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How overpowered is the dex stat?

Just a Little
Not at All

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Author Topic: Looter's Delight: Considering Revival  (Read 274814 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Alani's grow wide, as she picks up the sceptre.
"WOW! These look spectacular! And the puppets! So...lifelike! I'd be happy to join you on your quest, Sam. VG?"

Alani looks expectantly at her partner.
"Yeah, looks like a great opportunity for adventure!"
VG picks up the sceptre and twists it around in her hands.
"Hmm. If you don't mind me asking, how exactly does that book of your work? It seems to be able to create objects out of thin air just by having them written down which is nothing like I've ever seen before! And what did you mean by immortality? How did you become immortal?! Oh yeah, as I've said, it does seem to be a good chance for some loot... I'm in!"

As the two of you claim your staffs, Sam beams in delight before letting loose with another bout of gibberish. When he finishes, he quickly scribbles something into his book before addressing you.
"Oops, I almost broke the rules a little bit there. We don't want to get disqualified from this competition now, do we? Especially on a silly thing like spoilers. All I can really say for now is that I need you to head a short distance to the east, until you find a canyon with a river running through it. After you get there, the rest should be self-explanatory. Once you finish up there, the rules should allow me to give you a bit of information on this whole competition, the books, and immortality. And if that's not enough for you, I'll have some new 'loot' for you when you're done. As for getting there, you might have some trouble fitting your new puppets into that plane of yours as they are, but you should be able to disassemble them and put them back together in a flash after you land. Also, the rules forbid me from telling you what's at the canyon, but I am allowed to warn you that it's extremely dangerous, and even more so if you let it go unchecked. So you'd best be careful out there."
With that, a pair of puppets open the door to the springs village, where your plane rests right where you left it.

Well darn it seems a 504 ate my explore the icy forest tunnels action so i guess ill do that this turn.

explore stealthily, attempt to snipe some food if possible.
(Rozar dex: 5+4)
(??? dex: 1+1) This is how I'll handle ranged combat in dimly lit areas. You can make out the location and size of something, but can't identify it before moving closer or shedding some light on the subject
(??? end: 3-2)

As you progress through the icy woods, it gradually becomes tougher to see as the forest becomes more and more like a cave system, with almost no light hitting the ground. After a short while you arrive at what seems to be a cross between a clearing and an open cavern, with thin streams of light pouring through holes in the frozen foliage above to give the area an eerie light. Noticing something about the size of a wolf moving off in the distance, you take aim with your rifle and fire. Whatever was moving gives out a piercing cry and drops to the ground, but at this distance and lighting, it's impossible to tell what you've hit.

What's going on here? Am I suddenly going mad? thinks Kordos.

"You there! Don't come any closer or I'll shoot!" He brandishes his gun.

Kordos tells the creature not to come any closer, and prepares to fire if it does.
(Kordos dex: 5+5)
(Redfiend dex: 3+2)
(Redfiend end: 2+2)

The monster doesn't slow down at all, so you let loose into its face with a triple-barrel blast before it gets within striking distance. It lets out a sound almost like an exaggerated sigh as it dies, but you don't get even a moment of respite as an enormous sword of black iron covered in red runes bursts from its stomach. The blade saws through the monster's flesh with ease, and in moments a woman clad in heavy red and black armor emerges from the creature. Examining the wounds on the creature's face, she turns to you and addresses you in a stern yet grateful voice.
"Thanks for helping me out with that thing... You'd think that Bella would have the common sense to lock up her pets when she's invited company over. Although I don't recall her saying anything about an otherworlder. Still, I owe you one for that. How about a new weapon? Your old one seems to be effective enough, but it's still nothing compared to what a Writer like myself can make."
The woman places her left hand upon a run on her sword, and a black revolver covered in red runes similar to those on the sword appears in front of you.
"Don't let its size fool you, that gun can fire through absolutely anything. Still, weapons alone won't be enough to survive here. I believe that Bella may have locked the exits, so you're welcome to follow me to her manor if you'd like. Speaking of which, Bella's an absolute stickler for manners in her home. If you plan on accompanying me there, we'd best know each other's names. I'm Natalie Asta, but anywhere out of Bella's mansion, feel free to call me Nat. Now, who are you?"


Roll away and use the dead old guy clothes as bandages.

Fire wildly at the beast in desperation before running over to Annie.
"Damnit... There's no way I can stop this... Stay with me, stay with me, I'll t-try to do something...!"
Attempt to hastily slow Annie's bleeding however possible.
(Annie dex: Last) Having no legs is a problem
(ALGEM dex: 5+1)
(Nekik dex: 1+4)
(Petipor dex: 6) I swear, if this shark rolls another 6...

