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Author Topic: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...  (Read 85840 times)


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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #240 on: February 23, 2013, 08:13:14 pm »

"At least you have your priorities in order.... I have invested a great deal of my power in you.
Overthrowing the Local Head of a Squiddle family should do fine, then taking any opposition to be Sacrificed. Considering how they were the first to enslave your people like common animals."

Ukrainian Ranger

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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #241 on: February 25, 2013, 09:20:22 am »

Vanida was vulnerable, all her strenght went into the war with Az-Sho, she had no ability to counter Thaneos. Even if she had some strength, she wouldn't act against the father of giants because she cared for humans way more than for the mutated creatures of the snake. She hoped that their armies will clash, while her sisters will be able to survive, by either hiding, running away from the continent or accepting inquisition demands

Then the Spider approached her with a just demand, surrounded by her children Vanida appeared before it

"I am a refugee Sabt-Gogo. And I need your planet as a temporary shelter. I am ready to leave it as soon as you order, as I am not invader but a guest. I ask you to give me a bit of time to gather strength, before I return to Murate's world with revenge. Meanwhile I promise you to care about your beautiful planet
War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #242 on: February 25, 2013, 10:19:20 am »

The Spider regarded the small goddess with its many ethereal eyes.

Guests are invited, Sabt Golgo said. You were not. Nevertheless, I have no ill will towards you, alluring one. I will still ask you to leave this world - in exchange, I would be glad to host you at the Spider's Ring, where you could teach among my children, who know little of your ways. You would be much safer there - the petty creatures on the planet will not dare to strike against their Elders.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!

Ukrainian Ranger

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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #243 on: February 25, 2013, 10:44:04 am »

Vanida smiled. She never trusted the spider or any other elder gods, but that offer was interesting

" Your offer is just and generous. But why do you want me to teach inhabitants of the ring, while other gods seem to hate words I spread among mortals? And what about my guardians, children of that filthy worm? Even if they are pathetic continuation of a pathetic creature I can't leave them here, alone as they are tied to me and thus I hold responsibility for their fate
War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #244 on: February 25, 2013, 10:53:18 am »

The Spider sent out a mental pulse of amusement.

They are like children, fighting over scraps and unfortunate mortals when the whole of creation is theirs to command. They cannot see beyond the walls of their little world - but perhaps the Ring blinds them, in that. It keeps them safe from the dangers of the Void, at least. Share your words, young one! I would welcome it! I care for my children, but I am not of mortals. They would be glad for any new life closer to theirs in the Ring. Your wyrms will be safe here.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!

Ukrainian Ranger

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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #245 on: February 25, 2013, 11:37:03 am »

Vanida laughed

"So true. So true. They act like kings, like mortal kings, reducing themselves to that level. It's hard for me to understand motivation of an elder being like you, but I hope we can help each other. I am created by mortals and see my mission to aid mortals. All mortals. Without turning them against other deities. I gladly accept your offer Spider. My guardians will protect your planet from any being except me and you. And I will teach your  people on the ring

And Vanida flew to the ring, to take her usual form of an alluring redheaded women. She spent her time teaching shapeshifters arts of seduction and beauty. They learned how to gift pleasure, how to guess tastes of the partner and chose a right appearance and how to seduce using poetry, art or dance. The only thing she never did (while being very tempted to) She never laid with any mortal, remembering all unpleasing effects of her two childbirths. She decided that if she will ever give birth to anyone else, it will be someone very special.

Free( I assume): Spend time with the inhabitants of the ring, teaching them art of seduction without direct "contact"
War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.


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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #246 on: February 25, 2013, 12:29:39 pm »

 Feros sensed a being he had not seen before as Vanida approached the ring. But he saw no more of her as his gaze was drawn to the falling Shattered. Beings of madness incarnate, over which he felt himself to preside. he turned to them as they fell, and spoke to them.
 'Fallen ones, I would speak with you. The fires in you burn strong, but unclear. Worship me, and I may help you to see yourselves truly in time.'
My dreams are not unlike yours - they long for the safety, and break like a glass chandelier.
But there's laughter and oh there is love, just past the edge of our fears.
And there's chaos when push comes to shove, but it's music to my ears.


Digital Hellhound

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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #247 on: February 26, 2013, 11:32:41 am »

Satisfied, Sabt Golgo left the young goddess to her own devices. Watching her with the Mirrorborn would be insightful to her personality and mindset, no doubt. But first - she was still sore from the battle with Neyravah. She had not been prepared for such a combat, but she could not rely solely on the dwarven demigod. Next time, the Spider would have to be faster. There was still much power welling up inside of her, and she did not wish it to go to waste.

