02 pm »

(I'm a little confused. So is the narrator describing this in past tense and we are remembering our adventure?)

Slightly apart from the group due to his his smell was a young mechanic, wielding a strange looking wrench. "I learned in school that steamship willy was monstrously well armed against it's enemies. It's stratofortress was a pioneering of the kill em dead style of architecture in those days. Then they had a combination o slade ballasts and a reinforced boiler, to protect it but that made it slower. So they added extra engines to compensate for it, but they sometimes tell storie that have no truth in at school."

Jameson then muttered to himself "Someday I'll have a better ship then that," but no one heard him

« Last Edit: February 05, 2013, 04:24:44 pm by Persus13 »
Congratulations Persus, now you are forced to have the same personal text for an entire year!
Longbowmen horsearcher doomstacks that suffer no attrition and can navigate all major rivers without ships.


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Re: Steam Ship Willy — 0.5
« Reply #33 on: February 05, 2013, 04:07:48 pm »

Eunh yawned quietly, eyeing the rest of the group and smirking. "Forgive my lack of pose, prose and poetry, gentlemen." he said, straightening up and starting to play with a coin, which he flicked high before catching it in the air and repeating the process.

"I do believe the name was Victoria and it had a Dragger Boiler, Wyvernskin Hull, Extra Broadsides, a large Warehouse and Wood Finish." Eunh smiles and catches the coin a final time before pocketing it. "Not sure why this matter came into play, but it'd be a bit hard to forget it...But then again I think I got my head bashed against hard surfaces once or twice since the last time I took a look at it, so who knows."
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: Steam Ship Willy — 0.5
« Reply #34 on: February 05, 2013, 10:44:10 pm »

Arden looked at the group and smiled, revealing a set of polished white false teeth. "I think I remember the Victoria pretty well. Or at least I remember how you didn't want me putting any of my chemicals in that old Dragger Boiler. Sure it was fast enough to outmaneuver nearly anything in the sky, but I bet I could have made it go faster if you'd have let me experiment on it. And I remember the Wyvernskin Hull too. Everyone called the ship the Sick Vic because the fumes from my chemicals would bleed through the walls. But better to have them out there than inside the ship, am I right? Hell, with all of the bombs and poisons I launched from the Extra Cannons, we probably looked like some sort of ghost ship, come to take away children in the middle of the night. And that sketchy-looking Airborne Warehouse probably didn't help much with that, even though it was perfect for holding my poisons. Still, at least it was nicer on the inside, with that Wood Finish and all."
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Steam Ship Willy — 0.5
« Reply #35 on: February 06, 2013, 06:55:56 am »

((Six players (Tiruin, HmH, Persus13, Pancaek, Caellath, Wwolin) have voted thus far.
1 < Reinforced Boiler, Dragger Boiler > 5
1 < Slade Ballasts , Wyvernskin Hull > 5
3 < Extra Broadsides, Extra Engines > 3
5 < Airborne Warehouse, Stratofortress > 1
0 < Red Speed Stripes, Quality Wood Finish > 6
The only thing that is yet unclear is whether we shall have Extra Broadsides (HmH, Caellath, Wwolin) or Extra Engines (Tiruin, Persus13, Pancaek).))


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Re: Steam Ship Vicky
« Reply #36 on: February 07, 2013, 10:00:27 am »

Spoiler: notes (click to show/hide)

Well, I guess the ol' steam ship was named Victoria, or Vicky, for short. Whoever Victoria was. I guess she was some fine woman. All evidence points there.
Well, can't blame an old man for forgetting some details down the road, eh?

Now, I remember she had a heart of a Dragger, the Dragger Boiler. Made it a fine ship for doing stuff, but Vicky wasn't a good one for long runs. Got winded easily. Still, it was the best ship in the land, and the sky, for maneuvering around what got in her way. She was a featherweight, but a damn fast featherweight. Vicky had a Warehouse in her large insides amidships, and had only the best wood for her finishing. Now, it seems we all can't remember which one she had, extra broadsides or extra engines. I'll tell you all what I remember of them, and I think we will be able to make our minds up, eh?

Broadsides. While flak cannon is good against wyverns and all, flak cannons ain't gonna do you no good against a Dragger. Course, you don't have a chance against a Dragger, anyways, Draggers ain't the only thing out there. Broadsides are cold, hard steel, the better to punch into the thin shells of other ships, or rip the flanks out of any beast known to man, and a few others beside. You need ammo, of course, but with a Warehouse, Victoria can have stacks of cannon shot and mountains of powder, stacked up high.