(Algem dex: 5+1)
(Petipor dex: 6)  ::)

(Petipor dex: 5)
(Annie dex: 2+1)
(Petipor str: 1+6)
(Annie str: 6-2)

(Nekik dex: 1+4)
(Petipor dex: 5) They told him he could be anything... so he became a ninja

(Annie str: 1+3)
(Annie end: 3+6)

In the utter chaos following Annie's grievous wounding, both Nekik and ALGEM manage to miss the monstrous shark with their attacks. The beast then wraps its prehensile tongue around ALGEM, and drags her into its mouth the same way it did to Annie, its mouth poised like a guillotine about to fall. Meanwhile, Annie crawls away and attempts to bandage herself with Usir's shirt, but her blood merely drenches the fabric as it spills out onto the cavern floor.

"Thanks for your assistance with that monstrous person, I beleive we could benefit by working together... Whats that, brickey thing? a scanner of some sort it says?.... wait IT!? still after you have tested it would you have a look at this?"
Approach raynen and if he accepts my offer of assistance join him also if the request to use the scanner is approved then present my blade to it to be scanned
"Thanks for your assistance with that monstrous person, I beleive we could benefit by working together... Whats that, brickey thing? a scanner of some sort it says?.... wait IT!? still after you have tested it would you have a look at this?"
Approach raynen and if he accepts my offer of assistance join him also if the request to use the scanner is approved then present my blade to it to be scanned

"Sure thing. In all this madness having an ally is definitely a good thing. By the way, I don't think I got your name, I'm Raynen. Also, uh... Loremaster, could you please analyze my companion's weapon?"

Let my companion get his weapon scanned, and shoot anyone who attacks me/Varen. If nobody does so, then go after anyone (except Varen, of course) who attacks someone else (without being provoked) within my sight.

You hold the dagger in front of the Loremaster, and the machine hums softly as it analyzes it, before reporting its findings in a robotic yet highly-spirited voice.
"Well, this here knife is actually just a completely normal knife. Nothing special about it. But the ribbon on the end is the real weapon. You see, not only can it entangle foes, but it can also control blood at the user's will. The more entangled a foe is by the ribbon, the stronger control is. Now, the whole blood-control thing is kinda useless on things that don't have blood, but you can entangle just about anything with limbs. Now, let's just pray that we never encounter anything that's both limbless AND bloodless."
With that, the machine begins to whistle dixie to itself as it waits for another object to be scanned.

Grab the weakest-looking person arounf and force them towards the frog's mouth. Into it, ideally.

When life gives you a hammer, nail your foes. Wait, that doesn't sound right...
Head northwest to avoid the madness.
(Darius dex: 2+3)
(Bass dex: 1+3)

(Darius dex: 4+3)
(Bass dex: 1+3)
(Darius str: 6-1)
(Bass str: 6-3)

(Frog str: 3+2)
(Bass end: 3-3)

As The Bass Guy turns towards the northwest, he suddenly feels Darius' cold hand on his shoulder dragging him away. Try as he might to resist the ghost's pull, he soon finds himself face to face with a large frog composed entirely of boiling-hot mud. The great amphibian croaks once before swallowing Bass Guy whole and giving a contented gurgle as it looks around lazily for a nice female mudfrog.

(Darius luk: -6-6)

The frog lets out a loud belch, causing a small brass coin to fly from its mouth to land near Darius' feet. Darius can feel some sort of ancient power radiating off of the coin, although he can't tell whether it's the good kind of ancient power that gives you stat boosts, or the bad, curse you for 999 years kind. Well, only one way to find out!

"I don't have time for pests like you!!!"

Run for the throne room, and continue to do so with as few interruptions as possible

((as I may be gone for a short while (5 days, possibly) and I probably won't be able to post actions. Let me just put a blanket set of priorities on the next few turns:
1. live
2. get to the throne room))

EDIT: Also, Why isn't Giant Bug-man helping me? if he isn't already on his way, Call the bug dude!
(Osborn dex: 4)
(Blackwing dex: 4+3)

(Blackwing dex: 3+3)
(Osborn dex: 6)

Dodging the griffon's talons, you manage to make it across the bridge into the fortress proper. Most of the ceiling is gone, and you can spot your insectoid ally on a stone rafter high above you. He beckons for you to ascend, and then gestures to a spiraling ramp leading up to where he is.

((Damnit I thought it was a normal bird! Wait... maybe if we eat it we can gain electric powers! Well... except Aurwyn is afraid of eletricity now it seems....))

"Wait... she has PTSD from when I picked up the spear!? What in the world did I do to her?" Evil Lucky mumbles to himself before yelling out to Aurwyn, "Snap out of it! Your not being shocked! Just melt off it's face!"

Yell at Aurwyn to snap her out of her panic attack and have her melt the bird's face off with acid powers. If that doesn't work then hope my watch actually decides to work for me for once and use it against the bird!

((Note to self, stay away from electricity from now on.... damn spear....))
(Lucky aff: 6-1)
(Thunderbird bad: 1-2)

(Aurwyn str: 4+2)
(Thunderbird end: 2-2)

Nothing you say seems to get through to Aurwyn, so you hold your breath, cross your fingers, and try for the ring. The bird instantly stops moving and topples to the ground like a statue, causing Aurwyn to snap out of her fit and crush the bird's skull beneath her heel as if nothing had ever happened, but you're pretty sure that if golden statues could blush, she would be doing so right now.

