No. It's just the average dwarven butcher. If you want an idea of what he looks like, just look up pudge. Find the most scary picture you can find of him and amplify the disgustingness and add moving wounds and stitches alongside a constant shadow almost covering him.
Guerrilla warfare is fine and all, but it relies upon superior knowledge of terrain, so it's not the easiest to do. Still, Mongoose knew some basic things. What you're doing is more of an outlasting thing.
The crossbows prove to be very effective, though. But they were too expensive to equip everyone with, so your strike teams have a few each, and just trade them out during the switches.
Basically, the ganks are working out great, at first. Later on, they become careful and hire some protection services alongside some protection from arrows spells.
Then, of course, the second part of your plan started.
It might be rather primitive, but throwing rocks proves to be more effective then thought. It helps that the rocks are pretty large. Putting rods down makes combat easier... All in all, you can beat a group of wizards in a straight-up fight. So, currently, they are just holed up inside their base.
The assassin guild came through on their killing of the leader, too! They have a succession line in place, but panic has to be gripping them now. Your appearances as Mongoose also fuels the rumor that Mongoose took control of the cult.
In the end, it now becomes a turf war. The same guy that gave you a bad map attacked the map with crayons, to show the territory.
How are you going to perform the last bit?
HP: 20/20
Status: Solid form
Ways of doing damage: Poison Claws. Fangs. missile
Evil: 3/25
Bases: Underground complex inside city, tower, large temple.
Cult members: ? (fluctuations tend to happen during infighting.
Underlings :Goblin tribe. Basic workers(around 30? of them)
Inventory: Artifact amulet, Sweeter protective clothing, 405 gold pieces
Party: Seum and you
Inventory: 305 gold pieces, basic weaponry, rapier.
Way of travel: Portal to Seum.
Vessel empowerment.
Rot missile
Passive abilities
Empowering presence
Necrotic air
Cult supplies
Weapons and armor, Hammer of the Avatar. Basic food supplies, 40000 coins. A werewolf.
Poisonous animals.
Rotten fruits, Deathrot (of all kinds, poison, alchemy and home defense), goblin weaponry on occasions, cheap man-power