Journal of Ber Gisekmuthkat, Expedition Leader. Spring 251Journal of AnimaRytak, Former Overlord of Deathgate. Spring 251How is it, that out of seven dwarves, I get stuck in the body of fucking smurfette?
Seriously this is awful! I know I should be all
Ooooh, I have a body again, yay!, but I've got to friggin' squat when I pee! Is a god damn penis too much to ask for?! There's
SIX other dwarves that I could've possessed here but no, I couldn't possess one of them. I get stuck in the lone woman in the group.
Honestly, if I didn't have so much work to do, I'd kill myself right now and start over. But my brothers are waiting beyond the veil and they require a beacon to reach this realm. The outpost that this body was suppose to establish will serve as the base of my kin. I think I'll call it Murdermachines...
Here's a doodle of the campsite.
Journal of AnimaRytak, Overlord of Murdermachines. 1st, Granite 251I finally figured out what day it was. Also the others really didn't care for the name I gave this outpost.
They replied with, "But the king said to call it Timbershards!"
"Well fuck your king!" They didn't say much after that. Which was good, because I told them to "Get your asses to work!"
I order Vutok to clear some trees around our wagon. He responds, "I'm not a damn woodcutter!"
I respond with, "You either cut wood or shave my ass, pick."
So he's cutting wood now.
The tell the two miners to dig into the dirt and build a small hideaway below ground. For now, chief priority is creating a beacon for my brothers but that doesn't mean I can neglect basic essentials like food and shelter.
I tell the rest of the dwarves to cage up these damn animals. I still have nightmares about all the creatures that used to stalk the halls of Deathgate; nightmares of the mounts of shit and shed fur in the hallways. That will not happen here in Murdermachines. Not a damn chance at all.
Granite 4th, 251Excavation into the dwarfhole progresses. I've ordered Stukos, that craftsdwarf, to set up a carpenters shop next to the entrance and build us some needed furniture.
Granite 8th, 251Aw fuck, crow women!
And they are
UGLY. Fortunately they don't seem aggressive or horny, yet.
Granite 17th, 251The dwarfhole is finally complete. I've ordered everything carried underground and stockpiled as well as ordering a mason, carpenter, mechanic, and craftdwarf's workshops built. It's a little dirty, but it'll do for now.
Granite 22nd, 251Feb is complaining about tree roots poking him in his sleep. I tell him to stop being such a pussy.
Bomrek and Likot are getting bored so I tell them to begin digging a tunnel to the site of the beacon. I don't tell them what its for and they don't bother asking.
Not shown is the trees I ordered Vutok to chop down above the beacon site, in the rain.
Felsite 16th, 251Shit.
After waiting for Bomrek and and Likot to dig out the beacon, which took forever since they had to dig down four levels just to reach rock, I realized I took an entire month off from writing anything in this journal. (Really, why the hell am I doing this?) I ordered our miners to take a quick break and dig out a room for farming.
Maybe now we won't starve to death before I can summon my brothers.