1068-69 Scouring the Scottish lowland Defeated in the very hearth of their homeland the survivors fled before the army of Urist Iron Beard. As his army was too small to effectively siege the castles he opted to scour the scottish lands for whatever armies remained of the enemy.
This would prove wise as a blue painted scot seemed to be able to gather these last remnants of the scottish rebellion, his talk of freedom kindling their broken spirits anew.
His tactic of hiding long sharpened poles in the long grass and raise them as knights charged down from the mountains to impale them was brilliant...
Brilliant if the army consisted mostly of heavy knights that could not stop easily. Like the armies of England. As it were, the enemy they fought was a hodgepodge of drunkards and fishermen turned soldiers. What horses Urists army had ever had had been killed in the battle up in the highlands.
As such when the spears was raised, Urist simply had his men stop and retreat up the side of the mountain. After some consideration Urist noticed that where next no ranged units in either army. Capitalizing on this he ordered his men to start pelting the enemy army with rocks and start rolling boulders down on them. Caught between the sea and a hail of stones the scots quickly broke, their blue painted leaders trademark shout of "FFRREEEEDDOOOOMMM!!!" cut short by a particularly large flying rock smashing his face to bits, courtesy of Urist who had grown tired of the constant chanting of freedom.
With this, and various other minor skirmishes up and down the hills mobbing up the last remnants of the rebelion, Urist cemented his legacy as a unpredictable commander, experimenting with various tactics and alternative approaches on the battlefield.
Sieging the last stronghold and discussing strategyWhile their armies were gone, the rebels refused to surrender, hiding in their mountains forts. Urist joined the king of Scotland in besiegen their strongholds. Sending a messenger for his wife to join him in his camp so they could "discuss strategy" during the wait he and the king settled in for a long siege to starve them out since cracking them open with force would be a far too costly prospect for their small armies.
Their long and heated discussions soon bore fruits
End of the scottish rebellionFinally, after half a year of sieging the gates of the castle opened and a famished man stumbled out, declaring their surrender and begging for food.
Walking the halls of the occupied castle Urist took the opportunity to swipe a rare collectors edition gilded bagpipe he found in there. He quickly sold it for a bit of gold after hearing the infernal sounds it produced.
Shortly after the rebellion ended, the leader Earl Miles of Atholes safely in chains.
With this Urist and his army returned home nearly one and a half year after they had left. Over 300 strong had they set sail for scotland. A third returned.
But this did not matter, with such a small army they would quickly be replaced, what mattered was that they had won glory and gold. Isle of Man had lived up to its name.
We, King Malcolm of Scotland, had this of statue Earl Urist Iron Beard raised In the Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ 1069 in recognition of the help he honorably provided us in our protection of the kingdom against the rebels that threatened the kingdom in the previous year.
May others follow his example.
Look who got his lazy ass in gear (that is, shamed to get to work by reading the brilliant morrowind LP by Lordbucked) and updated? I am not a person to learn from when it comes to keeping updates schedules. Its gotteb so bad that this is nearly a real time LP. Its been, what? Half a year since I began this and and only a little more in game?
Sorry, life have a habit of getting in the way, but now I am on vacation and should have plenty of time. Only downside is that I am visiting my parents for a while, and their internet is slooooooow. Takes forever to upload images, so I am keeping them to a minimum. Posting this and getting right on the next update.