Wow, nice mock-up. I'd think it was in the game like that already.
Thanks to aewan. It's a nice ASCII art editor which works somewhat like a text editor.
The issue though is that Arch is an extreme and not an ordinary political spectrum.
So normal Liberal and normal conservatism deserve their regular coloring.
Well, the point is that both parties' programs will change depending on the current policies. In a conservative nation, the liberal parties would take less radical positions (and conservative parties would take the more radical ones), vice versa for a liberal nation. A nice real-life example of that is how "center-left" policies in the US are considered centrist in Europe.
Probably an even more detailed option would be to show what exact views on what policies both parties have. For example, the Liberal Party would only attempt to move policies one or two steps left, while the Conservative Party would attempt to move policies one or two steps right. Presidential candidates' levels would be based on these options. That will make it harder to liberalize everything just in one election, as, in the conservative nation's example, the candidates would not be an Elite Liberal and a moderate, but a moderate (probably with some Liberal views) and an Arch-Conservative. Only then, when the parties would both move to the left, by the 2nd (or the 3rd) election, an Elite Liberal president could run.