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Author Topic: Murdermachines - Return of the VoidGod (Deathgate II)  (Read 803099 times)

Orange Wizard

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Re: Murdermachines - A Glorious Revival! (Deathgate II)
« Reply #1365 on: July 19, 2013, 01:10:06 am »

Or just folow my lead, ignore the levers out of sheer terror as to what they might do, and keep the fort open 24/7 year round. Sure almost everyone I drafted into the squads ended up dead, but the dwarvves already militarized before my turn were tough enough to survive and kick ass.

Just pick your battles. the corner bend besides our ballistae is where you want to be meeting the enemy, ideally after theyve been shot at by every projectile in the fort.
This. That, or have marksdwarves patrolling the area year round, to pincushionify anyone feeling like visiting.

maybe I sound a bit elfy, but dfhack has nice utility gui/mechanisms which shows linkages to this lever/bridge/floodgate/etc. Very useful when you come back to old long forgotten fortress. Or in cases like this.
That does sound elfy, but I can hardly blame you for doing that.
Please don't shitpost, it lowers the quality of discourse
Hard science is like a sword, and soft science is like fear. You can use both to equally powerful results, but even if your opponent disbelieve your stabs, they will still die.


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Re: Murdermachines - A Glorious Revival! (Deathgate II)
« Reply #1366 on: July 20, 2013, 12:05:19 am »

Disaster struck......

As in, I had no idea what was going on. I had been in a daze far as long as I could remember. Working in a place as dead as the bodies that laid around it was unsettling.

More unsettling, however, was this lever I saw everyday when I walked to and from work. The yellow stone beckoned to me, but its purpose didn't. I saw it, and I could touch it, but I dare not lest I wish a very possible death upon my brothers and sisters. The last thing I wanted was more of what unsettled me in the first place. Yet this orthoclase...
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... A schist. I couldn't hold out.

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I really should be more careful.
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Nothing happened.

And nothing would happen for a while. Sure, new burial places were marked to be dug out and some other standard things, but that's all of real importance.

And Sodol Logemam, that crazy old bat. He stopped talking with us.

And Sodol Logemam, that crazy old bat. He started building something in MY shop not a week later! His socks must have been a little too tight...

There was nothing to talk about, except...

Sodol Logemam, that crazy old bat. He made a highwood bin! IN MY WORKSHOP! A WOODEN BIN! He should be wearing those socks around his neck.


A month passed.

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The lever called to me from somewhere else. I felt it. In the deep, dark corner of the fort.

Yet something else a bit darker was brewing outside. A vile force of evil. Voidspawn, and many of them. I knew not what would make of us, nor how many deaths we'd have this time around. It was the 12th of Felsite, I remember now.
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That was just the first wave, too.

Not to mention the trolls they brought us.


The battle went well. The trolls were slaughtered! I swear to Armok that Lolor the marksdwarf threw a troll! THREW HIM! A DAMNED MARKSDWARF THREW A TROLL! And a presser, who was holding bolts for some horrible reason, well that juicehead threw THOSE and killed that way! Udib was this presser's name. Udib Stelidreg. And though he was ordered to go inside, where we were hiding, he stayed out and valyantly killed the trolls with his bolts.

A week later and the attack was off. One dwarf died. A beekeeper.

That is all. Or it was all until Lolor, the marksdwarf who threw the troll was found dead. Many were missing. Probably dead. Guineacocks and kids, though, so no biggy.

Summer began. All was decent. Well, I found everything decent. The diplomat didn't. Because, well, it's hard to please a diplomat in a place where you basically walk on the bodies of fallen heros.

Not only am I still drunkish, but It's 1am. I don't have to work until I have a job, so I suppose I'm on vacation and will have time, but bluegh. I'm tired. I really haven't done this sort of thing before and I sort of feel out of my league playing with you guys. It isn't too hard to play, but playing DF with a bunch of people who play the same game completely differently is a bit awkward for me. MUEH I'll figure out how to do this sober (or not, we'll see).

The Mad Fool

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Re: Murdermachines - A Glorious Revival! (Deathgate II)
« Reply #1367 on: July 20, 2013, 12:05:51 pm »

Drunk Overseer is BEST Overseer!
The closest thing we have to what some call 'allies' gets slaughtered in front of our gates. Unfortunately they don't transform into mindless beasts, trying to kill us.
Today is a sad day.


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Re: Murdermachines - A Glorious Revival! (Deathgate II)
« Reply #1368 on: July 20, 2013, 08:55:24 pm »

Drunk Overseer is BEST Overseer!
Amusingly, he's a Marksdwarf, which gives me the mental image of him conducting medical malpractice an appendectomy from fifty paces with a crossbow.
On bay12, a poll option of basically 'nuke the world' named 'Apocalypse Hitler' is like asking an alcoholic if they want some whiskey.