Now, for engines... Steam ships ain't the fastest thing around, so wings and engines are what the smart people over at the drydocks thought up of. They stole the idea from the newfangled "aeroplanes" some inventors are all the rage about. See, wings moving through air like to go up. And going up lets Vicky use less steam on staying afloat, and more on moving fast. Moving faster makes her go up more. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved, wings and all. Course, if the wings are shot, Vicky's as good as any old ship without wings. Maybe a bit worse.

Choose one and put it in the curvy what-do-you-call-its... oh, right, parentheses. If we're still evenly split as the apple pies my nanny used to make me, I'll flip a coin.

Now, on to the story. It all started on a fine starry night, perfect for secret operations...

Sirens were crying, and bells rang from every tower, that night.
Sirens cry in the distance.
I remember that was the day a bunch of pirates decided it was a good time to attack Apex.
Dark shapes blot out the sunset and its dying light, large shapes floating across the sky and moving overhead.
Vicky had to set out then, though. Time was of the utmost importance. Can't have your fellow citizens starving for no good reason, see?

The drydocks shake as a ship in the dock next to Victoria's takes a hit from falling debris, perhaps ballast dropped by a pirate ship in an effort to lighten up and run away. The Queen's only Dragger has finally been floated, and the multiple segments of it crawl across the sky, shooting flak and cannon at any targets within reach. Sometimes they actually hit. The Victoria is nearly ready to set out, and all that remains is that the crew has to get on-board. That doesn't seem like a hard task, but the battle raging overhead isn't helping with the odds of not being hit by a largish chunk of wood or stone and die immediately.

It's only a short dash, to the safety of the ship, through a rain of falling wood...

Everyone is huddling in a low building, of unadorned stone and small, glass-less windows. The sound of gunpowder going off, and the sound of cannon shot echoes. A worker, with ripped-off sleeves and a dirty cloth sash growls, "I think ye fine gentlemen are wanna going to run. Fast. Good luck, I ain't going there with you all." He prods the weak fire in the brick fireplace with a wooden poker, while the sun slowly sinks into the haze of reflected light as it reports off duty for the day.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Steam Ship Vicky - Setting Sail
« Reply #37 on: February 07, 2013, 10:39:40 am »

"I suggest we don't wait for the sun to go over the horizon, folks. It's quite hard to sprint in the dark, even for those of us without metal legs to worry about. Just keep your heads down and make sure to hide whenever one of the ships above breaks apart; that sort of thing means a whole lot of debris falling our way."

Look outside. See which of the ships could drop debris on the trail between us and Victoria; take a moment to memorize their current placement in the sky.
Then make a run for it. Stick to buildings and get in cover whenever one of those ships seems to get hit.

Spoiler: Doc Anderson (click to show/hide)

((I still say we should get the broadsides. You can't shoot off cannons as easily as you can shoot off wings.))
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 04:30:51 pm by HmH »


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Re: Steam Ship Vicky - Setting Sail
« Reply #38 on: February 07, 2013, 02:53:23 pm »

"It doesn't look far. We could probably make it sprinting. And the less time we spend out there, the less time we have to get flattened by falling bits of wood..." note to self - steel legs? Aluminium legs?

Peer out of window. If it seems not too suicidal, sprint for the Victoria.

Spoiler: Luther von Schankel (click to show/hide)

(( I'll Abstain from the vote))
I would ask why fire can burn two men to death without getting hot enough to burn a book, but then I read "INEXTINGUISHABLE RUNNING KAMIKAZE RADIOACTIVE FLAMING ZOMBIE" and realized that logic, reason, and physics are all occupied with crying in the corner right now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Steam Ship Vicky - Setting Sail
« Reply #39 on: February 07, 2013, 04:19:43 pm »

"It looks like we are going to have to run, no matter ow long we stay here."

Sprint to the Victoria

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

(I vote for extra cannons. What we don't have in armor we can make up in firepower.)
Congratulations Persus, now you are forced to have the same personal text for an entire year!
Longbowmen horsearcher doomstacks that suffer no attrition and can navigate all major rivers without ships.


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Re: Steam Ship Vicky - Setting Sail
« Reply #40 on: February 08, 2013, 02:13:32 am »

"You heard the man! Head to the ship, I'll cover the rear!"

Follow the rest of the party onto the Victoria, keeping a careful eye out for danger.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

(And I'll vote for cannons. We have an explosives expert and a poisons expert on board, so we could definitely use that to our advantage.)
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.


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Re: Steam Ship Vicky - Setting Sail
« Reply #41 on: February 08, 2013, 09:28:57 am »

"they're not even dropping incediary bombs, looks like their intentions aren't to raze this city to the ground...lucky us."

Sprint to Victoria together with the group. If someone of our group falls or get hit, help them get to the Victroria.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


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Re: Steam Ship Vicky - Setting Sail
« Reply #42 on: February 08, 2013, 10:42:40 am »

Eunh tapped the side of his cheek, looking around as he followed the group at a fast pace.
"It's nice to see she's already prepared. Leaving Apex this way isn't proper, but I suppose our mission is more important."

