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Author Topic: Looter's Delight: Considering Revival  (Read 275576 times)


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Re: Looter's Delight: An Adventure with Treasure! MAPS!
« Reply #1905 on: June 02, 2013, 06:55:13 pm »

Spoiler: Found it (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: June 02, 2013, 07:46:03 pm by Xantalos »
Sig! Onol
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((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Looter's Delight: An Adventure with Treasure! MAPS!
« Reply #1906 on: June 02, 2013, 07:16:44 pm »

Had the better part of a turn written up, and my little bro deleted all of it because he wanted to play League of Legends on my computer. Expect one tonight, but not until I've murdered him. Maybe I'll get some loot for it...
I feel you, Wwol. Both on the little-brother-deleting-turn-to-play-game and the wanting-to-murder-little-brother bits. Don't, though, it'll just get you in trouble.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Looter's Delight: An Adventure with Treasure! A Writer is (Os)Born!
« Reply #1907 on: June 02, 2013, 07:43:10 pm »

Satisfied with food in his stomach, Evil Lucky decides to finally explore the jungle some. While walking he decides to learn some more about Aurwyn. "So... you said you was human right? How'd you get like the way you are now? You seem kinda mechanical to me... and your shorter then most people too, no offense haha. I already know what you'd do if I make you angry. Probably the same as i would hahaha."

Talk with Aurwyn some while exploring the jungle. Of course be cautious of any thing so I don't run into another thunderbird thing. As for the direction... look around if I can spot something of significance and head toward that. If nothing then just head into the opposite direction from the cave I entered through.

((Hey can you say if that map is the map of the world or not? I'd love to know where the location of things around the world are generally at.))

Aurwyn thinks for a minute before speaking.
"I don't remember MUCH. When I was human, I had a very powerful master, who gave me this BODY. When that master died, a new one took me in and gave me these POWERS. I can't remember anything else THOUGH. Not even my real NAME. 'Aurwyn' is just what's engraved on my HAND."
Sure enough, on her right hand are the letters 'A.U.R.W.Y.N'. They look almost like an acronym for something. As you walk and contemplate what they mean, you hear a wet sloshing sound above you, and look up to see the ceiling shimmering as if it were underwater. The stretch of cavern in front of you has far less plant-life than the one you just crossed, and it seems almost desertlike, except for a few large mushrooms growing out of a hill in the distance.

"Now hold on, Miss Buzbee. I didn't intend to shoot you just on Miss Asta's say-so; I considered murdering someone in their own home to be the height of rudeness.

"On the other hand, she otherwise seems like decent lady, and probably only said such a thing since you seemed to have hit a nerve, which caused her to lose her temper. And getting angry isn't something worth killing someone over. Besides, the only thing I consider ruder than murdering someone in their own home is someone who executes their own guests.

"So why don't we all just calm down and discuss this like rational human beings?"

Kordos tries to diffuse the situation, being prepared to shoot Bellanor if she harms Nat.
(Kordos dex: 6+5)
(Bellanor dex: 1+3)
(Bellanor end: ((5+7)/2)

(Bellanor dex: 5+3)
(Kordos dex: 4+5)
(Bellanor aff: 2+5)
(Kordos dex: 5+5)

Bellanor laughs at your speech, a sound like the tinkling of thousands of tiny bells.
"Goodness, how foolish of me to think that a brute like Miss Asta would bring any sort of decent company. If I do not punish those in my home for rudeness, then my mansion will become a lawless area just as the rest of the world is. Why, the very thought is making me physically ill. LANCE!"
A man in a tuxedo rushes out of the mansion. He has a large cookbook under his arm, and a golden rose protrudes from his breast pocket.
"What may I assist you with, M'lady?"
"Would you be a dear and hand me my book? I fear that our guests have turned on us."
Lance hands her the book.
"Thank you. You may head inside now. If you'd like, you may have one of the cups of tea that you've prepared. The only thing that these 'guests' shall receive from me is punishment for their uncouth actions."
Lance bows and heads back indoors, while Bellanor opens her book and tears out a page. The golden rose vine ensnaring Nat immediately grows several times larger,carrying Bellanor upwards and seeming to fuse with her lower body. Several slightly smaller vines emerge from this, and one of them bars the mansion door shut, while another turns the gate into a tangled and impenetrable trellis. Bellanor grins from high atop her thorny defenses, her book grasped in a vine near her face.
"You know Natalie, the first kill in these competitions is always the most exhilarating. I may not be the barbaric embodiment of wrath that you are, but I must admit that I'm enjoying this far more than I should be."
Thinking quickly, you take aim at Bellanor's head and fire. Gold vines rush up to defend their mistress, but true to Nat's word, the bullet drills straight through them and blows Bellanor's skull apart like a ripe melon. Her body begins to fall, but several pages tear themselves loose from her book, seeming to rewind time as Bellanor returns to life, the bullet warping and crumbling to dust as if it had aged 10,000 years while flying.
"Oh dear, you're just as violent as Natalie. I'll have to brutalize your corpse as an example for other would-be hooligans when I'm done with you."
Bellanor sends a tree-sized vine crashing towards you, but you sidestep it easily. A faint groaning sound catches your attention as you regain your balance, and you roll out of the way just as countless spear-sized thorns sprout from the earth all around the monstrous vine.
(I'm too lazy and pissed at my bro to write themes now, but this is what was going through my head as I was writing your action.)

