I began telling the story of how the outpost Rocklod met its demise, about how I was trapped during the invasion and about how the goblins already had left when I finally managed to dig my way out.
At this point Brewster had already gone through half a barrel of ale and began pouring his third mug of rum.
I countinued with attempting to describe the hardships I had experienced during my many days of traveling, Brewster claimed that it was a 2 week trip for a full expedition with packanimals and seemed suprised that I managed the enitire trip on my own. As I got to the part about Blackgate I attempted to withheld some of the information that could some how compromise my current situation.
Brewster seemed to have read my intentions quite accuratly and began talking about the fort while repeadatly spilling his drinks on me.
- Aye, that be the warden ya shaw for shure. Ya now that Shilwerdrop ish quite a shucceshful fort arright? Here ya could make a fortune in a week...if ure the right dorf that ish. The richer thish plashe got the more migrantsh came here lookin' for a better life, and shoon there wash too many of em' buggersh. At firsht the nobelsh wanted to do like them shouthern dorfsh, jusht shticking all the migrantsh in a hole with goblinsh and wolvesh and all kinda horrible shtuff. The intershting part 'bout the way 'em shoutern dorfsh do thingsh ish that only one of 'em ish allowed to leave, so letsh say theyve killed all the bad shtuff then they gotta kill eachother eh.
* Brewster misses his mouth and pours a mug of ale into his beard*
-Well...then there wash thish other guy who had a better idea, letsh not washte any good dorfsh who can work! or somethin' he shaid. Hish plan wash to have the migrantsh work for free and givin' them a room and a bit-o food in return, in the end he managed to convinshe the othersh. But his plan washnt perfect...pretty shoon some migranth got mad and started a riot. The guy wash killed in the riot...but thish is where shtuff got bad...before anyone coud react the warden had taken over the whole operathion. Shome even claim he shtarted the riot. With the fortsh garde behind him and a noble title he was untouchable, what more ish that he abushed hish military powersh to forbid the dorfsh under his rule from leavin'.
*To add effect to the last statement Brewster slams the table with his halffull mug, filling the air around us with hundreds of tiny ale-drops.*
Realizing his mistake Brewster throws me a handkerchief that that look like it might've been chewed on by a dog or something. He throws it quite poorly and misses by multiple urists.
As I pick it up from the floor I realize that I've been presented with a golden opportunity to clean my beard, as I manage to scrape off the last piece I quickly shoot a quick stare in Brewster's direction. Seems like he didn't notice.
He also appears to have lost all interest in the story as he is now putting together a complicated drink with as much precision as a miner tunneling under magma, many of the bottles contained liquids which I couldn't even identify. One second he is pouring in some milkwhite spirit surrounded by the air of a crisp wintermorning and then the next he's putting a deep brown rum ablaze. While we had been talking it seemed like some people had left the brewery, Onil & Okod were nowhere to be found aswell as Merud ad Lora. Razor had sunken deep into his ale and it was hard to tell if he was sleeping or not. Must be getting late...
I felt tempted to go for another drink but as my funds are quite limited to say the least perhaps I should head back home instead?
Do we go for another round of drinks, keep on asking people about stuff, go back to the room or head to some other part of the fort?
Oh and I forgot to say this earlier but Tevish you're fckn brilliant, your analyses are almost always spot on. Either my storytelling is very predictable or you've got some skill.