meh, im bored...any news on the carnage? plus the fact out dwarves were wiped out in a genocide by FBS and egg roasts as well as kolbolds...thats not funny...its not even amusing...if we fell to a fb i would be fine, if we fell to the egg roasts i would be tempted to dump them all into magam or leave them for the theivs to dine on...or the elves...i suggest we round up all the eggroasts and put them outside when the elven caravan comes...
DF hack can be used to do this...within reason...just dump everything on the surface to one spot, put the egg roasts on another, get the rest of the crap in the old fort, and then sit tight and fucking dont go outside unless migrants come...even then dont fucking go outside...wait till pops reach 100...put all miners/masons/engraves into one slot, carpenters, wood cutters into another, let the farmers do all the farming shit, metalsmiths do metal and shit, anything remotely useful to the forts utmost survival, anyone else is in the millitary given basic armour we can find and smelt, i suggest we get at least copper or iron before we send out the dwarves into fighting goblins and shit, also make their their legendary wrestlers level 100 frist, i suggest the danger room with TRAINNING SPEARS ONLY! to make this happen, anyone with over 4k might, or has the best stats in the millitary becomes to new avatar of which point he becomes the fortreses champion and is privy to a Silver warhammer, or steel, and the finest adamantine armour we can make...(helm, chainmail, breastplate, gauntlets, chain leggings, greaves, high boots, and once armour and dodge is 100 or at least over 60, give him a shield!) then at which point we can begin the slow decimation of all the voidspawn and prove that WE oveerseers, the body wraiths! the deziens of the void! the dwarves of deathgate! rule over all!
then march onto hell, breach it and make it our bitch again! this time moving everyone in the fort into the damn place while making a damn fucking waterfall, as well as a sun shaft down into hell itself! for sunberries! and other fricken crops that we can think off! as well as making every damn dragon and beasty that comes into our slaves/pets! the demons? HA we can LURE them into the great area where the voidspawn, goblins, and our dwarve await for their...decimation!!! let the world burn under our gaze...for we of deathgate shall march forever more into the darkness into more and more desolate fortresses in the name of !!!!!FFFFFUUUUUNNNNN!!!!!!....
and war dragons!!!
i want war dragons...make me when i get there the sole animal trainner! (next fort should have full on out savegry, beasts, some civs, and the whole fricken wastland of doom setting!)
hey guys...just had an idea...wanna remake mordor in the next fort? start next to a volcano, and build a fucking tower to live in...our darves can mine underground while they live in a massive fucking spiral of death and chaos...all made to be the shrine of our dark and glorious reign over the lands! and unlike a certain dark lords tower, ours will not fall! nor shall it be unmade if a bloody halfling dumps animas present down the damn forge, or was it the goblin slave thing? anyway thats what i suggest we do...other then try to tame cave spiders and gaint cave spiders...wait...
idea...we must name the frist gaitn spider we get Shelob! (or ungoliant...yes i am a lotr fan...wood elves can kiss my fricken ass...i watched the desolation of smaug...want to kill elves more then anything right now...anyway we can go to a middle earth setting and delcare full on out war with the elves as we take over mordor?)