Receding into a lonely corner of the Ring, far away from Vanida and the Mirrorborn that crowded around her, Sabt Golgo began to create. Spinning the raw stuff of creation into motion and wrapping them around her astral, faintly-glowing chelicerae - the mandibles many of the small creatures in her image on the planet possessed as well. They trapped their prey with potent venoms and paralyzing substances before devouring them, and so would she.

The poison would be fast and potent, boiling the gods' blood and burning through their bodies from the inside-out. Even a drop of it would dissolve any mortal instantly, but using it on them would be like using Sychasis to kill a fly anyway. This time, no god would catch her off-guard...


Mighty Act: Sabt Golgo creates a potent poison in her mandibles to use in battle.

This is in addition to the Life Act earlier.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #248 on: February 26, 2013, 01:02:40 pm »

The Great Phoenix felt the disturbance across the Aether as the Overgod set to work. Though it had only recently emerged, for long it had observed, observed as the previous holder of the office was put down like a rabid dog for their instability and how the frivolous deity of frost who inherited the office seemed to waste its awesome powers. Indeed, when it pierced the veil and raised the crystalline spire, it did so already expecting them to clash; however, such a fortuitous waste of their divine energy, not even he could have expected.

Seizing the opportunity and knowing full well that it wouldn't be long until the overdeity was forced to sleep the effort off, which would make disposing of it all the harder, Aodun seizes the opportunity and, with divine haste, surprises the exhausted Overgod, engulfing him in the very fires to which the once Elder God born from cold was most susceptible to, burning his divine essence to fuel the flames of The Lawgiver.

Weapon: Fires of Creation [2 Mighty Acts]


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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #249 on: February 26, 2013, 02:05:01 pm »

The Great Jungles

Sweat ran down his neck as he watched the huge Fangdrake Mother slowly prowl onto the cleaing. 6 Months ago they had entered this godforsaken jungle, led by their Godking himself. A Holy Crusade to redress the balance, to bring vengeance upon their former mortal enemies. It should hav ebeen a short and glorious Campaign. It hadn't been. Once they had entered the Jungles they had to deal with more than just Drakes. It seemed the very jungle itself wanted to kill them. Half his batallion had died in the first three weeks of illness and poisonous bites. They were caught up in the Jungle losing men day by day to horrible diseases. And at night, ambushes of Clawdrake packs. When they got deeper the Supply Trains suddenly got under attack or went missing. 6 months of Green Hell. Gren, was half-starved, wrecked by dysentrey and tired as he had never been in his life...yet somehow he was still alive. The Fangdrake moved closer to her nest and finally found what disturbed her...her young where dead.

"NOW!" Twenty half-dead Dwarves charged at the Beast. 15 Would make it. And Gren Garnsson would go into history as the dwarf who killed the last living Fangdrake.

The Coast, 15 Days later

Omud watched the advancing line of yet indistinguishable shapes on the horizon with a knot in his gut. The Attacks of the Drakes which were usual in springtime had stopped altogether. The Elders had wondered what was going on even more so that Murders of Flitdrakes had risen over the jungle constantly, something had been going on in the Jungles. When Young Ingrid had come back to the Staedding screaming about black shapes on the horizon the Dwarves had done what they always had. All had been brought inside the sturdy little familyhold. It was one of several hundred along the coast, most of them in plain view of each other. Each bearing two or three-hundred dwarves, these small fortresses were built to last the attacks of Fangdrakes and during the last few decades, darker things.  The Children and the Old had been sent via the Tunnels to Familholds far more to the south. What remained of the Skrengrad-Clan were a hundred able-bodied determined dwarves, armed with bows and axes of bronze and Seaspawn-fangs, as well as 20 Battle-Slaves. As the line came closer however old Omud felt cold sweat on his hands. The handle of his bow almost felt slick. If it were Drakes they would be able to sit them out but if it were, Ancestors forbid, Shades, they would be doomed, they and the Karngrads and the Jomgrads and a dozen more Familyholds on this part of the coast. Finally the line came close enough to disinguish the shapes. Shouts of Surprise and unnbelief filled the Air. A constant rising volume of confused chatter over it all.

"Shut up!" the Dwarves went silent again. Advancing on them were too many Dwarves to count. Armed in Shining Metal of unkown making, wearing trophies of killed Claw- and Fangdrakes. Thousands of them. Omud reeled with the sheer numbers coming closer. The line stretching even to three more Familyholds stopped just and Arrowshot away.

A Single Dwarf stepped forward, missing an arm, wearing armors and weapons more magnificent than anything Omud Skengrad had ever seen stepped forward. He felt teh gaze of the Dwarf on him even from this distance. Omud shot and arrow directly between the feet of the dwarf.

" That is close enough! Who are you?"

