Hello, Bay12ers. I've had an quite awesome idea today.
Certain people could be blessed or cursed by gods or demons to have their power [physical, mental, magical, life or anything else] tied to various kind of sources.
I've thought about some examples:
*Existance of an object: The individual's power is tied directly to the existance and/or safety of some object, be it an artifact lead grate or an ordinary microline earring.
*Life of another being: Like the previous, but the life of another being as the source this time. The current health of the other being is what controls the individual's power.
*The existance of a entire species: The power come from the whole word population of some specie. It could be something common, like deers, humans, carps or something epic like dragons. This could lead to cool storylines like someone with this curse/bless siding with dragons for his own safety.
*Eating or drinking something daily/monthly/yearly: Much like the current vampires does, but not only for blood. It could be anything edible, from plump helmet to demon's meat.
This is it for now, but such idea could always be expanded with more blesses/curses or with scenarios that could arise with this.
And I'm not even sorry about my bad english this time.