I think I mentioned it elsewhere, but a workshop material re-claimer/de-forbid/de-dumper.
When doing a mass-dumping or mass-forbid of materials, workshops and other structures made of said material are reclaimed, as to not affect dwarven behaviors. Especially craftdwarves, masons, and carpenters.
What initially happens is that workshops tend to be rendered essentially forbidden when mass-dumping materials (especially from the stocks screen but also when covering a large swath of area in said commands/designations), and are highlighted as forbidden or dump-in-progress; thereby preventing dwarves to make use of them; a rather odd bug. My suggestion is somewhere in the DFHack suggestion board somewhere that talks about it more in-depth.
Considering the Minecart Quantum Stockpiler, this is rendered a thing of the past, but still lingers anyway for those unaware of MC-QSing, and still doing things Quantum-wise the classic way.
Another one I cooked up in another thread. Burrow specialization/exclusiveness. A plugin that automatically produces a primary burrow for all dwarves (which also takes over the entire map on all Z-levels on all tiles), and then erases portions that are claimed as "exclusive" (by highlighting a burrow in the list, and using a function in DFHack to tag a burrow as "exclusive" (all burrows are "shared" by default (can co-exist in the same areas)).
Simply put:
-Initialization assigns every dwarf to a Primary burrow that covers the entire map, top to bottom, all tiles on every Z-level. (Initialization can be it's own separate function to re-do that step, if you want to "clean slate" the burrow assignments)
-IF any other burrows exist that are tagged as "Exclusive" exist, subtract the claimed areas by the burrow from Primary (or universal, or whatever label you want it to have). So now that area(s) is now completely separated from the rest of the fort, and can be assigned to nobles, or as an evacuation zone or something.
-ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS: Assign burrow for only (under/above)ground. Does a similar function to Init's, but excludes anything tagged with (Above/Under)ground. Great for separating classes of residents between serfs that mine the underground, and the elites living in aboveground condos and palaces.
-ADDITIONAL FUNCTION: Auto-assign residents of burrow by: (age, gender, profession, Wave-# (with Most Recent, and Initial Wave (starting 7) being special functions) etc.). Really useful if you have an immigration center made, or want to give your original 7 special treatment, and you want all new migrants to be moved in there, or you want burrows to be more automated, and not have to keep tabs on them all the time.
-ONE MORE FUNCTION: Panic Mode. Temporarily assign all non-military dwarves to a burrow; an undo function will revert burrow assignments back to previous setup.
That's all I can come up with. But this is according to my rather limited experience/knowledge of burrows and how to use them. Feel free to improve on my idea if you know better. At least, the burrow functions that already exist, and whatnot could be refined a bit more. The assignment by certain factors and whatnot can help. Especially if you want to sort your fort by gender/age/profession and etc. and the exclusive-tagged burrow could be useful for making noble-exclusive, or high-security sectors. The UG/AG burrow assignments could also make some roleplaying elements work out better, like with the scenario I illustrated for it before.
Auto-immigration assignment would work very well as well to keep them out of everyone else's business when they first enter. Especially useful for sorting them out and working on them; especially if you're not using DwarfTherapist to do the job.