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Author Topic: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD  (Read 10634 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2013, 04:55:02 am »

Day one: Turn 0

( Note, colored text are thoughts, ether from your head or from someone else. Not words spoken out loud. )

Ezekiel "Easy Money" Brown

Below you is your dead body. Pale, lifeless and riddled with bullet holes, Its is a stark reminder of the
situation you are in. Next to it is your wife, her brains are splattered on the wall. Pain, anger, sadness
and various other emotions fill you at the sight of her, but you mostly feel regret. Your whole life, no one
cared about you. Sure, some pretended to, but they just wanted your money, or your power. Not even
your own parents gave a shit whether you lived or died. But she... she was different. She truly loved
you for who you were, not what you owned. If you were a dirt farmer in Africa, her love would not
have diminished in the slightest. And how did you repay her love? With apathy and indifference. To you,
she was nothing more then a object for your amusement. Someone who would clean the house in the
morning, and that you could fuck at night. You would laugh at her selfless jesters of love and berate
her for even the smallest mistake. The more she tried to get closer to you, the more you pushed her
away, the more love she gave, the more hate you gave back. And now, because of you, she
was dead and there was nothing you could do about it. You try to touch her face, but your hand
passes right through her. Ghostly tears begin to fall from your eyes.

"I..... I am so sorry Clare. You were always there for me, even though I would not
give you the time of day. You were so good to me, but I was to much of a asshole to notice.
I just wish I could hold you one last time, I wish I could just tell you what you mean to me, how much
I care."
Your tears are now flowing like a waterfall.

"This is all my fault, but I will make it right. Someday, somehow, I will see you again.
I swear it."
You then decide to take a look around. Three police officers are standing in the
center of the room talking about the crime scene. There is a dresser to your left, a closet to your right,
and a bed below you, next to the bed is a small table with a bloody alarm clock on it. The door to the
upstairs hallway is north of you and the door the the bathroom is too the east.

Jackson R. Daubs

Ring....ring ring. "Uh", you moan. Ring ring...ring. "God damn it, who the hell would be calling me at this
hour?" You pick up the phone that is on the table next to your bed. "What?" A overly cheerful voice
answers back. "Yo Jack, its me Mark." Mark has been your partner for years. Most would call him a
sarcastic fucktard at first glance and they would be right, however you know from experience what
he is deep down. Mark is the kind of guy that will be flaky on the small stuff, but when shit really
starts hitting the fan he will be the only one there willing to help you through it.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" You sneer. "Hey five A.M is not THAT early." "You wont be
THAT far from death if you don't tell me why you called." "Ok ok, someone just tried to kill the police
chief." says Mark.

"You are shiting me?" You yell. "No, I am not." "Is he alright? Did he get seriously hurt or anything?"
You ask. "He is doing fine, but he wants you to get over too the station right now. So I suggest you
hurry." "Thanks for telling me Mark, I will be right there." You then hang up the phone and take a look
around your room.

There is a closet straight ahead of you, a dresser sits beside it. Below you is a bed, and a table is
on your left. To the north is a bathroom, too the east is the door too the hallway. The ground is
covered in thick carpet.

Rhea E. Daubs

You are eating breakfast in the dining room. Most teenagers would be fast asleep right now, but you
always found the predawn hours romantic, plus there is the fact that you need to be at work in a
hour. Your boss would not be happy if you slept in, even if you would enjoy it. The table you are
eating on is in front of you. To your left is a china cabinet, to your right is the kitchen and on the
north side of the dining room is the door too the living room.

Alec Morgand

Every night you have the same horrible dream. Sure the details change, but it always involves some
crazed madman gruesomely killing you. In the one you just had you were paralyzed and helpless,
unable to stop him as he slowly skinned you alive. The pain felt almost real when your flesh was
being ripped off as the madman laughed. You look at your clock. "Five A.M, uhh
damn it, I am so fucking tired. Can I just get one good night sleep?"
The dreams have been
happening for months now, ever night you wake up at the same time, unable to fall back asleep
and it is really starting to get to you. You even thinking about seeing a doctor if it dose not stop.
I should visit Rhea, maybe her fine ass will cheer me up. She should be at work
soon, ya that's right, at apple bees down the block. I think I will visit her there. Its not like
laying here is going to do me any good."

