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Author Topic: Looter's Delight: Considering Revival  (Read 283406 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! ANTi-Animal Rights
« Reply #885 on: March 01, 2013, 12:00:00 am »

I was gonna post last night, but then I remembered that I had to translate the first 50 lines of Vergil's Aeneid. Sure, you look like a badass scholar when you carry around a hardcover copy of it printed in 1946, but if you can't read it, then it's all for naught.

"Yer slightly mistaken, Mr. Giordano. I ain't here for the treasure, I'm just here to bring order. The treasure is just a means to an end. And, no offense meant, but I was sort of hoping you'd be a gun. Ah, well, a Green Cloak is nothing if not adaptable. You can be my first deputy, if you want."

Kordos turns to his fellow spawnmates.

"Howdy, folks, I'm G.C. Marshall Kordos." He lifts his hat and nods in their direction. "I've come to bring some peace and order to this here demiplane, so y'all don't have to fret no more. Also, if'n you feel like helping out the cause, I could always use more deputies."

"A gun? I think I can do that. Just give me a second." Giordano's tentacles weave themselves together, forming a long canon-shaped barrel, mounted on four slithering tentacles. "This good enough?"

(Whoo. Dodged a bullet there, huh. I was gone for a while because of SPESS STESHUN 13.))

"''Ey! a skeleton! Yer name ish Mittensh. Come, Mittensh, letsh talk to those guysh."

Approach those guysh, and greet them.
Mittensh clacks in agreement, and then follows behind you, with surprisingly good posture for a skeleton. You shout at the other two people, and one says something about wanting you to be a deputy, and the other one just looks at you funny, with hundreds of metal eyes. Must be your accent...

That stung a little... I guess my voice is the same, though... Hah.

Test abilities, and see if anything new is capable with the eyes. Be nonhostile, unless someone attacks or something.
(Vodka aff: 6+1)
(Kordos dex: 6+5)
(Giordano dex: 2)
(Giordano bad: 1)
(Henry dex: 4-1)
(Mittensh aff: 5+2)
(Vodka dex: 6+2)

Seeing as how the cloaked man and the Irishman aren't trying to murder you, you focus your power into your numerous eyes, causing beams of silvery energy to fire from each one. Kordos expertly dodges the beams, but his living cannon is hit multiple times, and solidifies into steel, although it still looks more than functional as a gun. Henry stumbles drunkenly in front of one of the beams, but Mittensh waves a skeletal arm, opening a hole in the fabric of reality which the beam travels into. A similar gap opens up behind you, and you duck only a moment before your own beam flies out of it, whizzing past your ear.

((I think I'm now the oldest living character now)) ((Wait.... did Lilia just absorb some of Alani's and Sven's loot powers o.O? Is that how her legs turned to wings and the ancher tattooed to them come from? I wonder if the fan has the same power too o.O))

'Well... that's that's normal enough now... I stomach that at least...' Lucky thinks as he watches Lilia fly around. He figures he can get used to that... atleast it's a major improvement compared to have legs growing out of.... everywhere. "Well... if you keep that look with the wings... I guess it's fine. Still I hope we find a way to change you again... but I'm not worried as much about that anymore. How about we finally try to get some loot... and a new buddy. My brother and my stoney friend are dead now... and I'm taking that a lot better then your death back when you died hahaha." Lucky then yells out to... well everywhere, "Hey Badass guy... where ever your at. Wanna team up with me?"

Yell out to wherever Badassitude is at. Then go pick up that glowing purple hat. If attacked, have Lilia attack them and I'll focus on dodging them. From now on this is my new counter plan.

You yell to Badassitude, but he doesn't seem to notice you in his bloodlust, so you just walk over and pick up the hat, while Lilia flies in lazy circles over your head, ready to defend you at a moment's notice.


( Well damn, my sneaky kill steal didn't work. )

If Min Max attacks The Rock, counter with the devastating golden horseshoe to the skull
maneuver, if not, help Badassitude kill stuff.

Counter Min Max's pre counter counter by countering him in the face before he gets to his bug with
the devastating golden horseshoe to the skull counter maneuver.

( Well damn, my sneaky kill steal didn't work. )

If Min Max attacks The Rock, counter with the devastating golden horseshoe to the skull
maneuver, if not, help Badassitude kill stuff.