"I'm still alive?"

A rumbling catched her attention

"Time to leave, ALGEM! You too, twinkletoes!

Grab ALGEM and run for the exit.
Willingly be pulled along, making sure that the gun stays in gun mode.

" We... did it... ", ALGEM stated, snapping out of combat mode. "And you're all healed up... sorta. What do we do now?"
(Annie end: 3+6)*2)
(ALGEM end: 5+2)

As Annie grabs onto ALGEM, a vein of red crystal shoots up the android's arm and completely encases her before shattering apart, leaving nothing behind except for a few crimson shards which continue to grow into the obsidian floor. You don't have time to mourn though, as chunks of the ceiling begin to come down, forcing you to leave the room.

(Annie luk: -6-3)
As you make it to the top of the exit tunnel, a mysterious unmarked box is waiting for you. You can't tell what's inside, but knowing this world, this must be your reward for murdering ALGEM.

Well fuck... that may not have been the wisest course of action...
I guess theres no helping it now, pointless and senseless murder it is.

quickly and without warning hurl the legtooth spear into the man advancing upon me then begin firing indiscriminately at the armed men.
Once i have emptied my current clip either retrieve the spear if the mob is retreating or turn and flee if they charge towards me.

(Rozar dex: 4+4)
(Traveler dex: 3)

(Rozar dex: 3+4)
(Traveler dex: 4)
(Rozar str: 5+4)
(Traveler end: 1+2)

You quickly hurl your spear into the lead man's chest, felling him almost instantly as his heart is pierced by the human teeth at the end. The rest of the people flee for their lives, and a large figure clad in iron armor studded with rubies advances forwards. He carries an enormous pair of iron claws, each individual blade the size of a longsword, and you can hear him sobbing as he carefully picks up the mutilated body of the girl who you murdered.
"You... You MONSTER! I'm going to rip you limb from fucking limb for this!"
With that, the man barrels towards you like a freight train with claws, roaring like a wounded beast.

Pocket the coin. Vaguely consider if this is like Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead.

Wander somewhere. Determine if the frog is following.

You pocket the coin and head south, towards the bookwyrm. The frog doesn't follow you, but instead sits idly near the spawn like the stubborn beast it is.

*maniacal laughter*


You try to read the text on the book, but it flees from your eyes onto the next page. You turn the page, and the words continue to move, almost as if they're leading you somewhere. You keep following, until you suddenly see something absolutely bone-chilling. There, on the page, is a picture of Lilia and Lucky embracing, while staring at you with pleading eyes. Most of the words have fled to the next page, but a few seem to have stuck below the picture, forming a caption.
We remember
You quickly turn to the next page, only to find an image of everyone who was killed by the meteor. Beneath it is another caption.
You're a murderer, Osborn
You flip to the next page, with Zardak and Ellie on it, both on fire.
We were a team, Osborn
Flipping to the next page, you don't find a drawing of a victim, but instead a strange seal, which bursts to life immediately. Your body is wreathed in burning flames for a moment, before they die down as if nothing had happened. Looking back at the book, you see that it has closed. On the front cover are a set of ash-gray words.
Property of Osborn Dunkel, the Eighth Writer and Lord of Memory
Well then... Looks like things are getting interesting.

Well actually, freeing you from the watch was my first heroic deed - but I can do more, if you'll accompany me! How did you get covered in metal like that, incidentally? It looks quite nice. As for heroic deeds we could accomplish ... well, there's that miles-long dragon over there.

Talk. And point to the Bookwyrm.

Pointing to the bookwyrm might have been a mistake, because the moment Argenbach notices it, he charges at it as fast as he can.
Paladins, man...

MAN TEH TURRET. Other than that, wait for us to get there.
(I'll auto for Borno, because otherwise we'd just have you manning a turret and looking ready)

Genius takes off and steers the plane towards the east, and the sky suddenly turns blood red. Looking down, you can see that you are flying above a palatial golden mansion, where a woman atop a gargantuan golden plant is trying to murder a lone gunman, who seems to be doing quite well despite looking like little more than in insect when compared to the plant.