THe Dwarven Crusade successfully annihilates all of the Fangdrakes and most of the Clawdrakes (except for a few dozen)
They lose however over 4000 Dwarves in the process.
The Dwarven Army is now dubbed "Drakehunters" (+1 Bonus at fighting Supernatural Beings, +1 in Jungle Fights)


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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #250 on: February 26, 2013, 02:51:27 pm »

The Man stood there quietly for a moment and raised his only hand, motioning all around him.

"I am the King and Father of all the dwarves you see behind me. I came to save them from Drakes. And to save you."

He dropped his hand.

"I want to help you too, and rejoin you with our kin. The dark figures you see molesting you? I can defeat them. I already made their master go away. I only need your word that you desire to rejoin the dwarfkind. There are no alternatives."
Udil did not hesitate to put emphasis on the last words, lowering his voice He clearly looked like He meant what he said.


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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #251 on: February 26, 2013, 03:06:00 pm »

The Coast, Skengrad Clanhold

Omud was silent for a moment. The Dwarf who spoke he emitted an aura of authority, of power...incredible power. When he spoke all was silent. He considered for a moment.

"Let me speak with the other Clanholds."

3 Days later a congregation of Fifty Clanhold Chiefs knelt before Udil Dragonslayer...

Meanwhile, The Coast, Erengrad Clanhold, 30 Miles North

The Clanhold was used to attacks from packs of Clawdrakes and the occasional bold Fangdrake and its walls and roofs were sturdy. However when the Nelkathar came upon them, even the mighty masonry couldn't resist its claws.

In Panic the Dwarves rush deeper into their hold into places even the Dragon cannot enter, a singel Dwarf however, armed in Bronze with a sword from Seaspawn-Fangs squares off the Dragon.
"I am Irud Erengrad, Elder of this Hold. What do you want beast?"

« Last Edit: February 26, 2013, 04:06:11 pm by Ghazkull »


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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #252 on: February 26, 2013, 03:25:56 pm »

"I am Nelkathar first of Dragons. I am here to free the Seaspawn. They are free thinking brings same as you or I." Nelkathar bares it's fangs. "So what will it be Dwarf?
« Last Edit: February 26, 2013, 03:35:57 pm by Vgray »


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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #253 on: February 26, 2013, 03:47:27 pm »

Feros saw the last fangdrake fall. And he saw not only a loss, but an opportunity. He spoke to it's slayer, Gren Garnsson.
'And as the old way falls, a new will rise, and the strong prevail. Such is the way of the willds. Now I ask you, do you forsake them or embrace them? Do you relish the hunt and the change, or do you long for stasis and perpetuality? If it is the latter, i can do no more for you. If the former however....... I would speak with you.....'
My dreams are not unlike yours - they long for the safety, and break like a glass chandelier.
But there's laughter and oh there is love, just past the edge of our fears.
And there's chaos when push comes to shove, but it's music to my ears.



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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #254 on: February 27, 2013, 12:21:18 pm »

Erengard Clanhold

"Of course they are free-thinking, and good workers and we need their claws against those shades. And i will not have my Clan die neither to you beast, nor later to shades in the night!"

Gren Garnsson

"I serve the Father of the Dwarves, Appariton! I will not betray him."


Years had passed since the First Crusade and the Cult of the Wanderer had stopped its aggressive attacks and tried more peaceful converting methods in the North. The City States themselves were fighting among each other as usual and so nobody was prepared when more than five thousand Children stood before Carth, mightiest of the City States of Eversummer. Inside the Main Seat of Vanidas Faith. 500 Red Sisters, 100 Black Sisters and 100 Grey Brothers along the Cities Guards facing down an enemy outnumbering them five to one. The Siege was shortlived, in teh confusion of Dragonborn Air Raids the Gates were opened and the Sisters put the sword, Carth burned in the Flames of the Righteous. In the great History Books it would be written down that Aurik Flameborn would wade knee-deep in the boiling Blood of the White Sisters meeting the kneeling First Sister (and incidentally the Daughter of Vanidas first Propher) and finally drowning her in the Blood of her Sisters, offering her to Az-Sho.
The word of the Fall of Carth spread far and wide and the City States and Vanida's Faith mustered 8000 Soldiers to meet the Crusade. Down on the Fields of Carth the biggest battle in the History of the World so far would be fought, survivors describing it as a unprecedented Blood Bath. Of the Sisters only a meagre one and a half thousand would escape the battlefield, most of them not even sisters but Grey Brothers. The Sisterhood was broken. And while the Crusade stood victorious, it suffered a Phyrric Victory. It's Ashborn Auxiliaries were all but annihilated, a few hundred remaining, the Proud Dragonborn reduced to fifty survivors and half the Smoulderborn lay dead on the Fields of Carth.
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