The Fa Zard docks at Canterlot as Brady, Sunny Daze, Wesker and Welkin prep to leave the ship. The reason for Wesker leaving the ship is to find extra crew and some info on what's going on. In the meantime, Brady checks out the giant oversized ship that's at the hangar, looking around for it's captain, while Welkin pokes around the Hangar, looking for the rumored Tome before the Order makes a run for it (d100: 12). Luckly their preperations were almost complete, though they ran into some trouble (Welkin's Stealth: 3+1)... though he sneaks in one of their Minerva-class ships seemly undetected...
Looking though the ship, he starts to look for the supposed "Lesser Key of "Solomon" somewhere on the ship, as he focuses on their Cargo hold... (d100: 59) what he did find were the following as he searched for the Order's Cargo Hold...
- "If our best Occultist experts can't tell which Tome's the real one and which one's a fake, I say we hand both to Celestia and hi-tail it off the place. Hate to figure out what kind of traps they laid for those two..."
- "Can't believe the SRX project's getting moved again, I got no idea which why she went but those URA jerks must be steamed for it..."
- "I don't care much about the Key of Solomon, I just want it gone before someone does something stupid with it and get himself and all of Canterlot killed."
He eventually comes around to the Hold, where he begins to rummage around, hiding amoung boxes as Order-affliated Crewmen look around in case they want to unload or put down as he begins to find the Lesser Key of Solomon (5), discovering... two copies of the mentioned Tome. As far as he knows, they have no idea which is the real thing and which one is a fake. Hearing footsteps, he begins to hide out a bit, as two of the Order guys were looking around in case of intruders, namely Changelings and anyone stupid enough to poke around... then once they leave, Welkin begins to leave the ship, both tomes at hand, as he makes his run though the interior though the Minerva, as he has no time to tell them apart...
While Welkin fools around, Wesker begins to gather information about Canterlot's situlation. (d100: 48) He finds Photo Finish looking for the next model as the two discuss what's going on...
- It seems since the Wedding, there's been increased security in case of unwanted guests dropping by, in fact they were checked periodicly to make sure they do not suddenly go Changeling on them.
- In addition, Photo Finish has contacts around saying that the Order uses Canterlot for some of their shadier business, which are often off the Record.
- As for Photo Finish herself, she seems to have trouble finding such a model, though she is somewhat willing to look around ships if she has to to find such a person or pony if needed to.
Brady in the meantime asks Carapace to send a message to the Fa Bose, willing to strike a conversation with the Fa Bose's captain as well.
At the Fa Bose, the Genetics Engineer begins his work on producing ATF-2 factor for trying to activate the PD gene that seems to be dorment on one of the crew. However, finding Primrose on a ship this big is too much for the Pegasus, and begins to dedicate his time to the ATF-2 factor. He'll have a talk with her later on.
The Missile Design team seems to be disapointed at the initial designs, factoring in the fact the Haros would blow up if you put them too close to the Explosive payload. The others do understand the idea of a Boarding missile, but the simulations seem to serve a good job at poking holes in the design. In the meantime, they send Desura a basic idea of a Boarding Missile for your take.
Starbright observed the Haro moving and flaping around. The produciton of a Combat Haro seems to be a bit absurd at first, but she is willing to see what to work with on the Haro. Looking at the blueprint, this feels like the tip of the iceburg of problems converting Haros to a Combat unit... namely how to hide a Haro's potential weapons without resorting to them ramming into random suckers during a Boarding attack, which often involved Earth Ponies as primary Enforcers. She draws up a general blueprint idea for concealed Laser Guns though, thinking maybe it'll work that way, keep them looking like Toys until they fire... then sends the blueprints towards Desura's way for a general idea for concealed Haro weapons.
Lily Dancer observed the compiled AI Files on the database, thinking of figuring out the code that makes them murderious, as she pulls up data blocks to store the files in to make a Test Unit...
Melody begins to brew some potions (Alchemy: 4+1, d100: 45+10) and starts out working her Alchemy Skill for helping the crew out, even though Painkillers do not do much, she thinks there should be an application of the stuff...
Desura himself in the meantime continues to wrestle with the Blade King Jr, thinking about what to do over firing the cannons at seemly random objects (and not bothering to check for hits, just making sure they fired when he command them to), while Bas and the Zoid Core of the Blade King Jr have a conversation. With Desura's body being too busy getting used to the speed of the unit, he had no time to listen in... though whatever little he got out of the conversation is summed up to Bas and Blade King Jr getting familar with who they are, and trying to catch up of centuries of lost history since Bas slept, although it also made the Organoid want to meet Princess Luna herself...
By the time Bas ended the conversation with the Zoid Core, the Blade King Jr was back in the Fa Bose, while Desura's body barely able to be stalbized. However the heck Zoid Pilots are able to put up with something on the order of the Blade King Jr is really a question he should ask some of the Crystal Ponies later on. Right now, here comes business as he checks his PDA. (d100 roll: 92) Since most of his body functions were dedicated to hanging on to the wild Zoid, he almost missed the fact that in about 90 minutes, Princess Luna will arrive to bring upon the Night. To make things interesting, one of his Comms Officers also sent him a PDA message saying someone on a diffrent ship wants to make contact with him.
For other matters (d100 roll: 83), he got many auction responces dealing with the Trade Goods, getting a nice 4,500 Bit fee for the set... it seems this buyer has enough to spare and is also willing to profit off some of the seemly random objects imported from the Crystal Kingdom. He sent a PDA message to send two teams of Transports, one to get the Digging gear for the Zedas and one to haul the stuff to some town called... Arkham? Well, money is money, and someone's bound to be pretty loaded in Bits anyways, unless they arranged this on purpose just to mess with his head. Otherwise, he'll get his digging tools, and figure out the rest of his profit later... Finally, Starlight Darling leaves the ship, and hands them another Lucky Charm of sorts, thinking she no longer needs it.
As for Zoid Team matters, one of Prince Blueblood's squadmates has gotten a seemly thrown-together message from Desura, though it seems the name Baal is bothering him... otherwise he and his squad go to the Canterlot Docks to check what the heck is going on, as well as to search for any Changelings that may have made it to the Fa Bose...
For Walter and Elizabeth, their trip to the Royal Library seems to be interesting, despit the Librarian being very unhelpful on anything pertaining to the Necronomicon and similar Tomes (d100 roll: 94), however, they did managed to reach the Forbidden Section of the Library, where various tomes are found (1, d100 roll: 34). Elizabeth sees a flesh-colored book, thinking it's the Necronomicon, though unaware of the fact that a trap was triggered, teleporting her out of the Royal Library empty handed (1, d100 roll: 38). Walter searches around for something like the Necronomicon but also found himself Teleported out of the Library when he pulled a book titled "The Book of Iod"...
Once thrown out of the Library, they try to reenter it, only to find themselves warded off... well that's a bust. Walter observed the Wards only last until the next Sunrise... then realized they may not have to wait so long as the sun began to set...