Welp this is boring. Time to mess with folk.
Trying to find the underground was not hard at all, seeing how it's clearly marked. It's government funded in this town, which makes no fucking sense. screw these cats, honestly. How are you ever going to figure out what's considered bad here!
Still, you don't see any actual stoners on the streets. So that's probably kept private? Who knows.
If you wanna get these purring assholes to get mentally unstable, mission accomplished, they basically are. Just not in the way that's useful to you, 'ain't that a bitch.
Prostitutes don't interest you, as you don't even have a penis. You're an angry ball of smoke condensed in a snake-man, so why would you reproduce that way, even.
You just sit down next to Seum again and conjure up some illusionary bodies nearby.
Then the agonizing waiting. GODS DAMN IT YOU HATE IT HERE.
With your most recent groan of irritation, Seum wakes up.
He pulls himself upright and quickly notices the bodies. He doesn't look shocked or angry, just kind of tired. He waves a hand in irritation
Remove the illusions, please.H-how' you even! GAAAAAAAARH. THIS IS THE MOST FRUSTRATING TIME IN MY LIFE!You're kinda petty, you know that?If I want you dead I only need to wait a good fifty years.Cute. Ae you allowed to be here?A guard enters the room with an annoyed expression at your being here. He silently gestures you to get out. Specifically through the window.
He somehow seemed surprised when you actually did it. You smoke and reform on the street below.
Now what?
Name:Odd Tourist
HP: 20/25
Status: Solid form
Currently using: steel-reinforced leather armor, steel bracers
Ways of doing damage: Poison Claws. Fangs. missile
Evil: 0/25
Bases: Underground complex inside city, tower, large temple.
Cult members: 68
Underlings :Goblin tribe. Basic workers(around 30? of them
Inventory: Artifact amulet, Sweeter protective clothing, 405 gold pieces, two firebombs
Party: Seum and you
Inventory: 567 gold pieces, basic weaponry, rapier,antique dragon-sword.
Way of travel: Portal to Seum or priestess, Undead horses.
Vessel empowerment.
Rot missile
Passive abilities
Empowering presence
Necrotic air
Cult supplies
Weapons and armor, Hammer of the Avatar. Basic food supplies, 3900 coins. A werewolf, magical loot Seven dwarves.
Poisonous animals.
Rotten fruits, Deathrot , goblin weaponry on occasions, cheap man-power