His hand reached for the ornate scabbard of his longsword as he ran, preparing to draw the heavy blade and cut anything that fell from the skies without giving him a chance to dodge.

Make a run for the Victoria, but stay alert for any signs of falling debris and overall danger, moving to cover and diving for safety when necessary.
Spoiler: Eunh Destern (click to show/hide)
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Steam Ship Vicky - Setting Sail
« Reply #43 on: February 08, 2013, 11:22:11 am »

((Eep. Busy at the moment, sorry Tarangini!

Also, would've voted for engines, but...yeah, I guess we need the firepower then.))

"They aren't razing the area, they're looting it!" Sairi said as he held onto his cloak, seeing another ball of fire fall from the sky in the shining light of the sun.

"Stay together!"

Take the lead, if it may be, in running towards the Victoria. Try to check for any loose scrap I could obtain along the way that wouldn't cost me any time in keeping up with my fellows.

Try to ascertain that the ship has a pilot.

Spoiler: Sairi Lunaria (click to show/hide)


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Re: Steam Ship Vicky - Setting Sail
« Reply #44 on: February 11, 2013, 04:17:09 am »

The smart Doc looks up at the sky, sees nothing but a wounded frigate with a big air sac, limping away from the battle. The rest are flitting around the big'un, the Queen's Dragger, and it's holding its own pretty well.

Doc Anderson [6] looks up. There isn't anything directly overhead right now. The debris must have came from that pirate frigate that's retreating—and his leg whirrs in preparation for the dash. One ship, damaged, smoking slightly, but still mostly functional, within a tick of the Victoria. It might notice her when she takes off. A possible threat.

Frigates are second only to gunboats and Draggers, see, in firepower, but gunboats don't have the staying ability frigates do. The one that he saw had a standard air hull but three sets of sails. Now, while sails ain't the best thing ever, they more than outmatch steam ships in pure speed. Just can't keep it up.

He sets off with a dash [5] straight across the drydock, as there aren't any more piles of materials or buildings that he can hide behind. He hops onto Victoria's deck, swinging over the high railing, and gets into safety under the sun tarp.

Luther [4] sees what Doc saw: one frigate, the rest concentrating on the Queen's navy, which is now being joined by a few more gunships. He gets out and runs as fast as he can. [5] He makes it to safety.

Jameson [5] follows the other two to Victoria.

Arden [5] trails after the others, hoping that nobody is noticing them dashing to Victoria from above.

Roland Mopsay [3] sprints after the others, but trips over something and falls, skidding a few steps on the loose sand. He helps himself up and goes towards the Victoria, thinking of how close that was. Perhaps a tad ironic, too.

Eunh [2] follows the other men, drawing his pristine sword, kept in peak condition. He chances to look up and ...

Everyone makes a mad dash towards the Victoria, 'cause it's not like there's something else to do. But he notes something amiss, and he take a second glance. In the sky, there's a cut-off cloud. It's like something took a big, ship-sized piece off it, leaving perfect marks for the sails, rigging, and cannon. It's like someone painted sky-blue over cloud-white to pretty up the sky. It's like ... a ship that's been treated with shapeshifting scale.

... and sees what looks like a ship in the clouds. They judged their hiding place wrong, though, since they are against a fluffy white cloud, revealing where they are. It's staying as still as a ship in the air can be, but it's clear it's waiting for something.

[6] He runs towards the Victoria, somewhat worried by this happening. He jukes from side to side in case someone's trying to sharpshoot him with a falling rock, but he gets to the relative safety of Victoria without danger.

He thinks, shapeshifting scale's expensive. Not something mere pirates would use. They're from color lizards that only live on surface islands, all the way down in the First Ocean. Ain't cheap, ain't easy to get enough for a whole ship. Apex's in the air between the Second and Third oceans, and it's a long way down. Good news is shapeshifting scale doesn't actually change shape. Bad news is it changes color. Good news, it can only be one color at a time. Bad news, night's only one color, black.

The red of the setting sun starts to tinge the roof of the world, and light fades.

Sairi [1] stumbles on the loosely packed dirt and loses balance, toppling over into a heap of wooden planks covered by a taut tarp. 2 damage is taken, in the form of a few cuts and bruises. He tries to remember if the ship had a pilot...

As the crew run towards the ship, Sairi, the only fox-man of the bunch, trips over nothin' and lands on something. It isn't a dying wound, but it ain't no trifle, either. He thinks hard, and he thinks up the important fact that there ain't a pilot to be seen on Victoria. Very worrying, it is.

Maybe Vicky'll have a manual.
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