Respawn. Summon Godzilla.
[2] No Godzilla for you!
Become the god of confectioneries
[6] You become the God of Dessert, but you also become the Desert of Gods. Each other god wants a piece of the pie, naturally enough. Respawn?
Ragnarok: Burst out of Cheesecake like a confectionary-hating Kool-Aid man.
[1] You turn into Kool-Aid.
Respawn on the Serenity.
[2] You respawn in deep space. Respawn?
Eh. Want to go harass some mortals?
[6] "Sure. Hey, I heard that you had gone mortal..." Before you can explain that that was Ivalos and not you, or even come up with an explanation that doesn't reek of convenient-good-twin, [1v4] Nyarlothotep breaks its splorch on you.
Do cabin boy things. And be added to character list.
Claim the new universe as my own. Call it InsanityIncarnate's Universe for future reference.
Create anti-universe explosives. Test them on the original universe.
[2v5] Cheesecake doesn't let you claim or rename him. Poor CheesecakeIncarnate. [3] You generate some bombs and [3] they blow up an outlying star cluster.
The new universe is me. I name it Cheesecake.
Avenge the eaten Cheesecake.
The new universe is me. I name it Cheesecake.
Avenge the eaten Cheesecake.
Luckily for CI, Cheesecake wasn't specific.
Gehen Sie zu einem Bewohnten Planeten im der Cheesecake Galaxie. Finde heraus, wer Dort lebt.
[5] You locate a planet of black-shelled three-finned jellyfish with many genders and psionic hypnosis. Their government is a declining meritocracy, and their culture is something like the Aztecs. Their technology is roughly equal to what Earth had towards the end of WWI.