EDIT: Does the link have to be reposted every time someone changes it? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlSo5hVNJbAqdGUxNmw5dEFqVG91Nm1Jb2xKRk02NVE#gid=0
No reason it should be. As Anima linked to it on the front page, as long as we can make a gentledorf's agreement to actually use it, it should work fine.
If you're the player taking a turn, and you want to make a pass of the dorfings, you can check the list, see who's dead and alive, and update statuses accordingly.
If you have someone or more than one someone die, it'd be cool if you (or someone) could make sure that the cause of death is logged as well, because I feel like that would be really fun to read later on.
If you're someone who wants dorfed, you just open it and add to the list; next time a player makes a dorfing pass he should catch you and get you added.
It's a little bit of paperwork, but with much less potential for missed dorfings or redorfings than the player having to catch every dorf request post that gets made...
EDIT: That is to say, no, you guys, you don't have to repost the link. You might acknowledge that you made a change in a post you make, but you don't really have to repost the link because it goes to the same page.
As long as you have that link, google cares not if you change things. Heck, it doesn't care if four of you are on there making edits at once, it'll catch them all. There's even a chat bar on the side where you jokers can talk over your dorfing changes.