Why, hello, there, fine gentlemen! I couldn't help but notice a distinct dearth of Mount and Blade mods on this subforum. Well, hunger no longer for the sweet flesh of your enemies! We'll be playing a mod called Blood and Steel, a rather large departure from the original Warband. So, let's fire it up and get ready for some pretty damned massive adventures! A word of warning, though, for the screenshots are going to be massive.
Welcome to Blood and Steel!
Welcome to Blood and Steel again! This page lists a couple of the differences between BaS and Warband, as well as some of the decisions you'll be making.
Like your gender!
And your class! I'll give you a brief summary of each class, as it would be tedious to do it through screenshots:
Condottieres are basically mercenary leaders. They start out with good gear, good skills and lots of troops, so they're for more casual runs.
Merchants start out with lots of gold, and good trading skills, however your combat stats aren't as good as the other classes. Good for more peaceful runs, but who needs peace? Hippies, that's who!
Barbarians start out with great combat skills and a good weapon, but not much else. I assume your charisma and intelligence aren't all that great, and that'll hinder you if you choose this class.
Sergeants start out with decent gear and some troops, but no money or food. The lords of the land like you better as a sergeant, and you get a bonus when hiring non-mercenary troops. Don't know what kind, though.
Brigands start with decent stats, mediocre gear and a slightly negative reputation with just about everyone.
Peasant Revolutionaries are in a word, shit. The aristocracy hates your guts, your gear and stats sucks, so be prepared for a hard time if you choose this one. However, it does have its upsides. You start with above-average intelligence and a status as a man of the people.
And, second-to-finally...
please choose normal