I Require Assistance!I have modified world generation settings to make resources rarer and less rich, but much larger. Alien nests are also rarer, larger, and richer.
The area in the far east is my main base. The fort north of the supernest is a coal-mining fort. The area in the peninsula is a small oil extraction area that puts them into barrels for transport to the main base.
I am completely out of copper and the nearest deposit is the one on the southern tip of the super-nest.
I have many turrets placed at my main base, and I may be able to get away with removing some of them if I need them elsewhere.
Difficulty has reached the point where medium aliens seem to be more common than small ones, and big ones are fairly common. My tank is all but useless.
I am running 0.11.1 , so I do have multiplayer if anyone wants to try to help me.
I have 2 potential plans.
One is to go full trench-warfare and extend an arm of walls towards the gap in the middle of the nest, and spam what turrets I still have into it. This is extremely unlikely to work both due to power constraints and the impossibility of stopping spitters from grinding things down.
The second option is to a build a power line along the far west coast and build a fort on the copper. I am fairly certain, however, that the copper is close enough to the spawners that they will auto-aggro upon spawning. Even if they don't, it's too easy for them to wander in, and the pollution from the miners will definitely aggro them.
I will try to keep you guys updated on progress as things unfold.