And if that don't work

(Craig dex: 5+5+2)
(Bobby dex: 2+2)

(Craig dex: 4+5+2)
(Bobby dex: 5+2)
(Bobby end: 1+3)

Seeing as how Bobby doesn't seem reasonable, you blow his face clean off with a blast from you pistol, which seems to shoot a bullet of just about every element at once. Well that was anticlimactic...

"I feel a calling to a place. A place where a fellow musician got cut up."

Head Northwest.

You and your dog head northwest until you come across a Greek-style temple made of steel. Inside is a small knife, a rune-covered claymore, and a corpse with no lower body and a bullet through its skull.

"Uh... what exactly IS that thing? Regardless, I think we're best served going elsewhere."

Get bookwyrm analyzed, then head... oh, how about northeast?

The scanner doesn't seem to recognize the dragon, or at least anything useful about it.
"Well, that's obviously a dragon with a book for a head. Nothing more, nothing less, and I'm most certainly not withholding information from you for reasons unknown. Nope, not doing that at all."
Taking note of this oddly specific denial, you march northeastward, soon arriving at a stretch of sandy beach running north and south.

((This is interesting and all, but I want to know what this paper does.))
Begin walking to aforementioned palace. Put my paper in my back pocket, sticking out a bit, just begging for someone to steal it.

As you walk towards the palace, an urchin bumps into you, and completely vanishes. Just 'poof', without a trace. You carefully check the paper, and you can see him there, scowling at you. Or, his head is scowling at you. That's all that's on the page.

"Giant dragon book thing okay... I suggest that we avoid it at all costs... you know cos' it's HUGE!"
Follow raynen and murder things that try to murder us

You follow Raynen away from the dragon and towards the beach to the northeast. Fortunately, nothing seems to be trying to murder you yet.

(Hastur luk: 6+6)
Hastur's waiver becomes a hypnotist's watch arcing with lightning. The bolts from it are powerful enough to burn his hand slightly, but he can feel his flesh repairing itself instantly the moment it is burned. The watch seems to be ticking slower than normal, but Hastur can't tell whether this is because its made him faster or slowed down time around him, so he decides that it must be a bit of both.

"Well this is bound to be... interesting. From what I see... I have regeneration... shock... and enhanced time rate of some sort. I like it~"
Grin, heading off in search of something to test just what this thing can do on. Then use the watch as a flail to smack it in the face if it looks like I can take it and isn't human.
(Hastur aff: 5-1)

(Hastur dex: 3-1+2+2)
(Mudfrog dex: 4)

(Hastur dex: 2-1+2+2)
(Mudfrog dex: 1)
(Hastur aff: 4-1+6)
(Mudfrog end: 1+3)

Time around you seems to slow down by quite a bit, and you use this in order to rush to the mudfrog before it can react and whack it with the watch. A bolt of lighting thicker than a tree trunk bursts from it, and while the earth in the frog remains intact, the water in the mud has been completely vaporized, leaving the dirt to crumble to the ground.

(CZA luk: -5-6)

CZA's waiver becomes a small pair of pliers made from some sort of silvery metal. They clack together as if alive, and small skittering... things... made of water crawl off of them towards you.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2013, 09:42:55 pm by Wwolin »
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.


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Re: Looter's Delight: An Adventure with Treasure! MAPS!
« Reply #1908 on: June 02, 2013, 08:02:35 pm »

Nothing to see here. Certainly not an accidentally posted half of a turn which I was trying to preview.
I've been there.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Looter's Delight: An Adventure with Treasure! A Writer is (Os)Born!
« Reply #1909 on: June 02, 2013, 09:54:21 pm »

Start climbing the dragon towards where Osborn probably is
« Last Edit: June 02, 2013, 10:39:14 pm by stefmor90 »


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Re: Looter's Delight: An Adventure with Treasure! A Writer is (Os)Born!
« Reply #1910 on: June 02, 2013, 10:01:48 pm »

Keep heading south. Look for someone to either ally with, kill, or ignore.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Looter's Delight: An Adventure with Treasure! A Writer is (Os)Born!
« Reply #1911 on: June 02, 2013, 10:03:00 pm »

Run after the paladin guy.
Hey! Hey, that thing's 5 miles long! Don't go get yourself killed, you're my only piece of loot!
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Looter's Delight: An Adventure with Treasure! A Writer is (Os)Born!
« Reply #1912 on: June 02, 2013, 10:10:37 pm »

Damn. At least I had the forethought to plot out the next character

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Immediately begin tracking the last signal location of ALGEM. Meet up with her killer and demand answers.
M-miss? What happened to ALGEM? Her signal died, but there weren't any signs of a struggle, so... How did it happen?
There are words that make the booze plant possible. Just not those words.
Alright you two. Attempt to murder each other. Last one standing gets to participate in the next test.
DIRK: Pelvic thrusts will be my exclamation points.