Continue onwards into the wild blue with my new friends!

The airship cuts through the air faster than you would ever have thought possible, and you are soon flying over a seemingly endless stretch of water. You spy several enormous tentacled creatures in the water below you, easily large enough to swallow whales whole, but the rest of the crew seems to have their eyes on the sky above you, which is a vibrant shade of teal, dotted with fluffy clouds of the purest white. A group of four men armed with long axes come up from below decks, and stand at the ready, as if waiting for something to happen.



You have an odd hunch that your demonic nemesis is atop that dragon somewhere. Running over to the monster's tail, you figure that you might be able to climb up... or you might be crushed to death in the process. But hey, what's that for a tough, revenge-driven fellow like you?

Ah. Allright. I was just trying to charge back in and perhaps bleed on them but... now im going to Bandage loss or hand, look for a replacement.

Heading back up to the corpse-filled dining hall, you tear off a scrap of shirt from a body and use it to bandage your stump. As for a replacement hand, there's simply nothing around indescribable enough to use. But hey, the bleeding's stopped!

(Something luk: -5-6)

Something's waiver becomes a pretty ordinary looking wristwatch. But something's wrong with it. Something's very wrong...

« Last Edit: May 21, 2013, 10:27:50 pm by Wwolin »
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Your Friendly Salvation
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Re: Looter's Delight: An Adventure with Treasure! Return of the Turns!
« Reply #1786 on: May 21, 2013, 08:49:13 pm »

I await yonder turn with a chance not to die in the first 3 turns.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Looter's Delight: An Adventure with Treasure! Return of the Turns!
« Reply #1787 on: May 21, 2013, 09:03:39 pm »

Looking forwards to the turn... and hopefully a neat piece of loot.


  • Bay Watcher
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"Neat. Well then, can you analyze my bow?"

After getting the bow analyzed, follow Corsair's character in any attacks/exploration.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Your Friendly Salvation
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((What exactly is wrong with the wristwatch?
More importantly, how is it utilized?
Or is that too spoileriffic?))
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
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find and butcher the corpse tearing off a leg and pulling out all its teeth and claws, use my bare hands if necessary.

Collect some long sticks and use the teeth and claws to make spears then continue exploring.
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I wanna be a cow boy babey
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((Is it possible to combine loot? Because it'd be awesome if I could combine my bettle with this staff.))

Alani wishes Sam well, and dances back to the plane, making the puppet dance with her. She then proceeds to konk it over the head so it doesn't feel itself being disassembled.
Hey, don't forget about research boy sitting right here!


  • Bay Watcher
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((What exactly is wrong with the wristwatch?
More importantly, how is it utilized?
Or is that too spoileriffic?))
A wee bit too specific, but because I'm feeling benevolent, I shall give you a hint. With your stats, putting it on is a death sentence. You might want to find a friend who's built a little differently than you...

((Is it possible to combine loot? Because it'd be awesome if I could combine my beetle with this staff.))
Well, that's been done. Need I remind everyone of the leggy abomination known as Lilia? But it requires either certain loot, like the bed, or the intervention of certain characters.
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.


  • Bay Watcher
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Obvious solution here

Start eating the dragon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Do my characters shirt and cap have effects or stat bonuses i havent discovered how to activate?
And if so, will they harm me?
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Do my characters shirt and cap have effects or stat bonuses i havent discovered how to activate?
And if so, will they harm me?
You rolled pretty low for those... I should probably put this in chart/thingy form
0: Nothing
1: Powerless junk, Squirt gun
2: Joke weapon, BB gun
3: Weapon, Sawed-off Winchester 1892
4: Magic weapon, Flaming rifle
5: More magic weapon, Flaming poison rifle
6: Even more magic weapon, Triple barrel flaming poison rifle

And so on and so forth, with higher rolls meaning more magic or stronger magic. So your shirt and hat are kinda just there.
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.


  • Bay Watcher
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Why was Grubgson's final END roll split by 2.5?
All knowledge gained through these magnificent dialouges are OOC, right?
Am I still near the spawning point where the anvil is?
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
  • Descan Pengwind
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Did the beetle guy tell Osborn anything else besides him being the chosen one?
What if the earth is just a knick in one of the infinite swords of the mighty fractal bear?
Glory to Arstotzka!


  • Bay Watcher
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Throw my sword at the Petipor.
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


  • Bay Watcher
  • New Zeland giveth, New Zeland taketh away
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"Well that is interesting, so do you want to go off in search of Loot or are we waiting for something?"
Follow Raynen if applicable otherwise murder people who attempt to murder us
So it was like a binary search, except the question is "Has the input been brutally murdered?", and it only ever returns True.
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