You look around your room. To the south is your closet were you keep all your clothes, next to it is
the door out of your room. By the west wall is your Flat screen T.V with a xbox 360 hooked up to it.
To your right is a cabinet where you keep most of your junk, and your bed is under you. There is a
window in the east wall.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2013, 05:15:00 am »

Change into street clothes, find wallet and get going!

((P.S. Looks good AKQ!))

Harry Baldman

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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2013, 08:13:31 am »

After he is done crying his heart out, Ezekiel composes himself, though there is obviously no one around to see him. He takes one last look at the dead body of Clare, and though the senseless tragedy was one he could only blame himself for, he can't help but smile.

"At least you're in a better place now, Clare. Better than here, at least," he thinks hopefully. And if she isn't, then, whether that schmuck was the Grim Reaper or not, words, fists and knives would be exchanged.

He walks into his closet and pulls out a very convincing set of spectral representations of his own clothing. There was the suit, of course. And his coat. After putting them on, he looks in a mirror.

He notices the prominent bullet hole in his ghostly forehead, the unfortunate mark left by the defining moment of his short life.

"Hm. Can't have that. Gotta look good."

He sticks his hand through a shelf and pulls out his largest, most distracting hat, then puts it on. It's kind of tacky, but it works well enough.

Listen in to the police's conversation. If it's anything interesting, keep listening. If not, step out of the room and into the hallway.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2013, 02:37:00 pm »

"Aah, damnit!" Jackson says as he struggles to get some slacks on. The button-down shirt and hip holster go on next.

Stepping out of his bedroom after a quick grooming session, he walks into the kitchen and pours himself a quick cup of coffee before he notices his daughter in the dining room.

"Got work today, hun?" He says as he moves to stand next to her. "I've got to get to the department, someone tried to kill the chief. I could drop you off, if you like."

Get coat, prepare to leave. Wait for Rhea.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The king lost his golden pantaloons, go find them.
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #19 on: January 30, 2013, 10:08:25 pm »

I will start writing the next turn as soon as Tiruin post is action.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #20 on: January 31, 2013, 07:01:01 am »

It was one of these days where you'd wish the time before morning lasted forever. The usual calm of the time between night and day giving a solemn, serene feeling, keeping you up and ecstatic for what is to come.

Something new, perhaps. This should be.

'...The frost of dawn was the only thing keeping me up for the day. The sunrise,always such a blessing to see it in its full beauty. Made a promise to draw it one day, off from work. Something special this time, just to show him that I l-'

Rhea stopped writing as she heard footsteps coming nearer to the kitchen and stowed her entry away in her bag as she returned to finishing her meal she had cooked earlier- always prepared ready for the family as was her style for work.

"Morning Dad," she said as he entered the room and poured the usual cup of coffee, "Work is in an hour, so I guess I'll come with you. How's the case this time?"

She inferred any case it would be would be cut short in the trip along the way, but it was still nice to chat with someone you care about, if only everything else in life didn't get in the way.

Get ready for work and accept the offer for a ride along the way!

('is? :P
Also, it's 'To' when referring to the direction of an object in reference to the viewer. 'Too' is a whole different thing. ^^)
« Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 07:02:51 am by Tiruin »


  • Bay Watcher
  • The king lost his golden pantaloons, go find them.
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2013, 05:00:48 am »

Day one: Turn 1

Alec Morgand

Change into street clothes, find wallet and get going!
You manage get yourself out of bed despite the heavy bags under your eyes weighing you down. You
then take a pair of baggy black pants and a red T-shirt, and put them on. Wanting to get going as
soon as possible, you quickly grab your wallet that was resting on your cabinet, but you find the keys
to your black Ford Mustang missing. "Shit, where did I put them this time?"