"WHY DOES EVERYONE WANT TO KILL ME! I JUST GOT HERE, GEES! Oh, hello there... Ant? So... I can just climb on you?
Min Max hops on the bug and counter's The Rock's counter counter with a pre-counter, hopefully killing him!
"NOOOOO" Sir Badassitude yells when Alani plummets out of the sky and hits the ground. Sir Badassitude has had enough bullshit for today. With a slight appearance of melancholy, he furiously slashes repeatedly at Minmax, not even worrying about hitting a critical area. (Max attack DEX)
(Grubson dex: 3-6)
(Rock dex: 6+5)
(Minmax dex: 6+6)
(Badassitude dex: 6+1)

(Minmax dex: 3+6)
(Ant dex: 3)
(Rock dex: 5+5)

(Rock dex: 6+5)
(Minmax dex: 5+6)
(Ant dex: 1)
(Rock str: 2+1)
(Ant end: 1)
(Ant str: 6+2)
(Minmax str: 3+6)

(Badassitude dex: 2+1+2)
(Minmax dex: 6+6)
(Ant dex: 1-1)
(Badassitude str: 5+3-4)
(Ant end: 2)

Minmax vaults onto his ant, and brandishes his hammer while charging at The Rock, who narrowly dodges the insect's jaws and the spiked hammer, before bashing the ant square in the face with the horseshoe, crushing one of its antennae and sending it into a frenzy. Despite its wild leaps and tosses, Minmax manages to avoid being thrown to the ground. Seeing this opportunity, Badassitude charges in, swinging his scythe wildly, managing to catch the ant's mandibles with the blade of the weapon, cutting them completely off. Yellow ichor drips from the wound, and the scythe lets loose a maniacal chuckle as the badass prepares to swing again, while Grubson slowly lumbers towards the fray, his arms outstretched towards The Rock as if offering a hug.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The guy that loves nukes too much
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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Hats off to the Hat!
« Reply #886 on: March 01, 2013, 12:10:11 am »

"Well he didn't try to kill us... so I'll take that as a yes. Let's go help him out shall we?" Lucky say to Lilia while fixing his new hat to be a bit more comfortable. He walks toward where the fighting is going on and tells Lilia to attack the slow guy that seems to want a hug.

Walk toward the battle a little ways (but not too close) and tell Lilia to go attack Grubson. Focus on dodging any attacks aimed at me.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2013, 12:17:53 am by superBlast »
"Come oooooon, a little insanity never hurt anyone.... Well except for that one guy, but never mind him." -superBlast

I gots a new livestream! Check it out here at


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Hats off to the Hat!
« Reply #887 on: March 01, 2013, 12:14:16 am »

Wells, better than nothings.
Offer Lilia a hug.
Once properly hugged, shield myself from Badassitude with her many legs. 
« Last Edit: March 01, 2013, 12:16:58 am by Xantalos »
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Hats off to the Hat!
« Reply #888 on: March 01, 2013, 12:15:56 am »

Aim for Grubson, not focusing on speed, but rather on his neck and slice it open. (Max attack Str)


  • Bay Watcher
  • bruh
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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Hats off to the Hat!
« Reply #889 on: March 01, 2013, 12:40:56 am »

"Whao, Mittensh, did you just.. Thash cool! Not sho cool with the eye-lashers, though. So eye-lady, want to join upsh with Mittensh an' me?"
Even if he hadn't brought the server down in a ball of flaming, slow-mo gibbing corgis


  • Bay Watcher
  • Descan Pengwind
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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! ANTi-Animal Rights
« Reply #890 on: March 01, 2013, 01:13:08 am »

"A gun? I think I can do that. Just give me a second." Giordano's tentacles weave themselves together, forming a long canon-shaped barrel, mounted on four slithering tentacles. "This good enough?"
"Well, I prefer a gun that can't talk back to me. I've had...poor experiences in the past with such things, let's leave it at that. Though I suppose shouldn't let bad experiences in the past interfere with current relationships."

Vodka Watermelon does her eye-laser thing.

"Woah, watch where yer shooting those things, ma'am."

Suddenly, the sound of combat breaks out to the south(?) of their location.