Orange Wizard

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Please don't shitpost, it lowers the quality of discourse
Hard science is like a sword, and soft science is like fear. You can use both to equally powerful results, but even if your opponent disbelieve your stabs, they will still die.


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Re: Murdermachines - A Glorious Revival! (Deathgate II)
« Reply #1370 on: July 21, 2013, 10:03:36 pm »

Drunk Overseer is BEST Overseer!
Fourthed. And all this fourthing was making me a bit thirsty. Not too thirsty, just a couple drinks with dinner * sorta thing.

I was bored of working, so I decided to enroll in the military. Those executive bastards made me captain of the bronze rights. All alone in my own squad. Meh. It would let me go exploring, and I was already good at cutting things down.

Except that I was put on the force the same moment a monster attacked.
It looked like a man with the head of a beast. Twas none other than a minotaur.

My damn luck.

Actually, my damn luck!
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A beast that could tear an ogre limb from limb was torn limb from limb by a dwarf! Well, a god I mean, but I digress.

I decided to use my new position to explore some of the ruins before. More specifically a certain lever that called to me from the darkness. I knew what it was, but not how one got there. Knowledge of the darksecrets of the past dwarves of my dear fort drove me. Pushed me forward.

Having picked up some steel gear and my favorite ax I dived downward like any decent dwarf. Past oceans of boiling stone and water I walzed, and past ghosts and broken dreams I crept, and past the crypt that held a creeping darkness I drove myself deeper.

I wandered into a room. A strange room. Between the deepest depths and the world above. I knew not what it was, but it was surely something.
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But I'd come back to that. At the moment discovering new terrain was much more important. I suppose discovering where that lead was also important, but I had time.

I suppose I had time. It took me nearly a month of walking to get to a stairway that everybody knew was already there. BUT WHEN I FINALLY DID get there, I could FINALLY star discovering again.

And what I found. Things no one needs to know existed. Horrible, awesome things. I saw things there that I want to forget.

Of course, now that I had seen them, the entire fortress had an idea how to get there. Hopefully they never would, and hopefully they wouldn't be told to. Two letters. V H. I knew not for what they stood.

I knew what it was, but not its cause. The labels that stood on the mechanics were definitely a thing of death, but for whom? My journey lead me back to the surface, or almost. The surface was walled off, but the enterance was still there.
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I went back down.

The thing involved magma and pumps and a large canister, but more know I not.


Shorast has become withdrawn. He's a weirdo anyways. The guy wants to become a jewler! HA. Well good luck to 'em. Not really though. All he made was a perfect rubicelle. Dumbass.

When the humans came in mid Galena, the traders weren't really sure what to trade. Gems, sure, but nobody dare pick up and move any of the troll or voidspawn cages. They'd go for tons of money sure, but if one got loose it could spell disaster in deep red paint.

They didn't have anything good anyways, or so I heard. Some bronze bars for real cheap, which we bought, and some fruit to get the full value out of what we traded. We needed only trade gems, but in moving a cage, a lousman got loose. chek ur hats, doods. he cud b hidin der.

On the first day of autum the miners were all uppity about something. Some new shaft, one that went down real deep. I thought it might have something to do with the strange room, but I warn't sure.

There was a lack of flux stone. No steelwork was getting done. They fixed that up right quick and discovered an old tunnel in the process.

Hm. I'm not sure what to write in my journal. This year has been rather uneventful. A new kid was born today. Hopefully he'll die soon. I hate kids.

And so started sandstone...

Drinking had nothing to do with being a drunk overseer. I just enjoy drinking when I get home, and on vacation that's pretty much all the time.

Weren't too many pictures, but really nothing happened. Exploring around with Thorkild as a single military unit was fun, because there's some really useful things down there. I started my own secret plans after seeing the things that others before me had made. I don't know. I gotta get up early tomorrow. I probably would have finished it all tonight if I had time.

Yuli Vlasi

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Re: Murdermachines - A Glorious Revival! (Deathgate II)
« Reply #1371 on: July 22, 2013, 11:13:40 am »

Uhm yeah, about that lever. It used to activate my dog crusher. Which didn't turn out as planned.
Take command. Lead your men. Hide in booze stockpile. Weep, and everyone weeps with you.
Maybe we could export Yuli: "Succession fortress too stable? Too boring? Just get our Yuli VlasiTM!"


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Re: Murdermachines - A Glorious Revival! (Deathgate II)
« Reply #1372 on: July 22, 2013, 04:37:30 pm »


dog crusher?


Urist McDwarfFortress

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Re: Murdermachines - A Glorious Revival! (Deathgate II)
« Reply #1373 on: July 22, 2013, 04:51:02 pm »

Uhm yeah, about that lever. It used to activate my dog crusher. Which didn't turn out as planned.

dog crusher?

This is why I love succession forts.
Sorry, for a moment there I forgot we were all psychopaths.
Someone who has random urges to make mog juice isn't exactly going to care about the cost effectiveness of obtaining it.