Ezekiel "Easy Money" Brown

After he is done crying his heart out, Ezekiel composes himself, though there is obviously no one around to see him. He takes one last look at the dead body of Clare, and though the senseless tragedy was one he could only blame himself for, he can't help but smile.

"At least you're in a better place now, Clare. Better than here, at least," he thinks hopefully. And if she isn't, then, whether that schmuck was the Grim Reaper or not, words, fists and knives would be exchanged.

He walks into his closet and pulls out a very convincing set of spectral representations of his own clothing. There was the suit, of course. And his coat. After putting them on, he looks in a mirror.

He notices the prominent bullet hole in his ghostly forehead, the unfortunate mark left by the defining moment of his short life.

"Hm. Can't have that. Gotta look good."

He sticks his hand through a shelf and pulls out his largest, most distracting hat, then puts it on. It's kind of tacky, but it works well enough.

Listen in to the police's conversation. If it's anything interesting, keep listening. If not, step out of the room and into the hallway.

Feeling a bit naked in your ghostly pajamas, you try to will into existences a better set of clothes for
you to wear, using the clothes in your closet as a mental guide. To your amazement, it worked. You are
now are wearing a ghostly suit with a matching coat, and a 19th century style top hat. Its all
completely pointless of course, as no one can see you, but it makes you feel better. You then decide
to listen in on the three cops conversation.

"Are you trying to say that this was not a mob hit?" Said the first cop, a short, white man, with a
balding head of brown hair and a waistline that was a few sizes to large. "If you are, you're crazy. This
is the clearest case of mob violence I have ever seen." "Clear cut my ass." Responded the second cop.
A tall, black man with blue eyes, a shaved head and a I mean business kind of look on his face."Did you
see that dead fucker down stairs?" "Ya ya, I've seen him, what about it?" Asked the first cop. "He is
wearing a ball gag, how many mob assassins wear those?" "I don't know but this wouldn't be the first
time they hired a psycho to do there dirty work." "What about the windows?" Said the black man.
"I don't need forensics here to tell me that they were broken from the inside. Breaking windows for no
reason is a very odd thing for a hitman to do." "OK then, what do you think this is Sherlock?" Said the
second cop in a sarcastic tone. "I haven't got a clue, but it sure as hell is giving me the creeps."
The third cop finally speaks up. "Can you guys compare the size of your mental dicks over breakfast,
I am starving over here." The black cop nods his head. "Ya, I could use some grub, lets go." The three
cops then leave you alone in the room.   

Jackson R. Daubs

"Aah, damnit!" Jackson says as he struggles to get some slacks on. The button-down shirt and hip holster go on next.

Stepping out of his bedroom after a quick grooming session, he walks into the kitchen and pours himself a quick cup of coffee before he notices his daughter in the dining room.

"Got work today, hun?" He says as he moves to stand next to her. "I've got to get to the department, someone tried to kill the chief. I could drop you off, if you like."

Get coat, prepare to leave. Wait for Rhea.
After going through your normal routine of getting ready for work, you walk down stairs and start
heating up a pot of water for your morning coffee. You then walk into the dinning room to sit down as
you wait for it to heat up. You notice Rhea siting at the table, eating breakfast. "Got work today, hun?"
You says as you move to stand next to her, placing your hand on her shoulder. "Morning Dad, ya work is in
a hour." She said just before taking a big bite of eggs. "Why are you up this early anyway?" "I've got
to get to the department, someone tried to kill the chief. I could drop you off at work, if you like."
"Wait, what happened, is he hurt?" "He is ok, probably just a bit shook up, that's all. Nothing to worry
about, its just part of the job." You answer . "If you say so, I am almost ready, just need to change
into my uniform." "While you do that I will go drink my coffee. God knows I need it." You then walk back
into the kitchen, finish making your coffee, and drink it before heading to your car.

Rhea E. Daubs

It was one of these days where you'd wish the time before morning lasted forever. The usual calm of the time between night and day giving a solemn, serene feeling, keeping you up and ecstatic for what is to come.

Something new, perhaps. This should be.