"Sounds like there's a ruckus starting. We'd better go investigate. C'mon, Giordano."

Kordos picks up Giordano and runs toward the combat zone, ready to shoot at anyone who attacks him.
What if the earth is just a knick in one of the infinite swords of the mighty fractal bear?
Glory to Arstotzka!


  • Bay Watcher
  • The king lost his golden pantaloons, go find them.
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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Hats off to the Hat!
« Reply #891 on: March 01, 2013, 01:52:36 am »

"Aaaaw, The beauty of combat, bones breaking, blood flying, men screaming for mercy. It fills The Rocks
manly heart with joy. You truly honor The Rock with your skill Min Max, there aren't many men who could
last this long against The Rock. The Rock was beginning to think that The Rock and Badassitude where
the last warriors left in this universe. But sadly, we must fight each other. Its in our nature Min Max,
you know this. It can't be avoided. But if we must do battle, it will be the greatest battle this world
has ever known! Come at The Rock Min Max, not as a man, but a warrior."

Lets make the gods themselves fear our names!

Sing the Badass Rocks theme song as The Rock charges at Min Max, trying to make a killing
blow with the horseshoe.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Hats off to the Hat!
« Reply #892 on: March 01, 2013, 02:26:35 am »

"What's going on?"
"A man fight."
"No, I won't hurt you! You're nice!"
"Uhm, actually it's a life or death situation, duh. I have to kill him, doofus."
"Can we get this over with already?"
With that, he spurs his bug forwards for a final attack, aiming to destroy The Rock once and for all while this plays in the background.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Mad Artificer
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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Hats off to the Hat!
« Reply #893 on: March 01, 2013, 08:29:40 pm »

Oh my god I'm sorry people I just tried to kill please don't hurt me I'll make it up to you somehow I promise!
"Yes! I'll join up with you and Mittens, I think... I don't see why not, and since people might try and stab me over that incident, I need all the help I can get.

Hide behind things. Try and avoid eye-contact with everyone.
There are words that make the booze plant possible. Just not those words.
Alright you two. Attempt to murder each other. Last one standing gets to participate in the next test.
DIRK: Pelvic thrusts will be my exclamation points.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Hats off to the Hat!
« Reply #894 on: March 01, 2013, 09:50:33 pm »

Wells, better than nothings.
Offer Lilia a hug.
Once properly hugged, shield myself from Badassitude with her many legs. 

Kihihihihi... I can cure Lilia's leg disease while I dissect you!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Hats off to the Hat!
« Reply #895 on: March 01, 2013, 09:51:38 pm »

Wells, better than nothings.
Offer Lilia a hug.
Once properly hugged, shield myself from Badassitude with her many legs. 

Kihihihihi... I can cure Lilia's leg disease while I dissect you!
You underestimate the sheer magnitude of my tankiness.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Hats off to the Hat!
« Reply #896 on: March 01, 2013, 09:59:02 pm »

Wells, better than nothings.
Offer Lilia a hug.
Once properly hugged, shield myself from Badassitude with her many legs. 

Kihihihihi... I can cure Lilia's leg disease while I dissect you!
You underestimate the sheer magnitude of my tankiness.
In the end it's all up to the dice, who it chooses is who will die.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Hats off to the Hat!
« Reply #897 on: March 01, 2013, 10:01:36 pm »

Wells, better than nothings.
Offer Lilia a hug.
Once properly hugged, shield myself from Badassitude with her many legs. 

Kihihihihi... I can cure Lilia's leg disease while I dissect you!
You underestimate the sheer magnitude of my tankiness.
In the end it's all up to the dice, who it chooses is who will die.
True. Still, now my +6 to endurance really shines.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
  • bruh
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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Hats off to the Hat!
« Reply #898 on: March 01, 2013, 10:10:10 pm »

"I'm gonna mesh wit' Mittensh an' hish cool portal-thingysh."

Have Mittensh open a portal, then toss rocks into it. Inspect rocks after they pass through the portals.
Even if he hadn't brought the server down in a ball of flaming, slow-mo gibbing corgis


  • Bay Watcher
  • Sane, by the local standards.
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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Hats off to the Hat!
« Reply #899 on: March 02, 2013, 12:57:54 am »

Why do you guys suddenly suck at killing each other?
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.
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