Here is my own vote count list, although it is not nearly as well put together as GWG's list. However, I mostly scanned the thread for bolded votes, as I interpreted those as holding weight.
Knock on houses, chat with people. Catch up, socialize, maybe get exposition? - GWG, -Javierpwn, -Randomino
Converse with general shop kiosk owner about the underside, customers he has in the area, and maybe selling stuff through consignment through him. - Flabort, -Javierpwn, -Randomino (-1)
Switch to Al. - Elephant Parade -Javierpwn, -Randomino (-1)
Talons WolfVisit Go Visit Auntie - Toaster, Talonis Wolf, NAV, Javierpwn, (4)
Cerol Lenslens - Bloodshape Ciro Drill? - Cerol Lenslens, NAV, laularukyrumo, Furtuka, Randomino, Elephant Parade, Fractalpwn, Redwarrior0, -GWG, - Toaster, -Javierpwn, - Randomino (4)
Release the glowing bug thing from it's jar, and then try shaping something we probably can't shape, like another jar. When we inevitably fail, try catching some of our own blood in the jar. - Flabort, -Javierpwn, -Randomino (-1)
Adding Menacing Blood Spikes to the Bartering Ram - Eotyrannus, Birdy51, -Toaster, -Javierpwn, -Randomino (-1)
Using the Astral Influx on an ally - Flameboy99, GWG, Elephant Parade?, -Draco1234, -Javierpwn, -Randomino (0)
Stop and smell the flowers - Furtuka, Darkpaladin109, -Javierpwn, -Randomino (0)
Become the voices in Al's Head - Eotyrannus, -Javierpwn, -Randomino (-1)
SWORDCHUCKS - Ainalater, Lyleos, -GWG, -Toaster,-Javierpwn, -Randomino (-2)
DRILLCHUCKS - Redwarrior0, -GWG, -Toaster, -Javierpwn, -Randomino (-3)
DRILLWHIPCHAKUSWORD-LAUNCHER - Javierpwn, Lyleos, Flabort, Elephant Parade, Furtuka, Xanmyral, NAV, sjm9876, Ainalater, -Fractalman, -GWG, -Toaster, -Javierpwn, -Randomino (4)
Bloodshape Ladder - Lord Slowpoke, Mego, GWG, Ainalater, - Toaster, -Javierpwn, -Randomino (1)
do current suggested bloodshaping action while on the move to do current practical suggestion.? - Flabort, -Toaster, -Javierpwn, -Randomino (-3)
We must blood ship little Al so that he can perform a combo attack with it! - Birdy51, -GWG, -Toaster, -Javierpwn, -Randomino(-3)
Bloodshape a mouse - Elephant Parade, Birdy51, Shadowhammer, -Toaster, -Javierpwn, -Randomino (0)
Ciro: Try bloodshaping a bloody harry, and if you can manage it, some kind of spiked shoes or something for goombess. - Ochita, -Toaster, -Javierpwn, -Randomino (-2)
+1 Blood Clot Football/Blitzball - Fniff, LordSlowpoke, -Javierpwn, -Randomino (0)
Regardless, Auntie was the clear winner, with shenanigans with bloodshaping drill-chuck thing whatevers being second.