No, I mean hundreds of seeds. We want the spread them out, so that a single strike can't decapitate us, whether it's from Maher, Grahuafglkiabjlafkv, or the EoT. Also, we aren't forcing them to worship us, just hard wiring them genetically to worship us. That way we can only really die via the extinction of the stems. And if we grow them in that number then we do have instant armies, which we may need in the future, plus then we can theoretically overpower every other species/god on the planet...and then move onto others from there.
If we do go this route we may want to have them grow with a sword, that way when they come up in enemy territory they have a weapon, and it also eases logistics on our end. Further, we may want to harden the seeds against the extremes of temperature, moisture, allow them to survive long periods of drought or flood via biostasis, as well as extremes of pressure and high radiation dosages (Of the lethal variety, of course).
All this is just for starters, of course.
And as far as spreading them, we may be able to enlist the help of our air powered friends to kick up some high winds for seed spreading.
EDIT: This is, of course, something meant to be done in the mid-term, as well as giving them souls/free will(to a degree)/sentience, thus allowing us to solve both our army and worshiper issues.