Hey guys, sorry I missed a little bit of the discussion here. The project is not abandoned, but it is moving along more slowly than I'd hoped. Part of the reason is design-oriented - I have a few goals for how I'd like combat to work, but at the moment it's all really boring and there's not much strategy, or fun, involved at all. And a really awesome AI priority / pathing system I wrote may not be feasible performance-wise if I break down combat into the timescale I'd want.
But in terms of progress, I've done a lot of refactoring with my code. I had next to no programming experience before this project, so as you might imagine a lot of the code is badly written or difficult to extend. For example, the way I generate buildings in cities, for example, is different from a more general approach that I'd want to take. And I'm having a hard time figuring out how to get factions to work smoothly, given that some will have sites and some won't; some will be governing large populations and others will be limited to just a few members, some will have leaders and others won't, etc.
With all that being said, I do have factions set up correctly in terms of combat. Each faction has a relationship with each other, and those who are hostile will recognize each other as enemies. I've also made the first pass at procedurally-generated weapons. Each faction gets unique weapons with unique names right now, even though mechanically they aren't different yet. There's also some procedural generation of civilized species, so you start as some random creature (although again, they aren't mechanically different yet).
Cities now connect to each other through roads, which merchants will travel on. And at least at the beginning of the game, bandits will arise around cities and look for a nearby empty site to occupy, or build their own hideout if there are none. There's even some really basic framework for capturing prisoners. The local-scale maps are much better now, with trees, some vegetation, rocks, and water showing up. Also, caves are generated that you can enter into - currently bandits may hang out here sometimes.
So in terms of combat, I really need to figure out how to make it more fun - but I think this can be solved with just some more dedicated thought on my side. But more importantly, I need to start adding more meaningful activity to the world, so that there is something engaging to be a part of. Right now it's kind of a chicken and egg problem, because there's nothing really going on to start with, so there's no way to meaningfully expand the existing interactions. I have some ideas on this, but I can also use some ideas from others.
So seriously - if you have ideas for types of general interaction that you'd like to see arise in the world, or more specific types of "quests" or "adventures" you'd like to be able to go on, I'm all ears. But do keep in mind that it will still probably be slow going on this project, and I have my own vision for how it's going to turn out.
And here's some screenshots, in their debug glory: