Hey, thats something I havent seen before
I can absolutely envision it down here as on overlay. Then you have a minimap and you build menu at the same time, without this unnecessary second box. The map would need to be toggled off/made invisble if you enter another menu that reaches further down (for example the build:workshop menu) but I think it would make a great addition.
Personally, with all the visualizers and such that have been produced, and so forth, along with all the advances and tools made with the most recent DFHack, I'm surprised this idea (and even the tileset alone) haven't come up in anyone's minds to implement this far down the line.
Just thought up another Dorf-Tracker 3000 idea for the minimap. Working alongside Falconne's Dwarf Monitor; track dwarves according to happiness value (color-based tracking using the table as reference); make sure those axe-crazy rageaholics aren't near anything you don't want dismantled piece by piece. Moodable/moody dwarves could also be tracked this way. Make sure the nobility isn't worth making sure accidents *don't* happen to them. While on topic of nobles, nobility and merchant tracking. Best use for trade depots, and finding your broker while the merchants patiently wait.
What I wish was also possible was to be able to generate a detailed minimap of the area you plan to embark in this way; just to ensure its the kind of landscape you want (volcano is in the right spot; good exposure, and the waterfall is plenty wide and tall, and so on. Even make sure the game wasn't kidding about being heavily forested ahead of time). Of course, we can still probably do something similar, if possible with the general landscape, as an alternative to Isoworld; since this is more of a top-down map.
Another idea, similar to prospecting. Aquifer-mapping. For players that don't want to use reveal, but also want to avoid aquifers. Whether map is revealed or not, highlight in mini-map, and maybe even overlaid full-scale where aquifers are, without needing to dig, designate dig mode, or whatever, and especially, without spoiling what's beneath with reveal. Magmaproof material prospecting can also be done, in case you want to tap magma and control it with floodgates and pumps, but don't have the supplies, and don't know where to look for magma-proof stuff.
HFS tracking and such when you visit the carnival finally, and fetch some cotton candy, along with forgotten beasts and such can also be a tracking feature that can work alongside the unit tracker. Tasks and such can also be highlighted accordingly (all haulers are highlighted, as well as their targeted hauling item on minimap (great for diverting dumbass dwarves from walking right into a siege, because you forgot to forbid certain items). The trade depot idea can even use the hauling task highlighter as well to track all depot-based items (in transit to, and maybe from depot).
The minimap will have to be expandable, according to various map sizes and dimensions. Not everyone plays on tiny (1x1-3x3) maps, some may even risk mapping an entire region (16x16 usually as a preview of what can be selected (excellent for Worldgen Cookbook threads)). But just in case, it will have to adapt, or the menu will have to extend with it accordingly. Just a heads-up. I suppose, while the minimap is generated by code, we can even overlay a view-box (like Photoshop), similar to how some paint programs have an overview function, and you're zoomed in and the bounding box highlights the area you're looking at (adapts with hitting TAB). Easier to keep track of than a single tile in Vanilla.
The histogram can also work similarly to how histograms work in art programs as well, but for the features I mentioned before (dwarf happiness, minerals, wood types, # of creatures, etc.; Customizable, if possible. The possibilities are endless. Histogram according to particular [raw] data or syndrome effect/affected.). Of course, customizing views will require more direct interaction in DFHack, and can be bypassed, if it begins to get tedious, by including it in the code like the Syndromes plugin.
In case the user hasn't used my pixel-tileset, there can always be an export minimap function (also great for worldgen cookbook threads), which would be capable of exporting similarly to worldgen history exports (Flatmap (like the first screenshot, minus the sky shadow and building plans), heightmap (greyscale, color(by hue), color overlay on flat map (like the full-color + shading image)), vegetation+histogram (trees highlighted by color they appear in stonesense), aquifer overlay, magma, prospects+Histogram (color-coded according to mineral, ore, gem, sand, clay, etc.), etc.). Reveal (all) are optional, naturally (use actual reveal plugin for those settings to take effect). Prospect-all+Histogram can also work. Does a hidden reveal function, maps it, generates a histogram, and exports it, and unreveals as to not affect the gameplay. Histogram data is mostly based on the prospector tool's data extraction. It can also highlight by hue or raw data assignment.
Can't really think up any other plugins (and viewing modes that involve raw data; and maybe even DwarfTherapist) that can also interact with this minimap idea, along with it's alternative extraction methods (for use with other programs like Paint.NET and so forth as well (mostly for megaproject planning and such, pixel-by-pixel, which was my original intention/function with said program(s) anyway; which also led to implementing this idea.) right now. Feel free to add to the idea list. To be honest, I don't know how much of this is actually possible, but as long as I've been churning out ideas, why not? It's worth a shot. I'm just throwing ideas at the wall now to see what sticks. My brainstorm has just about calmed down now.
I'm gonna see what I can do about committing to the 1x1 tileset in the meantime, and see what I can do about the graphical sets, and in the future, even mod tilesets (maybe start off with the Fallout Mod first to convert to 1x1 when I get around to it).