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Re: Murdermachines - A Glorious Revival! (Deathgate II)
« Reply #1374 on: July 23, 2013, 04:07:10 pm »

Uhm yeah, about that lever. It used to activate my dog crusher. Which didn't turn out as planned.

dog crusher?

This is why I love succession forts.

What's a little animal abuse between friends.

What's that? "fun" you say? What's that?

Is it anything like winning? No? It's not about winning? What's it about then?


That doesn't sound fun to me, in fact it sounds terrible.

Well you don't have to be RUDE about it, I would happily get out without you needing to add a "fuck" in there. Jesus.
Treatment status: Success.
Patient status: Deceased.


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Re: Murdermachines - A Glorious Revival! (Deathgate II)
« Reply #1375 on: July 23, 2013, 05:08:20 pm »

Of course, now that I had seen them, the entire fortress had an idea how to get there. Hopefully they never would, and hopefully they wouldn't be told to. Two letters. V H. I knew not for what they stood.

Ha, so you found my V/H-arena!
To be honest I completely lost the main thread of this fort. I remember ass-shaped arena, voidpawns and Void God. That's all. Maybe that's too much re-posessions or too much beer. Anyway, If I'm not dorfed - dorf me ASAP. Kisses.
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.

Yuli Vlasi

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Re: Murdermachines - A Glorious Revival! (Deathgate II)
« Reply #1376 on: July 24, 2013, 05:20:51 am »

Does anyone know what happened to the artifact warhammer made of dwarven bone?
Take command. Lead your men. Hide in booze stockpile. Weep, and everyone weeps with you.
Maybe we could export Yuli: "Succession fortress too stable? Too boring? Just get our Yuli VlasiTM!"


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Re: Murdermachines - A Glorious Revival! (Deathgate II)
« Reply #1377 on: July 24, 2013, 06:11:56 am »

Does my guy still live?


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Re: Murdermachines - A Glorious Revival! (Deathgate II)
« Reply #1378 on: July 24, 2013, 12:54:42 pm »

I have to go up norther in two days where I wont have internet connection. Either I can cram to finish now, or I drop it or something. I dunno. I will try to cram I spose. Tonight maybe.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Murdermachines - A Glorious Revival! (Deathgate II)
« Reply #1379 on: July 24, 2013, 10:10:46 pm »

Double post means I luv u.

Not much really happened. The fortress kept keepin on, but more than that? Nothing. There had been problems with flux stone, so the people started mining for more. They weren't mining specifically for flux stone, it was simply part of a new hallway.

Then, we needed coal. So they mined for coal.

The dwarven caravan arrived. They werent pleased when we gave them all our gems for some steel. Whatever. May they get eaten by giant cave spiders on the way home.

I swear I saw a ghost follow Pitchblende, the dwarf who has.

You remember. He has.

Plop was possessed. Meh. Not as rad as having a mood, but whatever brings home the plump helmet roast. Took the leather works he did. It didn't work though. Apparently the ghost left the host.

A dwarf asked us what we wanted from the next caravan. I was told that our trader informed them that "We need jack shit from [those] guys." I guess they know whats best.

The in Obsidian (oh god how did winter pass so fast?) Udib, the presser who killed trolls with thrown bolts, kept screaming about how he couldn't find his way out of a perfectly clear hallway.
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And then.

Disaster struck...

Right at the end of the year. RIGHT at the end of the year. A siege arrived.

Worse news too. We were losing.

Whereas the last siege fled when we killed the trolls, this time the spawn themselves stepped in.

In one day, a speardwarf, "Rmm" and a swordsdwarf named Libash, and Etur and Amost, marksdwarves were lost.

If it went on much longer, the soldiers on the surface would be locked up there and the ballistae would be fired. It would surely kill them, but if it could kill the spawn then maybe we had a chance. At this point, there were more of those monsters than trained dwarves.
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But they wouldn't go out without a fight. Our dwarves are the best. Anybody would agree with me on that. And even then, we had a little help...

From our enemies. They say the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but in this case our they weren't even our enemies enemies. The siege was attacking itself!
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If they kept their little loyalty cascade kept working its magic, maybe they could kill themselves!

They piled on themselves. In one tiny area there were at least twenty of them ripping at each others throats! We had more than a chance, we had an advantage!

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That smoke didn't look too promising. What was that from? FIRE? NO NOT A FIRE!

Maybe we weren't safe...

Or were we? The flooring in our enterance would stop the fire. They made and attended their own cremation ceremony.

These fuckers were toast.
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They were done for.

And it was the second of granite. It was spring.

Jesus fucking christ my computer lagged out because of this. It was epic. Especially because I thought it was such a boring session of play. Nothing happened until I had maybe 15 more minutes, then BAM vile force of evil. Mein Gott.

Here's the save.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2013, 10:15:01 pm by Nonsequitorian »
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