Sadly, he got kicked out a good amount of time before the war started. So he can't say anything about any weaknesses that are current. He does ramble on about how they are too chickenshit to perform "real" magic, but that's for another time.
This guy is amusing, though. He spent 3 hours yelling at a chicken before transforming it in a skeleton that still lays eggs.
You are right in your assumption that teleportation is dangerous around interdimensional portals. You tap into a nearby universe and pop out using the shorter distance between two points. When there's one in the way....
Results aren't pretty.
Unfortunately, only your necromancer can create those, and the gates release some NASTY demons. You don't want to mess with those. These aren't the garden variety parasitic type you met before.
Also, you stop your hit and runs on groups of wizards. You personally deal with things now. It makes for great public relations to grab a wizard by his shoulders, then releasing him, then rotting him a little bit.
They run off with a nasty infection, and you hazard a guess that the gangrene will kill at least a few. Stories of a summoned demon are doing rounds after a few attack too.
More and more have locked themselves inside the wizard's biggest base, and you are gaining ground due to the assassins officially joining due to a wizard counter-attack.
I takes about two days, and then everything is in there. Wizards are honestly too squishy to fight alone. It's kinda sad.
They have to be desperate now...
They are all inside a huge mansion, and it's being defended around the clock by all manner of magical defenses.The windows have shields over them. Guessing from the lack of visible wizards though, they must be planning something big.
HP: 20/20
Status: Solid form
Ways of doing damage: Poison Claws. Fangs. missile
Evil: 3/25
Bases: Underground complex inside city, tower, large temple.
Cult members: ? (fluctuations tend to happen during infighting.
Underlings :Goblin tribe. Basic workers(around 30? of them)
Inventory: Artifact amulet, Sweeter protective clothing, 405 gold pieces
Party: Seum and you
Inventory: 305 gold pieces, basic weaponry, rapier.
Way of travel: Portal to Seum.
Vessel empowerment.
Rot missile
Passive abilities
Empowering presence
Necrotic air
Cult supplies
Weapons and armor, Hammer of the Avatar. Basic food supplies, 40000 coins. A werewolf, magical lewt you have no clue what to do with.
Poisonous animals.
Rotten fruits, Deathrot (of all kinds, poison, alchemy and home defense), goblin weaponry on occasions, cheap man-power