'...The frost of dawn was the only thing keeping me up for the day. The sunrise,always such a blessing to see it in its full beauty. Made a promise to draw it one day, off from work. Something special this time, just to show him that I l-'

Rhea stopped writing as she heard footsteps coming nearer to the kitchen and stowed her entry away in her bag as she returned to finishing her meal she had cooked earlier- always prepared ready for the family as was her style for work.

"Morning Dad," she said as he entered the room and poured the usual cup of coffee, "Work is in an hour, so I guess I'll come with you. How's the case this time?"

She inferred any case it would be would be cut short in the trip along the way, but it was still nice to chat with someone you care about, if only everything else in life didn't get in the way.

Get ready for work and accept the offer for a ride along the way!
After your conversation with your dad, you go up to your room and put on your black Applebees
T-shirt, along with black pants and your name tag. You then grab your purse and your smartphone, and
head out the door. After you get into the passengers seat and buckle your seat belt, your dad
starts the engine. Then he drives out of the drive way, heading to the Applebees you worked at.

( Note, you and Pufferfish will automatically get to Applebees next turn. Feel free to write a
conversation in the car, or what you will do when you get there. )

Character Status

Spoiler: Jackson R. Daubs (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Rhea E. Daubs (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Alec Morgand (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2013, 06:07:15 am »

"They gotta be around here somewhere..."

Rummage around a little bit, if found get driving. If not, head out on foot.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2013, 08:18:03 am »

"So I was bumped off by a gang of freaks. Good to know, I guess?"

Easy heads out of the room and goes down the upstairs hallway, not bothering to look inside the kids' rooms. He knew what he'd find there, and he didn't have the heart to look. Not now, not later.

He tries to distance himself from the happenings in the house by getting into an inquisitive frame of mind. So, freaks and psychopaths did this. But whose freaks and psychopaths?

Look for dead freaks and psychopaths that did this. Examine them for any markings of identity I might recognize.


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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #24 on: February 01, 2013, 12:43:33 pm »

Jackson shifts around uncomfortably in the driver's seat. That hip holster always dug right into his side when driving.

"So, honey, how are you and Alec doing? I haven't seen him over in a few days." He says, trying to stir up conversation. He didn't particularly like her boyfriend, but he isn't a terrible guy. Not like some of the people with whom he's had to deal with. Not like Ezekiel.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #25 on: February 02, 2013, 02:12:49 am »

Next turn will be tonight if someone who shall remain nameless, cough...Tiruin....cough..., posts his action.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #26 on: February 02, 2013, 03:55:25 am »

"So, honey, how are you and Alec doing? I haven't seen him over in a few days." He says, trying to stir up conversation. He didn't particularly like her boyfriend, but he isn't a terrible guy. Not like some of the people with whom he's had to deal with. Not like Ezekiel.

((This cannot end well for me.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #27 on: February 02, 2013, 06:22:50 am »

Next turn will be tonight if someone who shall remain nameless, cough...Tiruin....cough..., posts his action.
((As the other high school girl attempt I say "Come on Tiruin."))
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #28 on: February 02, 2013, 06:40:01 am »

((I was waiting on puff :P))
"So, honey, how are you and Alec doing? I haven't seen him over in a few days." He says, trying to stir up conversation. He didn't particularly like her boyfriend, but he isn't a terrible guy. Not like some of the people with whom he's had to deal with. Not like Ezekiel.

((This cannot end well for me.))
((Its called Dramatic tension ^^))

"I'm sure he's as busy as always Dad, don't be worried. I can handle myself." Rhea replied, adjusting herself in the seat, "So...another case, huh?"

Await destination and chat!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #29 on: February 02, 2013, 06:59:15 am »

((I was waiting on puff :P))
"So, honey, how are you and Alec doing? I haven't seen him over in a few days." He says, trying to stir up conversation. He didn't particularly like her boyfriend, but he isn't a terrible guy. Not like some of the people with whom he's had to deal with. Not like Ezekiel.

((This cannot end well for me.))
((Its called Dramatic tension ^^))
((No, it's called being screwed.))
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