1. I think it would be a cool idea if every once in a while there was a "Health" roll to see if someone gets sick or an "Agility" check to see if someone gets hurt while doing stuff. Meaning at random times a prompt that says something like-
Please, sweet merciful science, no. The last thing the game needs is people randomly dying for no reason. There are already plenty of totally legitimate ways you can die in this game.
2. I always though fighting in LCS was a little cut and dry, so the idea of guns being able to jam came into my mind, a few updates ago actually, I just never brought it up. I think that it would be cool if swords could get dull after a while, and they would need to go have the blade sharpened.
A well maintained gun shouldn't jam very often, and swords (at least longswords/euroepan blades) aren't sharp at all. If a weapon relies on sharpness to penetrate the target, armor will stop it cold. Since this update is neither realistic nor cool, I can't recommend it.
3. Something I never liked is that bodies just stay in your safehouses forever, I think that after a while that bodies should decompose, making it so when cops raid a safehouse and find the bodies, they can't tell who, so the liberal above them doesn't lose juice. But so its not so OP they should only decompose very slowly.
With dental records/dna, that would take a long time. Also, decomposing corpses an an apartment would make it damn near uninhabitable, and draw heat like CRAZY unless you were fridging it. Though a wood chipper/tub full of acid to make disposal easier would be very cool.
4. I always found that healing liberals in the safehouse with no special room was a little unrealistic. If you removed a bullet from someone's body in just any old room, theres a very big chance that the wound would get infected, so I though of an option to buy a special room under the safehouse menu, but since safehouse upgrades can seem expensive at the beginning, where fighters are most likely to get hurt while trying skills, I think it should only make healing faster in that safehouse.
I always figured that washing your hands/using clean instruments/keeping the first aid room clean came under the first aid skill. But a fully stocked first aid room or AED kit might be nice.
5. I know Im not the first person to suggest this and I probably won't be the last, but I like the idea of gambling in LCS. I had two ideas for this though, two different ways to do it. One way being an active via the action menu, the other being a special location on the edge of town. I also think there should be a skill for it, as well as an option in the begining of the game to help get a skill boost at the start of the game.
A Casino location has some VERY interesting possibilties. Mafioso. The secret backroom high stakes card game where you run into celebrities and ceo's. Robbing the Casino ala Oceans 11 (make it nearly impossible, but provide a HUGE payoff). Or just stealing from the patrons.
6. One thing Ive been thinking, but seemed WAY to over-powered, are ways for you to train your special skills like strength, agility, etc. I can't remember all the special skills at the moment, so I can't really give ideas on what would make them improve, but Ill try to remember to get back to this.
This would be overpowered. Actually, the request I'd make is to combine body/strength into a single stat, but I don't think this is likely to happen.
7. I think it would be a cool idea if female liberals could get pregnant during prostitution, and based on juice they weould either stay or leave the LCS. And if abortion laws are Liberal enough, they could get an abortion as well, but they have to have a certain amount of heart to actually go through with an abortion for the LCS. But, if they don't get an abortion, after 9 months where the liberal could do pretty much nothing but sit around, you would gain a 0 y/o liberal with no skills, and no actions until they get old enough to do stuff.
And if you have a first aid of 11, you can use the coat hanger option even at max conservative laws! I'm sorry. THIS is the last thing this game needs. Sweet fuckity Jesus, please no.