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Re: Looter's Delight: An Adventure with Treasure! A Writer is (Os)Born!
« Reply #1913 on: June 02, 2013, 10:35:06 pm »

Hey, don't forget about research boy sitting right here!


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Re: Looter's Delight: An Adventure with Treasure! A Writer is (Os)Born!
« Reply #1914 on: June 02, 2013, 10:36:12 pm »

"This is where the fun begins!"

Use powers to "remember" what they are. if someone tries to kill me, make them forget what they're supposed to be doing.

EDIT: If I can't figure out my own powers, ask bug man.

EDIT 2: Also, maybe pick up the book to see if that helps.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2013, 07:10:18 am by +!!scientist!!+ »
"what are all these shapes? Why are they moving around. What do they want from me?"


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Re: Looter's Delight: An Adventure with Treasure! A Writer is (Os)Born!
« Reply #1915 on: June 03, 2013, 12:10:42 am »

I feel pretty horrible about shooting that girl in the back then making a spear from her mutilated corpse and killing that other guy with it..
i was meant to be one of the good guys... i guess ill just murder all the witnesses and sweep this shit under the rug before anyone else notices... that or fake my own death.

shoot the armored fellow in the face, his face isnt wearing armor is it?
If he survives just keep shooting him in the least armored parts of his body until he dies.
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


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Re: Looter's Delight: An Adventure with Treasure! A Writer is (Os)Born!
« Reply #1916 on: June 03, 2013, 12:20:58 am »

"Bloody massive lightning slam. Glorious. Carry on, then."

He spins the watch around a finger for a moment, walking over the mudfrog's dried-out husk, kicking it with his foot to scatter its remains before walking off, whistling a jaunty tune.

EXPLORE! Look for anything interesting!
Quote from: Wing, via Discord
I want a coat that doesn't make me look like a rear admiral from the East India Company


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Re: Looter's Delight: An Adventure with Treasure! A Writer is (Os)Born!
« Reply #1917 on: June 03, 2013, 01:07:06 am »

Immediately begin tracking the last signal location of ALGEM. Meet up with her killer and demand answers.
M-miss? What happened to ALGEM? Her signal died, but there weren't any signs of a struggle, so... How did it happen?
Annie look at her arm in silence. It seem that she in shock at the moment. (Considering that 2 of her friends just died and one was by her own (unwilling) hand, may have to wait a moment)

Numbly open the box.
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


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Re: Looter's Delight: An Adventure with Treasure! A Writer is (Os)Born!
« Reply #1918 on: June 03, 2013, 02:25:09 am »

"I'm only violent when I need to be, Miss Buzbee. Given my druthers, I'd never have to kill anybody. I was hoping we could just come here, have some tea, maybe learn a thing or two about what's going on here, then be off on our merry way.

"But then you had to go and spoil it all by threatening Nat."

Kordos steadies his gun hand and levels it again at Bellanor's head.

"Miss Buzbee, do you know what it takes to survive on dozens of different worlds with varying physical and/or metaphysical properties?

"A keen mind. Besides the fact that the conscious is one of the only things to make it through world transfer completely the same, being able to quickly observe one's surroundings and act upon those observations is the only thing that allows a Green Cloak survive long enough on worlds to rank up past First Scout.

"I am a Marshall. If you knew anything about the Green Cloak ranking system, you would know that's a pretty big deal. But you won't survive long enough to learn it, because I have recently made four observations that will lead to your imminent demise:

"1. You and Nat appear to be the same sort of thing. A Writer, I believe you said.

"2. Nat's powers seem to be somehow tied to her sword.

"3. You threatened to melt down Nat's sword, and implied that such a thing would kill her, implying there is some sort of life-force connection between a Writer and their implement.

"4. You asked your servant to fetch you your cookbook, and upon retrieving it have been able to conjure thorns to attack me.

"So, if I've deduced correctly, this next shot should do you in."

Kordos lowers his aim down towards Bellanor's cookbook and fires.

Edit: It' probably not appropriate for a theme or anything, but this is what I had playing in the background when I wrote this action. (Maybe if Nat and I had one more member joining us so we could form up a Triforce.)
« Last Edit: June 03, 2013, 02:34:40 am by Kadzar »
What if the earth is just a knick in one of the infinite swords of the mighty fractal bear?
Glory to Arstotzka!


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Re: Looter's Delight: An Adventure with Treasure! A Writer is (Os)Born!
« Reply #1919 on: June 03, 2013, 07:00:27 am »

Pick up the claymore and the knife.
Congratulations Persus, now you are forced to have the same personal text for an entire year!
Longbowmen horsearcher doomstacks that suffer no attrition and can navigate all major rivers without ships.
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