Turn 0: Welcome Abominations and Gentlemen!The Golden Dragon Arena is a collection of structures, many devoted to providing food and other such amenities, but dominated by several clusters of arenas. The most iconic are a series of cylinders, large, circular, walled arenas for most any battling needs.
However, as you're all new and not very powerful, you'll be fighting on what is affectionately known as "The Lawn." It's a series of raised, tiled platforms people can stand near and watch, free of walls so they can peer around at any current match they choose.
For most of you, it's quite the relief when the announcer finally climbs up on stage. That particular stage happens to be on the second story of a somewhat pagoda-like structure, where he'll have an excellent birdseye view and be less in danger of being struck by flying combatants.
"Welcome ladies and gentlemen!" he calls out through his microphone, confirming that he's talking to the audience and not you.
"We have here today the first round of battles in this Golden Dragon Tournament!"The crowd cheers. Nobody's even done anything yet...?
"As you know, this tournament will be between inexperienced but very promising combatants. I can't wait to see how it turns out!"More cheering.
"Now then, if you'll please direct your attention to the scoreboard above this very booth, we're about to conduct the drawings for the tournament!"The crowd goes to sort of an awed "ooooh" before quieting down, and a giant black screen on the third story of the presenter's building beeps helpfully before turning on.
"Now then, each contestant will be assigned a number in order of joining, with repeats being redone. So without further ado...
Shanaxi the Swift, 7.
Gangrenious Warren, 2.
Murglau, 1.
Meran the Curious, 6.
Blankface, 1, 2, 5.
The Flashbulb, 8.
Baka Inu, 4.
That leaves Murderboat at 3. There we have it ladies and gentlemen, the tournament schedule!""As you can see, our first round of fights will be Murglau vs Gangrenious, Murderboat vs Baka Inu, Blankface vs Meran, and Shanaxi vs Flashbulb! Let's get started!"With that (and more cheering from the crowd) a nearby aide directs you to which platform you'll be fighting on.
BEGIN.Shanaxi the Swift, The Pint-Sized Powerhouse (derm)
Str 1
End 1
Spd 1
Agi 1
Gangrenious Warren, the Yellow-Eyed Wizard (GWG)
Str 1
End 1
Spd 1
Agi 1
Murglau, The Hideous Frogman (Asilidae)
Str 1
End 1
Spd 1
Agi 1
Meran the Curious, Curious Monk (Doomblade)
Str 1
End 1
Spd 1
Agi 1
Blankface, the Royal Slate (TCM)
Str 1
End 1
Spd 1
Agi 1
The Flashbulb, Deranged Cameraman (Wwolin)
Str 1
End 1
Spd 1
Agi 1
Baka Inu, the Somewhat Stereotypical Japanese (Persus)
Str 1
End 1
Spd 1
Agi 1
Murderboat, the Angry Dwarf
Str 1
End 1
Spd 1
Agi 1