Well, how i view life generally depends on how depressed i am at any given moment.
Right now, i view society by several massive rules that are incredibly vague and pointless.
1) Equality is pointless. Making a society that is completely Equal can only be achieved by lowering the standard of living so far down that you could be considered dead. The way i see it, there will always be differences, there will always be those who are worse off, and there will always be those who exploit others. Due to this fact, it is pointless to pursue a society that is both free willed and fair. The best thing we can hope for is a society in which there is a large percentage of the population which is happy, rather than making everyone "Satisfied".
2) The world is a cruel, bitter place. People wont hesitate to up their own status, even if it results in someone loosing something that may be dear to them.
3) The human race, as a whole, is a terrible thing. We fight, we kill, we slaughter, all in the hopes of making a few percentage of us happier than the rest. Whether its enslaving entire populations or structuring education in such a way that it makes it harder than it should be for someone to change social classes, we have repetitively shown that we are unworthy.
4) The Human race, as a whole, is mean to the human race. If we get the chance, most people will spite or anger someone else simply for the sake of it. This is easily seen by the massive amounts of trolling that goes on in the internet. I dont know you, you dont know me, yet you are well within your rights to make me feel bad about myself for no reason other than you can.
And, resulting from the above;
5) Utopia is impossible. We can never, ever achive a state of living in which every single human being is free from every worry and hardship. Even if we cured all disease, automated all industry and production, and gave every single person the most amazing mansion in the world, there will still be people who can - and will - ruin other peoples lives. Whether by sticking to racism, by playing "Harmless" pranks or simply excluding someone over something as minor as what their parent said 50 years ago, there will be lines drawn. There will be divisions... people will always think of the human race as "Me", "People i like" and "Them". There will be people who, in some way, are unhappy. And unhappiness breeds jealousy. And Jealousy breeds hate.
Feel free to ask me on a different day and you will get several different dot points as to how the human race works. It just happens to be my mood that decides my outlook.